Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 427 Diary Of A Madman

The two attackers were caught by Yue Hengyi on the spot. In order to prevent the enemy from resisting, Yue Hengyi directly broke their limbs and threw them to the ground. I can still understand words such as "Shet" and "Fack", and I know that these two guys are abusing me, and my mood is even worse.

"Can you speak Chinese? If you can, then answer quickly, why are you attacking us?" Shen Feng asked.

However, the two sneak attackers couldn't understand what Shen Feng said at all, and they continued to insult, with a crazy look on their faces, and their eyes were red.

Shen Feng couldn't stand the meaningless abuse from these two people, and said to Yue Hengyi: "Xiao Yue, take off your socks and gag the mouths of these two people."

Yue Hengyi was very obedient, and immediately took off his shoes and socks. As soon as the shoes were taken off, a strong sour smell filled the air. Afterwards, Yue Hengyi directly stuffed the socks into the mouths of the two prisoners. Obedient, has been spitting out.

As soon as Yue Hengyi stuffed the sock into the prisoner's mouth, the prisoner immediately spat it out, swearing at the same time.

Yue Hengyi was very depressed. Isn't it always possible to block the enemy's mouth with cloth strips on TV? Why can't I do it myself.

Yue Hengyi has such an idea, but it is true because he has no self-knowledge. The socks he hasn’t washed much in the past month can stand up when thrown on the ground. Disgusting, now stuffing a sock in someone else's mouth is even more unbearable.

Therefore, every time Yue Hengyi stuffed the smelly sock into the prisoner's mouth, the prisoner was about to spit it out, and he really couldn't stand the smell.

Shen Feng watched Yue Hengyi's repeated movements, and couldn't stand it any longer, and said, "Xiao Yue, remove their jaws so that they can't shut up, this will block their mouths!"

Yue Hengyi was a little puzzled, and asked, "How to do this?"

"Pinch the chins of these two people and pull them down forcefully, dislocating them directly, so that they will naturally be unable to move their mouths." Shen Feng said flatly.

Although Shen Feng's anatomy is not very good, but he still has an understanding of how to dislocate the mandible, and now he speaks out to give Yue Hengyi some pointers.

Yue Hengyi tried it, and it really dislocated the two of them. Then he stuffed the sock into the other's mouth, but the other couldn't shut up. Although he could still use his tongue, it was impossible to push the sock out.

After finishing this matter, Yue Hengyi couldn't help but said: "I'll go to the beach to wash my hands, and take a look at how these people approached. If I can find the boat of these two people, that would be even better!"

Yue Hengyi's palms were also full of stench, and he felt it was inappropriate, so he planned to go to the beach to wash his hands.

Shen Feng watched the two captives still struggling, but their limbs had been broken, they couldn't move at all, they could only twist their bodies like maggots, he really couldn't bear to see this scene, he was a kind person, he couldn't see it Such a poor picture.

Afterwards, Shen Feng turned his head and turned around, turned his face to the night sky on one side, he couldn't see or worry, and couldn't see other people's pitiful pictures, so he wouldn't be able to bear it anymore.

While Shen Feng was watching the dark night scene silently, Yue Hengyi exclaimed from the beach: "Brother, there is a situation! There is something here!"

Hearing Yue Hengyi's call, Shen Feng stood up and ran towards the beach without saying a word, thinking: "Could it be that these two captives still have accomplices?"

When Shen Feng got to the beach, he found a small boat on the beach, which was tied to a bush. It was a gasoline boat, and Yue Hengyi was standing beside the boat.

"What's the situation? It's just a ship, so there's no need to make a fuss?" Shen Feng said dissatisfied.

Yue Hengyi pointed to the cabin and said, "Look quickly, Brother Feng, there is still one person inside."

Shen Feng took a closer look and found that it was indeed the case. There was another person in the cabin. This was a man whose mouth was sealed with tape and his arms and legs were tied up. Nothing can be done.

"I don't seem to be from the same group. Tear off the tape and ask." Shen Feng reached out and tore off the tape from the other party's mouth, and then asked, "Can you speak Chinese? What do you do?"

Under the moonlight, Shen Feng could only vaguely see that this was a foreigner. As for whether this guy could communicate normally, it was uncertain.

"Woo, I can speak a little Chinese, my wife is Chinese, and I have studied for two years, thank you for saving me, I am about to be killed by an ogre!" The guy in the cabin had just been torn off the tape , immediately began to complain, tears and snot all dripped out.

Seeing that the other party can speak Chinese, Shen Feng immediately became happy. As long as he can communicate, he can ask for directions, but he doesn't know who this guy is.

At this time, Yue Hengyi asked: "What kind of ogre are you talking about?"

The man who was tied up replied: "It's the two people who shot you just now. They specialize in cannibalism. If you don't believe me, you can look at the packages on the boat and the leftover meat they ate!"

Shen Feng felt a little disgusted when he heard this. In this way, the two guys who attacked him originally wanted to kill him and eat his meat.

Yue Hengyi didn't believe in evil, and went to the boat to search, and sure enough, he found two thighs in a small box at the stern, and they were human.

"Damn it, Mr. Lu Xun didn't lie to us. There really are such madmen in the world!" Yue Hengyi was taken aback. Man, this kind of thing that only exists in legends can actually exist in the world?

"What's your name?" Shen Feng continued to ask.

