Shen Feng put down Lin Xi, who was in his arms. The reason why he appeared here was because of the captain's request. He heard that the situation in the Tianxuan Bureau was bad, but the speed of the ship was limited, so it was impossible to arrive in time. Those who can only get rid of those who can fly will come to support first, and the only one who can get rid of is Shen Feng. Although Chang Haojie can fly, his speed is too slow.

It is now winter in the northern hemisphere, and the cold wind from Siberia is still blowing southward. This monsoon can blow all the way to the southern Pacific Ocean. Therefore, Shen Feng only needs to take off, and then he doesn’t even need to use supernatural powers, and he can go all the way with the wind. Fly to the Tianxuan Bureau.

What you need to worry about most in the sea is the sea beasts that may appear in the sea at any time. Apart from sea beasts, Shen Feng is not worried about anything. Even if he encounters a storm, he can protect himself. can also fly.

When Shen Feng came to the battlefield, he immediately saw a puff of black smoke billowing up. Looking carefully, a ship was about to sink. Black and white mist shrouded the ship's surroundings, and the tiger shark It kept eating people in the water, and there was even a big squid floating in the sea, about to attack a woman.

So, without even thinking about it, Shen Feng started to save people. A hundred wind blades flew out, cutting off the squid's tentacles on the spot, and then brought Lin Xi to the boat.

Shen Feng put Lin Xi on the boat, and then began to ask about the situation: "How is the current situation? The reinforcements will arrive in an hour."

A group of people from the Tianxuan Bureau saw Shen Feng appearing here, and they all breathed a sigh of relief. In the past, they really hated Shen Feng. This makes the establishment of the Tianxuan Bureau seem like a joke. Everyone knows that the people who caused the collapse of the corpse tide were Shen Feng and the Ability Management Bureau, plus Li Keyi from the laboratory at most , As for the Tianxuan Bureau? do not know.

So, because of jealousy, the Tianxuan Bureau regarded Shen Feng as an enemy. If Shen Feng had not owned his own territory, they would find a way to drive Shen Feng to the backcountry.

But now, seeing Shen Feng appearing here, it means that other reinforcements will arrive soon, as long as they persist for a while, they will be saved. From this point of view, Shen Feng has brought hope to everyone.

At this moment, Lin Xi could only nod slightly to Shen Feng, and said, "Shen Feng, thank you."

Shen Feng waved his hand, wanting to ask about the specific situation.

Gong Changfa came out at this time, without talking nonsense, and started to answer directly: "Shen Feng, I am the captain of the Tianxuan Bureau. The current situation is that three sea beasts use their abilities to threaten us. The giant squid is five hundred meters long. The ability is to use strong acid to corrode the hull. The turtle has the largest body, but the slowest speed. Control plastic!"

"Control plastic?" Shen Feng was a little surprised when he heard this answer. He never thought that there is an ability to control plastic.

However, Shen Feng didn't have time to be surprised now, he took out the walkie-talkie and started to contact the fleet, saying directly: "Tell Li Keyi to let her mainly investigate the weakness of the squid, now it seems that the squid is the easiest sea beast to kill. If you have time, investigate the weaknesses of sea turtles and great white sharks."

In the northern fleet, Li Keyi was informed by Shen Feng, and immediately understood his mission, so he immediately walked to the library and said, "Is there a complete collection of marine life? I want to check the information!"

Chang Haojie followed Li Keyi and asked, "Dr. Li, you are only reading now, is it a temporary cramming?"

Li Keyi found the Encyclopedia of Marine Life, and then began to watch it. While looking for information on squid, he explained to Chang Haojie: "Little brother, there is nothing wrong with cramming temporarily. The squid's weakness is the best, if you can't find it, there is no loss, and I believe your brother-in-law has his own reasons for saying this."

Li Keyi knew that the battle with the sea beast was about to begin. At this moment, he should trust Shen Feng's judgment unconditionally. Since Shen Feng said to investigate the squid's weakness, then investigate it!

