Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 491 Reward Order

Shen Feng searched around the base, but he couldn't find any pharmacies, but he did find a few shops selling grain. Shen Feng bought 80 catties of flour with a gold button, and couldn't help but secretly scolded the profiteers. This is gold for me, but in the end I can only exchange for 80 catties of flour. Such a small amount of flour is a big loss.

Shen Feng guessed that it was probably because he couldn't understand the language, so he was slaughtered as a foreigner.

Shen Feng put the flour under his armpit and covered it with a raincoat. Then he left the food store, walked around the base, and suddenly found many notices on the wall, many of which were reward orders, and some rewards were for arrest. Mutated beasts, some offer rewards for fishing in the sea, as long as they can complete the rewards, they can get a lot of commission.

As he was walking, Shen Feng saw his photo on the wall, and couldn't help but leaned forward to look at it, and found that someone was offering a bounty on his head, and this bounty had been posted for a while.

"I'm going, who have I offended? Someone offered a bounty on my life. I shouldn't have any enmity with others!" Shen Feng thought silently in his heart.

In order to avoid being recognized, Shen Feng pulled down the hood of his raincoat, so that if he didn't get close to watch, he couldn't see his face clearly.

However, at this moment, Shen Feng felt the murderous aura, and it was the murderous aura appearing from all directions. He quickly raised his head and looked around, only to find that he was surrounded by a group of people with guns. There were more than forty people in number. , all of them looked bad.

"Shoot!" The leading man yelled, and the forty people quickly opened fire.

Shen Feng didn't dare to underestimate the opponent's attack, so he quickly cast the "Wind King Barrier", and a barrier appeared beside him, blocking all the bullets. After saving his life, he summoned hundreds of wind blades and shot them in all directions. Immediately, the group of people who shot were shot into a sieve by the invisible wind blade.

It was just one blow, and the gang besieging Shen Feng all fell down. Shen Feng continued to look around, but found that there was no one else on the street.

"Could it be that you deliberately lured me here?" Shen Feng frowned and thought.

At this time, a group of people rushed out from a distance, and the leader started to blow his whistle. The harsh whistle sounded, and then there was a reaction on the city wall in the distance. Soldiers gathered one by one and rushed towards the area where the battle took place. He came over, his eyes full of fanaticism.

"If the rivers and lakes are dangerous, then retreat! Bye bye!" Shen Feng didn't want to continue fighting, so he directly cast "Accompanying like the wind" and quickly left the street. When the soldiers surrounded him, Shen Feng had already rushed a long distance, In a flash, he disappeared into the corner of the base.

"Hurry up, hurry up, this reward is worth two supernatural potions, as long as you catch it, you can claim the reward, and you must not let him run away!" The soldiers were shouting loudly, but they were not in Chinese, Shen Feng failed Listen to what they are saying.

Shen Feng was puzzled in his heart. He had never been to Southeast Asia before, and it is logically impossible to have enmity with the people here, but now, he was offered a reward. What is going on? This incident seems to be full of conspiracy .

"Forget it, let's go back first, let's wait until Xiaoyue recovers before taking revenge! I want to see who is offering a reward for my life!" Shen Feng didn't want to continue entanglement, so he cast "Accompany Like the Wind" and prepared to leave.

However, when Shen Feng came near the city wall on one side, he suddenly discovered that there were also farmlands in the base, and the fields were planted with ginger.

"It doesn't take much effort to get it. With ginger, you can keep out the cold!" Surrounding monitors are shining on the farmland. Obviously, someone is guarding against ginger being stolen. Ginger is also a special kind of material, which can be used as a seasoning at ordinary times. It is a good choice to use it to remove fishy smell, but at critical moments, ginger can also be used as a medicinal material!

Although Shen Feng has never studied Chinese medicine, he has heard of some famous Chinese medicinal materials, such as hawthorn and ginger, which are both ingredients and medicinal materials. Among them, ginger is very famous for dispelling cold. In terms of health preservation, there is also a saying that eat radish in winter and ginger in summer. There is too much rain in summer, which can easily cause wind and cold, so eat some hot food.

"Crack", Shen Feng smashed the nearby monitor, stretched out his hand and started digging ginger, just after digging out five or six pieces of ginger, a group of people rushed over from a distance, without saying a word, pointed at Shen Feng and opened fire gun.

"Bang", the gunshot rang out, and the bullet stopped 20 centimeters behind Shen Feng. Shen Feng didn't fight with this group of people, but packed up the flour and ginger in his hand, and left here quickly.

"Let you go crazy for two days first, and in a few days I will show you some color and let you know why the flowers are so red!" Shen Feng said to himself.

The wall outside the base was more than three meters high. It wasn't a city wall, it could only be called a wall. It barely stopped the zombies. If it encountered a large mutant beast, such a wall would be completely useless.

Shen Feng jumped to the outside of the wall. At this time, many soldiers on the wall hadn't reacted. When they did, Shen Feng had already slipped away.

Shen Feng was also very puzzled, why he was offered a reward. It stands to reason that he did not offend any big shots, and he had never been to Southeast Asia, so it was impossible to make enemies with these people. As a result, he was now offered a reward. Weird breath. Moreover, Shen Feng couldn't figure it out, since he had already been offered a reward, why didn't Yue Hengyi next to him receive a reward? Are the supernatural beings who are also wandering outside, should they be treated differently?

Shen Feng returned to the boat with doubts in his heart. At this time, Yue Hengyi was still having a high fever, so Shen Feng could only cook ginger soup. He broke off two pieces of ginger that he had dug out. It weighed 60 grams. Throw it into a pot, add water, light a fire, and simmer for half an hour. Half of the pot of water boiled into a bowl, and it was delivered to Yue Hengyi's mouth while it was still warm.

