Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 488 Despicable And Shameless

Shen Feng originally didn't want to tear his face apart. After all, the other party was not a heinous guy, but just stole his own things, and the crime was not worthy of death. However, this does not mean that Shen Feng is willing to be like a donkey being led by the nose, Let others be at the mercy of others, let others draw big cakes.

Shen Feng gave Taluci a chance, as long as he is willing to hand over the meteorite, then he can let him go, but now, Taluci thinks he has grasped Shen Feng's lifeline, and is still clamoring that he had He saw the news about the meteorite on the Internet and knew the importance of the meteorite, so he believed that Shen Feng did not dare to bet on the whereabouts of the meteorite, because if he lost, he would lose the whereabouts of the meteorite forever.

Shen Feng sighed helplessly, and said to Yue Hengyi beside him: "Xiao Yue, double gravity!"

If Yue Hengyi exerted five times the force of gravity, half of the people here would die on the spot. Therefore, Shen Feng showed mercy, and without hesitation, Yue Hengyi immediately expanded the gravity field. Immediately, regardless of men, women, young or old, the group of natives all knelt on the ground.

Shen Feng pointed to a group of people kneeling on the ground, and said to Talutz: "Now give you a chance, tell me the whereabouts of the meteorite, and return the meteorite to me! Otherwise, I will kill you every ten minutes A person who, I promise to do it!"

Talutz replied with a sneer: "My friends, you seem to have not understood the situation. It is not you who are threatening me, but I who are threatening you. If you kill the people here, all the more than 3,000 people will be killed." Treat you as enemies, and for enemies, they will fight bloody battles until the last warrior remains."

At this time, Taluci was already out of oil and salt, and Yue Hengyi was also very embarrassed when he saw this situation. He never thought that the most difficult situation he encountered here was brought by a group of natives. I have never been so aggrieved by the attack of the supernatural being.

Shen Feng took a deep breath, and then sighed: "I didn't want to use despicable and shameless methods. A man does things upright. I didn't expect that a gentleman can be bullied. I follow the rules, but some people don't." According to the rules, I have no choice but to make a bad move!"

Shen Feng used "Accompany Like the Wind" to bypass the more than 2,000 people surrounding him, and went to a distant house. The adults and teenagers were basically suppressed by Yue Hengyi, and the rest were a group of children, all obeying their parents As ordered, stay in the room.

Shen Feng's target is these children. There are more children under the age of two and three, and there are no children under the age of two. Most of them are born and cannot support them.

Shen Feng found a hemp rope, tied a group of children, and strung them together. In this way, more than twenty children were dragged to the side of the crowd, preventing them from entering the gravity field, and then loudly said: "Taluts Stealing my things, if you help him, then you are accomplices! Now, I need you to tell me the whereabouts of the meteorite. If you don’t tell me, I can only take them away from the volcano and go to the distant woods , Over there, there are monsters!"

When Shen Feng said this, a group of people immediately scolded him. Shen Feng couldn't quite understand it, but it is conceivable that most of these natives scolded him for being despicable and shameless.

Shen Feng doesn't care about the abuse of these people. The poor mountains and rivers make troublesome people. This sentence is applicable everywhere. A group of aboriginals think that they will be able to win everything if they unite, so they do things with confidence. Obviously they found the meteorite by themselves, but it was stolen. Cover up, where in the world is there such a reason?

Therefore, to deal with unruly people, it is necessary to use a little tricky means.

Talutz sneered, but still didn't answer anything, he didn't believe Shen Feng would do anything, he had heard what Shen Feng did, he couldn't have done something heinous.

Shen Feng turned around and left, dragging the rope, and forcibly led a group of children out of the bottom of the volcanic valley, and went outside through the canyon. The children didn't want to leave here, so they simply lay on the ground, as if they wanted to use this action to stop them. Shen Feng.

But Shen Feng ignored it, dragged the rope and kept moving forward. The skin of these children was cut by sharp stones immediately, blood flowed out, and then they cried for their father and mother. The children's voices were originally It is so sharp that it can be heard even from a long distance.

The natives were very angry when they heard the cry of the child, struggling to save the child.

In the gravitational field, almost everyone could not stand upright, but even so, a group of people still resisted twice the gravity on their bodies, and crawled towards Shen Feng. In their eyes, they were full of hatred.

Amiz was also very angry, because he brought these two outsiders to the tribe, but they brought disaster to the tribe. He couldn't help accusing Yue Hengyi loudly: "You two have no conscience at all. Then you came to the tribe, gave you fruit and food, and even vacated a house for you to live in, but now you are torturing our children, this is revenge!"

Being so accused, Yue Hengyi knew it was true, but he didn't want to take the blame, so he said directly: "One yard is worth one yard. I am very grateful that you gave me fruits and food, but please figure it out, you stole ours. The person responsible for the stuff is your prophet, and now we just want to get the stuff back. It’s your blindly defending the shortcomings, which led to the escalation of the incident. As long as you return the stuff to me, we will turn around and leave immediately, and we will never stay a bit!"

While talking, Yue Hengyi also looked at Taluci. In the final analysis, this prophet is the culprit. It is obvious that all this happened because of him. But now, Taluci is lying on the ground as if nothing happened. of.

Taluci knew that as long as Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi fought fiercely, the people in the tribe would hate them more, and his prestige would never be lowered because of this, so Taluci had no fear at this time!

