Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 686: Grassland Catastrophe

Qi Lingshan was still showing off his profound knowledge to Xu Xing who was beside him, but he didn't expect the sudden brake in front of him. The end of the seat belt, when an accident occurs, the seat belt cannot function.

So Qi Lingshan was a little out of breath at the time, and he didn't dare to criticize the city lord, so he could only ask Lu Xian, why did he brake suddenly?

Lu Xian and Shen Feng had already stepped down from the car in front, and they said as they walked, "You will see for yourself why we brake!"

After hearing Lu Xian's words, Xu Xing and Qi Lingshan hurriedly got out of the car, came to the front and looked, their eyes were stunned, a small town that used to be on the grassland had now turned into ruins, If it's just ruins, it's fine, but there are still many human bones on the ground, and the ground is bloody, which makes people feel horrible. Someone must have lived here before, but I don't know why the town has been destroyed now. It's out of shape.

After seeing this tragedy, Xu Xing felt a burst of sadness in her heart. It is normal to feel sad when seeing the same kind being killed. You must know that maybe they were still living human beings before.

"Go, let's go up and have a look. We always need to know what happened on the grassland, otherwise, it will be dangerous for us to cross the grassland." Shen Feng said to the crowd, and then everyone went up to check the situation together, logically speaking , in the apocalypse, even villages and towns have guns. In order to protect their own safety, if they encounter enemies, everyone will definitely fight to the death. Horror.

Shen Feng immediately led people into the town, and the car was left outside. Considering that Xu Xing was relatively timid, Xu Xing was given the task of guarding the car.

And Xu Xing really couldn't bear to see the tragic death of the same kind, so he was willing to wait outside the town.

The town has been destroyed badly, and the original fence outside the town has also collapsed. On the collapsed fence, Shen Feng found many messy footprints. These are the footprints of animals, which look very similar to It's a wolf!

"I'll go. I was talking about the wolf totem just now, but now there are wolves. I must have opened my mouth." Qi Lingshan couldn't help complaining after seeing the footprints of the wolves.

Shen Feng squatted down and stretched out his hand to measure the distance from the thumb to the middle finger, which is called one shoulder. Shen Feng calculated that the largest footprint was two shoulders long, which shows that one of the wolves who broke through the town There must be a huge mutant individual.

It has just snowed on the grassland recently, and snow can be seen in some shady corners at this time. Qi Lingshan suddenly found a wolf skeleton on the ground, and said quickly: "Come and see, there are wolves here." skeleton."

Shen Feng looked at Bai Sensen's skeleton, and there were many tooth marks on it, and then he thought about it: "So, the wolves can't find food in winter, so they choose to eat people, this small town It was broken by wolves, and the wolves on the grassland should not be underestimated."

It is said that dogs do not eat their own kind. Even if they are fed dog meat buns, dogs can ask questions. However, wolves are different. When there is an extreme shortage of food, wolves will also eat their own kind. Many people may think that wolves Packs are carnivores, but this idea is wrong, wolves are actually omnivores.

Once a zoologist dissected the corpse of a wolf and found that there were many wild fruits and worms in the stomach of the wolf. Fill the stomach.

After the snow fell on the grassland, the food has been decreasing, and the only place where food can be found is the human gathering place. In this way, it makes sense for the wolves to attack the human gathering place.

Lu Xian used his power to check if there were any living people around, but he found nothing, except for the three of them in the town, there was no living person left.

"City Master, there are no living people here, but there may be some survivors in the cellar. Let's search separately. I haven't found any wolves within a kilometer radius." Lu Xian said in a deep voice.

At this time, the role of taking Lu Xian in the wild is revealed. Lu Xian can feel heat in a wide range, and if humans are alive, their bodies will definitely produce heat. After all, humans are endothermic animals, so it is easy Now, if Lu Xian has not found other living people, there is only one explanation left, that is, all the people in the town are dead.

The three then shouted in the small town, trying to find the living.

There are cellars in many places in the north. In order to store food and vegetables, although the emergence of refrigerators makes cellars less used, many people are still used to having a cellar to store things, and when in danger, they can hide in the cellar.

Shen Feng also pinned his hopes on the cellar, hoping to find a few living people from the cellar, so as to inquire about the situation. The next step is to cross the grassland, and he must prepare early for possible dangers on the grassland.

However, Shen Feng and the others searched the town, but they still couldn't find anyone. They found a few in the cellar, but they were all opened.

"The gray wolf's nose is very sensitive, so most of the people hiding in the cellar have already been found out and eaten. It seems that we don't want to find any living people." Lu Xian said helplessly.

There are not many smells that human noses can smell, but dogs can smell some places that humans can't smell, so police dogs are trained all over the world, just to find things that humans can't, and dogs start from ashes. Wolves have been trained to smell the smell that dogs can smell, which means that wolves can smell it too.

Shen Feng found four or five cellars here, all of which were opened from the outside. Wolves can actually dig holes. After discovering the cellars, they can dig into them.

At this moment, Qi Lingshan shouted from a distance: "City Lord, Lu Xian, come here quickly, I found useful information."

