Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 428 Tasmania

When the next morning came, Yue Hengyi grabbed a man and came to the crater. The man's limbs, hands and feet were all broken, and he couldn't move at all. As long as he moved a little, he would scream like a pig. It's painful.

However, this guy couldn't scream, because his mouth was blocked and his mandible was removed, so he couldn't even close his mouth, let alone scream?

Yue Hengyi led people to the crater, held the other person's hair, and said with a sigh: "I've never seen magma before. I didn't expect it to be so spectacular. Using a volcano as a tomb is still too cheap for you!"

Yue Hengyi walked to the crater, and when he looked down, he could still see the blood-red magma flowing and bubbling. It was at least thirty meters away from the magma, but a heat wave hit his face. The crater can also smell a strong pungent smell. As long as the volcano is active, it will inevitably release a large amount of gas.

"Woooo..." The guy caught by Yue Hengyi finally felt the fear of death. Seeing the heat wave below him continuously hit, the fear in his heart continued to deepen, but now he wanted to beg for mercy, but he could only utter a groan Woo sound.

"Go, Pikachu!" Yue Hengyi threw the ogre out of his hand viciously, and then left the crater without looking back.

Shen Feng is also executing the execution at this time. For the guy who eats human flesh, he can't forgive him. This is the most basic bottom line of being a human being. Eating people means that he has lost empathy. To eat people, this kind of behavior is to benefit oneself at the expense of others, and it will cause panic. Killing is also eliminating harm for the people.

Shen Feng's execution method is much simpler, grab people and throw them into the sea, that's it. "Plop", the ogre fell into the water and made a dull sound.

Shen Feng originally thought that if this person was thrown into the water, he would be drowned soon, but he didn't expect that this person was slightly overweight, had a lot of fat on his body, and the buoyancy was too strong, so he didn't sink, but floated on the sea.

"Damn, you're so lucky that you didn't drown!" Shen Feng was a little depressed.

The guy on the water was facing the sky. Although his limbs were broken, even if he didn't move at all, there was no sign of sinking.

At this time, Li Gui spoke, pointing to the bolted rifle on the boat and asked: "Honorable sir, can I take revenge?"

This gun was naturally used by the two ogres last night. The two murdered and kidnapped all with a gun left over from World War II. Neither Shen Feng nor Yue Hengyi looked down on this gun. I'm used to rifles, and I don't like bolt-action rifles anymore. Moreover, such an old gun needs accuracy without accuracy, and requires lethality without lethality.

Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi are typical full-bodied men who don't know how to be hungry. Both of them are supernatural beings. Even without guns, they are capable of fighting. As long as you are careful on land, you will be fine. Use invincible to fight. It's not an exaggeration to describe it, but others can't do it. Li Gui still cherishes this gun very much. With a gun, he has a certain ability to protect himself!

"You can do whatever you want, anyway, if you don't beat this guy to death, he will be eaten by birds or fish in the end. I have no objection." Shen Feng said flatly.

Li Gui was overjoyed. He grabbed the rifle and started to reload it. This kind of rifle has only five rounds of ammunition. The reason why the ogre retreated decisively after discovering that the bullets failed to cause any damage. It took at least half a minute to load the bullets.

"Bang", Li Gui aimed at the enemy and fired a shot. The bullet passed through the opponent's chest, causing a penetrating wound. Moreover, the hot bullet tore the muscle, and this person was hopeless.

"It deserves it, the ogre should be caught and hanged, and finally nailed into the heart with a wooden stake!" Li Gui still couldn't let go of his hatred, so he cursed directly.

For his enemies, Li Gui had no mercy at all. He knew that if he hadn't happened to meet a savior, he would probably have become the breakfast of these ogres by now.

Yue Hengyi also came back soon. Seeing the blood-red surface of the sea, he also guessed what happened, and immediately boarded the boat and asked, "Brother Feng, where are we going?"

Shen Feng found a map from the boat. This map was very simple and was not professionally drawn, but hand-painted by amateurs. The islands were drawn on it.

This map was found on the ship. As long as you find the map, you can know where you are. The maker of the map is naturally an ogre. These two beasts specialize in hunting and killing humans. I chose to flee to the sea, the sea is so vast that no one can catch it.

It's a pity that people are not as good as heaven. They thought it was an easy prey, but they were killed by the prey in the end. This is the fate of the hunter.

Shen Feng first found his own location, which is a small island in the south of Australia. Shen Feng's guess is correct, going north is the way out, and in two days, Shen Feng also drifted from the southwest Pacific Ocean Basin to the south of Australia. area.

"We are in the south, then go north to Tasmania, and after trying to cross the strait, we will arrive at Melbourne. In such a big city, we must be able to find a radio station." Shen Feng pointed at the map The islands above are one by one, and their current location is on an island with a volcano icon painted on it.

Yue Hengyi was more optimistic and said, "I see, we can find a radio station when we arrive in Tasmania!"

At this time, Li Gui looked at Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi as if he was looking at an alien, and said, "I forgot to ask, where are you from? Do you really understand the situation in Australia?"

"We are Chinese, isn't that obvious? As for how we got here, by boat, we were attacked by a giant sea beast and drifted here. You have never heard of our names. It's really ignorant. I Don't you know the title of Fengshen?" Shen Feng said as a matter of course.

