Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 455 Centennial Orchid

Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi brought the two photographers to the edge of the desert non-stop, and found the place where the mutated plants had been attacked before. First, let the photographer stand in the distance and set up the camera. The next step is to attract the mutated plants to appear.

Yue Hengyi volunteered and said, "Brother Feng, I'm going to attract mutated plants. You can support me by the side. I'll wear a mask. Even if I'm dragged under the sand, I won't suffocate."

Shen Feng shook his head and replied: "Leave this matter to me. You stand aside and watch. Although you can protect yourself, you can't catch mutant plants. I'm different. I can give sand to you." Blow away! In the desert, I am stronger!"

Holding a machete in his hand, Yue Hengyi stood aside and said, "Brother Feng, be careful, if you need my support, I will come right away as soon as you give an order! I didn't have a weapon in my hand before, and I couldn't stop cutting vines, but now it's different. I have a knife in my hand, looking at the vines is nothing!"

Shen Feng nodded, and then walked back and forth on the sand that was attacked. At this time, the smell of gasoline could still be smelled in the air. Before Shen Feng used gasoline to scare away the mutated plants in the ground, but the gasoline was not fully burned. , and gasoline is also volatile, so within a short period of time, the smell of gasoline is also lingering.

Shen Feng walked back and forth on the sand under the scorching sun. He knew that the mutated plants in the ground rely on vibrations to find prey. As long as they walk on the sand, there will be vibrations, so Shen Feng is walking non-stop, hoping It was the only thing he could do to create enough vibrations to finally attract the underground mutated plants to appear.

Yue Hengyi watched patiently from the side, but couldn't help but wonder: "Why hasn't this thing appeared after two hours? Could it be that mutant plants will also escape? It shouldn't be, mutant plants can't be random. Just move."

Shen Feng has been walking on the sandy ground since noon. Within a range of several hundred meters, Shen Feng walked round and round, and the shape of a football field came out. In the hot summer, the sweat on Shen Feng's body continued to drip , and there was still no movement on the ground.

The cameraman was also tired. He thought he would be able to capture some amazing pictures, but the camera was turned on for a long time, but nothing was captured. In order to save power, he had to turn off the camera and turn on the camera when he could see the monster.

Shen Feng also couldn't stand the scorching heat, so he could only ask Yue Hengyi to throw a bottle of water over from a distance. After drinking the water, he finally felt better.

Shen Feng also has the idea of ​​giving up. It seems that his previous thinking was a little naive. He thought that as long as someone appeared in the desert, the mutated plants would start to act. Now it seems that it is not what he imagined at all. The mutated plants are also picky. food.

"Is it because of the ultraviolet rays? The underground plants are afraid of the sun above their heads, so they dare not appear? Yes, it is very likely that this is the case. The heart of the plant I encountered before is like this. It is still broad daylight, and it dare not appear. !” Shen Feng figured this out.

Afterwards, Shen Feng walked towards the sand dunes. On the sand dunes in the distance, the car was parked on it, and Yue Hengyi and the photographer were also here. Shen Feng was going to tell Yue Hengyi the conclusion after his thinking, and rest for a few hours first. In short, Wait until after dark before proceeding.

"Xiaoyue, I found a problem, that is sunlight..." Shen Feng said as he walked.

No, at this moment, Yue Hengyi saw a raised part that suddenly appeared on the ground, his expression changed, and he shouted: "Be careful, mutant plants have appeared!"

Shen Feng was puzzled for a moment, did mutant plants appear? when?

Suddenly, several vines drilled out of the ground, directly tied Shen Feng's legs, grabbed Shen Feng and was about to drag him into the sand, this power is so powerful that Shen Feng is completely unable to resist even a sixth-order supernatural being , which shows that the underground things are huge.

At this time, the sun has moved westward, about five o'clock in the afternoon, but the sun is still very hot. The sun shines on the vines, but the vines do not respond at all, which shows that the underground plants are not afraid of ultraviolet rays.

In an instant, Shen Feng's calf was already dragged into the sand, if it continued, Shen Feng's whole body would also be dragged down.

What Shen Feng wanted was this effect, and he immediately began to cast the ability: "Eye of the Hurricane!"

When the whirlwind appeared, the surrounding sand was continuously blown up, but it took only a moment. The tornado appeared in the desert, and countless sands were rolled up. With Shen Feng as the center, the sand was constantly floating up. On the sand dunes in the distance The three of them also had to grab the car, otherwise their figures would be blown away by the strong wind.

"You two cowards, why don't you hurry up and start filming, how about watching a movie?" Yue Hengyi was very happy to find the mutated plants in the desert again, but when he turned his head, he saw the two photographers squatting in the truck and trembling, and they immediately panicked. Don't be angry, I asked you to come here to shoot a video, the more shocking the better, the more attractive the better, but now, these two people hide their heads with their heads in their arms, are they so timid?

When the photographers heard Yue Hengyi's words, they could only reluctantly turn on the camera and began to shoot the dragon whirlwind in the distance. In their eyes, a huge pillar appeared out of nowhere in the desert, and countless sands were rolled up and gathered in the past. Where is the change that human power can cause? Obviously only natural disasters can cause this situation.

After the photographer saw Shen Feng's strength with his own eyes, he no longer dared to underestimate Shen Feng. The supernatural being is so powerful that he even accomplished the feat of summoning a tornado by himself.

Shen Feng has been staring at his feet. He can see the sand under his feet being blown away and rolled up. The vines are still grabbing him down, and the speed is getting faster and faster. Obviously, Shen Feng will see you soon It's the body of the mutated plant.

