Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 484: A Tree Makes A Forest

Shen Feng learned from the prophet that there was a meteorite falling on the ground, and he suddenly had a different thought in his heart. If the meteorites on the land and the meteorites in the sea have the same effect, wouldn't he be able to cultivate supernatural beings himself? Moreover, monsters appeared just as the meteorite landed, which shows that the meteorite also has some special effects.

"In that case, what about the meteorite? Show us!" Shen Feng said directly.

Talutz smiled awkwardly, and replied: "As for the meteorite, I don't have it now, but as long as you kill the monster, there will be one immediately, because the place where the meteorite fell is surrounded by monster habitats, so as long as Kill the monster, then I can tell you the location of the meteorite!"

"Damn it, this is an empty-handed white wolf! Brother Feng, don't believe it, he just lied to us to work for him!" Yue Hengyi immediately became unhappy when he heard that he didn't even have the meteorite in his hand. It was empty to fetch water from a bamboo basket.

Talutz quickly explained, and said seriously: "I am a prophet, why would I lie to you? Not only did I see the meteorite fall, but many people in our tribe also saw this scene. If you don't believe it, it will be a real loss." Big!"

Shen Feng thought for a while, and said: "It's okay to let me make a deal, you have to provide us with food and accommodation for these two days, and besides, we don't eat ordinary things, we only eat fruits, and you have to take care of enough fruits!"

"No problem, absolutely no problem. In New Guinea, there may not be anything else, but there are absolutely enough fruits, and you can find anything you want!" Talutz was suddenly ecstatic, and there was a powerful supernatural being to help him solve the crisis. It was just too good to be true.

"By the way, what does a monster look like? Is it a mutated animal?" Shen Feng asked casually.

Talutz shook his head and replied: "I don't know. No one has ever seen this monster. I only know that the monster hides in the woods. As long as there is fire, humans will be attacked. Therefore, in New Guinea, there are many places in New Guinea. Don’t dare to light a fire, especially at night, even if you light a fire, you have to secretly place it.”

After getting this answer, Shen Feng felt a little helpless, and left with Yue Hengyi.

After walking out, Yue Hengyi praised Shen Feng: "Brother Feng is amazing. We don't have to pick wild fruits by ourselves these days. Others will send them over. We eat his fruits for two days, and after two days we will eat them." Say it can’t be done, just walk away, this is called prostitution for nothing!”

Shen Feng shrugged and said: "You just want to take advantage, but I want to find a chance to find a meteorite. If this meteorite contains extraterrestrial elements, we will make money!"

"I also said that I like to take advantage of it. When there is an advantage, you didn't take the big one? I dare say that if you find the meteorite, you will not give me too much!" Yue Hengyi said.

Shen Feng said seriously: "Even if I take the lead, I will never forget you. This time, if I find the meteorite, I will give you one-fifth!"

"Look, look, isn't this what I said? If there are benefits, you will always take the lead!" Yue Hengyi laughed.

Seeing this, Shen Feng just shrugged his shoulders, didn't answer anything, and went directly to find a place to rest, and the group of natives also vacated a room for the two of them. sleep.

The next morning came, Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi got up on time, but someone had already placed a plate outside the door, which was full of fruits, and most of them were fruits that Yue Hengyi had never seen before.

"Hey, kiwi fruit is rare. It still has a yellow core. In the past, it cost at least 20 yuan a catty!" Yue Hengyi returned to the room with a plate.

Shen Feng picked a passion fruit to taste, and at the same time explained to Yue Hengyi: "This is actually a kiwi fruit. The seeds were stolen. After the improved variety was changed to a different name, it was sold back to China, and it was more expensive than kiwi fruit. Kiwi tastes about the same."

Yue Hengyi tasted it and said, "It's different, it's sweeter than kiwi."

While eating fruit, Shen Feng was observing this indigenous tribe. With the side wall of the volcano as a barrier, it is impossible for ordinary mutant beasts to enter it. Hiding here, it is really a paradise.

"These people are quite trustworthy. They said they would provide fruit, but they really provided so much fruit!" Shen Feng couldn't help but praise.

Yue Hengyi picked up another coconut, split it open with a knife, and then drank the coconut juice before eating the coconut meat. The only downside was that the coconut meat was too hard, and the taste was not very good.

"Are you full? Let's go and meet the monsters for a while!" After eating all the fruits, Shen Feng was ready to act.

"Full? I just stuffed my teeth. Let's go hunting. Fruits are just a taste. I'm still hungry!" Yue Hengyi replied lightly.

The two were about to go out of the tribe. Yue Hengyi was observing the women in the tribe while walking. These women were not wearing grass skirts, but normal attire, but whether it was shirts or trousers, they were basically men's clothes. Mostly men save their clothes for women.

"What are you looking at? She's not a beautiful woman. It's impolite to keep staring at her!" Shen Feng said lazily.

Yue Hengyi pointed to the things in the hands of a group of women and said, "Brother Feng, look, these people seem to be eating yams. It turns out that the food they are talking about is yams. Are they full?"

In Yue Hengyi's eyes, what he saw was a group of women peeling sticks. After peeling off the skin, there were white roots underneath, which were obviously yams.

"You should read more books. This is called cassava. Have you ever drank pearl milk tea? Pearls are made of this thing. At any rate, a high school student doesn't even know this. Cassava can barely be used as a staple food, but the skin is poisonous. Can't eat!" Shen Feng explained.

"Oh, so that's it, I've learned a lot!" Yue Hengyi nodded quickly after hearing Shen Feng's explanation, he was still very envious that Shen Feng knew so much.