After hearing this, Shen Feng and Lu Xian immediately approached Qi Lingshan. When they walked over, they found that Lu Xian was in a building with a blood-stained letter in his hand. The envelope had already been opened. up.

Lu Xian said hastily: "I found this from a desk, and it was probably left behind by the office workers in this small town. It also says who to hand it to."

Shen Feng took the letter and looked at it. Sure enough, there was a line of words on the envelope, "Headquarters personally."

Shen Feng opened it and watched it, and wrote in the letter: "We have been surrounded by wolves, and the telephone line may have been bitten off. We can't make calls, so we can only leave information. Headquarters, this matter is of great importance and must not be underestimated.

Recently, many wolf packs have appeared on the grasslands. They first came from Outer Mongolia, and there are a large number of them. We estimate that there are five thousand wolves outside the town. Perhaps there are more hidden in the vast grasslands. Among these wolves, there are ordinary individuals and mutant individuals, among which the mutant individuals are as huge as elephants, and they are flexible in action. In order to avoid future harassment by the wolves, the headquarters is also asked to send troops to clean up the wolves on the grassland. "

After seeing the contents of the letter, Shen Feng shook his head helplessly, and said, "It's a pity that the headquarters is in a state of desperation right now, so we don't have time to take care of things on the grassland. We can't deliver this letter either."

Perhaps, the person who wrote this letter also placed his hope in the headquarters before he died, hoping that the headquarters could come to rescue, but in the end, this letter became a must-write and fell into Shen Feng's hands.

Lu Xian thought for a while, and couldn't help but said: "City Master, why don't we take a detour? It's too dangerous here."

Shen Feng heard this, but asked back: "Detour? From where? The forests of the three eastern provinces? Can you guarantee that there are no wolves over there?"

Lu Xian pointed to the situation in the small town and said: "But, City Master, you have also seen that the current grassland is too dangerous. Our four supernatural beings may not be the opponents of the wolves."

Lu Xian was very worried that he would never return, especially on the grassland, where there was no body collector. If he died on the grassland, it would be a great injustice. He also hoped that he could return safely to Yuzhou and The daughter-in-law went to live, if she died, Hong Yehui would become a widow.

Shen Feng stuffed the letter into his pocket, frowned and thought about it, and said, "No, keep going north, go faster, and cross the grassland as fast as you can, as long as you reach the Siberian Plateau, where there are many forests, Then we'll be safe."

When Lu Xian heard Shen Feng's answer like this, he had a bitter face at that time, and his face became particularly ugly. Now he can't understand why the city lord knows that there are tigers in the mountains, so he prefers to go to the tiger mountain, and he obviously takes a detour. is the most suitable choice.

Qi Lingshan also agreed with Shen Feng's decision, and said seriously: "Since there are countless packs of wolves on the grassland, no matter how many of us there are, they will always bump into them. Why don't we just rush over there? Don't forget, we came here by car." , The movement of wolves relies on four legs, so there is no need to worry about speed."

From Qi Lingshan's point of view, he came here in a car. If so, couldn't four wheels not run on four legs? Relying on his speed advantage, he can leave the Mongolian plateau in two days, and when he reaches the north, won't there be no danger of wolves?

Lu Xian shook his head and said, "You guys, it's still too simplistic. You just think that you will meet wolves on the plains, but wolves don't care about that. What if the wolves live in the mountains? Now It’s the end of the day, and anything will happen.”

"If we take a detour, the gasoline we carry will not be enough. If the wolves are installed, the car happens to have no gas, and we can only take the eleventh road. I don't need to worry about this problem at my speed, but how many of you It's hard to say personally." Shen Feng said lightly.

When Lu Xian heard what Shen Feng said, he couldn't understand it. It seemed that what the city lord said was true. If there was no gasoline and met wolves, the danger would be more serious, so he had to rush over.

The three came out of the small town and found Xu Xing, who was sitting on the roof of the car wiping his long knife.

Ever since the samurai sword broke, Xu Xing found people from the steel factory in Yuzhou and asked them to help make a titanium alloy long knife with a slightly blue light. After getting this knife, Xu Xing has been fond of it ever since She hardly let go of the knife in her hand. As for the samurai sword Shen Feng gave her, Xu Xing kept it at home as a souvenir.

Qi Lingshan gave an overview of the situation when he entered the town, and Xu Xing couldn't help being excited when he heard that he might encounter wolves on the grassland early, and said: "So, we are Do you want to fight wolves? If I killed a few wolves, wouldn’t it be possible to make a wolf fur coat?”

Shen Feng has not forgotten the incident of wearing a wolf fur cloak to make a fool of himself on stage. Now that Xu Xing talked about the wolf fur coat again, Shen Feng could only reply casually: "As you like, but if you want to use wolf fur to make a Clothes, I don’t know if you have this kind of ability!”

Generally speaking, animal fur can be made into clothes, but the fur you get is basically rough and hard, and only after tanning and other treatments will it become soft. Xu Xing obviously doesn't know this, and thinks that peeling Clothes can be made from skins.

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