Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 482: Encountering The Natives Again

When morning came, Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi got up early, took Lu Zhengqi to carry fresh water and food, and prepared to leave Fremantle, but the pier was full of farewell people, these people held banners and smiled on their faces, There were even two separate girls holding flower garlands for Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi to wear.

Of course, it is impossible for Shen Feng to meet casually in this kind of battle. The reason why so many people are sending Shen Feng off is because of Wang Jiao'e's organization. For Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi's departure, it is natural to work hard. On the issue of face, we must take it seriously and let Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi leave gracefully.

Ever since, Wang Jiao'e mobilized most of the survivors in the city, and more than 30,000 survivors stood on the pier and cheered continuously.

Wearing a garland, Shen Feng looked at the group of people on the pier, and showed off to Yue Hengyi: "Look, my plan has succeeded!"

"Hehe, it's a big loss to exchange a precious and practical supernatural potion for cheers from others!" Yue Hengyi said mercilessly.

"Yes, I think that if I come here again in the future, I will definitely receive a warm welcome." Shen Feng said with a smile.

"Come on, I won't come to this broken place in my next life. I wish I could stay in China every day and stay with Qin Kewei!" Yue Hengyi couldn't help urging Shen Feng to set off, and returning to China as soon as possible is the right way thing.

Shen Feng shrugged his shoulders and showed his power, Yue Hengyi pulled up the anchor, Lu Zhengqi hurriedly lowered the sail, the sail swelled up, and soon, the ship sailed towards the distance, Shen Feng steered the helm, not daring to stay away from the coastline, and not daring to be special Approaching, driving along the west side of the Australian mainland.

With the existence of Shen Feng's ability, the journey must be smooth. Lu Zhengqi looked at the port that had gone away, and couldn't help but shed tears in his eyes. He knew that he would probably never come back here again. In the future, I can no longer see the amiable leader and a bunch of friends in the base.

When Yue Hengyi has nothing to do, he fishes on a big boat. The speed of a sailboat is no faster than that of a steamship. The speed basically depends on the wind. Fishing on a sailboat is the only pastime.

While driving the boat, Shen Feng asked Yue Hengyi: "Xiao Yue, you made a bet with me before that if I killed the corpse king, you would give me a surprise, so what, surprise?"

Yue Hengyi pointed to the cabin and said, "I know you like to read comics, so I found a lot of comic books and put them on the boat for you. How about it? This is a big surprise, right?"

As soon as Shen Feng heard that there were comics to read, he immediately became happy, waved to Lu Zhengqi, and said, "Boy, come and take the helm, I'm going to read comics."

Lu Zhengqi didn't dare to disobey the order, so he quickly took over Shen Feng's position and took the helm to let the ship move forward. He was also afraid that he would run aground and run aground, so he could only carefully observe his surroundings. Fortunately, the wind direction was always under Shen Feng's control. If you change, you will not encounter danger.

The sailboat is made of a mixture of new materials and wooden boards, which seems to be in line with the theme of environmental protection. The cabin is not big or small. In addition to storing supplies, the rest can only sleep three people, but not when sleeping Turn over, otherwise you will touch the other person's body.

Shen Feng saw a cardboard box in the cabin, opened it, and found that it was indeed a comic book. When he was about to read it carefully, he suddenly found that the comic books were all in English. Shen Feng could only be blinded now. If you don't know the content by looking at the picture, who can understand it?

"Xiaoyue, I was deceived by your kid. What's the so-called surprise? It's all in English, can I understand it?" Shen Feng walked out of the cabin and said angrily.

Yue Hengyi smiled and said, "I can't help it. Where can I read Chinese comics abroad? If there are Chinese, I can read the comics by myself. Why should I go fishing?"

Shen Feng thought about it, and chose to go fishing. It is better not to read comics that he does not understand, so as not to be confused after reading them. Although the two of them do not lack food and do not need fish to supplement protein, they can be entertained on the boat. The only way is to put on a sun hat, take off your shoes and sit by the boat, and start fishing.

The waves turn up from time to time, the sea water will cover the soles of the two people's feet, and the fish are often hooked. The edible fish are killed by Shen Feng, cut open and hung on the boat to dry, and the inedible fish are handed over to Yue Hengyi. Yue Hengyi kicked him away.

During the period of sailing at sea, Lu Zhengqi has been living with Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi. With enough protein supplements, his body has grown stronger.

Finally, after nine days, the three of them arrived at Cape York in the north of Australia. From here to the north is the island of New Guinea, which can be regarded as entering Southeast Asia, and Lu Zhengqi also needs to disembark at this time.

When preparing to say goodbye, Shen Feng found three centenarian fruits from his body, handed them to Lu Zhengqi, and said, "Boy, there is nothing I can give you. These three fruits are good things to save your life. From now on Whether you live or die depends on your luck!"

Shen Feng is not optimistic that Lu Zhengqi will be able to reach Cairns. It is still hundreds of kilometers away from Cairns. Whether it is in the forest or in the grassland, it is full of dangers, especially for Australia, where the rich are basically rich. Even without the power to protect the people, this is a poor country. It is impossible for a fourteen-year-old boy to go home without encountering danger.

Of course, it is impossible for Shen Feng to give the supernatural potion as a gift. He did not see any potential worth investing in Lu Zhengqi, so it is impossible to use the precious supernatural potion on him. I can give the fruit of the centennial orchid as a gift.

