Probably after the fleet started electrifying the surrounding sea water, the battlefield was indeed quiet for a while, even the giant sea beasts could not withstand the powerful electric shock. In the water, the piranha seemed to have no enemies, but in fact its natural enemy was the electric eel. Once the electric eel was electrified , then it can kill dozens of piranhas around in an instant. Right now, the stopped fleet is like an electric eel surrounded by piranhas. Only by discharging can it protect itself. However, when the power is exhausted, the sea beast will eventually timing of attack.

Not long after the electricity was turned on, bad news came from the frigate under Lin Xi, "There is a water leak in the cabin, stop the electricity!"

Now, the seawater has entered the cabin, which is acidic water. If the electricity continues to be turned on, the soldiers who repaired the loopholes will be electrocuted to death. Therefore, the ship has no choice but to stop the discharge, and at the same time, it has to pump water while repairing the ship. .

It's a pity that the sea beast didn't intend to let the people on this boat go. Taking advantage of the water leakage of the boat, the great white shark kept approaching at this time, and even rushed towards the frigate at a speed as fast as leaving the boat. String of Arrows.

"Be careful, the sea beast is coming!" Everyone present was shocked when they saw this scene, especially the people on the frigate.

When the great white shark came to the front of the frigate, it suddenly cast its supernatural ability, and the entire front body was immediately blocked by plastic. There are many plastic particles in the seawater. This is the evil result of human beings polluting the environment at will. If there is no pollution, then the great white shark's ability is completely useless, but now, the great white shark can use plastic to attack at any time.

"Boom", the great white shark as big as a hill slammed into the frigate. The outer wall of the frigate had already been corroded by acid water a lot. loopholes.

The great white shark hit the outer wall, and the huge impact force shattered the protective plastic in front of it. These plastics were all floating on the water surface, ranging from big to small, with different colors, red and green. As for the frigate, A dozen large holes appeared on the spot.

The acidified seawater poured into the cabin on the spot. As long as the soldiers were exposed to the acidic water, their skin would soon become red and swollen. Therefore, the personnel who repaired the leaks could only wear diving suits to isolate the external acidic water and continue to repair. However, seawater entered the cabin like a fountain, and all the pumps on the boat had been started, and the sound of "rumbling" never stopped. The accumulated water in the cabin was continuously drained, but the water depth in the cabin was still increasing.

After seeing this scene, the people on the deck couldn't help but worry. The ship has become what it is now. How long can the boat under the feet last? The battle has only lasted 30 minutes, and it will take an hour and a half before the reinforcements arrive. However, the ships on our side are almost unable to hold on.

Lin Xi could feel that the waterline of the ship was rising continuously, which meant that the ship was sinking. If the collision continued, there would be more holes on the ship.

"Nie Yuying, hurry up and find the life jacket, and get ready to run away anytime!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Lin Xi hurriedly said to Nie Yuying beside her.

Nie Yuying also followed suit immediately. At this time, I can't trust the boat under my feet. The ammunition is seriously depleted, but the sea beasts are still attacking. If this continues, the boat will sink sooner or later. Put on the life jacket first, otherwise, When they fall into the water, those who can't swim will be really bad.

However, at this moment, the sea turtles on the side also swam towards this side, and the rest of the boats were all electrified, as long as the surrounding sea water approached, they would be shocked by electric shocks, but on the leaking boat, the high-voltage electricity had been turned off. There is no need to worry about getting an electric shock when approaching this boat. The only bad thing is that the sea water here is corrosive. Even great white sharks need to use plastic as a barrier in front of them.

The sea turtle has rough skin and thick flesh, so it doesn't care about these things at this time, it starts to collide when it closes its eyes, the only weak point of the sea turtle exposed to the outside is the eyes, so, as long as the eyelids are closed, the vital point will be protected.

"Boom", the already leaky frigate was hit hard, and the water suddenly became serious, and the weight of the sea turtle was completely different from that of the great white shark. When the impact of the sea turtle was over, the outer wall of the frigate was produced. The ship was sunken, and the ship inevitably tilted, and some soldiers could not stand still and fell into the sea. At this time, they could only swim towards the distance with all their strength.

Lin Xi firmly grasped the railing, and put on the life jacket by the way. The inclination of the ship's hull was actually not that great, but this was just the second collision and it became like this. If it doesn't sink, it will definitely roll over.

Seeing this situation, Nie Yuying also panicked a little. He looked at Lin Xi and said, "What should we do now? The boat can't last too long. If we continue, we will fall into the water too."

Lin Xi frowned and didn't speak, but she also knew that she needed to find a chance to escape now, but if it was just swimming, her speed was too slow, and the danger in the water would come at an unknown time. If a school of fish suddenly appeared in the sea, there would be no chance to escape in the sea.

The captain of the frigate has ordered the soldiers below to find out the inflatable boat and start pumping it up. As long as there is an order, everyone will board the boat and sail towards the rest of the boats. I abandoned one boat yesterday, but now I am very helpless Yes, the second ship was also jettisoned.

