Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 737 It's All A Lie

When Jin Zijue uttered the word "Gale Flying", many supernatural beings present were attracted. Of course they knew about it, and thanks to the original elementary school text, in elementary school This incident was once described in the text, so this legendary story has become a household name thanks to elementary school textbooks.

The so-called flying gazelle is actually what happened when a group of hunters chased them to the edge of the cliff. Since the span on both sides of the cliff is too large, it is impossible for the gazelle to jump over it. The thing described in , that is, the old gazelle jumped out first, the young gazelle jumped out next, and then the young gazelle used the old gazelle as a springboard to step down the cliff, and the young gazelle finally reached the mountain smoothly. The story on the other side of the cliff, this story is very inspirational, but I heard it was made up.

The great philosopher Zeppelin once said, "The greatness of mankind is the greatness of courage, and the hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage."

It is undoubtedly a matter of strong courage for an old individual to dedicate his life for a young individual. Leaving the hope of survival to young individuals is something that many species will choose, and humans are most sympathetic to this behavior.

In order to be able to see more clearly, Jin Zijue found another light bulb in his hand, and lit the light bulb directly after using the power.

Then everyone stared intently at the cliff in the distance, wanting to see if the facts were as described in the legendary text, would the elderly individuals dedicate their lives?

This group of people only pay attention to such small things when they are idle. Now the most important thing is to kill the tree man. As a result, a group of people stared at a group of wild deer, although this is not a gazelle. , but the IQs of these two animals are similar. The solutions that the gazelle can come up with must be directly available to the wild deer.

As the tree man approached, the wild deer finally made a decision, that is to run up, and then jump to the opposite side. Fortunately, there is an extension of the ice block, so at this moment, jumping from the ice block to the opposite side, that is It's easier, and the span has been cut by more than half.

In the end, the wild deer was still divided into two sides as everyone thought, namely the old individual and the young individual, and then started the run-up one after the other.

First, the old individual rushed out, followed by the young individual. As a result, after the old individual sank, the young wild deer stepped on the back of the old wild deer, and the young wild deer rose again. The ground jumped up, while the old wild deer fell downwards.

However, even with the same tactic used by Gorala Flying Crossing, the young mutated wild deer still sank after jumping 20 meters. If there is only a 20-meter span between the cliffs, maybe this is really true. It can be done, but the natural moat has proved that it cannot be filled with life.

"Oh, it seems that the texts in the textbooks are also deceptive. Unfortunately, I was young and ignorant, and I was deceived by such things. This kind of thing is completely made up." Seeing this scene, Jin Zijue could only Can admit that the young and ignorant self was deceived.

At this time, the tree people were also approaching, and all thirty tree people walked on top of the ice block. The ignorant tree people didn't know that there was a bottomless abyss below, and the result of falling would be smashed to pieces, but At this time, all the treants have been fascinated by the thermal reaction of the prey in front of them.

The ice surface composed of the cold ice controlled by Zhang Zi is very strong, even if treants and many mutant beasts walk on it, there is no problem, but at this moment, the last treant walks on the ice, taking advantage of At this opportunity, Xiao Sheng shouted loudly: "It's now, do it!"

The world of ice and snow happens to be the world where Zhang Zi can display his abilities. Under Xiao Sheng's enthusiastic anticipation, Zhang Zi immediately made a move: "If that's the case, let's break it."

The ice at the junction on the edge of the cliff broke instantly, and the treants and countless prey on the ice also instantly fell into the abyss. "Kachchacha..." The ice surface was covered with cracks almost instantly, and then collapsed. At this time, the treant realized that something was wrong and wanted to use vines to grab the cliff, but it was futile. If they live on the cliff, it will collapse in an instant. In the end, thirty treants fell into the abyss.

"Success! Now three-fifths of the treant's power has been weakened at this time, and we will continue to wait. If the mutated plants still send treants to hunt, then we will continue to do the same. If the treant does not Come out, let’s slowly consume our strength underground, and when we finish recharging our energy, we’ll rush in and finish off the mutated plants, and then return home.” After seeing this scene in front of him, Xiao Sheng immediately felt Feeling a surge of emotion, he couldn't help but speak impassionedly.

After hearing what Xiao Sheng said, the other people also showed eagerness to try. When they faced the tree man before, nearly 5,000 people were beaten to death by the tree man, but that was because it was underground at that time and there were so many people. It can't be used, and the number of tree people has not been reduced, but now most of the tree people have been wiped out. At this time, rushing to the cave to fight, it is still unclear who will die.

"It seems that we are going to avenge our dead companions soon. I don't believe that we can't defeat the mutant plants this time." Everyone said eagerly.

After falling into the abyss, then don’t even think about surviving. This is not the world in martial arts. , as long as it falls, then don't try to survive at all.

Even if it was a tree man, if he fell from such a high place, he would definitely be smashed to pieces.

And just when everyone in the Ability Management Bureau was rejoicing, Shen Feng, Lu Xian and Qi Lingshan were also making intensive preparations at the feet of a group of people. The three of them used small barrels to pour crude oil into the The caves of the marmots were all piled up in a newly dug stone room next to the cave where the mutated plants were located.

Although Shen Feng's plan is almost perfect, transporting crude oil to the ground requires going through twists and turns in the cave, which is still too tiring. Along the way, the ground is covered with black oil all the way.

