Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 490 Glue Tree

Shen Feng went into the kitchen to look for food, but found that there were only two cabbages left in the kitchen, and the rest were only two bowls of crispy rice.

"Damn, I don't cook much. Who can eat enough with such a little food!" Shen Feng muttered to himself, then packed the rice crust in a plastic bag, carried two cabbages, and left through the window here.

This kitchen also uses a firewood stove for cooking, so you must pay attention to the heat when cooking. If the heat is not controlled properly, the food in the pot will easily burn. If the rice is burnt, it will be difficult to swallow. , if it is crispy rice, it can barely be eaten.

"Wow..." Shen Feng forgot to close the window when he left, and soon someone discovered the problem, it seemed that the rain in the kitchen was a bit loud.

"Eileen, go and see in the kitchen, is the window open?" The leader was a big man with a yellow face, who was sitting on the top of the dining table. After he spoke, a woman stood up quickly and walked towards the kitchen. go.

Yilin came to the kitchen to take a look, but found that the rice crust was gone. In addition, the two cabbages also disappeared. The window was still open, and rainwater was coming in from the outside. Looking outside, only the dark woods, the woods Nothing in .

"Brother, maybe the monkeys in the woods came in and stole my leftover crispy rice and cabbage." Yilin said helplessly.

The eldest brother looked at Yilin and said, "It's okay since it was stolen, but in the future, you must be careful, and the windows must be closed at any time. It's okay to meet a monkey this time, but it will be troublesome if you meet an enemy next time." Big!"

Yilin nodded quickly and sat down.

Suddenly, someone asked: "Brother, we are not staying in the base during the rainy season, why do we have to come out?"

The elder brother took two bites of rice into his mouth and explained: "Actually, there is no need to hide this matter. It is because the word has been passed down from above. About this time, Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi are coming. They have to leave the base and disperse on the island, so we can find the two of them."

"No, Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi are not our people, why do we need them?" Some people were puzzled.

The eldest brother shrugged and said, "You ask me, who should I ask? All in all, the task ordered by the superior must be completed. As long as the task is completed, the superior will be happy, and the reward will be unexpectedly rich!"

It turned out that the people in the house were all subordinates of Wang Aoye. Wang Aoye asked people to pay attention to Shen Feng's movements in Southeast Asia. Naturally, the people below did not dare to disobey orders, so they could only look for Shen Feng and Yue Hengyi during the rainy season. As long as traces are found, they must be reported immediately.

Shen Feng returned to the cabin with crispy rice and cabbage. He wanted to fill his stomach a little, but now the sky is dark, and it will be dark soon. Why not wait until the next day to find food, and go tonight first. up.

As a result, when Shen Feng returned to the boat, he couldn't wait for Yue Hengyi, and he couldn't wait for him. Food, keep going?

Helpless, Shen Feng put on his raincoat and walked towards the east. The forest here is very dense, and there are footprints on the ground. He walked deep with a flashlight, and shouted as he walked: "Xiaoyue, are you here?" where?"

After walking five hundred meters, Shen Feng heard Yue Hengyi's answer: "Brother Feng, I'm here, come and save me!"

Hearing the answer, Shen Feng hastened to speed up, avoided many branches, and headed towards the direction of the sound.

When Shen Feng got close to the area where Yue Hengyi was, he was shocked. Yue Hengyi was hugging a big tree naked. His clothes and pants were hanging on the side. The only clothes on his body were shorts and socks, and Yue Hengyi was still hugging a big tree. Watching the big tree twitch constantly.

"I'm going, Xiaoyue, are you too impatient? Even if you can't find someone to vent your anger on, you can't have any unreasonable thoughts about this tree, right? I've never heard of someone so fierce that he can fuck a tree!" Shen Feng felt that his three views had been impacted. He couldn't imagine that Yue Hengyi was such a person who actually fell in love with the big tree.

But at this time, a Thai orchid viper drilled out of the grass beside it, perhaps it hadn't eaten for a long time, and now seeing the heat reaction in front of it, it opened its mouth and bit it.

Shen Feng had quick eyes and quick hands, and instantly fired a wind blade, cutting off the viper on the spot. Yue Hengyi was also stunned by this scene, never thought that there would be such danger in the grass.

Shen Feng looked at Yue Hengyi still hugging the big tree and couldn't help asking: "Then what, do you have feelings for this tree? Are you still not letting go?"

Yue Hengyi said helplessly: "If I could let go of my hand, I would have let go a long time ago. I have no choice but to do so. There is glue on this tree, and it will be difficult to separate after touching it. My clothes and everything are all stuck together." , I had to take off my clothes, but I accidentally slipped and fell while walking, and hugged the tree, and now I can’t move even if I want to.”

Hearing this explanation, Shen Feng suddenly realized, no wonder Yue Hengyi is in this posture now, so that he misunderstood him, it turned out that there was glue on the tree.

Shen Feng irradiated the surroundings with a flashlight, and found that there were things like mice and insects stuck to the trees. Some animals had only skeletons left, and some animals were still struggling.

With Yue Hengyi's trial and error, Shen Feng was obviously a lot more careful, he must not touch the surrounding trees, otherwise he would also be stuck.

Shen Feng approached Yue Hengyi, looked at the severed poisonous snake on the ground, and said, "Fortunately, I came early. If you are bitten by this snake, you will never have a happy life for the rest of your life. By then, your kidneys will be damaged." Failure, if you want to have something to happen with Qin Kewei, the conditions are not allowed!"