The Great White Shark suddenly disappeared at this time. You only need to think a little bit to understand that the current Great White Shark is probably the same as last night. The reason why it stays away from here is to drive the fish. Surrounded by sea beasts, it is impossible to approach them at will, but these treacherous sea beasts have also learned to gobble up wolves, drive the fish in the sea, and let the fish eat the humans in the water.

Lin Xi finally spoke at this time, and she whispered to Nie Yuying: "At the critical moment, I will use my supernatural ability, and I will be very weak at that time, so you have to run with my back on your back, otherwise, I will die Fish belly."

Nie Yuying nodded without thinking and replied, "Don't worry, I will definitely do it, and I will be able to take you away by then."

In addition to Lin Xi and Nie Yuying, there are two other supernatural beings from the Tianxuan Bureau on this boat, and these two people also gathered together and began to discuss the next action in a low voice. When encountering danger, people always It's the habit of looking for the right person to rely on, even for supernatural beings.

At this time, the impact of the sea turtle came again. The huge body of the sea turtle slammed into the frigate fiercely, and the frigate inevitably tilted at a full 30 degrees. If not, then everyone will inevitably fall into the water.

This time the impact was even more fatal. There was a huge crack on the frigate. It became what it is now after being hit. Sea water kept pouring into it. Such a big crack appeared on the hull, and it can no longer be repaired. , The soldiers hurriedly left the cabin, ready to find an opportunity to leave.

After the seawater entered the power room, the huge engine inside the power room itself was now soaked in the icy seawater, and after being cooled and heated, it unexpectedly exploded.

"Boom", there was a loud noise that shocked everyone, and a huge flame appeared on the already tilted frigate, and the soldiers nearby were immediately deaf. The appearance of such a huge explosion was enough to deafen people's ears.

Billowing black smoke rose from the power room, and the tilted hull continued to sink. The flames mixed with the sound of explosions made the water extremely lively. The black smoke billowed up, and the strong wind blew in, making the pillars formed by the smoke tilt instantly.

The uncooled engine is still at a high temperature, and the seawater is continuously evaporating, and only the sound of "chi chi" can be heard from the water surface, and white smoke immediately appears on the water surface, and the whole ship is blacked out. Fog and white mist were shrouded, and people in the distance couldn't see the situation on the boat clearly.

The matter has come to this point, and the captain also understands that the ship under his feet is bound to sink, so he can only make a difficult decision: "All aboard, leave immediately, divide into three directions, go to the other three ships, don't be crowded!"

As soon as the order was given, the soldiers immediately started to act. First, they threw the kayaks on the sea surface, and then jumped into the water. Gasoline boats, one of which was naturally taken by the captain and the staff, and the other was snatched by two supernatural beings.

The two supernatural beings generously invited the surrounding soldiers and said, "Brothers, come with us on the boat, the gasoline boat is faster!"

The soldiers were all moved by the words of these two supernatural beings. They didn't expect that when they were fleeing for their lives, these supernatural beings would still think of themselves. It was really not easy.

Lin Xi, who was in the distance, saw this scene, and immediately cursed inwardly for being despicable. Originally, whoever snatched this small boat would count it as his own, but these two guys invited other soldiers to ride together, which is equivalent to a disguised After declaring sovereignty, others have no reason to compete with them for boats.

Nie Yuying quickly asked: "Are we going to set off too?"

Lin Xi nodded and said, "Row the boat first, my ability can only be used at the last moment!"

Hearing this, Nie Yuying quickly threw the boat from the tilted boat, and then jumped into the water. Lin Xi also jumped down at this time. The two of them arrived on the inflatable boat and immediately rowed vigorously. Find a safe place as soon as possible, now I can only do my best.

Lin Xi and Nie Yuying chose the cruiser. Among other things, Gong Changfa and Zhu Kai on board alone can protect them. In addition, Xun Yan's ability can also play a role at critical moments. Therefore, the cruiser Up is the safest place.

However, at this moment, the sonar detected that something had happened underwater, and more than a hundred large fishes were swimming towards the fleet, and these fishes were also driven by great white sharks. Moreover, these large fishes The species is the vicious tiger shark!

Tiger sharks are known for their ferocity and cruelty. They eat almost anything, whether it is turtles or other sharks. When they are extremely hungry, they will eat whatever they see, and even eat gasoline barrels. Now, there are more than 100 sharks in the water. Many soldiers are fleeing for their lives. In the eyes of Tiger Shark, this is simply a gift from God, what are you waiting for? Let's eat!

Lin Xi and Nie Yuying paddled the boat for a few minutes, but the school of fish arrived in an instant. At this time, Lin Xi also had to do it, and punched the water surface. Glue formed, and a road already led to the cruiser in the distance.

After using this trick, Lin Xi fell helplessly on the boat and said weakly: "Hurry up, take me and run now."

Nie Yuying was also unambiguous, she jumped onto the gel with Lin Xi on her back, and started running towards the cruiser in the distance. Now these ships have stopped being powered, otherwise, as long as people approach the ship, they will be electrocuted to death on the spot.

The tiger sharks were already very hungry. When they were expelled to the side of the fleet, they immediately saw small boats in the water, and some soldiers with good water skills gave up the small boats and were swimming in the water. In the eyes of sharks, it is delicious.

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