Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 7 Lure Zombies

After Chang Jianyi said he raised his hands to vote, everyone turned their attention to Shen Feng. Everyone has noticed in the past few days that this kid is very defensive. Will he agree to this vote? The safest way, of course, is to veto, anyway, he is now the strongest fighting force, no one dares to oppose him.

Shen Feng thought for a while, the reason why the senior sister said this was to win everyone's support and in the name of justice, so she said seriously: "I will not be partial, since the senior sister said it is a democratic vote, then vote Well, I made it clear in advance! This time the vote prohibits retaliation, if you let me know who is intentionally hurting others, I will definitely not be polite!"

After Shen Feng said this sentence, he waved the crowbar in his hand, as if to prove the effectiveness of the previous sentence.

Chang Jianyi is also very satisfied with the cooperation of his junior. It is really not easy for him to understand his meaning so quickly! I believe that at this time, everyone has seen the situation clearly, and they have already thought clearly when voting!

In the end, seventeen people except Shen Feng and Chang Jianyi began to vote. Everyone raised their hands to vote. When it was Chang Jianyi's turn, no one raised their hands, but when it was Zhu Wushi and Zhou Changkun's turn, both of them won. With the same number of votes, all sixteen votes!

At this point, both Zhu Wushi and Zhou Changkun could see that the two college students opposite were purely targeting themselves! The vote seemed fair, and there was Shen Feng's force as a deterrent behind the vote, so it was fundamentally unfair. However, is this method really something two college students can do? The two were skeptical.

"By the way, I remembered one thing." Zhu Wushi still didn't want to admit defeat, and continued: "Aren't zombies more sensitive to sounds? Why don't we use a speaker to lure? There is a trolley speaker over there, drag it out and run farther away Playing music, isn't it also effective? No need for people to go out as bait?"

Chang Jianyi stood up and said: "Zombies actually have a better sense of smell, so I need you to go out together, and you don't need to do much, just cut a small cut on your hand, these zombies smell blood, immediately I'm chasing after it!"

"No, no! In the current situation of lack of medical care and medicine, we can't kill each other!" Seeing hope, Zhu Wushi continued: "If you have a good sense of smell, why do the zombies outside the gate leave one by one in one night? What? Can't they smell someone in there? That's clearly not right!"

Chang Jianyi couldn't find a point to refute for a while. It is true that zombies have a very sensitive sense of smell, but this is not absolute. After smelling more pungent smells, they will not be able to tell the difference. Besides, the smell will gradually fade away, and the zombies may stop chasing after a while!

Shen Feng immediately rescued the senior sister, and said to Zhou Changkun: "Okay, it's you! Get ready later, go and make bait for me, don't worry, I won't abandon you!"

Zhou Changkun's face turned green, he thought of something, immediately stared and leaned on the ground and stopped moving, then closed his eyes tightly, as if he had fallen into a coma!

"Don't do this! Sister, you go prepare some water and splash it on his face to see if he still pretends!" Shen Feng is not that easy to lie, he made up his mind today, he must bring someone with him, if necessary Time is the scapegoat.

Zhou Changkun saw that he couldn't pretend anymore, so he had no choice but to wake up, and said, "Brother, you said you can just bring the stereo, why do you want me to be the bait?"

"It's because he made a contribution and gave advice on audio, but you didn't contribute anything, and you voted the most just now, so it's you, and you can't escape!" Shen Feng said seriously.

Zhou Changkun's mind turned quickly, and he said quickly: "I can also make a contribution. I know the road conditions in the surrounding streets very well. I can draw a map for you. Besides, take my words. I am not physically strong. I It will become your burden!"

"Become a burden and take the opportunity to throw you away!" Shen Feng thought silently in his heart.

Shen Feng didn't actually want to kill someone, but if he threw someone out during the zombie chase, it wouldn't count as killing himself!

When he thought that the guy in front of him once wanted to do something to his beautiful senior sister, he hated it, but with so many people around at this time, he couldn't say it was a public revenge, so he could only reluctantly agree. "Then you draw a map, tell you, don't try to play tricks, if I find the wrong place, I will break your dog legs on the spot!"

So, Zhou Changkun found a piece of paper, went to the side and began to draw a map, and at this time Shen Feng also took the senior sister's hand and walked aside, and said in a low voice: "Senior sister, I don't trust this guy. After I go out later, you remember to hang a rope on the second floor, if he doesn't open the door, I will climb up!"

"Okay, I see. After you leave, I will take people to prepare, pack the food and clothes, and pick out the driver by the way. We will drive when you come back!" Although Chang Jianyi was worried about the junior, but Now at this time, I had no choice but to take risks.

Afterwards, Shen Feng officially announced to everyone, saying: "Everyone listen to me, I will go out and lure the zombies away later, and then I will follow the instructions of my senior sister here. Everyone is going to pack food and clothes, and drink water. Bring it, when the time comes, when I come back smoothly, I will go to pick up the car, everyone will set off within a minute, remember clearly! Only one minute, you understand everything!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone agreed, and looked at Shen Feng with fiery eyes. They wanted to leave in their dreams, but now Shen Feng has proposed a plan. The most dangerous thing is for him to do it. Just keep up with the pace!

At this time, a few people who didn't participate in the operation yesterday also approached cheekily and asked, "You are gone, what should we do?"

Shen Feng thought for a while, and said directly: "This is easy, senior sister, remember to leave some food for them to eat, don't starve them, what do other people say!"

"No problem, no problem. I didn't want to contribute yesterday, but I want to go together today. It's just a whimsical idea."