"Then I'll check the weaknesses of turtles and sharks too!" Chang Haojie thought for a while, and started to act. The battlefield is the easiest opportunity to learn. Chang Haojie doesn't like to read at home. He only teaches teachers at home. Only when asked will he be reluctant to read, but now, Chang Haojie can only actively prepare for the need to use knowledge.

When the book is used, there will be little hatred, and it is not difficult to know what is going on. This truth can only be understood after personal experience.

After Shen Feng notified Li Keyi of the sea beast, he immediately jumped off the boat. When he jumped off, he cast a supernatural power to summon the gust of wind, and flew towards the water with the gust of wind. There are still many soldiers in the water now. More than a hundred tiger sharks are still chasing and killing the soldiers in the water. Shen Feng's goal is to rescue all the soldiers in the water.

Seeing Shen Feng's ability to come and go freely at this time, Xun Yan couldn't help admiring: "It's really amazing, with such a good ability, you can go wherever you want at any time, you are indeed Fengshen!"

After hearing this, Zhu Kai couldn't help coughing softly: "Ahem..."

He knew that what the captain disliked the most was others showing off in front of him, and now, Xun Yan had committed this taboo.

Xun Yan came back to his senses, and suddenly remembered that now that the captain is still by his side, he praised the hated guy in front of him, it seemed that he wanted to destroy his own prestige by aggravating others.

"Boss, I'm not saying that you are inferior to Shen Feng. What I mean is that everyone has their own strengths! Boss, you must be stronger than Shen Feng." Xun Yan quickly defended his inappropriate words just now.

Gong Changfa's face was very calm at this time, and he said lightly: "I'm not that stingy, don't be too nervous, you are right, everyone has their strengths, Shen Feng may be in the air or on land. He has the advantage of reaching, but his disadvantage is also obvious, in the water battle, Shen Feng's ability will not be very strong, he doesn't even dare to go into the water!"

Of course, Gong Changfa hates others taking away his limelight, but this does not mean that Gong Changfa is a small-bellied guy. He is the son of a high-ranking official, but his vision is higher than ordinary people. At this moment, he can clearly realize that he The gap with Shen Feng can also clearly see Shen Feng's weakness.

Today, there are still more than 30 people alive at sea, and they are basically soldiers resisting the tiger shark attack on the boat. The soldiers hold rifles in their hands. Once a tiger shark approaches, they will shoot immediately, but once the bullets are exhausted, It was his time of death, but fortunately Shen Feng appeared at this time.

"Give me your hand!" Shen Feng shouted to a soldier on a boat, and the soldier quickly stretched out his hand, Shen Feng grabbed a person and flew up, then threw it to a nearby boat.

The paraglider on Shen Feng's back can only bear the weight of two people at most, so Shen Feng can only save one person at a time. If Shen Feng catches two people, he will only be pulled into the water by the huge weight. The paraglider is designed for Shen Feng, so the design can only support Shen Feng's weight, but in a short period of time, it can also take a person for a short flight, and it can barely do it to save people.

The squid that surfaced saw that Shen Feng was saving people, and immediately became angry. In its eyes, no matter whether it was the nearby tiger shark or the humans in the water, they could only be its rations. As a result, some humans dared to snatch it. Food, that is to challenge its majesty, so it immediately waved its hand and attacked Shen Feng in the air.

Regardless of these, Shen Feng still used the advantage of being able to fly to save people. The people on board and in the water immediately stretched out their hands after seeing Shen Feng diving, waiting to be rescued by Shen Feng.

When the squid's tentacles attacked Shen Feng, Shen Feng only needed to move his mind, and he could immediately condense thousands of wind blades to cut off the huge tentacles.

"Puff", "Puff", one after another wind blade pierced into the squid's body, and the tentacles finally fell into the sea. When they fell, perhaps due to the stimulation of acid, these tentacles were still twitching and twisting constantly.

