Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 483 The Prophet

Seeing a group of guys in grass skirts rushing out of the woods, Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi immediately recognized them. Isn't this the aboriginal people they were talking about during the day? I didn't expect to see the aborigines at night, and these aboriginals appeared here, mostly to grab food.

Seeing this, Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi both drank the pimple soup in the bowl in unison. The most important thing is to replenish their physical strength. If they fight with these aboriginals later, they really have no time to eat.

However, at this moment, after a group of natives rushed to the edge of the fire, they began to untie the grass skirt without saying a word.

"Damn it, these aboriginals have too much taste, stay away!" Seeing this scene, Shen Feng immediately retreated with his bowl in hand, and Yue Hengyi did the same.

When the two saw the aborigines rushing out, although they were surprised, it was reasonable. The rushing was nothing more than a desire to snatch property. Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi had encountered such a thing before, but now, a group of The aborigines unbuttoned their skirts as soon as they rushed over, and they were all big and three thick men. Could it be that they are here to rob sex?

Seeing this scene, Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi quickly dodged, trying to stay away from these guys.

However, the two people's ideas were obviously wrong, because the group of aborigines then poured water on the fire, and the fire was quickly extinguished under the huge displacement of the dozen or so people.

"Brother Feng, what are these people doing?" Yue Hengyi was immediately confused when he saw the actions of these natives. He built a good fire, why did he put it out?

Shen Feng thought for a while and said: "This must be because the aborigines in the mountains have never seen the world, and they don't even know how to make a fire, so when they saw the flames, they thought it was a scourge, which is very reasonable. They are all one Help the uncivilized savages!"

Before that, Shen Feng often saw the situation of some indigenous tribes in the news, especially on some islands in Southeast Asia. Many primitive tribes did not even know how to drill wood to make fire. Although they entered the Stone Age, they were still primitive societies.

However, when Shen Feng finished speaking, some natives spoke up. Although they spoke awkward Chinese, they could still be understood: "Tourist, please don't say such insulting words. Although we are a little behind, we are not afraid of the flames."

"Brother Feng, it doesn't look like a savage!" Yue Hengyi pointed to the natives and said, "Look, they can also speak Chinese."

Shen Feng was also puzzled, and asked, "Aren't you aboriginals? Why are you wearing grass skirts?"

Some natives spoke up: "We are natives, but we have entered a civilized society long ago. There is no way to wear grass skirts. Now we can't buy clothes, so we can only wear something simpler."

"Then why do you want to extinguish our fire? Since you are not afraid of the flames, let us enjoy the fire. Now it is dark in the woods, and we can't see the surroundings clearly. Or, do you want to take advantage of the darkness? Robbery?" Yue Hengyi continued to ask.

"Two distinguished supernatural beings, the prophet of our tribe wants to see you, so follow us." The leader of the native man said directly.

"Prophet? He wants to see me? Does he know me?" Shen Feng was puzzled. He had just landed ashore not long ago, so his identity was discovered?

"That's right, the Prophet predicted that you two would go ashore yesterday, so we specially asked us to come to greet you. The Prophet knows everything, and the two of you are invited here to help you!" the leader of the natives said hastily.

Yue Hengyi asked Shen Feng in a low voice: "Brother Feng, do you think this matter is reasonable? How can there be a prophet in the world?"

"I don't think it's right, but the identities of our supernatural beings have been recognized, and we have only been ashore for an hour, so it's strange that we were found so easily. Go and see, play by ear!" Shen Feng's My heart is also in a fog, I don't know the identity of the prophet that the aborigines said, so I'm going to have a look.

Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi didn't know what the other party meant, so they planned to go and see first. As for the identity of the prophet in the other party's mouth, Shen Feng didn't think it was true. Many changes not foreseen at all?

While walking, the leader of the natives yelled loudly: "Tourists please follow me, don't litter anywhere, and don't step on the lawn casually, follow me, you can see the best scenery."

Yue Hengyi leaned into Shen Feng's ear and whispered: "I bet this guy was a tour guide before, Brother Feng, do you want to place a bet?"

"Nonsense, can you see it, can't I see it? It's a losing game, why should I bet on him?" Shen Feng said angrily.

In Southeast Asia, the climate here is extremely hot, and the rainy season lasts for a long time. In some places, it is the rainy season for eight or nine months a year, and there are quite a lot of crops that can be planted. However, if you want to develop the economy, it is far from what the planting industry can afford. Since then, Southeast Asia has followed a path, that is, tourism, accepting foreign tourists, and money will naturally come.

Ever since, although the aborigines seem to be very backward, in order to develop the tourism industry, many tour guides can also speak the languages ​​of seven or eight countries. From this aspect, the aboriginals' learning ability is even stronger than that of people in developed countries .

Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi followed the indigenous guides to an extinct volcano. There was a small road passing through a huge rock wall, which seemed to be a crack formed by an earthquake. In the central area, there was a wide area with houses and The farmland just doesn't like lighting. The whole valley relies on moonlight and starlight for lighting.

"Don't you have oil lamps? Lighting a lamp is not difficult, is it?" Shen Feng couldn't help asking.