The foreigner quickly said: "My foreign name is An Genuo, but I also have a Chinese name. I am a Chinese celebrity, and my name is Li Mu! How about it?"

"Damn, you are not allowed to call this name in the future. Can you call the names of the four famous generals of the Warring States period? From now on, you will be called Li Gui, understand?" Shen Feng suddenly heard the other party's Chinese name. A little speechless, how could it be possible for the four famous generals of the Warring States period to be captured by others, and they were tied to the boat as spare food. Isn't this humiliating Li Mu?

Shen Feng directly changed the other party's name.

Angenor is a bit reluctant. Westerners think differently from Chinese people. Westerners like celebrities, so they choose their names according to their names. For example, Roosevelt, Elizabeth, etc., all imitate the names of celebrities. Name, but now, his Chinese name was suddenly changed, which naturally aroused his dissatisfaction.

"This is the name given to me by my Chinese teacher. He said the name is very nice. If you change my name, it would be disrespectful to me!" Angenuo said in a low voice.

Shen Feng laughed and said: "You have asked a lot. If you don't agree to change your name, then I won't save you. You can stay on the boat honestly. When we leave tomorrow, I will leave you in the boat." here!"

Angenuo quickly gave in. Obviously foreigners also know the truth that a good man does not suffer immediate losses, "I agree, I agree, change my name! I will be called Li Gui from now on!"

Yue Hengyi looked at the broken limbs and arms on the boat, and couldn't bear it, so he threw the box into the sea, never thinking that human beings would be eaten by their own kind in the end.

Shen Feng started to untie An Genuo, and asked while untying him: "Li Gui, tell us the details of those two ogres later, and you can follow us during this period of time. We don't eat people, and besides, you have to stand up when there is a need for translation."

Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi brought Li Gui to the edge of the fire. When Li Gui saw the two gagged captives on the ground, he immediately thought of how he had been tortured these days, and then he rushed up and beat the two of them. Kicking, it's just that Li Gui hasn't eaten or drank water for a long time, his body is weak, and the damage he can cause is also very low.

After Li Gui finished venting his anger, Yue Hengyi handed him a bottle of water, and said, "Don't waste time, tell these two people quickly, my elder brother has to rest early, and we're leaving early tomorrow morning!"

Li Gui quickly took the bottle, drank water, and explained what happened in the past few days. It turned out that after the end of the day, the city was full of zombies, and the survivors could only scramble to run outside, and he was no exception. He was going to bring food and live in a remote place in the countryside, but the food ran out, the zombies were not dealt with, and mutant beasts appeared on the grassland again. Now, Li Gui could only hide on the island. There are almost no mutant beasts on the island. Once the problems of water and food are solved, we can live on.

Li Gui doesn't want to kill zombies, nor does he want to kill mutant beasts. He knows that he is just an ordinary person, and his combat power cannot do these things, so he just wants to hide, maybe for a few years. Did the mutant beast suddenly disappear?

It's a pity that Li Gui didn't expect that it would be useless even if he hid on the island, because the dangers in the apocalypse will appear all the time. He hid on the island for a month, and he didn't expect that one day there would be two people When they got to the island, they caught him right away, tied him up and put him on the boat.

Afterwards, Li Gui was surprised to find that these two people turned out to be cannibals. When the end comes, no one will continue to farm, because there is no safe place to farm, even in the countryside, there are countless mutant beasts, farming can't wait for the harvest, and if you want to survive, you can only live a life of hunting and gathering. Row.

Some people survive by collecting nuts or fruits, while others hunt animals. Even if they are mutant beasts, there are many weak individuals. If they catch these mutant beasts, they can still fill their stomachs.

Some people hunted mutant beasts, and some people hunted humans specifically, because suddenly a hunter discovered that mutant beasts were too difficult to deal with. Powerful mutant beasts couldn't beat them, and one or two guns couldn't stop the attacks of mutant beasts at all. Small mutant beasts have the habit of living in groups, so they are not easy to deal with, but humans are easy to hunt.

Human beings are sometimes not strong enough to guard against their own kind. When approaching them, as long as they don't show hostility, then others will be completely defenseless. As long as they walk around behind these defenseless humans and stab them suddenly, Then you can harvest tens of catties of meat, and you won't have to worry about eating it for a few days!

Ever since, Li Gui accidentally encountered these two ogres that specialize in hunting and killing humans. He thought he would die, but in the end he was rescued by accident. Otherwise, the security is increased.

After Yue Hengyi heard about this incident, he couldn't help asking: "You just let these people hunt and kill their own kind? Can't you unite?"

"Sir, it's not that we are not united. Who can tell the other party's true identity just by looking at the appearance? The ogre didn't write his name on his face, so of course we can't tell!" Li Gui immediately felt aggrieved , who likes ogres? Isn't it difficult to distinguish, so that the ogre has a place to live?

After Shen Feng heard the whole story, he shook his head helplessly, and said: "The world is corrupt, if two years ago, such a thing as cannibalism would be big news no matter where it is, but now, It’s become so common that, at the end of the day, the world has changed.”

Yue Hengyi pointed to the two guys on the ground who were still twisting their bodies, and asked, "Brother Feng, what should we do with these two guys?"

Shen Feng shrugged and said, "When we set off tomorrow morning, throw it away! Throw one into the volcano, and throw the other into the sea to feed the fish."

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