Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 456: Prayer Attack 1

After returning to the base on the mountain, Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi first had to rest. They hadn't slept for two days, and if they didn't rest, their bodies couldn't take it anymore.

The mutated plant brought back by Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi was placed directly under a sycamore tree. Watch around.

Sloat could feel that he had seen this kind of plant somewhere, with two leaves, and it could still live in the desert, so he thought about it carefully, and suddenly, he had the answer in his heart: "This is a plant from Africa. Suilan, I didn't expect to have wisdom after the mutation!"

Centennial orchid itself is native to Africa, and it is a very drought-tolerant plant in the desert. Another name is the result of exaggeration, that is millennial orchid. It is said that it can live a thousand years, but this is just a legend. Many people believe that they can live a hundred years, but it is an exaggeration to live a thousand years.

Centennial Orchid only has two leaves, but it looks like a messy one. The reason is very simple, that is, the leaves of Centennial Orchid will continue to grow, and the leaves that have grown before are split and look like many leaves. Like piled together.

After the centenarian orchid mutated, the two large leaves became a protective layer covering the sarcoma of the body. As for the small leaves that were split before, they turned into vines, grabbing food everywhere.

Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi slept for six hours, and then got up. For the two of them, making big news is more important, so the action must continue.

"It took seven days to recover a big city, and now it has been a day and a half! Time waits for no one, let's go!" Shen Feng said hastily.

Yue Hengyi also nodded quickly, and looked at his watch. It was already three o'clock in the afternoon. The two rushed back from the desert overnight and slept for a while. Unexpectedly, it was three o'clock, and every minute and every second of time is very important. !

"Photographer, photographer, act quickly!" Yue Hengyi found two photographers who were still sleeping, woke up and went down the mountain with preparations.

The photographer felt that he had suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck. If he had known about it, he would not have gone to shoot. He had seen a tornado in the desert before, but he hadn’t had a good rest yet, and he was about to go to a place full of zombies to shoot. Millions of zombies, if they are surrounded, they will die!

It's a pity that the photographer couldn't ignore Yue Hengyi's threat. Generally, no one could refuse the request of the supernatural being. The price of refusing was very expensive, so they could only reluctantly follow suit.

"Conquer the city within seven days, then quickly upload the video to me, quickly gain popularity, and let as many people as possible see it. It's a pity that there is no navy company in Doomsday. Otherwise, it would be very easy for this video to become top stream Already!" Shen Feng said excitedly.

"Only those who can make money can be regarded as sailors. If you can't make money now, who will be a navy!" Yue Hengyi shrugged and said.

What Yue Hengyi said is very reasonable, why is the water army prevalent before the end of the day? Even a little shit about celebrities eating, drinking, and messing up can be trending? Isn't it because there is money to be made, as long as you retweet or click to make money, who wouldn't want to do such a good job? As for what kind of reaction these hot searches will cause, the navy doesn't care about these, and it's over to make money.

Since there is no navy in Doomsday, there is only one way to make a big enough noise on the Internet, which is to become famous with real skills.

Elites all over the world are paying attention to the international situation. If something that can change the world appears, then more people will click on it. Shen Feng has grasped this mentality of others and is going to do a big thing within a week. As long as a city is recovered within seven days, there must be a lot of people paying attention to it.

Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi took the mutated plants and prepared to set off. The photographer followed behind them, as well as Mr. Slotke and Lu Zhengqi, who also followed to watch the battle.

Slotke's meaning is simple: "I want to see with my own eyes how powerful mutant plants are! I have never seen how powerful mutant plants are."

Shen Feng said directly: "I won't object if you want to follow, but if an accident happens accidentally, I may not be able to protect you!"

"It doesn't matter. This plant is centenarian, which is suitable for growing in the desert. If it can really eliminate zombies, I hope it can be planted on a large scale in Australia. In this way, with the protection of centenarian, Australia will It will become the safest continent in the world!" Sloter said hastily.

For such an idea, Shen Feng could only shrug his shoulders, thinking that such an idea is really whimsical. Mutant plants can eat zombies without any problem, so cannibalism is even less of a problem. When the zombies are eaten up, human beings will become centenarians. Lan's food, the old man didn't even understand such a simple truth.

A group of people drove to the outskirts of Freemantle. Looking at the zombies wandering in the city, many people felt fear in their hearts, especially the two photographers. The cameras on their shoulders were already shaking. Frightened by a million zombies.

"Look at your prospects! You're so cowardly, you're afraid of such a few zombies. I think we won the battle against more than 100 million zombies. What are you afraid of!" Yue Hengyi pointed to the two photographers.

The two photographers replied with mournful faces: "Two heroes, we have seen the video of you fighting in Yanjing, but at that time you had an army of one million, and there were tall walls and fighter jets bombing. Now we have nothing but There is nothing other than this plant, which is completely incomparable!"

"It's enough to have this centennial orchid here!" Shen Feng patted the two-meter-long sphere beside him, and said, "Go ahead, eat all the zombies in the city, you have to grow up quickly !"

Shen Feng pinned his hopes on the mutated Centennial Lan by his side. Whether he can complete the scheduled plan or not depends entirely on this Centennial Lan!

Centennial Orchid also seemed to understand Shen Feng's words, and long rhizomes suddenly grew from the roots. These rhizomes were stuck in the ground and began to absorb the water in the ground. It was also expanding rapidly, and finally turned into a big guy with a diameter of five meters again.