Shen Feng still has confidence in his reputation. After all, the supernatural beings in North America have recognized him on their own initiative. Now there should be someone in Australia who recognizes him. It was dark last night and the other party failed to recognize him. This is because of the light. At that time, I had already taken the initiative to explain the title, and the other party must know it!

However, Li Gui shook his head blankly and said, "I haven't heard of it. The situation in Australia is terrible now! Not to mention Melbourne, even Canberra has not been recovered, and there are still millions of zombies in the city." , The survivors are hiding in the mountains or in the forest, and most of the survivor bases established are maintained by gangs, and you may not be able to find radio stations and the like.”

Hearing this, Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi couldn't help but look at each other. They couldn't imagine that the capital of a country could not be recovered. Isn't this a bit too exaggerated?

Yue Hengyi first asked: "Where is your army? Where are your officials? There are always some alive, right? Why don't they do anything?"

When Li Gui heard Yue Hengyi's question, he suddenly smiled wryly: "The army was already scattered when the zombies appeared, and it could not be organized at all. Our Australia is not as powerful as China, and the army cannot be organized casually. They are rich people who took refuge in North America and Europe by boat or plane after the apocalypse, and the rest were unable to leave Australia."

Shen Feng shook his head helplessly, he never expected that he would see the disparity of the world here, countries are always different from each other.

"Foreigners have this kind of virtue. They don't have any national awareness and don't know patriotism at all. Besides, Australia is a place where criminals are exiled. Brother Feng, don't have too much hope!" Yue Hengyi was disappointed when he saw Shen Feng. The appearance, hastily persuaded.

"Okay, let's go on. The target is Tasmania. As long as there are people, we can understand the situation. If it doesn't work, get a boat. Let's set off along the coastline and go back to China." Shen Feng said.

With the gasoline boat, Shen Feng doesn't need to use supernatural powers when going forward on the sea. He only needs to start the engine, and the boat can move forward immediately, with fresh water on board.

Finally, two days later, Shen Feng crossed five islands in a row, spanning more than a hundred kilometers, according to the map's instructions, and finally saw a coast and forests appearing on the horizon in the distance. This is the coastline! With a coastline that can't be seen at a glance, Tasmania has arrived.

Looking at the long-lost expanse of land, Yue Hengyi finally lifted his spirits, and said with a smile, "It's time to have a big meal. There must be many people living on such a large coast. Someone means there is food!"

Shen Feng was not hopeful about this idea, but said ruthlessly: "It's been almost two years since the end of the day, even if there is food in reserve, it must have been consumed, and I still have a big meal, I guess everyone Couldn't find a few."

Li Gui also agreed with Shen Feng's words, and quickly said: "I just went to sea to avoid zombies and mutant beasts. There are more than half a million zombies on the island, and I don't know how many mutant beasts in the mountains. There are only 10,000 survivors." There are people around, we should be more careful."

Yue Hengyi felt that others looked down on him, so he had to show his force. He said directly to Li Gui: "You are watching the sky from a well! What are half a million zombies? Think about the defense of Yanjing, our city guards It is not easy to kill millions of zombies in a day! That is to say, you are too weak, otherwise, there are only 500,000 zombies, and you will be killed in a month at most, and you are still driven around. I feel ashamed for you if you say it!"

Li Gui didn't dare to speak. He knew that the two people in front of him were supernatural beings, but he still didn't believe what Yue Hengyi said was true. If he was really that strong, how could he still be trapped in the small island in the sea? ?

"I've heard that Chinese people like to brag after drinking, but now it seems that even if they don't drink, these Chinese people like to brag. It's better not to expose them now!" Li Gui thought silently in his heart.

Shen Feng drove the boat to a shoal, tied the boat to a tree, and took Yue Hengyi and Li Gui ashore.

"Li Gui, lead the way and set off to a place with resources! I'll continue with gasoline, food and water!" Shen Feng snapped his fingers and said to Li Gui.

Li Gui hesitated for a moment, and looked at the terrain nearby. This is the south coast of Tasmania. The island is surrounded by mountains and dense forests, and the plains are basically all around. Then he said: "Let's walk along the coastline. , walking along the road, there is always a chance to find a survivor's base. The terrain on the east side is more steep, with river valleys, forests, and waterfalls, but there are more bases here, and the west side may be full of zombies. Let's go east. !"

"No, let's go west! Since the terrain is steep, why ask for trouble?" Shen Feng pointed to the west, and set off with his people.

Li Gui said with a mournful face, "Zombies are terrible. I know the two heroes are very powerful, but I can't stand the large number of zombies!"

"You shut up and just follow us. We will go wherever my elder brother says! With us protecting you, what are you afraid of?" Yue Hengyi said dissatisfied.

Li Guiwunai, clutching the rifle tightly, followed behind the two of them. He really wanted to escape while the two were not paying attention, but thinking of the physique and speed of the supernatural person, he immediately gave up such an idea.

"It's okay if I meet a survivor base, but if I meet a zombie, I turn around and run away. In short, I can't follow these two braggarts to my death." Li Gui thought silently in his heart.

Before knowing the specific situation, Shen Feng was still very careful, but when he learned that there were only 500,000 zombies on the island, he immediately relaxed. There are so few zombies scattered around, what is there to be afraid of? You know, most of the zombies in China have been wiped out. Except for some scattered zombies in the mountains, there are basically no traces of zombies in the plains.

Moreover, Shen Feng is looking forward to it, if he finds the corpse king, he can bring two supernatural potions back home.

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