Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 561: Raising A Banquet Iii

As soon as Shen Feng said this, everyone exclaimed. Anyone who has received nine years of compulsory education should know who Su Shi is. Ren is one of the eight great masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties, and his articles are naturally level. He is also a calligrapher, painter, poet and poet. Even if you don’t know his name, you should know the Dongpo meat he invented. This legendary figure remains His calligraphy is invaluable.

When Li Zhenli heard Shen Feng's words, she immediately became excited. She looked at the long and narrow box on one side, rubbed her hands excitedly, and then opened the sandalwood box. Only then did she realize that the box was actually made of red sandalwood. Without a few kilograms of gold, such a box cannot be afforded.

"Then I won't be polite!" Seeing the scroll, Li Zhenli couldn't help holding it in her hand, and worried that it would be damaged, so she cleared an area on the table, slowly put down the scroll, and then gently opened it. I have never seen Su Dongpo's authentic works, but the calligraphy in the scroll is very vigorous and powerful, and it looks majestic at a glance.

"Before this was a good thing that was treasured in the imperial palace, but it was sold off by Puyi and fell into the hands of the Japanese, and I finally brought it back!" Shen Feng said lightly.

Li Zhenli looked at the scroll slowly unfolding excitedly, and couldn't help but read: "Ten years of life and death are boundless, don't think about it, never forget it. There is nowhere to talk about desolation in a lonely grave thousands of miles away. Even if you meet, you should not know each other. Frost. Ye Lai Youmeng suddenly returns home, Xiaoxuan window, is dressing up. There is no words for each other, only a thousand lines of tears. It is expected to be a heartbroken place every year, a moonlit night, short Matsuoka!"

Continue to unroll the scroll, and there are a large number of seals of literati at the back, many of whom are famous, even Qianlong stamped a lot on it, and all kinds of small script comments are completely dazzling.

Li Zhenli was immediately attracted by the authentic work of Su Dongpo in front of her, and she devoted herself to it, not caring much about the situation around her.

And after this scene was seen by the rest of the participants, they immediately felt jealous. Originally, they had planned to let their son show off, so as to gain the attention of the eldest lady, but now, all the attention was snatched away by a stranger. Now, this makes them how not to hate.

"Forty-one, forty-two!" At this time, there was a sixteen-year-old boy in the field who was snatching the barbell vigorously. He was neither married nor engaged, and among the young people present, he was the strongest. Yes, he believed that he had won the physical strength competition this time.

"Okay, son! You're just flirting with the blind now, so stop now!" At this moment, the mother of the fool couldn't help but sigh.

The young man slowly put down the barbell. He had been exercising for a while. He was hot all over. He looked into the distance, but found that the eldest lady was in the corner, looking at a painting and calligraphy. She was in a trance. He was immediately annoyed and said in his heart: "Good guy, you stole all my limelight!"

At this moment, the young man thought about it, he had to find his way back, it was a trivial matter not to be valued by the eldest lady, but now he performed for nothing, but no one cared, just like a monkey being tricked in a zoo , if this is indifferent, it will really become a joke!

"You like calligraphy, don't you? I don't care what you're looking at! Disappear for me now!" The young man made up his mind and poured a drink from one side, and it was a carbonated drink. This thing can destroy paper of.

He slowly approached the corner, shaking the goblet while walking. Although the goblet and Coke didn't go together at all, it didn't matter anymore, because Coke wasn't for drinking.

The boy slowly approached the corner, and said as he approached, "What kind of treasure is it? Miss, let me see it too!"

However, at this moment, the boy suddenly slipped his footsteps and said "Ouch", the goblet in his hand flew out of his hand, and the Coke in the cup also poured straight out.

Seeing this scene, everyone suddenly exclaimed, this child is too careless, is such a precious treasure about to be destroyed?

Li Zhenli didn't expect this at all, she saw this scene when she turned her head, and she had no time to react at this time.

"Huh", suddenly at this time, a gust of wind blew, and the spilled Coke was instantly blown into water droplets, and then flew back.

"Wow", the boy was splashed with Coke, and it became difficult to open his eyes.

Shen Feng stood up slowly, and said to Li Zhenli: "You put away the scroll for me first, take these two boxes, don't let them get damaged! As for me, I might have to teach the children a lesson!"

Everyone present didn't realize that it was Shen Feng who made the shot. They all thought that there was a strange wind blowing outside the door, which almost blew away all the Coke, and then the guy in the mask in this corner was about to make a shot. , They also immediately became nervous.

"Boy, you are so courageous that you actually want to destroy my baby. It seems that your academic performance is not very good!" Shen Feng said with a sneer.

"How do you know how my academic performance is? Besides, I didn't do it on purpose, so don't swear!" the boy said, poking his neck.

Shen Feng shook his head, and said flatly: "Because you didn't hire a tutor at home, your academic performance is not very good!"

As soon as these words came out, the boy's parents were immediately angered. A man and a woman stood up immediately, wearing gold and silver jewelry weighing a catty! Pointing at Shen Feng, he asked loudly: "Where did the bastard come from, insulting us!"

No tutoring is a pun. It can refer to not having a tutor, and it can also refer to a person’s family who is not educated. When used at the moment, Shen Feng means that the other party’s youth is uneducated. The whole family was regarded as vulgar country people.

