After the tiger sharks swam to the waters in the middle of the fleet, they immediately started biting at the moving objects. First, the soldiers who fell into the water rushed up and bit them, and the blood immediately flowed into the sea. These tiger sharks smelled blood. It suddenly became crazier.

"Help, help!" The wounded soldiers shouted for help, the pain in their bodies continued to hit, and the despair in their hearts was also deepening.

But it was too late for other people to escape, how could they care about other people, so all the people on the boat were rowing hard.

There were also soldiers who couldn't help hating tiger sharks, took out their guns and fired into the water. At the beginning, the effect was not bad. The bullets hit several tiger sharks and killed one unlucky tiger shark. Shark, but the tiger shark then dived into the depths of the water. The effective killing range of the bullet in the water is only three or four meters. When the tiger shark dives, the bullet loses the possibility of killing.

At this time, people can only continue rowing, but how can such a ferocious tiger shark let go of the fat in its mouth, and immediately rush up again, continuing to bite the soldiers in the water. The number of swimming soldiers is always too small. So a tiger shark aimed at the inflatable boat, and began to bite the boat after rushing up. Once the boat leaked, the soldiers would still fall into the water.

There was a massacre on the surface of the water, and the tiger sharks were eating people wantonly, but people had nothing to do.

The Great White Shark in the distance did not approach the fleet, but instead used its ability to sweep away people or objects on the deck with plastic. On the cruiser, there was Gong Changfa who could break up the plastic, but there was no such ability on the rest of the ships. , In this regard, people can do nothing but hide in the cabin and avoid the plastic arms on the deck.

Seeing this scene, Xun Yan couldn't bear it anymore. He aimed at the exposed dorsal fin of the great white shark, and a ball of flames emerged in front of him. It was a crimson flame, and the temperature of the surrounding air rose instantly.

When the great white shark passed by the side of the cruiser, Xun Yan instantly threw out the big fireball gathered in front of him. He had already predicted the position of the great white shark. At this moment, the fireball hit the great white shark instantly. The dorsal fin was scorched in an instant.

After being attacked so fiercely, the great white shark immediately felt severe pain in its back, and instinctively dived its body into the water, using the sea water to extinguish the flames on its dorsal fin. Under the attack of the flames, he was probably burned to death, but the giant sea beast was still too big, and the injury on the dorsal fin was not enough to kill the great white shark, on the contrary, it aroused the great white shark's viciousness.

The great white shark's attack became more and more fierce at this time, controlling the arm made of plastic to beat the warship continuously. Although it is only plastic, it does not have much power when it hits a ship made of steel, but these plastics can be used at any time. Formed, there are too many plastics in the sea. If the plastic arm loses a little, it can be replenished immediately. Many ships have been beaten in this way, and the outer walls have also been dented.

Blessings never come, but misfortunes never come singly.

There are tiger sharks biting people in the water, and there are great white sharks on the surface of the water that use their abilities to continuously attack ships. At this time, the big turtle can't stand the loneliness, and can't turn on the high voltage when all the ships are receiving soldiers. Electricity, with its heavy body swimming, began to hit the ship.

"Boom..." The sound of the great white shark beating and the impact of the sea turtle came one after another. There was no choice but to let the fighter jets launch and bomb the sea turtles with their shells exposed. Although this attack was futile, there was no other choice now. Use shells If so, at least it can procrastinate for a while.

When the fighter jets started attacking the turtles, the attack rhythm of the turtles did slow down, but neither bullets nor missiles could cause substantial damage to the turtles.

Nie Yuying was running quickly with Lin Xi on her back at this time. Fortunately, Lin Xi's ability can create passages in the sea, which at least allows people to gain a foothold in the sea.

The tiger shark wanted to bite the two people running on the gel, but was blocked by the gel. The road formed by the gel was more than 30 meters wide and more than ten meters thick, but the tiger shark was only eight in size. Nine meters long, still unable to tear the gel.

But the tiger shark also has its own way, and that is to jump out of the water.

The tiger shark jumped out of the water in the distance, and pounced straight at Nie Yuying who was running.

Seeing this situation, Nie Yuying didn't dare to underestimate it, and hurriedly dodged the tiger shark. The moment he dodged the tiger shark, he supported Lin Xi's waist with his left hand, and his right hand swelled instantly, and his tight muscles directly The clothes were torn apart, and then an uppercut was punched hard.

"Boom", Nie Yuying punched the tiger shark in the abdomen with a powerful punch, which directly pierced the tiger shark's belly, and sent the tiger shark flying high.

At the same time, Nie Yuying's feet were inserted into the gel with a "poof". The force was mutual. The tiger shark was sent flying, and Nie Yuying was obviously affected by the reaction force. The gel was still not real. The road, unable to bear the huge force, immediately sank.

"Hurry up, we must go to the boat immediately, otherwise, we will be in danger!" Lin Xi said weakly.

"I know!" Nie Yuying pulled out her legs that were stuck in the gel and continued to run.

However, at this moment, Nie Yuying suddenly felt that her feet were empty and her whole body fell into the water. She couldn't help asking, "Lin Xi, why did all the gels you made melt, can you be more reliable?"

When Nie Yuying realized that she couldn't step on the entity, she immediately realized that in this situation, the gel under her feet might have melted, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

Lin Xi's face changed at this time, and he said quickly: "Hurry up, this is a squid coming up!"

Lin Xi knows best what her abilities look like. Although it is a soft gel, it is impossible to melt it in such a short period of time. Therefore, there is only one explanation for the disappearance of the gel under her feet, and that is Melted by the acidic water used by the squid.

