Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 432 You Go Pretend To Be A Fat Sheep

Li Gui knew how powerful Shen Feng was, and now that he heard that Shen Feng was going to move towards the direction of the gang, he felt gloating in his heart: "I don't know what gang it is, but it's unlucky, there's a good show to watch!"

Li Gui was very glad that he was able to meet a supernatural being. Not only did he not have to worry about his safety every day, but he could also have enough food, and his task was just to be a translator.

Yue Hengyi put a lot of hay on the flatbed carriage, and it will be much softer after sitting on it. The rest of the pots, pans, and other things were also placed on the carriage. The horse walked slowly along the road.

But at night, the horse couldn't see the road clearly, so it had to stop, and then Yue Hengyi fed the horse grass and water, Shen Feng cooked, and Li Gui looked around.

After eating and drinking enough, the rest is to sleep, and there is no means of entertainment in the wild, and there is nothing else to do except sleep.

As a result, just when the three of them were about to go to bed, the horse suddenly started to bray uncomfortably.

Shen Feng became alert. Animals like horses often have keen senses. Could it be that horses have discovered some danger that humans have not?

Thinking of this, Shen Feng immediately called Yue Hengyi: "Xiao Yue, let's look around, Li Gui, stay on the carriage and don't run around!"

Yue Hengyi didn't know why, so he could only patrol around, holding a torch in his hand, and looked around, but found nothing. Shen Feng didn't find any danger either, the surrounding was very quiet, as quiet as usual, occasionally the chirping of crickets could be heard, and no more sounds could be heard.

Li Gui looked around carefully, but suddenly found green light spots in the distance, and was startled, there was something in the darkness!

"Mr. Shen, Mr. Yue! There are wolves in the woods, be careful, be careful!" Li Gui was loudly reminding Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi to be careful, but this reminder was for himself instead, Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi Yue Hengyi's strength does not need Li Gui to worry about.

"Wolf? Are there wolves in Australia?" Yue Hengyi had never heard of wolves in Australia.

Shen Feng thought for a while and explained: "There used to be a thylacine in Australia, but it became extinct later. However, there are no wild wolves in Australia, but there are wild dogs. I think the guy in the woods may be wild dogs."

This piece of land in Australia is a very strange place. No matter what species it is, as long as it appears here, it will cause flooding. For example, rabbits, wild dogs, and wild cats, that is, African lions or Asian tigers have not been introduced, otherwise If it is not, as long as it is introduced, these two beasts will also flood.

Shen Feng's guess was correct. After these green-eyed animals approached slowly, their true faces appeared. They were indeed wild dogs, and the wild dogs quickly surrounded the fire and the three of them. The neighing of the horses became more rapid. It seems that they are very afraid of the wild dogs in front of them.

"Brother Feng, what do you think is the difference between wild wolves and wild dogs?" Yue Hengyi asked inadvertently. He counted the wild dogs around, that is, more than a hundred. Such a small number can still be dealt with.

Shen Feng thought for a while and said: "I don't think there is any difference. After all, the first dogs were also domesticated by wolves. Now the dogs have regained their wildness, and they are no different from wolves. However, wild dogs seem to cooperate. Move in groups, not so good at walking alone."

"No wonder there are hundreds of wild dogs. There are so many wild dogs, and I don't know how many people they have eaten!" Yue Hengyi understood the difference, but he still didn't pay attention to a group of wild dogs, even if the wild dogs had mutated. .

The mutated wild dogs are very strong, and some of them are even about the size of a buffalo. If someone really encounters so many wild dogs in the wild, they must explain it here.

"Wow..." Suddenly, the largest individual among the wild dogs raised its head to the sky and let out a shrill cry.

The rest of the wild dogs also barked, as if they were echoing each other, and then the wild dogs attacked the three of them.

Just as Yue Hengyi was about to make a move, Shen Feng pressed his shoulder and said, "Don't do it, I'll do it!"

After finishing speaking, hundreds of invisible wind blades flew out from Shen Feng's body, and the sound of "噗嗤" and "噗嗤" came from the darkness. This was the sound of the wind blade cutting the flesh. Without a strong defense force, the body would be It was easily pierced by the wind blade.

"Wow!" The wild dog didn't know what to say, and could only see the surrounding companions fall down one by one, as if a devil was harvesting in secret. The wild dog had never seen such a scene, and then fled in all directions.

The dog king had obviously discovered the problem, and he was obviously not someone who could be dealt with easily, so he summoned the wild dogs that could still move to escape.

The IQ of wild dogs is actually slightly higher than that of wild wolves. After all, within thousands of years of domestication, wild dogs have also had the opportunity to evolve with humans, so their IQ has also improved slightly. When they find out that the situation is dangerous , immediately chose to give up.

"Xiaoyue, make up for all the wild dogs that didn't escape, and we can have an extra meal tonight, eating dog meat!" Shen Feng said with a smile.

Yue Hengyi muttered softly: "If I make a move, none of these wild dogs will be able to escape. You have let at least half of them escape now!"

"What are you talking about! If you use the power, I can resist five times the gravity, can Li Gui withstand it? Can the horse withstand it?" Shen Feng couldn't help but said: "Once the horse is crushed , do you pull the cart?"

Yue Hengyi stopped answering, he really forgot that there was a carriage beside him, if this crushed the horse, there would be no vehicles to use along the way.

Next, Yue Hengyi killed the living wild dogs one by one, brought the dead dogs back to the side of the fire, and peeled their skins for barbecue.

Li Gui relaxed. When he was surrounded by wild dogs, he was worried that he would become the target of wild dogs, but fortunately, the wild dogs were scared away immediately, and he was able to have an extra barbecue at night, luck.

