Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 8 Speed ​​Zombie

Shen Feng rushed into the shopping mall at the fastest speed, but he saw the scene where his scalp was numb. There were thousands of zombies in the shopping mall. At this time, they were attracted by the music, and they all looked towards him. That's right. Yes, the shopping mall is indeed huge, but there are many zombies left in the shopping mall.

Shen Feng didn't care too much, the zombies behind him were about to catch up, he spotted the nearest elevator and rushed over. Of course, the elevator couldn't continue to run, but the stopped elevator could still get people on, so Shen Feng rushed over At that time, two male zombies blocked the entrance of the elevator. Judging from their clothes, these two guys were the staff of the mall.

Shen Feng scolded angrily: "I usually see the staff, but now they stand up and stop me at this time, go to hell!"

After finishing speaking, he waved the crowbar and solved the zombies blocking the way twice in a row! But the zombie behind also chased after him, the distance was less than one meter, and he was about to grab Shen Feng's back with his hand. Shen Feng hurriedly ran to the top of the mall, heavy metal music echoed in the mall, and the mall that had been silent for six days played music again, which made people feel a little nostalgic.

The shopping mall has six floors, covers an area of ​​800 square meters, and there are only eight exits around it. Although it is not big, this is already the only shopping mall around. Of course, if you run a little further, the zombies may turn back, so the plan to attract zombies will be ruined! The walking ability of the zombies is concretely reflected in the shopping mall. The shopping malls are full of twists and turns, and most people will be confused. These zombies are even more confused. Most of the people turn around with their heads up, and a few zombies happen to find the stairs or elevators. Start climbing online.

Seeing this scene, Shen Feng was relieved and said, "You zombies, your IQ is worse than that of pigs and dogs, you can't find the stairs, and you still want to chase me? If you don't have wisdom, just wait to be eliminated!"

It can be said that Shen Feng used to worry about whether zombies would destroy human beings, but now it seems that zombies, animals with weak physical strength and low intelligence, will only act according to instinct, and will eventually be eliminated, because adapting Animals without environment can only be buried in the dust of history.

On the second floor, the number of zombies has decreased significantly, but there are still dozens of zombies! Climb to the third floor and see that there are only a few scattered zombies, which seems rather strange.

Shen Feng came to the third floor, put the stereo into the corridor, and started to deal with the zombies around. As a result, at this moment, a figure from above fell down and fell directly to the first floor. Shen Feng felt very strange that something had fallen. He walked to the edge of the stairs and saw that it was a zombie that fell down and fell to his death. up! Because it was head-on-the-ground, there was no possibility of surviving.

"It turns out that these zombies can't even go downstairs, aren't they a little mentally retarded?" Shen Feng muttered in his heart, and then Shen Feng thought of a way to keep throwing things downstairs. As long as he can make a sound, he can continue Attract zombies. Since the zombies upstairs can't go downstairs, they are all crowded on the edge of the guardrail, and if they are not careful, they will fall down, and the final result is that their brains are eaten by the surrounding zombies!

Shen Feng has been observing the exit of the shopping mall. Seeing that there are fewer and fewer zombies coming in, he also understands that the nearby zombies should be attracted to them, and the zombies farther away can't hear the sound from the shopping mall, so now they can retreated. It is definitely not possible to take the stairs. Now it is best to go out from the window.

Suddenly, Shen Feng saw a cosmetics shop not far away, rushed over immediately, stuffed a few bottles of cosmetics with unknown names in it, and then tore off the curtains to make ropes. If he didn't go back in time, other places Zombies will fill in the gaps around the shopping mall. At that time, I will attract zombies in vain, and everyone still can't get out!

Shen Feng pushed open the window of the cosmetics store, tied the rope to the shelf, grabbed the rope and slid down, preparing to leave this place of right and wrong, and since he went out to now, an hour has passed, of which 20 minutes It's on the road, and the rest of the time is attracting zombies in the mall!

Just as Shen Feng was walking down the rope, a drop of water suddenly fell on the top of his head, "What's the matter, it will rain in broad daylight? Could it be that the water pipes above are leaking?" Looking up, he was shocked. From the window on the fifth floor, an ugly head stuck out. It was a small zombie with its mouth wide open. The water droplets just now were actually his saliva!

"Damn it, you ugly ghost, if you have the ability to come down and challenge me one-on-one!" Shen Feng couldn't help cursing, this zombie is really too disgusting.

Shen Feng scolded originally to vent his anger. Anyway, this small zombie can't pose any threat, and he probably will fall when he comes out of the window. So, Shen Feng continued to go down, but at this moment, the little zombie on the fifth floor got out of the window, but he didn't fall because his fingers were stuck in the wall.

"What's the situation?" Shen Feng felt a little bad. This zombie didn't fall down, and his fingers could be inserted into the wall. Isn't that too exaggerated? Afterwards, Shen Feng grabbed the rope with one hand and the crowbar around his waist with the other.

The little zombie didn't wait for Shen Feng's reaction, and rushed over to the wall, reaching his eyes in the blink of an eye. Shen Feng quickly swung the crowbar, trying to kill the zombie, but the little zombie kicked its feet on the wall, passed over Shen Feng's head, and scratched Shen Feng's shoulder.

"Shua——" The clothes on Shen Feng's shoulders were torn instantly, and the skin under the clothes was also scratched with blood, and blood flowed out. The most terrible thing was that this small zombie landed on the sidewalk, it didn't fall to death, but landed smoothly, it was staring at Shen Feng who was going downstairs, as if it was preparing for the next attack.