When Nie Yuying heard this answer, she was immediately dumbfounded. The squid had been hiding under the water before, and its attack method was just to use acid to corrode the ship. But now, the squid is going to come up. Could it be that they want to eat people?

Before she had time to think about it, Nie Yuying hurriedly paddled with Lin Xi on her back. Both of them were wearing life jackets, so they wouldn't sink into the water, so they could swim just by paddling.

While Nie Yuying was swimming vigorously, a tiger shark found someone falling into the water here, and the speed was very fast. Fast speed means it is very fresh, so it immediately swam over with its tail.

Seeing this scene, Nie Yuying immediately felt the pressure. She thought that with the help of Lin Xi's supernatural ability, there should be no problem in escaping, but now it seems that things are not what she imagined. The muscles can't exert strength at all, even it is difficult to deal with the tiger shark, if the big squid also appears, it will really be over.

Seeing that the tiger shark was getting closer and closer to her, Nie Yuying didn't care about credit anymore. She grabbed Lin Xi with her backhand and threw it out. The direction of the throw was not the cruiser's side, but the tiger shark's direction. It seemed that Nie Yuying was He felt that the moving speed was still too slow with a burden on him, so he simply threw Lin Xi out, and he could delay himself. As for Lin Xi, he didn't need to worry about it.

"I will burn incense for you every year from now on, go with peace of mind!" Nie Yuying couldn't care less about anything in order to survive. Although he felt a little guilty, after comforting himself, he immediately felt at ease.

Nie Yuying's way of thinking is very simple, I have already offered incense to you, then I don't owe you anything, anyway, the speed of the two of us can't hide from the tiger shark, so it's better to save energy and let me survive.

After Lin Xi was thrown out, she fell onto the sea on her back, and it was impossible for her to sink while wearing a life jacket, so she floated on the water.

"Nie Yuying, you bastard..." After Lin Xi was betrayed, he couldn't vent the anger in his heart, and the tiger shark had already approached, and Lin Xi couldn't help closing his eyes.

Lin Xi regretted it very much at this moment, why did she give up the hope of survival to her companions? Even if you are a companion, you can't just believe it casually. At this moment, you are the weakest, and you don't have any strength in your whole body, so you can only let others slaughter you.

When the tiger shark saw Lin Xi on the surface of the water, it didn't show mercy. It opened its mouth and bit it. Its hundreds of teeth are extremely sharp. Once it bites, it will bite off two catties of fat.

However, at this moment, Lin Xi heard the sound of water suddenly, "Swoosh", a black shadow came out of the water and caught the tiger shark directly.

Lin Xi didn't wait for the severe pain she imagined, so she couldn't help opening her eyes, but just after she opened her eyes, she was stunned. It turned out that at some point, a squid had appeared on the water surface, and its huge tentacles grabbed it. The tiger shark that swam over was immediately sent underwater. Immediately afterwards, a bright red stream appeared on the surface of the water, and the tiger shark was eaten by the squid.

The whole body of this squid is purple-red, which is very close to the color of coral. This is also the life-saving ability of tropical animals. After imitating the color, it can reduce the probability of being discovered, and the huge eyes of the squid rolled around for a while. Lin Xi, who was staring at the water, couldn't stop watching.

At this moment, Lin Xi was completely hopeless. It seemed that he had just left the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den. He was not eaten by the tiger shark, but he still couldn't escape the squid's tentacles in the end.

"Wow", the squid stretched out a tentacle, entangled Lin Xi, and then dragged it underwater. The mouth of the squid is in the middle of the tentacles, which means it is underwater. Get into the mouth underwater.

Lin Xi felt the greasy touch on her body, and felt nauseated for a while, and said in her heart: "My life is over!"

Lin Xi closed her eyes again. She never thought that she would die in the mouth of a sea beast. If she had known that she would not have gone to sea, if she hadn't chosen to go to sea, then she would not have been able to perish at sea. It's a pity that life cannot be repeated. Chance.

Just when Lin Xi was in despair, a powerful voice appeared, "I'm coming!"

Immediately there was a sound of "噗嗤", Lin Xi fell into the water again, but immediately left the water surface, she quickly opened her eyes to look, but found that she was in mid-air, and the sea was below her, and one of the squid's tentacles broke off. He was twitching constantly on the surface of the water, and when he looked at himself, he was actually being hugged by a strange man and flying in the sky.

With a paraglider on his back, Shen Feng controlled the direction of flight through supernatural powers. Now that the woman in his arms opened her eyes, she said seriously, "You have to thank me. If I hadn't appeared in time, you would have Being played with tentacles by a squid. It is a great loss for a beautiful girl like you to be treated like this."

Lin Xi couldn't understand the tentacle play that Shen Feng said, but she heard Shen Feng's voice, and instantly remembered, isn't this Shen Feng? I saw Shen Feng at the award ceremony in Yanjing before, but at that time Shen Feng was wearing a wolf fur cloak, dressed like a mountain eagle, so Lin Xi's impression stayed here.

"Shen Feng? You saved me?" Lin Xi suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart at this moment. Back then, Lin Xi also participated in Gong Changfa's plan to flatter Gong Changfa, and Shen Feng was also on the list, but now, he himself But was saved by Shen Feng.

Shen Feng didn't answer, first flew to the cruiser and landed, put Lin Xi on the ground, and then asked, "Who is in charge here? How is the situation now?"

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