Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 433 Cannery

Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi hid in the woods by the side of the road and moved slowly, always paying attention to avoiding others' observation.

While advancing, Yue Hengyi asked: "Brother Feng, do you think there will really be canned human meat in this base?"

Shen Feng asked back: "Have you ever read the Water Margin? Even if you haven't read the Water Margin, you should have read the Ten Deadly Sins, right? Hundreds of years ago, Erniang Sun knew about selling human meat buns. Now this group of people and With the advancement of the times, it is not impossible to make canned human meat!"

Yue Hengyi still felt that it was unlikely, and retorted: "It is still too exaggerated to kill people and make canned food. Even if there was a similar situation in the Water Margin, I still think it is an artistic process. Didn't we meet two eaters before?" Humans and demons? Didn’t they have to hide in the sea because of cannibalism, so how dare this base do such a thing blatantly?”

Yue Hengyi's meaning is very simple. There is no such thing as cannibalism, but all cannibals are sneaky and can be discovered at any time. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for an organized place to produce canned human meat. This kind of violation of human ethics It is bound to be spurned by countless people.

Shen Feng shrugged and said: "Who knows? When we enter this base and see the situation with our own eyes, we will know whether it is true or not."

"That's right, a bunch of aborigines didn't even understand farming, so they might not be able to see it clearly. Maybe they saw kangaroo meat or monkey meat being made into cans, so they misread it and thought they saw the situation of cannibalism! "Yue Hengyi started talking to himself.

When Li Gui was driving the car, he kept observing the surrounding situation, always on guard for possible dangers, he was ready, as soon as he saw someone, he would immediately call for the hero to spare his life.

After continuing to drive for half an hour, a dozen people suddenly emerged from the grass on both sides, all holding rifles in their hands. Judging from the style of the rifles, they should be weapons left over from World War II. Instead of being destroyed, it was sold to other countries.

Ever since, in advanced places, weapons have been updated, but in backward areas, they can only buy weapons that have been eliminated by other countries. This is the case in Tasmania.

"Stop the car and raise your hands, otherwise, we're going to shoot!" A group of gunmen pointed their guns at Li Gui, and threatened the people on the carriage to come down.

Li Gui had to get out of the car, and then explained: "I'm going to enter your base now, I won't hurt you, don't worry."

A strong man came over, threw the gun to his side, punched Li Gui in the face, and then said fiercely: "You still want to hurt us? It's terrible, take him back! Lock it up!"

After hearing this, more than a dozen people around cheered and rushed up, first tied up Li Gui, and then someone checked the items on the car, but was surprised to find that there were noodles and meat in the car, and even found I found dozens of furs, and then rummaged down to find cigarettes and candles.

"Oh, God bless, look what we found. This is really a fat sheep with so much property on it. If the boss knows what we have gained today, he will definitely reward us!" Cheers, it has been a long time since I had such a rich harvest, this is simply a great gift from heaven.

The leader was the strong man who beat Li Gui. He didn't take it lightly, but looked at the items in the car and asked, "Did you get this by hunting yourself? You only have one gun, how did you kill so many?" of wild dogs?"

Li Gui quickly said: "I still have two companions, they are right behind, let me tell you, it's best to let me go, otherwise, when my companions show up, you will definitely be beaten!"

"Boom!" Hearing Li Gui's threat, the strong man punched him hard, causing Li Gui to fall to the ground in an instant.

"Cough cough, bah!" Li Gui's half face was swollen at that time, he spit a little blood on the ground, but found something more in his mouth, spit on the ground, a molar fell to the ground .

One of Li Gui's teeth was knocked out with a punch, and the other teeth on the left side of his face were also loosened. Now, Li Gui didn't dare to speak wild words anymore.

"Mr. Shen, Mr. Yue, why don't you come out? These people are definitely robbers. What are you waiting for? Kill them!" Li Gui fell to the ground in misery, and began to pray for the appearance of Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi in his heart. .

Li Gui believed that as long as Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi appeared, the situation here would be rewritten in an instant and he could be saved. However, Li Gui lay on the ground and waited for two minutes, but still did not wait for the two to appear. People didn't see this scene at all.

"Take it back, doesn't it mean that there are two companions? One escorts, and the others follow me to guard here!" The brawny man said arrogantly.

Afterwards, a young man threw Li Gui onto the carriage, and then drove the carriage towards the base.

Li Gui couldn't wait for the reinforcements to appear, and he couldn't help guessing in his heart: "Damn it, did these two bastards escape? How is this possible? They are betraying their companions!"

When Li Gui found out that he couldn't wait for Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi to appear, he already felt that he had been cheated, and Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi didn't want to stand up at all.

But in fact, Shen Feng has already made a move. Shen Feng, who is hiding in the woods, saw the watchtower not far away. There are two guys on it holding a telescope to observe the surroundings, and there is a copper bell on the side. Once the enemy is found, Immediately the bell will ring.

Considering that he would be discovered once he showed up, Shen Feng didn't act rashly, but waited until Li Gui was taken away, then sneaked quietly, and came to the bottom of the watchtower without anyone noticing, walking all the way Blind spots to avoid being seen.

"Wind of Fury!" Shen Feng cast his power in an instant and killed the two people on the watchtower. The two people were still watching the road to the east with binoculars, wanting to see if there were any prey coming from here Passed by, but suddenly felt severe pain all over his body, and when he realized it, his head was falling down.

