Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 738 Reserved Grain

After Qi Yunfang finally left, Shen Feng and the other two breathed a sigh of relief. Now it seems that everyone in the Ability Management Bureau will not be suspicious, and they have already covered it up. Even the footprints on the snow have been eliminated. In this case, it is impossible for the other party to find any reason to blame themselves.

Shen Feng, Lu Xian, and Qi Lingshan immediately found the clothes that had been wet by the wind and snow from under the cypress branches on one side, and put them on the side of the fireplace to bake. It is also very important to keep the air flowing underground. Fortunately, Shen Feng is an ability user of the wind element. He only needs to use his ability casually to renew the air in the cellar. There is no risk of suffocation for the three of them staying in the cellar.

Moreover, on the way back, Lu Xian and Qi Lingshan always walked in front, Shen Feng walked behind, and the two walked in front. Although the snow has been compacted a lot, it will still be accumulated when walking up. The snow submerged the calf, and Shen Feng stayed behind to erase the footprints.

Shen Feng walks on the snow after performing "follow the wind". Walking on the snow will hardly leave footprints. This is the legendary level of stepping on the snow without trace. If it appears in martial arts, it is definitely light work A big man who is alone in the world.

Su Dongpo once said: "What is life like everywhere? It should be Feihong stepping on slush."

Speaking of it, this is probably the earliest use of "Taxue Wuhen". What is life like in this world? It’s probably like the geese stepping on the snow. The deep geese leave a deep footprint, and the shallow ones have no traces on the snow. But in the end, these footprints will still be buried by the snow. In the end, no trace can be left behind.

At this time, after everyone sent Qi Yunfang away, Qi Lingshan rapped hard on the wall a few times with his fist, which was a kind of secret signal.

Xu Xing's ability is natural, and she can sense vibrations. Shen Feng had already figured out how to contact Xu Xing quietly. When the signal was sounded, Xu Xing could quickly sense the vibration and respond accordingly.

After Xiao Sheng returned to the camp, he first asked Qi Yunfang if he found anything unusual, such as whether someone was quietly leaving the cellar at Shen Feng's side. If this happened, Xiao Sheng would have to suspect that Shen Feng was It's not about doing something bad behind the scenes.

At this time, Xu Xing had already fallen asleep, leaning against a fox to sleep, with the fire next to him, it was very pleasant to see.

The conversation took place outside in the wind and snow. It seemed that Qi Yunfang was worried that Xu Xing would hear the content of the conversation, so she chose to speak outside.

Qi Yunfang quickly patted her chest and said: "I can guarantee that the three of them, Shen Feng and the others, have not left the cellar tonight. I went to see it myself."

After getting this answer, Xiao Sheng felt relieved, and then said to Jin Zijue who was beside him: "Now you should be relieved, right? I have already said that it is impossible for Shen Feng to betray me. During the heavy snowfall, Shen Feng and the others went out only when they were full."

Jin Zijue shrugged and said: "Then treat me as suspicious, I just think it's strange that Shen Feng has never helped us fight, but now it seems that Shen Feng is simply a matter of nothing to do with himself, then we Next, do you want to discuss how to catch the mutated plants?"

Xiao Sheng was dazzled by the victory tonight. He killed more than 30 tree people at once. This was something Shen Feng and Jin Zijue were unable to do before. Human, now I have solved it once and for all, next, I must be able to defeat the treant and bring the plant heart back to the country.

At this time, Xiao Sheng confidently said directly: "What else do we need to discuss now? The huge size of the mutated plant's body is completely impossible to get out of it. The mutated plant can't run away. We just need to move Just solve the tree people one by one."

From Xiao Sheng's point of view, catching the mutated plants is now a certainty. Now is the season when the mountains are covered by heavy snow. It is absolutely impossible for mutated plants to come to the outside world at such a low temperature, but he can. Destroy the treants that come out of the hole one by one, and if the treants don't come out, the stored energy will inevitably be consumed continuously.

Therefore, whether it is a short time or a long time, Xiao Sheng is sure to win.

When Jin Zijue saw Xiao Sheng's current state, it was typical that he was drifting away, but he used a trap to murder more than half of the tree people, and felt that he must be invincible in the world. If a person like Xiao Sheng didn't suffer a little, he would be Not long memory.

However, just to be on the safe side, Xiao Sheng still discussed with everyone how to deal with the tree people, and Zhang Zi said seriously: "There were too many tree people before, and I am not the opponent of the tree people." , but now, the number of treants has been greatly reduced, if treants still appear, now it is my home field, I can control the ice and snow giants to attack the treants, and I can win directly."

When Zhang Zi revealed his abilities, everyone's eyes lit up. When he was in Yanjing before, Zhang Zi had shown others that he was an ice and snow giant. At that time, even tens of thousands of mutated zombies could not do anything to the Ice Giant.