To add fuel to the fire, Taluci said loudly at this time: "They are lying, you believe me, I am your prophet, I got the meteorite last night, and they wanted to snatch it, so they He is a complete thief." As soon as these words came out, the natives in the tribe became even more angry, wishing to get up and beat Yue Hengyi.

Yue Hengyi stared at Taluci steadfastly. As the real leader of the tribe, this guy didn't take the people under his hands seriously at all, and kept using the people under him. This kind of guy really deserves to die!

At this time, Shen Feng came back with blood on his hands, and asked directly: "Can anyone tell me where the meteorite is? If you still don't answer me, then I will go find the next group of children!"

When the aborigines saw the blood in Shen Feng's hands, their eyes turned red immediately. Needless to say? The children must have been murdered. These two demons should not be brought into the tribe.

Seeing that no one answered, Shen Feng cursed a lot, shrugged his shoulders, turned around and left, and walked towards the adobe house again. As soon as he got close, many children rushed out of the house and ran towards the distance. Shen Feng was not in a hurry Not too late, he found a rope and started to catch the child. He knew that against this group of united people, some unconventional methods should be used. As long as they can be disintegrated from within, they can only tell themselves the truth.

The children wanted to escape, not wanting to be caught, but it was in vain, in front of Shen Feng's speed, it was impossible to escape, Shen Feng soon got a bunch of children together.

"Now, tell me the whereabouts of the meteorite, and I will release these children immediately, otherwise, don't blame me for being merciless!" Shen Feng continued.

The aborigines still didn't respond, they still scolded Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi angrily.

Shen Feng shook his head, pointed at Talutz before leaving, and said, "It's your prophet who caused you to become what you are now, if he didn't steal my things, you would definitely not be so miserable! "

At this time, some natives began to doubt the authenticity of Talutz's words. Could it be that the prophet really stole the things of these two outsiders?

Then Shen Feng came back empty-handed again, still covered in blood, the difference was that there were more bloodstains on Shen Feng's clothes.

"Has no one answered yet? It's so pitiful. I'm going to catch the next batch of children. Remember, now that you have become like this, it's all caused by the Prophet. If you want to resent, go and resent the Prophet!" Shen Feng continued.

Shen Feng chose to break through the psychological defense of this group of people. For them, the most important thing is their family members. This is also the weakness of the tribe. As long as the family members are threatened, they can compromise on everything.

Finally, Shen Feng's plan succeeded. When he came back with a group of children on a leash, a woman said, "I know where the meteorite is, don't hurt my children!"

Before this big sister saw other people's children being taken away, she was still very disturbed. Other people's children were never as close as her own children, but now, among the children tied by the rope in Shen Feng's hand, there is The big sister's child is inside.

Immediately, the big sister's psychological defense collapsed, and for the sake of the child, he could only tell the truth of the matter.

Talutz's eyes changed, and he quickly shouted: "Don't believe what they say, they are lying to you, the children are all fine, they are all outside the volcano, they are all safe!"

Shen Feng gave Yue Hengyi a wink, Yue Hengyi immediately understood, took off his shoes, took out the sock, and stuffed it into Taluci's mouth, Taluci reached out to take out the stinky sock, Yue Hengyi stepped forward Just two blows broke the two arms of the prophet.

Shen Feng said lightly: "There is a leopard outside, I see its belly is flat, alas, it is always kind-hearted, so I let the children feed it, but I see it is followed by a group of children Leopard, the little leopard is not full yet, if you don't answer me, the little leopard won't be hungry either!"

With that said, Shen Feng was about to take this group of children away from the volcano.

The big sister broke down and said: "I saw the prophet come out of your room, I saw him put the stone there, I will take you to find it!"

Yue Hengyi immediately released the gravitational field, everyone resumed their actions, and a group of bloody men immediately rushed up to fight Yue Hengyi, Yue Hengyi took his time and dodged these attacks, and then beat the most obvious guy who attacked him Broken legs.

Shen Feng grabbed the big sister and took it aside. Yue Hengyi re-activated the gravity field and suppressed more than 2,000 people.

The indigenous big sister brought Shen Feng to a small forest, dug a piece of soil from under the tree, and found the meteorite hidden by Talutz. At this point, Shen Feng found the meteorite, and the matter was perfectly resolved.

Shen Feng found Yue Hengyi with the meteorite in his arms, and said, "Xiao Yue, let's go, this dangerous place makes me sick if I stay here, the meteorite is found!"

Yue Hengyi immediately withdrew the gravity field, followed Shen Feng's footsteps, and prepared to leave the volcano.

Before leaving, Shen Feng turned around and said: "Your children are outside, and I tied them to a tree. Go and bring them back. By the way, if your prophets can predict danger, why didn't they predict this time? Where is the danger coming?"

After finishing speaking, Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi left the place straight away. Some of the remaining natives looked at Taluci suspiciously, while others hurriedly went outside the volcano to look for the child.

Taluci looked at the backs of Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi leaving, with a look of resentment in his eyes, but his skills were inferior to others, he could only curse these two in his heart, and he couldn't do anything else.

Walking on the road, Yue Hengyi looked at Shen Feng's bloody palm, and couldn't help but said: "I thought you really killed someone at that time, where did these bloodstains come from?"

Shen Feng shrugged and said, "Of course it's the blood of the leopard. For acting, you have to be realistic!"

Suddenly, there was a forest shaking in the distance, and vines and aerial roots continued to grow in the air. After the vines entangled the trees, they began their special skill, strangulation! Plants in the rain forest must have unique skills if they want to survive, and the unique skill of vines is strangulation.

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