Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 454 From Heaven To Hell

After Li Gui entered the base, he saw everything in the ring-shaped valley, and immediately showed a look of disdain. Before that, he followed Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi, and found a foothold. No matter what, there was a shelter from the wind and rain, and he often lived in a bright house. But now, this base is full of earthen houses, and few brick houses can be seen. This is the gap!

"It seems that this base is not suitable for my life. Let's rest here for one night today, and look for the next base tomorrow!" Li Gui thought silently in his heart.

Afterwards, Li Gui found a yard that looked pretty good. It was a brick house, and the red bricks were still fired by the local method. This kind of brick was only used by indigenous tribes, but it was considered pretty good in the base now. He walked out of the yard, without saying a word, he threw down a 20-jin bag of flour, and then said: "I requisitioned this yard, take the flour and leave here, and I will exchange it for you tomorrow!"

When Li Gui speaks, he is very arrogant, and his arrogance is also confident. He is carrying a gun on his back, and with the gun supporting his waist, no matter who speaks, he will become more confident.

There is a family living in the yard, a couple with three children, both of them are tanned, and the three children are sallow and emaciated, just by looking at their appearance, they cannot tell the gender of each other at all. This is also a kind of sadness. Children don't get enough nutrition, and they are skinny and skinny from starvation.

When the couple saw the twenty catties of flour thrown into the yard, their eyes lit up immediately. This is food. If it is mixed with wild vegetables to make porridge, it can barely last for a month. Living in my own home for one night, such a good deal, is really a bargain, it's pie in the sky!

Ever since, the couple hurriedly took the flour and the child and left the yard with gratitude. They were going to go to other places to talk about cats all night, but the smiles on their faces never disappeared.

For many bases, the food problem is the most serious. It is not that these people are unwilling to farm, but that they may encounter danger at any time in the wild, not to mention zombies. There are many rats on the grassland. Dare to fight against humans, but they like to steal crops. Every time it's harvest time, these mice will appear and eat all the food that humans sow.

If you come and go, you can’t support yourself by farming. It’s better to choose a fishing and hunting lifestyle. Since it’s close to the sea, go fishing. There are many wild animals in the grasslands and forests. As long as you can return from hunting, it’s easy to support a family. If it doesn't work, I can dig wild vegetables and pick wild fruits in the mountains, and I can barely make ends meet.

Therefore, when Li Gui dropped the grain in the yard, the family would leave here with gratitude. Twenty catties of flour was a reward they had never imagined.

Li Gui drove the car to the yard, pulled out the key, and then wandered around the base with a bag of flour. Of course, he would not kindly give food to others. The reason why he went shopping in the base was because Find the right woman.

Li Gui could see the situation in this base. It was very poor and lacked food. For the people here, as long as they could get food, they could do anything!

Ever since, Li Gui had a bad idea. Since he has so much food in his hands, why not enjoy it?

In the end, Li Gui found a barely clean looking woman on the street. She was wearing simple clothes, which had been worn so many times that even her arms and calves could not be covered, revealing her clothes The white skin underneath.

"You, come with me. I have food here. Serve me well tonight. The food on me is yours!" Li Gui said directly.

When the woman saw that there was food to be earned, she immediately became happy, stood up, and tried to puff up her chest, trying to make herself look more attractive, and said: "Dear sir, I am happy to serve you, please Believe me, I am a qualified servant!"

Li Gui smiled triumphantly, and then took the woman back to the yard. First, he ate and drank, and then, taking advantage of the night, he vented his anger on the female slave who had just succeeded in the transaction. He hadn't touched a woman for a long time. Li Gui is very hungry, and at this moment, all the beautiful life he dreamed of have come true.

With sufficient food, Li Gui can make others humiliate him, and he can make transactions if he takes a fancy to a pretty good woman. There is no such a good life before the end, and the prices offered by those women standing on the street are very high. High.

"Hehe, Shen Feng, you didn't expect that after leaving you, I would live such a happy life!" Li Gui thought silently in his heart.

However, not long after Li Gui vented his anger and fell into a deep sleep, the door of the yard was suddenly opened, and a group of people tiptoed into the yard. After opening the door, they quietly approached Li Gui.

Li Gui knew nothing about all this, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was enjoying life in his dream.

Suddenly, someone stretched out his hand and covered Li Gui's mouth and nose. This person had a piece of cloth in his hand, and there was a lot of ether on it. This is a very powerful drug, as long as you inhale it, you can Caused a coma, Li Gui suddenly woke up and was about to struggle, but he had already inhaled ether, his nerves were affected, and he eventually lost consciousness.

"Hmph, I thought he was some kind of great person. Thanks to the fact that I brought so many people here, it seems that he is vulnerable now. I really don't know how he came across the strait from Tasmania. Yes!" The leader sneered, and the rest of the assassins also laughed.

Then someone lit a candle, and the room became brighter. A man and a woman were lying on the bed, both naked.

At this time, the woman began to dress slowly, not caring about the eyes of these people around her.