After Yue Hengyi peeled the dog's skin, he was going to throw it away. He didn't need it, but Li Gui quickly dissuaded him: "Mr. Yue, many survivor bases collect fur, which can be exchanged for food, so don't throw it away."

Yue Hengyi shrugged and threw the dog skin onto the car.

Looking at the dog fur, Shen Feng thought of his own office, and said: "In my office, there is a dog fur rug, which I killed a husky to make. .”

"Mr. Shen is really a rich man. Such a fine fur is actually made into a carpet. We ordinary people use fur to make clothes to keep warm." Li Gui said.

"Isn't most of Australia in the tropics? You still need to keep warm?" Shen Feng felt that he had heard some great news.

Li Gui quickly explained: "Most of Australia is indeed in the tropics, and the temperature in summer can even reach more than 40 degrees Celsius, but not all places are tropical, especially Tasmania. It will freeze to death."

Shen Feng took out a map, looked at the geographical location by the light of the fire, and found that it was indeed the case. In the southern hemisphere, Tasmania has a relatively high latitude. If it corresponds to the Chinese region, it happens to be the Northeast region. It will snow.

Shen Feng used the wind blade to kill more than forty wild dogs. These wild dogs are all meat-eating, and now they have no worries about food and drink. There are more than forty wild dogs, and they are basically mutated. It weighs several hundred catties. If you are on your way, the food is enough to support you.

Yue Hengyi looked at the wild dogs piled up like a hill beside him, and couldn't help but said, "It's a pity that so much meat can't be taken away, and the horse can't pull it."

"That's why I asked you to come for an extra meal. You must not be full from the big pancakes. Now that you are eating barbecue, you can eat as much as you can. If you can't eat, just throw it away!" Shen Feng said casually.

Li Gui felt it was a pity, and said: "Whether it's dog meat or fur, you can exchange a lot of supplies. It would be a shame if you just throw it away like this."

"If you want, you can skin them yourself. I just take five wild dogs with me. I don't care how many you can take." Shen Feng said casually.

With Shen Feng's approval, Li Gui immediately took action, took a knife and started skinning. He knew that as long as he could take it away, it belonged to him. After finding the survivor base, he could trade the fur directly and exchange it for a lot. food.

The three of them ate another supper before falling asleep.

The next day, the three of them continued to set off. After walking for two hours, Shen Feng on the carriage saw a watchtower in the distance, and there seemed to be figures shaking on the watchtower.

"There is a watchtower, it seems that there is a base." Shen Feng said looking at the watchtower in the distance.

"Didn't the native patriarch say that? There are vicious gangs here, so let's go there like this?" Yue Hengyi asked back.

Shen Feng thought for a while, and then said: "Li Gui, you go by car alone, the two of us follow behind, you go and lure it, if you are a good person, we will follow you to the base, if you are a gang member, Just in time for fishing law enforcement!"

Yue Hengyi also nodded in agreement, and said seriously: "Yes, idleness is idleness, if we appear and be recognized, the other party will never dare to do anything, but now, as long as we follow Li Gui, we can fish!"

Hearing the bad idea of ​​the two, Li Gui immediately quit, and quickly said: "These gangs probably have guns. If they rob or kidnap me, I will definitely be killed. You two heroes, you can't do that. .”

"Don't worry, we will protect you in secret, as long as they dare to rob, they will die!" Shen Feng patted Li Gui on the shoulder.

Anyway, going on the road is boring, Shen Feng also wants to relax, if you don’t meet a gang, then forget it, but if there are gangs who dare to rob you, then you can play the routine of praying mantis, catching cicada, and oriole behind.

Li Guiwu couldn't resist Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi's decision, so he could only nod helplessly in agreement.

If he stayed by the side of two supernatural beings, Li Gui would not be particularly afraid even if he went to the guild's territory, because he had seen the powerful strength of the supernatural beings with his own eyes, but now, he needs to face the unknown by himself. He is absolutely unacceptable because the base is approaching. Bullets don't have eyes. If they are shot, they will definitely die.

"Mr. Shen, Mr. Yue, you must come and save me in time, where is there a base that is not robbed now!" Li Gui said anxiously.

Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi nodded, and then hid in the woods on the side of the road. It is summer, so the vegetation on both sides of the road is very lush. If it appears here in winter, the bare occupations can't cover it at all.

What Li Gui said is very simple. There is an old saying in China that people rely on mountains to eat mountains and rivers to drink water, which includes bandits and water bandits. They usually farm and eat. If they meet rich businessmen passing by mountains and rivers, they will Put down the hoe, pick up the knife and gun, and cover your face is robbery. There are people like this in China, and people abroad are naturally not good at fault. Li Gui drove the carriage by himself. There was food and the meat of mutant beasts in the cart. This is a fat sheep in the eyes of others!

Therefore, Li Gui knew that he would definitely be in danger.

"Really, if you want to beat someone up, do it directly. Who can stop them two monsters? It's not straightforward to beat around the bush like this!" Li Gui was talking to himself while driving the car, completely unable to understand Shen. Feng's approach.

Li Gui didn't understand that what China pays attention to is that the teacher is famous, and you can't use swords for no reason. As the old saying goes, "If you don't teach, you will be punished."

Both Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi were well educated, so naturally they would not kill people lightly, peace is the most important thing for a gentleman! However, let Li Gui pretend to be a fat sheep, as long as they are robbed, then the two of them have a legitimate reason to take revenge. From a moral point of view, this is called a late strike. can occupy the moral high ground.

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