Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 687 Undeliverable Letter

Next, Shen Feng continued to drive north. Shen Feng did not forget what Zhang Xixi told him before, which was to send a letter to Zhang Jue. It has been almost two years since Zhang Xixi and his big brother separated. There are still calls, but there is no chance to talk recently, so Zhang Xixi misses big brother very much, so she wants to write a letter to send it.

Shen Feng also knew where Zhang Jue was. He was in charge of guarding the mine on the grassland, and his wife also lived here.

Along the way, Lu Xian has been using supernatural powers to find out all the surrounding situations, so as to avoid sudden attacks by mutant beasts.

Although you can see everything on the grassland, you can see everything when you look around, but there is no big mistake in being careful. Lu Xian would rather expend his energy to use his abilities than be attacked suddenly. Although he is a person with abilities, his combat effectiveness is not very good. Strong, especially when facing a group of mutant beasts.

Soon Shen Feng saw the mine. Although it is a mountain, the mountain has been hollowed out. The mine is sunken. There are many mines in the mine. The coal truck is responsible for bringing coal from the mine to the mine. come out.

However, when Shen Feng stood on the top of the valley and looked down the mine, he fell silent immediately, because the mine was also empty, and there were hundreds of soldiers guarding the mine, but now they have disappeared , there was no one in the mad arena.

Seeing this scene, Shen Feng immediately guessed that something happened to Zhang Jue.

"Hey, I'm a step late, and this side has already been attacked." Lu Xian couldn't help but let out a sigh, thinking that the guys who fought side by side in Yanjing back then don't know what's going on now.

Seeing this, Shen Feng could only shake his head helplessly, and said: "Go down and have a look, this place is always protected by regular soldiers, even if it is attacked, it will not be helpless, maybe everyone is hiding Maybe in the mine, so relax."

Next, a group of people walked down, Xu Xing didn't intend to continue to look at the car, anyway, the surroundings were unobstructed, and the car would be fine if it was left outside.

After arriving in the mine, Shen Feng quickly found some bullet casings on the ground, it is obvious that there was resistance when it was attacked.

There are many houses in the mine, which are built in the center of the valley. Everyone lives here. Although it is a bit noisy, it can be protected here.

"Is there anyone? Is there anyone?" Shen Feng shouted.

The words echoed continuously in the valley, and if someone heard Shen Feng's words, they would definitely be able to answer them.

However, after waiting for a long time, Shen Feng did not hear any answer, so he had to go to the area of ​​the house in person. The houses here were all damaged, some doors were broken, some windows were broken. Bloodstains can still be seen in many places, human bones are scattered on the ground, and skulls can be seen from time to time.

Xu Xing was disgusted by the situation in front of her. It wasn't that she had never seen a dead person, but she actually saw the human bones after being bitten, which caused her physical discomfort.

There is still a lot of coal piled up on the mine, which has not been crushed or desulfurized. It is coal that has just been mined, and the warehouse door has been opened, and all the grain inside has disappeared, leaving only a lot of broken Flour Sack.

Qi Lingshan shook his head and said, "Let's go quickly. The places guarded by soldiers have become like this. It can be seen that the fighting power of the wolves is indeed strong. If we stay here, we will probably be attacked too. .”

Qi Lingshan's words immediately got Lu Xian's approval. That's right, it's fine if the town is just breached. It can be said that there are no regular soldiers protecting them. It's a group of civilians protecting their lives. They can't beat wolves. It was a matter of course, but the mine could be protected by hundreds of soldiers. Hundreds of soldiers are already quite powerful, but even so, they have not been able to hold the mine. One can imagine how powerful the wolves are.

Shen Feng didn't persist this time, the danger was already in front of his eyes, if he didn't listen to persuasion, he would definitely suffer.

However, Shen Feng is still very optimistic at this time, saying: "Even if there is an accident in the mine, there is no need to worry about Zhang Jue. Zhang Jue is a supernatural being. He can fly. At this time, Zhang Jue may fly." I ran to a safe place and hid."

"Yes, yes, we don't need to worry about Zhang Jue's safety. This guy is most afraid of death. When the city lord asked him to give you a ride, he always pushed back and forth. He had to be aggressive. This kind of person must be able to Those who survived the chaos, wolves can't fly." Lu Xian also echoed at this time.

Lu Xian participated in the assassination of the Corpse King. At that time, Zhang Jue's performance had already made many people look down on him. It just so happened that Lu Xian was one of the people who looked down on Zhang Jue. This kind of guy who is greedy for life and afraid of death, is in danger. He must have flapped his wings and escaped, and he would take his daughter-in-law along with him.

However, at this moment, Lu Xian sensed a new situation, so he immediately asked the mine in the distance: "Who is it? You are sneaky, stand up for me!"

At this time, after Lu Xian cast his power, he suddenly discovered that there was a heat reaction in a mine in the distance, and it was in the shape of a person. It was obvious that someone was hiding in the mine. Lu Xian was worried about the person hiding in the mine. He is a villain, so he immediately reprimanded him.

Xu Xing and Qi Lingshan immediately became vigilant and looked in the direction of the mine.

A weak voice came from the mine, "We are our own people, don't do anything!"

After speaking, five soldiers came out of the mine. Their bodies were in tatters, and many parts were still wrapped in cloth strips. There were bloodstains under the cloth strips.

Seeing the appearance of the soldiers, Shen Feng hurried over and asked, "Are you the soldiers guarding here? How are you doing now?"