Yue Hengyi said: "Help me quickly, I am still stuck, if there is thunder now, I will die!"

What Yue Hengyi is most worried about is when lightning strikes and thunder strikes. He has received nine years of compulsory education and knows that he cannot hide under trees when it rains, but right now it is no longer a question of whether he can hide under trees. , but he was stuck, and thunder struck at this time, that would be an unjust death.

Shen Feng quickly observed Yue Hengyi's surroundings, and found that one of Yue Hengyi's hands was not glued, so he grabbed this hand and tore it outward.

"歘", with Shen Feng's force, a layer of skin on Yue Hengyi's body was immediately torn off, and Yue Hengyi couldn't help shouting: "Ah, take it easy, I'm about to die, don't be so violent!"

One of Yue Hengyi's arms was liberated, but only at the price of a layer of skin. Blood oozes from the part where the skin was torn off. Although there are five layers of human skin, that is also a matter of microcosmic conditions. Now Yue Hengyi's The layer of skin is torn off, and the receptors in the skin are constantly sending out pain signals.

"I thought I could pull it off, sorry, I'll try again!" Shen Feng quickly apologized.

Yue Hengyi said angrily: "If I could tear it off with force, I would have come down long ago. Wouldn't I know how to use force? Quickly think of another way, I can't be so reckless!"

Shen Feng looked at this big tree, with a diameter of 50 centimeters, which is considered tall in the rainforest, and the glue secreted from its trunk is too sticky, even if a human being is glued to it, it is still unable to move. Unless you are willing to be torn off a layer of skin, you can't leave.

"If Hou Xiaohua met this kind of tree, he wouldn't need to worry, his skin is very thick!" Shen Feng said to himself.

"Come on, Hou Xiaohua has been cold for almost three months, and it's impossible for his supernatural power to be transferred to me!" Yue Hengyi was speechless.

Shen Feng suddenly thought of a way, and quickly said: "I thought of it, listen to me, I will cut off this tree later, leaving the section of trunk you are holding. Take a tree to the beach, soak in the sea water, maybe it can dissolve the glue.”

"Is this useful?" Yue Hengyi felt unreliable.

"Then the rest is an option, or you have to bear the pain and tear off this layer of skin, these two options, you consider for yourself." Shen Feng spread his hands to express his powerlessness.

"Cut the tree, cut the tree, let's soak in the sea first!" Yue Hengyi had no choice but to choose the option of cutting the tree.

Shen Feng immediately cast "Wind of Fury", cut a gap in the glue tree, the big tree fell down immediately, Shen Feng cut off the root of the tree, Yue Hengyi stood up holding the trunk, finally he could move.

Next, Shen Feng took Yue Hengyi with him and returned to the seaside. Yue Hengyi soaked in the seawater without saying a word. The arm with torn skin did not dare to soak in the seawater. Once immersed in the water, it would be a heartache. Sprinkle it with salt and that's it!

Fortunately, after an hour of soaking, the glue on the trunk was softened, Yue Hengyi struggled vigorously, and finally separated from the trunk, and the skin on his body was already wrinkled.

"Okay, come and eat the crispy rice, I left half of it for you, there is still hot water here." Shen Feng said to Yue Hengyi.

Yue Hengyi was also really hungry. He grabbed the rice crust and began to chew. The rice crust was very hard. It should have been softened in hot water before eating, but Yue Hengyi didn't understand this. He gnawed and drank water, barely filling his stomach.

Next, Yue Hengyi changed his clothes and fell asleep in a corner of the cabin.

However, the next morning, Shen Feng woke up and planned to call Yue Hengyi to set off, but he touched Yue Hengyi's forehead, which was scalding hot, and he even had a fever.

"I'm going, are you still a supernatural person? You just soaked in the sea for an hour, and now you have a cold and a fever?" Shen Feng felt incredible, which one of the supernatural persons he had seen was not physically strong? Now, what do you see? A supernatural person who catches a cold casually!

Yue Hengyi opened his eyes, feeling weak all over, and said, "Brother Feng, I'll go find something to eat later, don't rush me."

"Come on, you'd better stay here honestly, I'll go find something to eat!" Shen Feng said helplessly: "If I can find medicine, I'll bring you some back by the way."

At any rate, he is the younger brother who has been following him for a long time. Shen Feng can't watch him act while sick, so he can only continue to take care of him.

But at this time, Shen Feng saw some red skin on Yue Hengyi's body. After Yue Hengyi was burned, it took more than ten days to recover, but the skin on his body was different from the previous skin, not to mention red and swollen. And it's often itchy.

"Perhaps, this guy is often sick because his skin's defenses are reduced. After all, he was burned, and the regrown skin is naturally not strong enough to resist viruses and bacteria!" Shen Feng thought silently in his heart.

Next, Shen Feng had one more task, which was to find medicine to treat Yue Hengyi's illness.

Shen Feng put on his raincoat, covered Yue Hengyi with a quilt, and then ran towards the north. Finally, after half an hour, he came to a base fifty kilometers away. This base was built on a plain with walls as a defensive force. There are still many soldiers patrolling on the city wall.

Shen Feng walked in very smoothly. The people here look very similar to Chinese people. After all, many people in Southeast Asia have Chinese blood. It is completely impossible to distinguish people from that country just from the appearance. .

After walking in, Shen Feng wanted to look for a pharmacy, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find it, so he asked others. These people couldn't understand Chinese, and they kept scratching their heads as they watched Shen Feng speak.

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