But now Siberia is already a vast expanse of whiteness. For Zhang Zi, this is the absolute home field. It is perfect for Zhang Zi to fight with tree people. There was no ice and snow underground before. Zhang Zi Zhang Zi's supernatural ability cannot be brought into play, but now it is on the ground, absolutely Zhang Zi's stage, and defeating the tree man is also simple.

Ever since, Xiao Sheng decided on the plan directly: "Since this is Zhang Zi's home field now, then when the battle comes, the tree man will be handed over to Zhang Zi, and the others will follow me to raid into the cave."

Everyone quickly nodded in agreement, because they were not absolutely sure when fighting the tree people before, so they couldn't guarantee that they would win. But now, most of the tree people have been wiped out. It can be said that the morale is high at this time, and it is very easy to catch the mutated plants, so everyone is very excited.

When the plan is formulated, it will be implemented. From Xiao Sheng's point of view, if the tree man comes out of the hole, then the tree man can be dealt with first. The energy that has been stored, but at the critical moment, it can only attack the cave.

As a result, after a few days, the tree people underground did not move at all. It is certain that there are at least twenty tree people in the cave, and these tree people did not come out. Mutated plant orders, so stay in the hole and say nothing.

"A group of turtles were scared out of their wits a few days ago, and they didn't even come out under such circumstances. I want to see how long you can stay underground." Xiao Sheng said with a strange smile. The people of the Energy Management Bureau waited for four days near the new exit, and now the snow has stopped, but the tree people still don't come out no matter day or night.

It stands to reason that during the day, with the heat interference from the sun, treants would only choose to start hunting at night, while the mutant beasts around them would run far away at night, even I went to stay in the city of Qiumen, which originally belonged to human beings, but now the tree people have not moved at all, so there is only one explanation. The mutated plants hiding in the depths of the cave have been scared out of their wits.

During these four days, Shen Feng and his people have already moved more than ten tons of crude oil into the hole of the marmot, which can be ignited at any time.

When he was free, Shen Feng would take Lu Xian and Qi Lingshan to watch the treant's actions at the entrance of the cave's side wall.

Originally, there were still 21 treants left in the cave. These treants had no intention of staying away from the cave, but just guarded the cave blindly. After all, going out would easily lead to surprise attacks at home. Mutated plants can still see clearly on this point of.

But today, Qi Lingshan was just counting the number of treants in the cave when he had nothing to do, and he was taken aback immediately, and couldn't help asking: "Look, have the number of these treants increased? I've counted them, There can be twenty-five treants."

After Lu Xian heard this, he couldn't help but wondered: "How is it possible? We have counted the tree people several times before, and it was always twenty-one. How could we count twenty-five today?" Just come?"

Regarding Qi Lingshan's report, Lu Xian didn't believe it at all, and then he counted it himself, only to find that there were indeed twenty-five tree people.

"Hey, that's strange. The other four treants are hidden there? Why didn't we find it before?" Lu Xian said to himself.

Shen Feng, on the other hand, was more vigilant. After hearing that something abnormal had happened, he immediately looked down and said, "The treants haven't been out for several days, even if the mutated plants want to breed treants , then it is impossible to obtain energy at all, where did these treants come from? Or, where did the mutated plants obtain the energy these days?"

Shen Feng believes in the law of conservation of energy. The energy in the world will not disappear or be created out of thin air. Energy will only transfer from one object to another, and the total amount of energy will not change, this is the law of energy conservation.

Therefore, under the current situation, it is impossible to produce tree people casually. If you want to produce tree people, you need to obtain energy.

When Shen Feng was wondering, the tree man on the side of the grotto suddenly stretched the vines into the gap in the wall, and caught many mutant mice from it. After catching the mice, the tree man moved towards the last The big tree in the center walked over and locked the mutated mouse in a cage. With the continuous infusion of digestive juice, the mutated mouse was directly digested by the digestive juice.

After seeing this scene, Shen Feng immediately felt that something was wrong, and quickly said to the two people around him: "I understand, I finally know why there are vines with fluorescent fruits appearing in the marmot's burrow. The underground marmots are actually food reserves for mutated plants."

Now, Shen Feng finally figured out why there are so many fluorescent fruits in the ground. The appearance of these vines is not to illuminate the cave. When there is no food, the groundhog in the cave is the food for the mutated plants. It is true that treants cannot enter narrow caves, but the vines are thin and long, so they can definitely catch the marmots.

After figuring this out, Shen Feng immediately understood that Xiao Sheng, who was waiting outside the cave for the tree man to appear, had lost all his calculations. Mutated plants will not consume energy in a short period of time.

Shen Feng didn't know how many marmots there were near Tyumen. He only knew that there were too many marmot burrows in the wild. As food reserves, they could indeed support the mutated plants through the winter.

"No, Xiao Sheng doesn't know about this yet, we need to find a way to inform Xiao Sheng of this news, otherwise, this fool will waste time foolishly." After seeing the current situation, Shen Feng immediately Realizing the problem, he accidentally learned that the mutated plants would capture marmots, but Xiao Sheng didn't know, if the time was missed, he might not be able to win next time.

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