Shen Feng stepped forward and picked up the meteorite, despite its small size, it was still very heavy, weighing more than forty kilograms, much heavier than pig iron, and extremely hard.

"It's good luck. Fortunately, I have never given up. Finally, I have gained something!" Shen Feng said to himself.

Next, the meteorite that Shen Feng was carrying was about to leave. As a result, before he knew it, the fire had been extinguished, and the temperature of Shen Feng's body became the highest around here. The vine changed its target and turned towards Shen Feng. Start attacking again.

Shen Feng didn't dare to underestimate these vines, if he was really caught by these vines, he would be locked in the cage again.

Therefore, Shen Feng performed "follow the wind" and ran towards the south continuously. The speed of the vines could not keep up with Shen Feng's speed at all. Often the banyan tree detected Shen Feng's temperature and just mobilized the vines to prepare to attack. Shen Feng had already charged It has gone a long distance, and the length of the vines is limited, as long as it is out of the attack range, it is impossible to continue chasing.

Finally, two hours later, Shen Feng returned to the base in the volcano with the meteorite in his arms. After entering the room, Yue Hengyi didn't know where he went. He wanted to find Taluci, but he didn't have this chance. Alone, Shen Feng lit an oil lamp in the room and began to observe the meteorite.

For this tribe, after living in the modern society for decades, it is of course very uncomfortable to return to the era of hunting and gathering. There are no TV sets, no mobile phones, and even There are no lighting facilities, and the only generator and computer are still in the hands of the Prophet. Ordinary people want to light, they can only light oil lamps, and they have to cover the windows to prevent the light from shining outside.

The oil lamp used by Shen Feng is made of sheep oil, and the wick is made of grass heart. After the light is lit, it can only barely illuminate.

"It's no wonder that the ancients became famous all over the world by lighting up the lamp to read at night. How could it be possible to read the text clearly under such a dim light? It's really not easy." Shen Feng muttered such a sentence, and began to observe the meteorite.

There are large and small bumps and depressions on the meteorite, which look not very regular, and some places are fairly flat, but these flat places reflect the light, otherwise, Shen Feng really missed the meteorite.

"It feels different from the meteorites in the sea. I heard that the meteorites in the sea are mainly gray. The meteorite in my hand is black, so the color doesn't match. Does it really contain extraterrestrial elements?" Shen Feng murmured in his heart, even though the meteorite was found under the big banyan tree, it might not contain extraterrestrial elements.

Shen Feng watched in the room for two hours, but couldn't see anything. At this time, Yue Hengyi also came back with a fruit basket, and said as he walked: "There are indeed a lot of fruits in Southeast Asia, but there is also a problem. There are not many people now. Managing the orchard, many fruits are sour, I ate a papaya, oh, it's really..."

Before he finished speaking, Yue Hengyi saw the meteorite on the table, hurriedly walked to the edge of the table in two steps, and said in surprise: "Is this the meteorite? Brother Feng, where did you find it?"

"I burned the biggest banyan tree, and the body of the mutated banyan tree ran away. I didn't catch it, but I found this meteorite in the root area of ​​the tree." Shen Feng simply explained.

Yue Hengyi swallowed, and then said: "You said before, give me a quarter of the meteorite, don't break your promise?"

Shen Feng said flatly: "It depends on the situation."

"What does it mean to look at the situation? Can you go back on what you said before?" Yue Hengyi couldn't help asking.

Shen Feng explained: "If there are extraterrestrial elements in it, you won't have your share. If it doesn't contain extraterrestrial elements and is an ordinary meteorite, I can give you half of it."

"Brother Feng, you're not being righteous. You want everything, aren't you too greedy, and it's inappropriate to backtrack!" Yue Hengyi couldn't listen any longer. He had clearly said something before, and you now Temporary repentance, is not too much?

Shen Feng shrugged and said: "That's why you didn't listen carefully to our previous agreement. What was said before, the two of us killed the mutated plants together, obtained the meteorites for the trade, and then we divided them, but now, I brought the meteorite back, and you didn’t help me, so I’d be willing to give you some leftovers, so what bicycle do you need?”

Yue Hengyi thought for a while, and was about to refute, but Shen Feng didn't want to give him a chance to refute, so he put the meteorite on his bed, lay on it and went to sleep.

"I will curse you, this meteorite must not contain extraterrestrial elements!" Yue Hengyi muttered, and then lay on the bed. There were two beds in the room, both of which were wooden beds covered with hay. Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi No choice but to sleep on a plank bed.

The climate in Southeast Asia is really hot, and there are a lot of mosquitoes. The houses are built of adobe, which cannot stop the mosquitoes from entering, so living here is really a tormenting thing. It is an indigenous tribe, and it is impossible to find mosquito nets. I could only endure the bites of mosquitoes, and finally got up until dawn, and then got up listlessly.

"Everything in Southeast Asia is good, but it's too hot and there are too many mosquitoes, so it's not very suitable for living!" Yue Hengyi woke up sleepily, Shen Feng looked at the meteorite on the bed, went out and brought in a fruit basket, and had fruit for breakfast.

Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi went out to have breakfast, found an open space, sat on the ground, then opened a coconut to drink coconut juice, and then ate the fruit, the breeze was blowing, looking at the surrounding scenery, there was a feeling of comfort.