"Xiao Yue, don't go to sleep, take your medicine, what do you want for lunch? I will try my best to satisfy you!" Shen Feng said while supporting Yue Hengyi.

Yue Hengyi looked at Shen Feng after waking up, and said weakly: "At noon, I want to eat something lighter, such as boiled noodles with eggs."

Yue Hengyi opened his mouth to drink the ginger soup. There was a pungent smell in the mouth of the ginger soup, and Yue Hengyi was so hot now that he felt uncomfortable after drinking it. The limbs started to swim, and soon the whole body became hot, and the sweat leaked out of the skin.

"I'm so hot, I don't need to cover the quilt!" Yue Hengyi stretched out his hand and wanted to lift the quilt.

Shen Feng hurriedly stopped him: "Don't be stupid, you just need to sweat right now, so obediently cover yourself with the quilt and go back to sleep, I'll find a way to make you noodles."

Yue Hengyi then lay down and continued to sleep.

Shen Feng thought for a while, he only had flour here, and the noodles were okay. Although he couldn't pull the noodles, he could still cut the noodles, but he couldn't find the milk and eggs. It seemed that he had to go to the base in the north to take another look.

Shen Feng immediately set off and went to the base where the bounty was offered. Now the whole base is tense, perhaps because of the previous battle, Shen Feng killed forty soldiers at one time, so that the base is heavily guarded.

Shen Feng used "Accompany Like the Wind" to cross the wall and enter the base. There happened to be an evolutionary on the wall. After seeing the black shadow entering the base, he immediately took out the walkie-talkie and reported the situation to the top.

The base is not particularly huge, and it can accommodate more than 10,000 people. In China, this is the level of a small town. However, the population in the doomsday is sparse, and only one out of ten people can survive. If you compare it horizontally , this base can be considered medium-sized.

In the most luxurious villa inside the base, a man was telling his family members, "Go, go! Get out of here, the idiots below have provoked the devil, and they just posted a reward, these Qiu Ba really took it seriously, Thinking that you can get a reward for killing someone, you are an idiot! Now the devil king is here again, if you are caught by him, you will all die!"

The man is the leader of this base, and he is now urging his family to leave here. He himself is the leader and cannot leave, but in order to prevent his family from being killed, he can only ask his family to take money and hide in a safe place. If nothing happens in the end, then You can come back again, but if you really provoke the devil, the entire base on your side may be destroyed.

"Honey, aren't you the leader of this base? What kind of devil can hurt us?" the man's wife asked in confusion.

The man couldn't help but scolded, "What do you know as a woman? This is a supernatural person! And he is one of the top supernatural persons in the world. I only have four or five hundred soldiers here, which is not enough to see, unless I have a supernatural person in my hand." Thousands of troops, otherwise, there is no way to survive!"

After hearing her husband's description, the wife immediately panicked, and hurriedly took the child to pack things, including clothes and food, and silver and gold. Now the world's common currency is gold and silver. With gold and silver in hand, there is no need to worry about lack of supplies.

The family packed up their things and went out immediately. In order to avoid attracting attention, they even left through the back door.

Sitting in a luxury villa of 300 square meters, the leader murmured, "If you want to kill or cut, come!"

Shen Feng was walking on the street, but he couldn't see any vegetable shop at all. It's right to think about it. In this day and age, most people can't eat vegetables by themselves, so who would open a shop to sell them? It is impossible to come out to set up a stall.

In order to avoid being recognized, Shen Feng covered his face. There were very few people walking on the street, and they were all afraid of being killed in the event of a conflict.

At this moment, someone came towards us on the street ahead. The three people were in a hurry. It was a plainly dressed mother with two children. The mother was dragging a heavy suitcase, and the children beside them were hanging baskets and baskets. , looks like a very ordinary family.

Shen Feng stepped forward to stop the three people, pointed to the vegetable basket in the child's hand, and said, "How do you sell your vegetables?"

The mother was stunned when she heard the words in Shen Feng's mouth. This person spoke Chinese. Although there are many Chinese here, generally no one speaks Chinese, unless it is an outsider!

Shen Feng patted his head, forgetting that people here generally can't speak Chinese, then he took out a gold button from his body, handed it to the mother, and snatched the food basket from the child's hand, the child was very happy. Unhappy, he wanted to rush up to fight, but was grabbed by his mother tightly.

Shen Feng looked at the ** and green vegetables in the vegetable basket, and felt rather happy in his heart. This is the kind of vegetables that you can’t find anywhere without a lot of effort, and you can’t find them for a long time. Now someone has brought them up. Buying a golden button and a basket of vegetables seems to be a big loss, but this is already the best situation of luck.

At this moment, the mother spoke up and asked, "What else do you want?"

Shen Feng was taken aback, the man spoke Chinese, so she could understand it.

Shen Feng continued: "Are there any eggs?"

"We went out in a hurry and didn't bring eggs, but turn left and then turn left on this street, and there is a chicken farm." The woman said boldly.

"Well, thank you. I will come here again in a few days. If you are still here by then, I will thank you." Shen Feng said with a smile, and walked towards the chicken farm with a vegetable basket.

After Shen Feng left here, the woman hurriedly said to the two children: "Hurry up and go home! Hurry up and go home!"

"But didn't we just come out of the house?" The daughter looked at her mother suspiciously.

"Be obedient, let's go home and run with your father!" the woman said firmly at this time.

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