Although this fruit can save lives at critical moments, it is not particularly valuable to Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi. At their level, the danger that can threaten their lives cannot be solved by this fruit, and ordinary difficulties , It's not a problem for the two of them, for them, the fruit of the centennial orchid is tasteless.

Lu Zhengqi took the three fruits, and when he came to the shore, he put down his backpack, knelt on the ground and kowtowed, and said while kowtowing: "Two heroes from China, I am very young and have no skills, but you I will remember the help you have given me, and if I become stronger in the future, I will definitely repay you."

Shen Feng didn't respond, but Yue Hengyi sighed: "Boy, we didn't help you because we need your rewards, but because of your courage. In short, you can do it yourself, and see you later!"

Shen Feng then used his ability to drive the boat, and the sailboat sailed into the vast sea, heading towards New Guinea in the north.

Yue Hengyi can only say goodbye by fate. After all, in the apocalypse, maybe you will never see your friends again when you turn around. Just like Hou Xiaohua and Ke Yiming who went to sea together before, when they went to sea, everyone was full of spirits. Now, There are only a few who can go back.

Lucas kept waving at the distant sailboat on the shore until he could no longer see anyone, then picked up the backpack on the ground and headed towards the southern city.

"Just wait and see, I will definitely become a strong man like you, and I will succeed!" Lucas thought silently in his heart.

On Shen Feng's side, sailing is heading towards New Guinea. There are too many islands in Southeast Asia. As long as you go in a specific direction, you will not lose your way. If you are in the ocean, you will be surrounded by boundless cities. It is the ocean, and there is no reference point. When a big wave hits, you will not know the north, south, east, west, and north. That is the real desperate situation.

"Brother Feng, I heard that there are also natives in New Guinea, do you know?" Yue Hengyi asked first.

Shen Feng nodded and said, "I know, what's wrong?"

"I heard that they can eat people! Is it true?" Yue Hengyi continued to ask.

Shen Feng shrugged, shook his head and replied: "There must have been in the past, but after entering a civilized society, such things should no longer exist, trust my judgment!"

Shen Feng had also heard of the savage tribe in New Guinea, but cannibalism was a century ago. How could such a thing happen in the 21st century?

"Brother Feng, don't forget that in Tasmania we encountered human flesh factories, and now, in this kind of tribe with a tradition of cannibalism, and it is still in the end, they are likely to resume the custom of cannibalism. "Yue Hengyi quickly explained.

"What are you trying to say? At most, we go ashore to find fresh water and food, and we don't need to deal with the natives. Why do you always care about these natives?" Shen Feng asked while fishing.

Yue Hengyi smiled at this time, and explained: "Brother Feng, I heard that New Guinea has a lot of fruits. Why don't we stay for two more days? Didn't you find the fruit illustrations? Go ashore and eat fruits. It's just a good time to supplement vitamins." .”

Only then did Shen Feng understand Yue Hengyi's meaning. It turned out that he didn't want to visit the indigenous tribes, but was greedy and wanted to eat fruits. Warm, the fruits that grow are very sweet, and there are many kinds of food that can be eaten. After passing through Southeast Asia, how can I feel worthy of this trip if I don’t eat more fruits?

"Since you've said that, then go ashore and have a look. It's a good time to store fresh water. As for whether you can find fruit, it's hard to say." Shen Feng shrugged, which was considered to have satisfied Yue Hengyi's request.

Previously, Shen Feng thought that Yue Hengyi would hurry up and return home, but now that Yue Hengyi didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, Shen Feng was naturally willing to accompany him.

When it was dark, Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi came to the west coast of New Guinea. They tied the boat in the nearby mangrove forest and found a place to light a fire for cooking after landing.

"Brother Feng, come, try the pimple soup I cooked!" Yue Hengyi enthusiastically brought a bowl of pimple soup to Shen Feng. Yue Hengyi didn't know other dishes, but he learned how to cook pimple soup these days Although soup is simple to make, it is not bad to be able to cook it from knowing nothing about cooking.

Shen Feng looked at the pimple soup in front of him, and said helplessly: "I admit that you can cook, pimple soup is a must, but you can't eat it every day! Can you change the taste?"

"Tomorrow, tomorrow! We'll go look for fruits when the sun breaks. Did you bring the illustrated book with you?" Yue Hengyi quickly promised that we would go to pick fruits tomorrow.

However, at this moment, there was the sound of leaves rubbing against each other in the distance, and Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi immediately became aware that something was moving in the woods not far away!

"Could it be that the mutant beast is here? Oh, it looks like there's going to be an extra meal tonight!" Yue Hengyi said to himself.

Shen Feng listened attentively, but heard a lot of voices, and couldn't help but say, "If it's really a mutant beast, there are quite a lot of them, and there's no end to the extra meals."

The two sat quietly beside the fire, ready to fight at any time, Yue Hengyi was carrying a long knife, Shen Feng was carrying a dagger, ready to fight at any time.

However, when the two were sitting quietly waiting for the danger to come, a dozen brown-skinned people wearing grass skirts rushed out of the woods. These people were wearing grass skirts and naked to the waist, facing Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi who were having dinner. He rushed over directly, making strange voices while rushing back.

"Damn, savage! Xiaoyue, your crow's mouth is showing power!" Shen Feng saw the scene in front of him, and immediately reacted. It turned out that the one running in the woods just now was not a wild beast, but a local aborigine.

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