"Before Lu Zhengqi said that it was like seeing a big octopus, so the tentacles are obviously vines. For a big octopus, there is also a head. That is to say, the mutant plant also has a body. This body is the best. He has an IQ, otherwise, the follow-up plan will be affected!" Shen Feng thought silently in his heart.

The tornado lasted for half an hour, and a 50-meter deep pit appeared in the desert. It was already close to the soil layer, and the surrounding sand became moist, which indicated that there was also a water source underground.

Finally, Shen Feng saw a touch of green from the ground, which is where the vines finally connected.

"I found you! Let's see where you can run!" Shen Feng lifted his spirits, and immediately controlled the whirlwind to move to one side, and then summoned countless wind blades, which fell straight down, and started to attack the mutated plants that had just emerged .

"Shua, Shua, Shua...", three thousand wind blades fell, and immediately cut the mutated plants into pieces. The mutated plants waved vines, trying to block the wind blades from attacking themselves, but unfortunately, the vines could not block the sharp wind blades at all. , the wind blade falls, no matter how many vines are cut off.

Yue Hengyi watched the battle from the sidelines and saw it most clearly. He could see dozens of long vines appearing in the air, waving all over the sky, like an octopus slapping the surface of the water, but these vines could not stop the invisible wind blade, Cut off one by one, the vines fell on the sand and could no longer move.

Yue Hengyi was also in charge of the temporary commentary at this time. After all, he was making a video. If he didn't say anything, the audience would not understand, so he said directly: "Please look, everyone, the person in the pit is my elder brother Shen Feng, he He is the world's first sixth-level supernatural person, powerful enough to clean up a mutant plant, and the huge thing below looks like an onion, layer by layer, this is a mutant plant, if If it only wields vines, it will definitely be defeated in the end."

Shen Feng controlled the wind blade to cut off the vines in the sky one by one. In the end, there was only a big green lump left in the pit, which looked round and connected to the roots, which were deeply rooted in the soil. , and in the surrounding sand, the sand was blown away, leaving behind white bones. It is hard to imagine how many people this thing has eaten.

"If you don't want to die, then cooperate with me honestly!" Shen Feng said, pointing at the chubby plants.

At this time, the plant opened tremblingly, and a hole was suddenly opened on the top of the round plant, and then separated to the sides. After a closer look, it was discovered that these were actually two huge leaves, which looked very strange. It looks hypertrophic, and after the leaf is opened, there is a sarcoma in the center of the leaf, and a hole is cracked on the sarcoma.

"If you don't want to die, then cooperate with me honestly." The opening on the sarcoma kept opening and closing, and there was a sound.

"Damn, you still dare to imitate me?" Shen Feng was a little angry, feeling that this thing in front of him was provoking him.

"Damn, you still dare to learn how to speak from me?" Sarcoma continued to imitate Shen Feng.

Shen Feng was very helpless in the face of this thing. It seemed that normal communication was impossible. It takes a thought, and these wind blades will fall from the sky.

When the wind blade condensed, the sarcoma seemed to feel something, and the two blades began to tremble, and was very afraid of the wind blade. After the battle just now, the sarcoma knew that there was an invisible attack in the sky that could kill it .

Shen Feng continued: "If you don't want to die, then be honest and obedient, I won't kill you!"

At this time, the sarcoma was shaking up and down, as if nodding in agreement.

Shen Feng waved his hand towards the sand dunes in the distance, and shouted: "Success! I've already caught this thing, and I'm ready to take it away!"

The car didn't dare to go down into the deep pit, so Yue Hengyi had no choice but to slide straight down from the sand dune with a photographer. After sliding for more than 100 meters, he finally reached the bottom.

"Brother Feng, don't you be joking? Such a big plant has a diameter of five meters, and the car must not be able to fit it. It is not easy to take it away!" Yue Hengyi said hastily.

Shen Feng pointed to the sarcoma in the center of the leaf, and said, "Just take this sarcoma away. My plant heart in Yuzhou is like this."

Yue Hengyi nodded, grabbed the machete and approached the mutated plant. As a result, the leaves of the mutated plant suddenly closed again, forming a huge sphere, and they didn't say anything to open it.

"Can you hide? You are too big. Our car can't take you away. Just be good and give me a knife. Otherwise, I'm going to be tough!" Yue Hengyi was very dissatisfied, Now that this mutated plant still wants to avoid it, it's wishful thinking.

Suddenly, the mutated plant changed, and small holes appeared on the thick leaves, and a lot of clear water was discharged from the small holes.

"Ah, if this thing urinates, will plants also urinate?" Yue Hengyi was puzzled when he saw this scene. Animals were scared to urinate, but now he was able to scare plants into urinating. It's really far away from the world.

Shen Feng looked at this scene with a frown, and suddenly understood, nodded and said: "I understand, this thing also has an IQ, it knows that we despise it for being too big, so it drains all the water from its body on purpose. Come on, it will get thinner."

The change of things is exactly as Shen Feng predicted. When the leaves of the plant drain a lot of water, their volume shrinks instantly, and finally the diameter becomes two meters. The leaves shrink a lot, and the size can already be taken away. up.

"This weight loss method is unique, and it can be done easily. It would be great if this method can be extended to human beings." Yue Hengyi couldn't help but said while watching this scene.

For human beings, the most painful thing is to lose weight. It takes a long time to persist to succeed. Once you relax, you will rebound. Moreover, for obese people, many times, they will encounter supercilious glances in society. It seems that obesity is inherently Incorrect.

Afterwards, Yue Hengyi started to cut off the roots of the huge sphere of the plant, and began to climb up while holding the sphere of the plant, and tied it in the bucket to return.

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