Shen Feng rushed to the top of the watchtower, looked at a group of robbers hiding in the grass not far away, and then gestured to Yue Hengyi in the woods, Yue Hengyi saw Shen Feng's gesture, and immediately started to act.

A group of robbers were still hiding in the tall grass on the side of the road and observing the road in the distance, but they didn't realize that the watchtower behind them was empty. At this moment, Yue Hengyi came from the woods on the other side of the road. voice: "Are you waiting for me?"

The robbers couldn't understand Chinese, so when they suddenly saw someone appearing beside them, they were immediately frightened, and then pointed their guns at Yue Hengyi.

"Five times the gravity!" Yue Hengyi didn't make a move, but once he made a move, it was a unique move, and the gravity increased instantly. A dozen people were pressed on their bodies by the strong gravity, and they couldn't move at once, and couldn't even pull the trigger.

"Wow..." A group of robbers immediately wanted to call for help. They didn't know what kind of magic this young man who suddenly appeared beside him had, but he suppressed himself in an instant, feeling heavy on his body, as if five or six It's like a strong man sitting on himself.

Shen Feng lay on the watchtower, and said lazily: "Hurry up, we have to save Li Gui. If the translator is dead, it will not be easy to find next time."

Yue Hengyi nodded, and then began to ruthlessly crush the person to death with gravity. It took a few minutes, but it was different to do it directly. Yue Hengyi stepped forward and stepped on the chest of the leading strong man. With the sound of "cracking", the ribs and sternum of the strong man were broken in an instant, and the bone spurs pierced into the heart, causing the strong man to die instantly.

In the next ten seconds or so, Yue Hengyi stepped on it continuously, as easily as stepping on potato chips, killing all the robbers.

After the robbers were dealt with, Yue Hengyi and Shen Feng met and rushed towards the distant base. This is a base built by the sea, with cliffs on both sides, and a road passing through it. It used to be a tourist town. The beach has a beautiful view, but now, the outside of the town has been blocked by a low wall. On the wall are concrete spikes with many glass bottle fragments stuck on it. If you want to cross the low wall, you will be cut all over by these glass fragments. .

There are watchtowers on both sides of this base. Whether someone appears from the east or west, they will be seen by the watchtowers on both sides. As for the woods in the north, they will not be paid attention to.

Shen Feng climbed over the wall from the side and entered the base, and felt a burst of shade right after he landed. Looking around, there was a dense hemp forest here. Xie asked, "Do people in Australia know how to weave linen? Why do they grow so much hemp?"

Shen Feng shook his head, as far as he knew, it probably wasn't like this, then, Shen Feng tore off a hemp leaf, put it under his nose and took a deep breath, with a happy expression on his face, this expression looked ecstasy, Then he asked, "Got it?"

Shen Feng has already probed to this point, how could Yue Hengyi not understand, he is a person with 12 years of education, his IQ has never been bad.

Yue Hengyi looked at Shen Feng's actions in surprise, and stammered, "Is this poison...drug...?"

Shen Feng threw the leaf away, shrugged and replied: "Yes, that's the thing! I thought North America sucked this thing, but now it seems that Australia is the same!"

Shen Feng doesn't think that these people grow hemp to eat hemp seeds, and it is impossible to make clothes with fibers. In the end, there is only one possibility left, for fun!

Next, the two continued to sneak into the town. There are many people walking around in this town, but some of them are working hard. There are people fishing on the beach in the distance, and there are generators "chug chug" inside the town. The sound, there is also the sound of the machine "clicking", and there is a five-story luxury villa in the distance, and there is a faint singing.

"Let's go! Let's go to the factory first!" Shen Feng called Yue Hengyi to set off.

Yue Hengyi followed and slowly approached the factory.

Walking to the window and taking a look, Yue Hengyi could never forget what he saw.

The factory is a place where meat is processed, and there are robots in it. However, in the distance, on the iron chain, there are naked two-legged sheep hanging. There are villains holding butcher knives. They first peel the skin, then break the bones, then cut the meat, and then place the meat Add seasoning into the machine, start the machine, and the tin cans will be produced continuously. The number of two-legged sheep can be seen as dozens, but it is unknown how many of them died tragically.

Shen Feng turned his head away after taking one look, but Yue Hengyi couldn't help but take a second look, and the shadow in his heart lingered after this look.

"Wow..." A minute later, Yue Hengyi vomited it out directly. This was due to a psychological effect. After seeing the terrifying scene, his stomach was churning, and his entire outlook on life had collapsed.

Shen Feng carefully patted Yue Hengyi's back, making Yue Hengyi spit it out more comfortably, and then said: "Don't watch it, if you continue to watch it, you won't be able to eat for two days, as long as you know that this place exists."

Yue Hengyi was vomiting all the time. After vomiting out the contents of his stomach, there was obviously nothing in his stomach, but he was still retching.

The sound of vomiting alarmed the personnel in the factory, and the group rushed out immediately, but saw two Asian faces, and immediately asked in English: "Who are you? What do you want?"

A cold light flashed in Shen Feng's eyes, since he has been discovered, there is no need to keep pretending, go to hell!

"I was originally a madman in Yuzhou, and today I saw against human relations. I drew my sword with enthusiasm, slaying demons and saving the common people!" Shen Feng said coldly, and then, three thousand wind blades in the air condensed, facing everyone in the factory Flying out, in Shen Feng's eyes, these people no longer have the qualifications to live.

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