And after Shen Feng finished saying this, it really aroused the dissatisfaction of the young family. This is not accusing the children, it is obviously pointing at the parents' noses and cursing. As a parent, if you don't stand up now, then It really loses face in public.

Shen Feng saw the parents of the other party standing up to accuse him, but there was a look of sarcasm on his face, and then he said: "It really is true that dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, and mice give birth to burrows. If there is a bastard son, there will be a couple." Bastard parents, learned the lesson, it turns out that unreasonableness is inherited from the ancestors!"

Originally, Shen Feng didn't intend to cause too much trouble, just teach these guys a lesson, but now, Shen Feng is really angry. The things he brought back from the Japanese country all the way across the sea are precious calligraphy works , but a mere boy wants to ruin his own baby, heh heh, he is so used to being arrogant, he dares to provoke anyone

"You brat, you're looking for death!" I don't know if Shen Feng's words hit the pain point of the parents and angered the family at that time, the man rushed forward with his fists waving, ready to teach him a lesson Shen Feng, and the woman secretly grabbed the beer bottle on the side, as if she would strike at any moment.

"Boom", Shen Feng stood still, when the man approached, he made a move instantly, dodged the man's fist, and punched out again, "Crack", Shen Feng punched the man Under the ribs, the man was knocked to the ground on the spot, and five or six ribs were broken at that time.

"There is no way to teach a child, damn it!" Shen Feng said coldly, and stepped on the man who fell to the ground, "Kachacha...", the man's chest and abdomen were sunken at that moment, and he vomited blood on the spot. There was a broken bone in his heart, and after a while, the man fell to the ground and died.

"You dare to kill my husband? Go die too!" The woman beside her saw that her husband had been killed in the blink of an eye, her eyes turned red, and she waved the beer bottle in her hand to fight Shen Feng desperately. In the battle of father and son, the boy who poured Coke just now also rushed up, obviously wanting to avenge his father!

"Don't repent, damn it!" Shen Feng sneered, facing a pair of mother and son rushing forward, he was not afraid at all, with a cold light in his eyes.

Shen Feng has now seen that this family is a so-called hob meat, completely unreasonable, just thinking of taking advantage, obviously he did something wrong and didn't let others say it, and wanted to kill the other party's mouth, there is such a thing There are many people in Wanzhou, and the people here are really suffering!

At the Wanzhou city lord's banquet, this family dared to act so arrogantly. Then, in daily life, the actions of this family can be imagined to be horrific. Shen Feng does not intend to show mercy at this time up.

The first one to rush over was a crazy woman, her eyes were red at this moment, she held a beer bottle in her hand, and smashed it down on Shen Feng's head with a big movement, obviously planning to put Shen Feng to death.

"Crack", Shen Feng shattered the beer bottle with a fist, and at the same time grabbed a piece of green glass shards, and threw it out with all his strength. The sharp piece of glass pierced the woman's throat at that time, blood spurted out, and the woman fell down instantly .

At this time, the boy also came to Shen Feng's body. His parents fell to the ground one after another, which had aroused his anger, but there was still deep fear in the anger. After rushing forward, he waved his fists and prepared to attack.

"Boom", Shen Feng kicked out, and the boy flew back at a faster speed, and finally landed straight in the center of the stage, smashing a hole in the stage.

At that moment, Shen Feng looked around at the group of people in the center of the banquet, and shouted loudly: "Who else! Stand up if you don't agree!"

The scene of Shen Feng's hands-on action was only a few tens of seconds, but he had already killed three people in a row with his bare hands, which shocked everyone present. He couldn't see how Shen Feng moved, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

In an instant, the group of people who participated in the banquet immediately retreated away from this demon one after another. They never expected that the country bumpkin who sat silently in the corner before would have such a strong power!

"Mr. Shen, Mr. Shen, it's Missy's birthday party now. If you do this, it will be very difficult for us!" The butler Li Mo rushed up immediately, seeing that the development of the party was going in an uncontrollable direction, he Hastily stepped forward to intercede.

"Difficult to do? Then don't do it!" Shen Feng grabbed a table and flipped it over, revealing his arrogance.

Afterwards, Shen Feng looked at the group of people at the banquet, and said with a sneer: "You all probably think that you are the so-called upper-class people, right? Unfortunately, in my eyes, you are not a fart. Now, give You have a chance, those who want to kill me will do it together!"

Seeing that the situation had reached the current stage, Li Mo was so anxious that he didn't know what to do, with a frowning face, he walked around in the hall anxiously.

A group of people saw Shen Feng approaching step by step, but they could only back away silently, no matter whether they were adults or children, they were all stunned, and had no other choice but to run away.

"Why do you suddenly lose your courage now? It shouldn't be! Didn't everyone mock me just now? Stand up, isn't there a bloody person?" Shen Feng asked loudly.

However, until now, no one dared to stand up and resist, and the tone in their mouths softened instantly: "We were all joking before, because we have eyes that don't know Mount Tai!"

"Yes, yes, we are blind, please let us go this time!"

There was a smile on the corner of Shen Feng's mouth, but this smile was more or less ironic: "Hmph, is it too late to beg for mercy now? The bad things you did did not only offend me, but also others!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Feng pointed to all kinds of delicacies at the banquet, and said: "With sufficient funds to enjoy, a big feast is held for a little girl's birthday, but no gruel is given to the elderly and weak, and she is arrogant and domineering. People with money look down on them in every possible way, and even kill them if they want, this is your crime!"

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