Shen Feng did not expect these people to grow cassava. It stands to reason that in Southeast Asia, it is more suitable to grow rice, which can be grown three times a year. But looking at the topography of the crater, it is immediately clear that the water source in the volcano Not many, rice planting is not easy, but cassava planting is simple, and the yield is not bad. It is easy to feed more than 3,000 people in this volcano.

"It's pretty clean here, but it's not a paradise. Once mutated birds attack from the sky, the inside of the volcano is extremely flat and unobstructed. As long as they are attacked, there will be heavy casualties!" Shen Feng looked at the people here. Environment, couldn't help but say.

"Yes, yes, your Yuzhou is the safest, the throat of the southwest, a major town, nothing can compare to it!" Yue Hengyi said perfunctorily, he found that every time Shen Feng came to a place, he liked to observe the situation, it was almost obsessed average.

"You don't understand this. In the current chaotic world, no one knows where the danger is coming from. Therefore, every time you go to a place, you need to observe the terrain and find a way out. Only in critical moments can you save your life!" Shen Feng said plausibly.

After leaving the volcano, Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi first went to the mangroves by the sea to have a look. Seeing that the boats were still there, they were relieved. The next step was hunting. In the tribe, they could only eat cassava to fill their stomachs. Or go hunting.

Shen Feng found a wild boar in the forest. It had long tusks and a hard mane. Shen Feng caught up with it and stabbed it with a knife. The dagger pierced the wild boar's fur, but it couldn't cause substantial damage. It aroused the anger of the wild boar, causing the wild boar to rush indiscriminately, and the small tree would break immediately after being attacked.

After Shen Feng saw this scene, he had no choice but to use the wind blade. Dozens of wind blades flew out, piercing the wild boar's body immediately. The heart of the wild boar was pierced in an instant, and blood splattered immediately. A minute later, the wild boar moved Incredible.

"Light the fire, light the fire, and continue to eat barbecue! You can still eat fruit later!" Shen Feng hurriedly greeted Yue Hengyi.

While lighting the fire, Yue Hengyi looked around worriedly, and said in his mouth: "If the monster comes here now, it will be bad!"

"I need to find monsters. Besides, we are on land now. What kind of monsters can hurt you and me? Only sea beasts can hurt us. On land, no animals can attack us!" Shen Feng But he wasn't worried at all, he wasn't in the sea now, but on land, he wouldn't be attacked by any weird things.

Yue Hengyi thought about it, it was indeed the case, the mutated beasts on land, even if the mutated elephants appeared here, they were not his opponents, so why should they be afraid?

However, while the two were lighting the fire, they gradually felt something was wrong. It seemed that the sunlight above their heads became more and more sparse. Half an hour later, the forest was completely dark, with only a faint light entering the forest, and the surroundings became gloomy. up.

"I'll go to the top of my head to see if there is anything on the tree. Be careful around." Shen Feng said carefully.

While grilling meat, Yue Hengyi looked in all directions, always on guard against possible dangers.

Shen Feng jumped up, jumping and climbing on the branches, and soon came to the top of a big tree. Looking around, he found nothing unusual, but the surrounding branches seemed to be growing crazily, almost In the blink of an eye, a leaf has grown.

Seeing this scene, Shen Feng immediately understood, quickly descended to the ground, and said seriously: "Xiaoyue, the so-called monsters are mutated plants, and the sun above their heads is covered by leaves. Now, the mutated plants are gone. coming!"

When Yue Hengyi heard this, he immediately looked around and asked at the same time: "You said monsters are mutated plants? Then, what kind of plants are they? It is impossible that this large forest is all mutated plants, right?"

Shen Feng looked at the fire, and said: "It's okay, plants are afraid of flames, we have a fire here, I believe these mutated plants dare not approach casually."

"But, didn't the prophet say that? Monsters like to attack places with fire, and these mutated plants may not be afraid of fire!" Yue Hengyi was still very nervous and worried about the current situation.

As soon as the words fell, a stream of water appeared in the sky, flowing straight down, just in time to extinguish the fire on the ground, and suddenly, the forest became darker.

At the same time, countless vines drilled out of the forest, and began to twine towards Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi.

"Xiaoyue, split up and find the body of this mutated plant, otherwise, we will be exhausted sooner or later!" Shen Feng made a decisive decision, spotted a direction and rushed out. He threw away the wild boar, then dodged the attack of the vines, swung the long knife in his hand, and cut off the vines around him, protecting himself for a while.

Shen Feng kept running towards the north. Plants like this kind of attack must have a body. Therefore, the plant heart in Yuzhou is like this, and the centenarian orchid in Australia is also like this. Now, the mutated plants in the rainforest must also There is a body, and only by killing this body can the crisis be completely resolved!

"I miscalculated. I thought it was a mutant beast eating people. I didn't expect it to be a mutant plant. I don't know how big the coverage area of ​​this mutant plant is, and I don't know where its body is hiding." Shen Feng thought silently in his heart.

After running in the dark woods for a long time, Shen Feng finally saw the light in the distance, and rushed out in one breath, only to realize that he had left the rain forest, and there was an open space outside the forest, with many weeds on the ground, but No trees are growing.

"Let's go, the coverage of this mutated plant is really too big. Is such a large forest covered with the body of mutated plants? Is it too exaggerated?" Shen Feng was shocked. After walking out of the coverage area of ​​the mutated plants, the vines couldn't keep up with his speed, but they never gave up. If the diameter of these ten kilometers is the diameter, then the forest is really too big.

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