Immediately afterwards, the two leaves of the Centennial Orchid opened. These two leaves are the life-saving cards of the Centennial Orchid. A large amount of water and energy are stored in the leaves. In a dry environment, the Centennial Orchid depends entirely on the body Leaves hold on.

After absorbing enough water, the two leaves of Centennial Orchid began to elongate, and soon grew to a length of more than ten meters. As they grew, the leaves began to split. After splitting, the leaves turned into vines. A vine grew on the leaves, and these vines were still waving, but they couldn't reach the zombies in the distance.

"Xiaoyue, help it!" Seeing that the orchid couldn't catch the zombies, Shen Feng couldn't help it. It seems that the orchid's growth has a limit. Tens of meters away, the vines are completely Can't get enough.

Yue Hengyi thought for a while, then sat in the car and honked frantically: "Didi..."

If someone with road rage appears here and hears the sound of honking the horn so frequently, he must be furious. When driving on the road, the most annoying thing is to hear the sound of the horn. As long as you hear the sound of the horn, Then there will be endless anger in my heart immediately, and my blood will surge up in an instant.

The zombies in the city also heard the sound of the whistle. The zombies who hadn't eaten fresh meat for almost two years rushed over excitedly after hearing the sound of the whistle from outside the city.

The zombies roared as they charged back and forth, calling for friends and rushing towards the outside of the city, forming a small wave of corpses in an instant.

When the photographer saw this scene, his legs trembled uncontrollably, but seeing that Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi on one side did not respond, he could only suppress the fear in his heart, and pointed the camera at the mutated plants and the wave of corpses in the distance respectively .

After the tide of corpses rushed over, it happened to be within the attack range of Centennial Orchid. Within the attack range of tens of meters, the ground was covered with waving vines. The rushing zombies were directly caught by the vines, and then sent to Centennial Lan's On the side of the body.

Dozens of rhizomes suddenly drilled out of the roots of the centenarian orchid, and they got in along the mouth and nose of the zombies. The rhizomes kept moving through the skin, and in just an instant, the blood in these zombies was sucked dry. , Zombies died one after another, got enough blood, Centennial Orchid's body swelled even more, and the vines grew longer.

A tide of thousands of corpses formed, rushing towards Bai Suilan and the six people around him, but the number of zombies captured by Bai Suilan was only a few dozen, which had little effect on the tide of corpses.

Shen Feng saw that he couldn't do it. Bai Suilan didn't seem to be good at dealing with crowds of people, so he quickly said to Yue Hengyi: "Xiao Yue, control the speed, don't let the zombies rush over too fast!"

Yue Hengyi has no other skills, only one trick, but one trick is fresh, and he eats it all over the world! As long as this trick works, it will work everywhere in the world. Yue Hengyi rushed forward and cast his supernatural power: "1.5 times the gravity field!"

The order Yue Hengyi received was to prevent the zombies from approaching, not to kill them. This was much simpler. He only needed to create a stronger gravity field to stop the zombies from advancing.

The zombie entered the range of Yue Hengyi's gravity field, and suddenly felt heavy all over his body. Even lifting his feet became difficult. It seemed that there were tens of kilograms of weight pressing on him. It was very difficult to move, and he could only step by step. move forward.

With Yue Hengyi controlling the speed, Bai Suilan's next attack method became easier. As long as countless vines grabbed the zombie, they would immediately pull back to her side. Next, the rhizomes drilled into the zombie's body and began to suck blood. Time passed, and a hill composed of hundreds of zombies appeared under the body of the Centennial Orchid, and the Centennial Orchid now had a diameter of eight or nine meters, which was even larger than what was seen in the desert.

Shen Feng calculated the time, and immediately began to frown: "This seems a bit slow, I can only eat 50,000 to 60,000 zombies a day, the speed is not good!"

Just when Shen Feng finished saying this, the centenarian orchid also changed at this time. The sarcoma in the center of the two leaves of the centenarian orchid suddenly grew eyes. It was a single eye, and it was looking around. And a curious look.

"Damn, are all the mutations of these plants the same? How come this thing has eyes?" Shen Feng saw an eye suddenly appearing on the sarcoma, and immediately thought of the laboratory in Yuzhou, and As for a mutated plant, up to now, Shen Feng still doesn't know what mutated plant it is. It not only possesses the strong vitality of Selaginella cypress, but also can hunt prey like pitcher plant.

"After mutating, plants have self-awareness and want to understand the world, so they make the same choices as animals. They grow eyes to observe and grow mouths to communicate. If I'm not wrong, this sarcoma In it, there is also a brain! This is convergent evolution, if you want to have consciousness, you must first have a brain.” Sloter explained to Shen Feng.

Lu Zhengqi quickly translated these contents, ready to explain Bai Suilan's current situation.

Shen Feng looked at the old man in surprise, and said, "I didn't expect that you know something about the convergent evolution of living things."

Shen Feng would not be surprised if Professor Niu or Li Keyi had mentioned the situation of Centennial Orchid, but now, an old man who studies meteorology can see that Centennial Orchid has chosen convergent evolution. easy.

"I just read a few more books, it's nothing." Hearing Shen Feng's praise, the old man seemed a little embarrassed.

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