Fortunately, it was the time of heavy snowfall, otherwise, as long as a random spark appeared, the road to transport crude oil would be cut off.

For what they did, Lu Xian and Qi Lingshan didn't feel the slightest bit of guilt, even though they were stabbing their friends in the back, storing oil while the Ability Management Bureau wiped out the treants, and setting fire at a critical moment, there is no doubt It will ruin the hard work of the Ability Administration, but in the final analysis, this matter is for the long-term interests of Yuzhou. If you are sorry, I am sorry. They also have no evidence to prove that this is what they did on the other side.

On the contrary, Shen Feng felt a little sorry, and Xiao Sheng didn't have any intention of murdering himself. Xiao Sheng just wanted to improve the status of the Ability Administration Bureau, but now, Shen Feng needs to backstab Xiao for the benefit of Yuzhou. Sheng, this makes Shen Feng feel bad.

At this time, in an igloo in the camp, there is still light from the window at this time. This kind of igloo is the material for the Eskimos in North America to live and live in the Arctic region. The window is made of transparent ice. At this time, Qi Yunfang was sitting by the window.

On the surface, Qi Yunfang stayed in the camp to take care of her friend Xu Xing. The two had known each other since they were underground, and the two of them directly contributed to the plan of cooperation between the inside and the outside. When the mastery of plants was hopeless, it was the hard work of Qi Yunfang and Xu Xing that finally led to the subsequent situation.

However, when Qi Yunfang was taking care of Xu Xing, her eyes were always looking in the direction of the cellar in the distance. She felt that Xu Xing's eyesight is not good now, so she must not be able to see her movements, but she didn't know that she was eating bear bile powder Afterwards, Xu Xing's eyesight has recovered a lot now. Although seeing things is still blurry, it is still no problem to turn her head when she sees Qi Yunfang.

Xu Xing knew well that Qi Yunfang must be observing whether the three of Shen Feng were in the cellar, and her task was to hold Qi Yunfang so that Qi Yunfang could not find anything unusual.

And Qi Yunfang has been looking at the direction of the cellar in the distance. The sky is full of wind and snow, and it is completely impossible to see farther away. She is thinking, whether she wants to find a reason to go to the direction of the cellar to have a look.

It’s just that Xu Xing has never given Qi Yunfang such an opportunity. She has many requirements, either she is hungry and wants to eat, or she is thirsty and needs to drink water. You can’t drink boiled water when drinking water. You must put sugar and tea leaves in the water. The tea should not be too much, otherwise it will become very bitter, and the sugar should not be too much, otherwise it will get angry if you eat it, and the water temperature should not be very high. Qi Yunfang needs to blow on it when it burns your mouth.

Qi Yunfang was speechless to Xu Xing immediately, and said in her heart: "You are not a lady of everyone, why do you have so many demands for a cup of tea? It is really difficult to serve."

However, Qi Yunfang also considered that Xu Xing is a patient at this time, so it is not good to ignore Xu Xing's request at this time, so she can only grit her teeth and do these things.

At this time, Xu Xing said: "Sister Qi, I want to change my clothes now, but my backpack is with the city lord, can you go and bring me the backpack, okay?"

As soon as this remark came out, it was exactly what Qi Yunfang wanted, because she was worrying that she had no reason to check whether Shen Feng and the others were still in the cellar. Now, at this time, it was really sleepy and there was a pillow, so Qi Yunfang immediately started to act , Said: "Then you wait, I'll go over and get your luggage."

When encountering the siege of the tree people before, Xu Xing threw all the clothes on her body to make a noise, trying to use this method to confuse the tree people, but the plan failed, and all the clothes and luggage were gone. The bastard Neve saw this scene in the dark, and secretly collected it. In the end, Shen Feng misunderstood, thinking that this scumbag plotted against Xu Xing, so he rushed forward to deal with the scumbag. And the backpack was taken away by Shen Feng.

Now, Qi Yunfang had a legitimate reason to go to the cellar to observe the state of Shen Feng and his party, and immediately went out. When Qi Yunfang came to the entrance of the cellar, she looked around and did not find any footprints around, and felt relieved. In a calm tone, he said, "It seems that there is no problem."

The entrance of the cellar is a huge stone slab, surrounded by air holes protruding from many bamboo pipes, and there is a fireplace underground. There is also smoke coming out of the location.

Qi Yunfang knocked on the stone slab quickly, and then the slate was opened. Shen Feng and the other two were playing poker. Lu Xian seemed to have thought that the journey might become boring, so he brought the poker with him in advance. Used to relieve boredom.

"Is there something wrong?" Shen Feng asked afterward.

When Shen Feng and others appeared in Qi Yunfang's eyes, Qi Yunfang immediately felt relieved and said, "I'm here to get Xu Xing's backpack, she is going to change clothes, she will live with me for a few days, is that okay?" ?”

"How can this be a problem? It's too late for us to thank you. You know, we are big men, and it must be inconvenient to take care of Xu Xing. Now that you can take care of Xu Xing, I should say thank you. When Shen Feng heard this, he immediately became polite.

Qi Yunfang looked in the cellar, and there was nothing strange about it. The bodies of these three people were also clean. If they had walked outside, their clothes must have been wet by now.

"Then you guys have a good rest." Qi Yunfang let go of her worries, took Xu Xing's backpack and left, while Shen Feng re-covered the stone slabs above the cellar.

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