"Damn it, isn't the speed and reaction too fast?" Shen Feng didn't expect this zombie to have such a fast speed, and he was caught off guard by surprise!

Shen Feng wanted to go down the stairs quickly, even if he wanted to fight. Now that he was on the second floor, he couldn't move without some leverage. Besides, the speed of this zombie was not easy, so he had to be careful. "Could it be that this zombie has been mutated? Otherwise, how could it be different from other zombies?" Shen Feng began to guess in his heart.

However, Shen Feng's goal of going downstairs was in vain, because just as he moved, the zombies below started to move. I saw him jumping on the net with both legs, and even jumped to the position above Shen Feng. Such a high position may be six meters high.

Shen Feng didn't attack rashly this time, but waited until the zombies made the first move. Without hesitation, the little zombie attacked Shen Feng's chest with its claws. It seemed that it knew very well that the heart is one of the weaknesses of human beings! At the critical moment, Shen Feng kicked his foot against the wall and moved backwards.

The little zombie didn't seem to have expected Shen Feng's way of evading, with a shocked expression on his face, Shen Feng took the opportunity to hit the little zombie with a stick, which happened to hit the little zombie's back, and there was only a clicking sound, and the little zombie seemed to be disconnected. Fell down like a kite.

"You ugly ghost, keep attacking! Wait for me to go down, and I'll finish you right away!" Shen Feng knew that he probably broke the shoulder blade of this little zombie just now, so it can still move, and now he needs to get down quickly .

However, when Shen Feng came to the ceiling of the first floor, the little zombie started to move again. He continued to jump up and came to the top of Shen Feng's head again. Shen Feng thought that the little zombie was going to repeat the same trick, so he kicked off the wall again and moved backwards. However, at this moment, the little zombie's claws caught the rope!

The rope hanging on the third floor was made of curtains. Now that it was caught by the little zombie, it was torn in half in an instant, and the remaining half was torn off by Shen Feng's own weight. Shen Feng didn't expect that this zombie had an IQ, and knew how to attack the rope. Caught off guard, it fell hard on the ground, landing on its back first, which made him feel pain all over his body.

However, at this moment, Shen Feng tilted his head and fell to the ground motionless, as if he had passed out.

The little zombie landed steadily on the ground. Seeing the motionless Shen Feng, it made a strange sound of "Hehe", as if it was excited for its own victory. Then he quickly rushed to Shen Feng on the ground, ready to open his brain and enjoy it to his heart's content.

However, when the little zombie came to Shen Feng's side, Shen Feng opened his eyes, and the crowbar in his hand stabbed out instantly, and under the powerful force, it directly penetrated the little zombie's chest. Dark red blood flowed out, but the zombie was not dead yet, and it was still trying to hurt Shen Feng with its teeth and claws.

Shen Feng's eyes were bloodshot, and he didn't care too much at this moment. He let go of the crowbar in his hand, grabbed the zombie's two claws with both hands, and exerted strength from his waist, rounded the zombie in his hand and smashed it against the wall of the shopping mall. Hearing a "bang", the head of the little zombie exploded instantly, with white and red splashes everywhere. At this time, the little zombie couldn't move anymore, his head had exploded, and it was impossible to resurrect.

Shen Feng stood up with some difficulty, took out his crowbar from the chest of the little zombie, and walked towards the logistics point. He fell from a height of five meters just now, which made him very uncomfortable, but the bones should not be broken.

"Fortunately, I can still pretend to be dead. It's not a problem to trick this low-intelligence zombie." Shen Feng thought in his heart.

However, this is not good news, because ordinary zombies actually have no IQ, and they can't even find the stairs, but the zombie they met just now is not only faster than ordinary zombies, but also knows how to attack the vital points , obviously, some zombies also have IQ!

"If all the zombies are intelligent, it will be really difficult!" Shen Feng thought in his heart.

Shen Feng tried his best to run. During the running process, he found that the pain in his back was gradually reducing. By the time he returned to the iron gate, the pain had disappeared. This made Shen Feng a little surprised, when did my recovery ability become so strong?

"Bang bang", Shen Feng immediately started knocking on the door and said, "I'm back, open the door quickly."

When Shen Feng went out for more than an hour, Chang Jianyi was worried all the time, but now that she saw Shen Feng coming back, she finally felt relieved and hurriedly opened the small door. During this period, Zhu Wushi and Zhou Changkun did not play tricks. After all, there were so many people around Chang Jianyi, and everyone was ready to escape. If they dared to play tricks now, they might be attacked by groups.

Shen Feng walked in, and Chang Jianyi immediately saw the tattered clothes on his shoulders, and there were a few bloodstains under the clothes, but these bloodstains had scabbed over. "Are you in danger? How are you? Are you injured?" Chang Jianyi asked with concern.

"It's okay, I met a fast zombie on the way back, but I took care of it." Shen Feng said lightly. Of course, he was still very touched by the senior sister's concern.

After that, Shen Feng looked at the people around and asked, "How about you? Are you ready?"

Chang Jianyi pointed to the nearby cardboard boxes, and said: "It's all packed, clothes, food, water, and some electronic equipment." The things in these cardboard boxes are all necessary items for escape. Everyone packed the items.

"Sister is reliable in her work, by the way, where is the driver?" Shen Feng asked with a smile.

"It's me, my name is Yang Wanji, you can just call me Lao Yang, I can drive anytime now!" The man wearing sunglasses stood up, his skin was a bit dark, it could be seen that he had been exposed to the sun for a long time Became like this.

"Everything is under planning, let's prepare for the next move!" Shen Feng said.

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