Seeing Shen Feng appearing here, the five soldiers immediately burst into tears, and then said sadly: "Lord Fengshen, there are more than three hundred soldiers, only five of us are left alive!"

While talking, a soldier fell weakly on the ground, eyes blurred, looked at Shen Feng and said: "Water, food, I'm so thirsty."

Shen Feng hurriedly said to Xu Xing: "Go to the car and get water and food."

Xu Xing immediately followed suit and went to the car to bring food and water. There are more than 300 soldiers and now only five are still alive. This kind of casualty is really terrible, and they don’t know it’s luck that they survived. Still unlucky.

After Shen Feng distributed water and food to several people, he began to ask: "When did you encounter the attack? How many wolves are there?"

Several soldiers were devouring their food, almost choking, and said vaguely as they ate: "In the attack a week ago, the number of wolves was too large for us to count, but Master Zhang Jue said, There are probably 20,000 to 30,000.

Hearing several people talking about Zhang Jue, Lu Xian couldn't help but asked with a smile: "By the way, where is Zhang Jue? Where is he now?"

A soldier took out a cloth bag from his pocket and said, "Master Zhang Jue is here!"

The expression on Lu Xian's face disappeared immediately, he thought Zhang Jue was still alive and well, but now, the other party handed over a cloth bag, what does this mean?

Lu Xian opened the cloth bag and saw that there were only some broken bones left inside, nothing else could be seen.

"Don't make fun of me! Don't I know about Zhang Jue? He is cowardly and cowardly, how could he be dead?" Lu Xian's face became serious, and then he questioned several people.

Hearing Lu Xian's question, several people could only explain uncomfortably: "Master Zhang Jue is indeed dead, we saw it with our own eyes. At that time, Master Zhang Jue escaped to cover the miner's family, and finally chose to hold the wolf Wang, under the siege of hundreds of wolves, was outnumbered, and finally detonated the explosives, seriously injured the wolf king, and then died, just such a few bones, we managed to get them back."

Shen Feng and Lu Xian looked at each other, their eyes filled with sadness, it was obvious that Zhang Jue was a complete coward, but in the end he did such a remarkable thing before he died, it seems that everyone is subject to change.

After the five soldiers were full, they talked about the previous experience. It turned out that the winter in the north came very early, so there was a heavy snowfall on the grassland, just in time for the arrival of the Little Ice Age, and the temperature was even lower. Everyone hid in the house to rest. As a result, the wolves on the grassland had nothing to eat. Even if they wanted to eat wild fruits, they had to dig up the snow. In the end, the hungry wolves began to attack humans. Mines have also been attacked by wolves.

The number of soldiers is still too small, and the ammunition in the hands of the soldiers is not enough, so they can't stop the attack of the wolves at all.

Speaking of this incident, a soldier said indignantly: "If the convoy delivering supplies hadn't arrived late, the 300 of us would have been able to protect the mine, but Yanjing was attacked by mutated birds. There was a problem with the deployment of materials, we ran out of bullets and shells, we had to fight the wolves with bayonets, all our comrades fell down, and we just hid in the mine to barely survive."

It can be seen that this soldier has deep opinions on the slow delivery of supplies. If there is no problem with the deployment of supplies, they will definitely be able to hold on.

Shen Feng looked at the cloth bag in Lu Xian's hand, and said slowly: "I originally sent a letter to Zhang Jue, his sister Zhang Xixi entrusted me to do this, but now I can only find these broken bones. Please, I want to take these bones back and give them to Zhang Jue's sister."

The five soldiers hesitated for a moment, and they all nodded in agreement. However, at this moment, a soldier reminded Shen Feng: "Master Zhang Jue's wife is also pregnant, and she fled with her family. The claws of the group, I think Lord Fengshen can go and look for it."

Reminded by this incident, Shen Feng couldn't help being a little surprised, and asked: "So, Zhang Jue may still have a child alive? Then I will definitely look for it."

It turns out that the scope of this mine is very large, and some of the mines are connected to the mines in the old mining area, just a few kilometers away. Only the old miners know about this. When the situation is critical, the miners also join in with weapons. They took the opportunity to escape from the mine in the old mining area. They left in a hurry and did not bring any food. I don’t know what is going on now. Did they escape smoothly?

After learning about what happened in the mining area, Shen Feng took out Zhang Xixi's letter and put it together with the bones in the cloth bag. It seemed that Zhang Xixi's letter would never be sent out.

Next, Shen Feng said to the five soldiers: "Next we have to go north, you...stay here, if I pass by here when I come back, I will take you back."

The soldiers did not give up. Now there are only five of them left in the mine. If they continue to stay here, they have no food and no weapons. How can they survive?

"Lord Fengshen, we want to go with you." Someone expressed his thoughts and wanted to follow Shen Feng out of here.

Shen Feng quickly shook his head and said: "No, the place I am going to is Siberia, which is more dangerous. If you follow me, it is very dangerous. I will leave some food for you. During this time, you should work hard. live."

When the soldiers heard Shen Feng's explanation, they had no choice but to agree. After all, they were just ordinary people. Although they could shoot, they couldn't help the supernatural beings. Now they didn't have bullets, and the guns in their hands were just burning fire. It's just a stick.

Fortunately, when Shen Feng was on the Loess Plateau, many villagers sent food to Shen Feng. Otherwise, Shen Feng really didn't have any extra rations to give to others. Shen Feng left two hundred catties of white flour, as long as these few people If you eat sparingly, you can last for a while.

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