Tiger sharks don't care whether the things in the water are human or not, as long as they can move, they will eat them, so the tentacles that fall into the water immediately become the feed of tiger sharks. The tentacles were eaten.

The squid encountered Shen Feng's counterattack, and immediately understood that the human beings flying in the sky are not easy to deal with. Thinking of this, the squid dived into the water again, and released acid towards another frigate, preparing to corrode other ships. After the ships are corroded, the humans on board will still fall into the water.

Now, the battlefield is at sea, and the sea beast is not in a hurry at all. As long as it can win the final victory, the sea beast would rather do it slowly.

The tiger shark was attracted by the two crazy twisted tentacles that fell into the water, so it immediately swam to the tentacles and began to bite. Shen Feng took this opportunity to take away the remaining thirty people one by one , and Shen Feng's behavior also won the favor of all soldiers.

"Fengshen!" "Fengshen!"...

The soldiers on the boat were shouting Shen Feng's nickname. Obviously Shen Feng's nickname was "Strong Grass in the Wind", but it was not as simple as "Fengshen". For a while, everyone looked at Shen Feng with admiration. , This kind of fiery eyes does not exist when looking at other supernatural beings.

The reason why Shen Feng is admired by many soldiers is also very simple, that is, Shen Feng's consistent approach has aroused the favor of everyone. In this summer, Shen Feng took people to Jingxiang for disaster relief, and beheaded The Dragon King of the Yangtze River, his prestige has already climbed to a very high level, and at this moment, Shen Feng personally rescued the people in the water, and the longing mood of the soldiers present couldn't be further increased.

Shen Feng listened to the titles of "Fengshen" reverberating in the air, and felt a little proud in his heart, but this kind of pride could not be expressed, because at this time, some soldiers discovered that the sea water around the frigate had turned sour, which meant that , the battle is still going on, if the squid is not resolved, then the threat of the fleet will never be eliminated.

Shen Feng landed on the cruiser and put away the paraglider on his back. He knew that if the squid could not be dealt with, the ship would be in danger of sinking at any time, and the only sea beast he had a chance to defeat seemed to be the squid. .

Sea turtles have a strong self-healing ability, and great white sharks are too fast in the water. No matter how you look at it, squids are the easiest to deal with. Of course, turtles are also the biggest threat.

That's why Shen Feng notified Li Keyi to investigate the squid's weakness. As long as it is an animal, it will have weaknesses. First kill the squid and solve the threat to the ship, and then the next battle will be possible to win.

When Shen Feng was thinking about how to deal with the squid, Lin Xi leaned on the railing on the cruiser and yelled at Nie Yuying on board: "You bastard, you clearly agreed to cooperate, but in the end you threw me into the tiger shark Why don't you die? How can there be a scum like you in the world?"

Lin Xi encountered betrayal for the first time, and if Shen Feng hadn't appeared in time to rescue her, she would have been reduced to the squid's breakfast at this time, and Nie Yuying had climbed onto the boat slowly, and now Lin Xi saw Nie Yuying's face, an impulse to kill immediately emerged in his heart.

Although Nie Yuying knew that he did something wrong, but now he is unwilling to admit it, and is still trying to defend himself: "The situation was critical at the time, and I couldn't take care of so much. I definitely couldn't swim with you on my back." If you are overtaken at any distance, it’s better to count as one if you can run, besides, aren’t you still alive and well now?”

Hearing this, Lin Xi almost exploded with anger. If she was not weak and unable to move, she wished to kill Nie Yuying directly: "You wait for me, it is best not to sleep too hard when you sleep at night, otherwise you will die." I can't see the sun the next day!"

Lin Xi is furious now, but he can't find a way to vent it. After much deliberation, he can only speak harshly. As for whether he will take revenge after regaining his physical strength, that will be discussed at that time. After all, it is forbidden by the headquarters. The able ones are not allowed to kill each other.

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