"What I hate the most in my life is the guy who goes whoring for nothing. I am at odds with this kind of person!"

"Some people don't work hard when they work, but eat best when they eat. I won't say who this kind of person is, everyone knows it!"

... The crowd began to sneer unceremoniously, Shen Feng gave the senior sister a wink, and the senior sister also smiled and nodded slightly, expressing that she understood what he was doing. For this kind of guy with both ends of the head mouse, he should be beaten hard, otherwise, they can't be made to have a long memory! The white face has already been sung by Shen Feng, and the next step is to sing the red face!

Chang Jianyi stood up appropriately, and said to everyone: "Everyone, don't be too harsh. I think they just didn't think clearly yesterday. Now they have understood the truth. If we refuse them to join, it will be too ruthless. How about this, we let them work hard, so that we can be worthy of everyone's forgiveness!"

"For Ms. Chang's sake, let's forget about it, it's cheaper for you!" Everyone saw that Chang Jianyi had already appeared, so they couldn't say much.

As for these guys who are greedy for life and afraid of death, they can only be grateful to Chang Jianyi, what's more, they knelt on the ground and kowtowed. Chang Jianyi in front of them is so tall and stalwart!

When Chang Jianyi subdued the guys in front of him, Shen Feng should be ready to go. The trolley stereo was still powered on, and then he found an unowned mobile phone in the courier pile. After connecting it, he quickly opened it. The small door rushed out. At this time, it was a sunny morning!

Shen Feng quickly looked around, all the zombies heard the footsteps, and looked towards him, Shen Feng took a deep breath, and shouted: "A group of idiots, come and catch me, let's see if you can catch me!"

While speaking, Shen Feng turned on the speaker on his shoulder and played the loud music directly. The volume was turned up to the maximum. In an instant, even the zombies five hundred meters away were attracted. In an instant, countless Zombies surrounded them from all directions, and Shen Feng didn't dare to underestimate these zombies. Although their speed was relatively slow, their numbers could make up for their speed disadvantage. As long as Shen Feng was surrounded, he would definitely be caught and eaten.

In the building in the distance, someone saw Shen Feng's movement, shook his head and sighed, and said, "This kid is probably crazy. It's too late to hide from the zombies, and he dared to play music outside. It seems that he is dead." !"

Shen Feng had already planned the route before going out, and while carrying the stereo, he rushed out. When he was surrounded by zombies on both sides, he waved the crowbar in his hand and smashed two zombies to death. Strange, Shen Feng felt that he could not use up all his strength!

Shen Feng ran quickly and quickly ran out of the encirclement, but there are more zombies ahead, so be careful!

In Shen Feng's plan, he must find a place with a narrow passage nearby. After playing music, he will definitely be able to quickly attract zombies. After the zombies enter, he can run away, but the narrow passage will restrict the zombies from leaving. It is inevitable that there will be no numerical advantage in a short period of time, so the conditions for escape will be formed!

In Shen Feng's eyes, the shopping mall in the distance is the final destination. There are many entrances to the shopping mall, but none of them are big enough. The space inside is huge and can accommodate many zombies. Moreover, there are many stairs and elevators in the shopping mall, and there are more ways to escape. Although there are a large number of zombies, they can still maneuver around due to the complex terrain.

After Shen Feng gradually went away with the stereo, Chang Jianyi also immediately began to direct: "You guys, hurry up and pack the food, put it all in a cardboard box and seal it up, you guys, hurry up and pack your clothes, and the others go and pack the buckets." Put the tap water in the bottle in the bottle, hurry up, you only have one chance, don't hold back!"

Chang Jianyi prayed silently in her heart: "Shen Feng, you must be safe, the only thing I can rely on now is you!"

Shen Feng brought his speed to the extreme. At this time, he felt that he had the potential to become an athlete. If he participated in the 100-meter race at his current speed, he might be able to win the gold medal, but the zombies in front of Shen Feng were really There are too many, and it is too difficult to play your own speed.

Hundreds of zombies on the street rushed towards Shen Feng, forming a line of interception. Shen Feng relied on his own strength to break through forcefully every time, but there were more and more zombies around. There are still three hundred meters away!

"If only I could fly! Zombies won't be able to reach me!" Shen Feng thought while running.

Suddenly, Shen Feng saw the street trees beside the road. These sycamore trees had grown for many years, and the branches had been pruned several times, but the branches and leaves were still very dense. Immediately, Shen Feng realized that zombies are thoughtless animals and certainly cannot climb trees. Therefore, as long as he climbs trees, zombies can't do anything to him!

As promised, Shen Feng immediately fastened the crowbar to his waist, threw the stereo into the tree, and climbed up neatly by himself. Shen Feng has no experience of climbing trees before. After all, he is an otaku. If he can’t go out, he can’t go out. What’s the use of climbing trees? But this was the first time he climbed a tree, he became extremely excited, and bloodshot eyes gradually appeared in his eyes.

Then Shen Feng continued to move forward on the tree, just like an ape, jumping from one tree to another, and the irrational zombies were attracted by the heavy metal music, so they kept following the tree, just like that, Shen Feng When we came near the shopping mall, there was already the last tree here. Just look down and you can see dozens of big mouths. The big mouths opened are like little birds waiting to be fed. Of course, the little birds are not so scary!

"This time I have to jump a little longer! I can't fall in the crowd, so it depends on how my enhanced physique is!" Shen Feng thought of this, and immediately jumped forward, jumping four meters away, and the zombie instantly He shifted his target and chased after Shen Feng.

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