"The two of you may not be aware of the environment here. In New Guinea, it is not allowed to light up lights at night. Otherwise, monsters will follow the light and attack. Even if we hide in the volcano, local monsters will appear!" The native said quickly.

"By the way, what's your name?" Shen Feng began to ask the tour guide's name.

The tour guide quickly said, "My name is Amiz. This name was originally the name of a weed that blooms in summer. Let's go see the Prophet first."

Walking inside the volcano, there are cliffs all around. Except for the cracks formed by the earthquake, there is no passable road at all. Except for the houses, other places are all farmland. The crops growing in the fields are very lush, but Yue Hengyi does not Know what this is.

In the end, Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi were brought into a closed room with flickering lights. After entering, the two discovered that there was a young man in his twenties sitting in the room. Internet surfing in front of the computer.

"Then what, you are a prophet?" Shen Feng asked in surprise. He thought he was a guy in his seventies and eighties in the room, but he didn't expect that there was a young man sitting there, and he was still surfing the Internet. This prophet is too out of place, right? !

At this time, seeing Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi appearing, the young man quickly turned off the computer and said in Chinese: "I saw the video you posted on the computer before, and I was calculating your distance. Here you are, you came here this evening, my name is Talutz, and I am also a superhuman!"

"Are you a supernatural person? They all call you a prophet. Can you really predict the future?" Yue Hengyi asked in surprise.

Taluci brought two Mudunzi to the two, and after sitting down, he said: "Of course I can't predict the future. They call me a prophet because I can always predict the coming of danger, and I can predict the future ahead of time." Dodging, once or twice, everyone still thinks it is luck, but if the number of times is too many, they think I can predict the future! It's that simple."

Shen Feng sat down with Yue Hengyi and asked, "Then how did you perceive danger? Does it have something to do with your ability?"

Talutz nodded and replied: "Yes, it does matter. My ability is called electromagnetic induction. I can sense everything within a radius of tens of kilometers. The place where you landed is also within my induction range. , and I have a computer here, so I can watch the news anytime, so I sent someone to invite you here!"

After Talutz said this, his true strength has also been shown. His ability is a natural ability, but his combat ability is not good, and it is useless except to inquire about the situation.

Shen Feng continued to ask: "Then why do you send people to come to us? Seeing that you are farming in the volcano, you will not be short of food, right?"

"Brother Feng, do you need to talk about it? Of course there is a lack of clothes!" Yue Hengyi interrupted: "The group of people who brought us to the volcano just now are so poor that they don't even have underwear. Of course they want to buy us when they come here. clothes!"

Shen Feng nodded, thinking it was indeed the case, otherwise, it would be impossible to explain this guy's purpose.

Talutz quickly explained: "Please don't get me wrong, although we have no clothes to wear for the time being, but this is only temporary. We have planted ramie in the field, and we will be able to wear linen clothes in a few months. I'm looking for you , because I have taken a fancy to the strength of the two of you, and I want you two to help kill a monster. After killing the monster, I will give you a good gift."

"Come on, we still have to hurry. We will start in two days. We don't have time to kill monsters for you. Aren't you a prophet? You can find a way to kill them with traps. We won't be greedy for cheap things." Shen Feng immediately refused.

"What if I say, I can give you meteorites? Then, will you still reject my deal?" Talutz asked with a smile.

"Meteorite?" When Yue Hengyi and Shen Feng heard the news, they immediately regained their spirits. Originally, the two were living on a deserted island in the sea because of salvaging meteorites, but now the meteorites are delivered to their door. Isn't this a great thing?

"Stop talking nonsense, the meteorite from beyond the sky was swallowed by the blue whale a long time ago, and it must be at sea now! You guys are probably trying to trick us into doing things for you, do you think we don't understand anything?" Shen Feng reacted quickly and asked Talutz directly.

Yue Hengyi also nodded hastily. There was a movement of God's Domain in the sea before, and it was driven by a one-kilometer-long blue whale. Everyone thought that the meteorite had been eaten by this thing, so now this so-called prophet Said that he could give the meteorite to himself, that was obviously bragging.

"That's right, you're talking nonsense, you just want to trick us into working for you!" Yue Hengyi also said hastily.

Talutz quickly said: "I'm absolutely not talking nonsense. I saw this fall on the ground last month with my own eyes. It even caused a forest fire. This is a real meteorite. It's rare to see it in a hundred years!"

"Damn! I thought it was that big meteorite in the sea. What do we want for an ordinary meteorite?" Yue Hengyi was speechless immediately. what can be done

"That's right, it's useless to ask for it. This is the end of this matter. We will leave here tomorrow!" Shen Feng also hurriedly stopped, doing business or something is still too much time wasting, and staying on the island for two days is enough. It is uncertain how long it will take to kill monsters.

"Hey, don't worry, both of you, although this meteorite is not the one in the sea, but I think this meteorite is not simple, because after the meteorite fell to the ground, monsters appeared, what a coincidence!" Talutz quickly Said.

Hearing this, Shen Feng quickly turned his head to discuss with Yue Hengyi, "Could this meteorite also contain extraterrestrial elements? Otherwise, how could monsters appear so easily?"

"How would I know?" Yue Hengyi shrugged and said, "I only plan to eat fruit, I don't care!"

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