The leader of the assassins then nodded and said to the woman: "You did a good job. It seems that it is true that the hero is sad and beautiful. If there is another person like this next time, you need to continue to cooperate!"

The woman put on her clothes and said calmly: "You are the leader of the base, we must obey the leader's instructions, what should we do with this person? Should we kill him? It would be a waste of food if we stay here."

It turned out that after Li Gui entered the base, he had already fallen into a trap. For the people in this base, it was of course a good thing if a fat sheep came to their door. The leader, he is also envious of this cart of supplies, if he can get the supplies, then he can enjoy it for a while.

In the end, the leader of the base decided to use the beauty trap first, let this strange strong man consume his energy first, and then quietly appear by himself when he was tired. If it succeeds, then it can only be fought with real swords and guns.

In order to be safe, the leader specially brought more than 30 elite men with rifles in their hands. If the plan fails, they will go to war. It is not easy for thirty people to fight one person.

It's a pity that the leader finally came to the bedside smoothly, and a rag solved the fat sheep.

"Shut up first, and find out his details before we talk!" The leader said lightly.

After finishing speaking, the leader came to the yard and asked his men to prepare to move supplies: "Start moving, send all these good things to my castle, what the hell, I thought he was a strong man, no Easy to deal with, now it seems that it is a fledgling!"

Chicks have similar meanings in both Eastern and Western cultures, that is, unworldly rookies. The reason is also very simple. Chicks have never seen the world and do not understand any rules, so they are the easiest to be targeted. This word The derogatory meaning of is even more serious than the term vegetable chicken.

When Li Gui woke up slowly, he found that his surroundings were in darkness and he couldn't see anything clearly. He didn't understand what happened, so he struggled quickly and was about to get up, but when he moved, there was a "crash!" Voice, after careful inspection, I found that my hands and feet were tied with iron chains, and the other end of the iron chains was a pillar. Even an evolutionary, it is impossible to break free from the iron chains tied to the pillars.

"Which bastard did it, let me go!" Li Gui yelled out in fear.

For Li Gui, he could only experience the transformation from heaven to hell on this day. He was obviously the number one person with countless wealth before, but after half a day, he was already tied up by iron chains The next step is to be slaughtered by others. This kind of contrast from heaven to hell makes it difficult for him to accept.

At this time, there was a "squeak" sound from above. It seemed that the heavy door was opened, and then a fire appeared. Someone came in from the outside holding an oil lamp. This group of people was wearing clean clothes. The shape is also very strong, which is different from the yellow and thin guys I saw in the base before.

The man in the lead looks very handsome, in his thirties, with a beard that has been neatly trimmed, with a top hat on his head, and a gentle smile on his face. After seeing Li Gui wake up, , and then said, "Let me introduce myself, I am Franklin, the owner of this base, Fat Sheep, no, a friend who came from afar, what is your name? Also, why did you appear here?"

Li Gui quickly said: "My name is An Genuo, you must have arrested the wrong person, I never knew you, and I didn't offend you, did I?"

Franklin smiled and said: "That's right, we didn't know each other before, but who told you to hold so many supplies? If you were a real strong man, I wouldn't do anything to you, but now , you seem to be in danger, I only need to give an order, and someone can kill you, and then put you in a gasoline tank, fill it with cement and throw it into the sea. At that time, who would know that you were killed by me? "

Li Gui trembled all over immediately. He didn't expect to encounter such a thing. This place is obviously a base, so why does it seem to be a den of robbers now? Also, isn't the cement murder case only heard of in stories? Why is it happening to me now?

Fortunately, Li Gui is very clever, he heard the clue in Franklin's words, that is the strong man! Therefore, Li Gui immediately began to threaten: "You better let me go, I have two companions, they are all supernatural beings, they are coming towards this base, I am a pathfinder, if I disappear If not, they will definitely not let you go."

"Supernatural beings?" Franklin frowned immediately when he heard this, and then asked: "Which two supernatural beings? Tell me their names. I know all the supernatural beings in Australia. If you belong to them , how could I not know?"

Li Gui continued: "They are not supernatural beings from Australia, but supernatural beings from distant China. Do you know the news about the multinational fleet salvaging meteorites before? Two supernatural beings failed to catch up with the fleet. They ended up living in Tasmania, and they and I are brothers!"

"Names! I'm asking you their names!" Franklin said coldly.

"They are called Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi respectively! Both are powerful supernatural beings who can kill you with just a flick of a finger!" Li Gui also went crazy, he could say anything to survive.

"Continue to close him, don't starve him to death, wait for me to inquire about the news, I don't know that other supernatural beings have appeared in Australia." Franklin did not kill the guy in front of him in the end, and this Angenor is not a big problem , but if there are really two supernatural beings behind him, he has to be careful.

Li Gui watched a group of people leave the secret room from the stairs. He was in despair, and he asked frantically in his heart: "Why? Why aren't they afraid of supernatural beings? Why don't they let me go? Am I going to Is it finished?"

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