However, when the two returned to the room after breakfast, they found that the meteorite that had been placed on the bed had disappeared.

Shen Feng turned his head and looked at Yue Hengyi. Before he could speak, Yue Hengyi quickly argued: "What are you looking at me for? I went out with you, and I would steal your things?"

Yue Hengyi was wronged, obviously he hadn't done anything, why Shen Feng was the first to look at him?

Shen Feng said: "I'm not suspicious of you, but I want to ask if there are any suspicious people who have appeared recently?"

"Let's go find Talutz. How do I know who is suspicious? I don't know any of these people, so everyone is suspicious!" Yue Hengyi said hastily.

Shen Feng took Yue Hengyi with him, and immediately walked towards Talutz's supplies. After entering, he told what happened just now, the meteorite was stolen!

Unexpectedly, at this time, Talutz said straightforwardly: "Don't look for it, I took your meteorite and I have already hidden it. Next, you continue to complete our deal and kill the monster, otherwise If not, I will not return the meteorite to you.”

When Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi heard this sentence, they immediately showed expressions of disbelief. They thought it was stolen by some ignorant native, but now Taluci actually admitted that it was the meteorite that he took away. ,What exactly is going on?

Shen Feng held back the anger in his heart, tried to keep himself calm, and asked: "Why? I brought the meteorite back, why did you steal it?"

Now, Shen Feng still doesn't want to turn his face completely. After all, everyone has known each other for a while, and the two of them have lived in other people's tribe for two days. nice!

However, at this time, Taluci said as a matter of course: "We made a deal before, you must kill the mutated plants, otherwise, I will not return the meteorite to you. As for the meteorite, you brought it back. So what? The meteorite fell on our territory in New Guinea, that is our thing, without my permission, it is impossible for me to give it to you."

After hearing this theory, Shen Feng's eyes were wide open. Is there still such a rascal in the world?

Yue Hengyi couldn't bear it anymore, pointed to Talutz's nose and said, "Are you being reasonable? You tried everything possible to ask us to kill the mutant plants for you, and you didn't tell us the key information. Now we bring back You stole the meteorite, but you took it for yourself and continued to threaten us, you are a thief!"

"So what about thieves? In short, you have to work for me. If I am in a good mood, the meteorite will be returned to you. Otherwise, you will never see the meteorite in your life!" Taluci was not afraid of Yue Hengyi, He said with his chest out.

Yue Hengyi was about to explode with anger. When he was entertained by Talutz before, he still thought that the guy in front of him was a sensible person, but now, Yue Hengyi realized that the so-called prophet was just a villain.

Shen Feng lost his patience and kicked Talutz five meters away. After hitting the wall, he also punched a hole in the wall.

Talutz didn't expect Shen Feng to attack him directly. After being kicked out, his whole body was in pain, and he couldn't help but let out a scream.

The surrounding natives quickly surrounded them, their faces were unfriendly, and they held spears and kitchen knives in their hands. For them, the prophet is the person who led them to find a safe place and brought them hope. As long as there is a prophet , then no matter what the danger is, they can avoid it, but now, the prophet is being bullied by outsiders, and of course they can't continue watching.

Yue Hengyi also walked out of the room, looked at the surrounding natives, and frowned. He ate the fruits picked by others and the cassava in the field for the past two days, and he was taken care of. Justified: "Please listen to my explanation. Your prophet stole our things. We just want to ask about the whereabouts of the meteorite. It has nothing to do with you!"

Many of the aborigines used to be tour guides and quickly translated Yue Hengyi's words, but now, these aborigines still surrounded them aggressively, and did not flinch at all because of Yue Hengyi's words.

Talutz laughed and said loudly: "The only way for you to cooperate with me is to kill the monster obediently, and I will give you the meteorite, otherwise, don't even think about it!"

Yue Hengyi looked at Shen Feng and asked, "Brother Feng, what should we do?"

Shen Feng looked at the group of guys with unkind faces around him, took a deep breath, and explained: "I understand now that in the eyes of these natives, there is no such option as being a friend or not. They live in the apocalypse, and they can only rely on the option of unity. Therefore, as long as someone's life is threatened, all of them will stand up. This is the so-called humane society. I did not expect that the natives also showed it so vividly .”

"I don't want to listen to your analysis. I'm asking what to do? Do you want to do it?" Yue Hengyi continued.

If you were facing zombies or mutant beasts, you didn't need Shen Feng to speak, Yue Hengyi would do it directly, and you didn't need to pity these two things.

If he was facing a rebellious crowd, vicious gangsters, or villains who violated ethics, Yue Hengyi would also take action after hesitation.

But now, facing a group of aboriginals who were able to live in harmony before, Yue Hengyi was faced with the situation of turning his face, so he hesitated immediately. Once he did it himself, it would be a river of blood.

Shen Feng held Talutz's neck, and said coldly: "I'll give you one more chance to tell the whereabouts of the meteorite, and this matter will be exposed, otherwise, don't blame me for being merciless!"

Faced with Shen Feng's advice, Taluci still remained indifferent, and the smile on his face became more presumptuous. He had long heard that China has a set of so-called etiquette, that is, the so-called rules, one of which is It's called the law does not blame the people. Now there are more than 3,000 people on my side, can they all be killed?

So Talutz shouted: "Hear me honestly, I am a prophet!"

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