Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 78 Support From The Air

"You just need to know that we are from the military headquarters, and you don't need to know anything else!" On the other end of the phone was a middle-aged man's voice, which sounded thick and powerful.

Shen Feng immediately asked: "How to call it? I always need to know your name, right?"

The middle-aged man was silent for a moment, and then said: "My code name is 'Eagle', you can call me by my code name, I called you because we detected that you are building a base, and we want to ask you about your next move. Also, I hope to have a long-term relationship."

Shen Feng said quickly: "Our next step is to attack Luzhou and clean up all the zombies. Naturally, such a long-term relationship will be no problem, but we need support, a lot of support, otherwise it will be impossible to recover Luzhou."

Xiongying then replied: "You belong to the civilian forces, and the support we can provide is very limited. I don't know what kind of support you want?"

"I need 10,000 guns and a million rounds of ammunition. Give me these weapons, and I promise to take Luzhou down!" Shen Feng remembered what Zhou Xiaoxiao said during the meeting last night, as long as there are 10,000 guns , even if there are ten times more zombies, there is no problem.

However, Xiongying rejected the request very simply, and said directly: "Sorry, we can't give you so much support. Guns are very tight now, and the whole country is in short supply. We can't meet the support you need."

Shen Feng rolled his eyes and thought of his current situation, so he said: "If there is no support, I can only retreat with 15,000 people under my command. We are going to collect ships and food and go down the river , preparing to take refuge in the Three Gorges."

After hearing what Shen Feng said, Xiong Ying continued: "According to the regulations, you should go to the provincial capital of your own province to ask for asylum. If you go to the Three Gorges, it will cause a burden to the local people. I'm afraid the local area will not be able to afford you. Life."

Of course Shen Feng decided to go to the Three Gorges, but if he doesn't get support right now, it's really hard to regain the city, so he can only play a rogue. Shen Feng continued: "It's different. If I go to Rongcheng, it will take time to collect both gasoline and vehicles, and there may be dangers on the road. It's different when I go to the Three Gorges. I can sail down the river in a day. When we arrive, it’s better to go downstream.”

"I've already said that the local area can't afford so many of you. Even if you go, you can only leave your hometown. Are you willing to be outsiders in other people's mouths?" Xiongying on the other side of the phone continued.

Shen Feng said with a smile: "Isn't going to Rongcheng considered leaving your hometown? Isn't it an outsider? If I can get support to recover Luzhou, of course I will not go to Hubei Province to cause trouble, but the problem is that I can't get any here. support!"

At this time, Xiongying also understood Shen Feng's meaning. This kid is not planning to relocate, he obviously wants to support, just under the banner of relocation.

"You wait for a while. I will ask the higher-ups for instructions. Someone here will register your non-governmental organization. You should register your own organization first. After the registration is confirmed, we will find a way to establish contact with you." Xiong Eagle said so.

Before Shen Feng could answer, a sweet female voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hi Shen Feng, I need to register your group here, please tell me your name, group specification, group name, and region , and future prospects.”

Hearing these registration requirements, Shen Feng suddenly had an illusion that he must be registering the guild in the game, right? Afterwards, Shen Feng explained the situation on his side, and the woman opposite quickly registered the self-aid association founded by Shen Feng. The leader was Shen Feng himself, and the rest was just filled in casually.

Suddenly Shen Feng thought of something important, and quickly asked: "By the way, I want to ask, are there any non-governmental organizations similar to mine? Why do you need to register?"

Shen Feng has already reacted at this time. Since the military wants to register its own information, doesn't it mean that there have been civil organizations that have appeared before, so they will register their own groups according to the same process. In other words, in other In some cities in China, self-organized civil forces have probably emerged.

"Sorry, your authority is not enough to answer." The other end of the phone refused to answer Shen Feng's question.

However, refusing to answer itself is also an answer, because it means that Shen Feng's guess is true, and other civil organizations do exist, but they will not tell Shen Feng that's all. After getting this answer, Shen Feng immediately began to guess, It seems that in extraordinary times, non-governmental organizations like our own are indeed allowed to exist.

Shen Feng continued to ask questions, but all the answers he got were answers with insufficient authority, and no more information was obtained at all.

Finally, after half an hour, Shen Feng heard the voice of the eagle again, and he continued: "I asked my superiors to investigate the urban area of ​​Luzhou. There are a large number of zombies in the city center under control, and there may be a corpse king, so the superiors decided to I will give you missile support, but the premise is that you need to report the location of the corpse king, as long as we know the location of the corpse king, we will carry out precise strikes!"

Hearing this answer, Shen Feng immediately felt relieved. With the support of missiles, wouldn't he be able to carry out the beheading operation directly? However, Shen Feng immediately became confused: "What is the corpse king?"

The eagle explained: "The corpse king is a special existence among the zombies. It does not have combat power, but the corpse king can control the actions of the zombies, so it is called the corpse king. Once the corpse king is found, we will attack it immediately. You need missiles support?"

Shen Feng quickly said: "Need, need! I can provide you with the position of the corpse king immediately. When will you be able to support?"

Shen Feng also realized now, isn't the so-called corpse king the commanding zombie he calls? Unexpectedly, the corpse king has been targeted by the headquarters and needs to be eliminated with missiles.

"At least five days later, there is no need to worry. Next, we will airdrop a radio station to your base. We will contact you through the radio station in the future. Please receive it accurately." Xiongying said on the other end of the phone.

Shen Feng marveled at the military's generosity in his heart. In order to establish a stable connection, he even airdropped a radio station directly, but the question came: "When is the airdrop? Is there an instruction manual in the airdrop? Can I contact you at any time in the future?"

Xiongying replied very simply: "The airdrop will be carried out in the evening this evening, and you will understand the rest when the time comes!"

After saying these words, the phone was hung up. It seems that what the military wanted to say to Shen Feng is over, and Shen Feng can't say that there is no gain. At least he can get missile support and an air-dropped radio station. Well, there is no shortage of electricity in my own base. With a radio station, wouldn't it be possible to obtain information from the outside world at any time?

After finishing the call, Shen Feng immediately went to the senior sister's side, but happened to see the senior sister and mother chatting and laughing. It seemed that they were talking about their parents' affairs. The atmosphere was very harmonious. It seems that they will get along well in the future .

After Shen Feng came over, Chang Jianyi quickly handed over the phone, and then Shen Feng heard his mother's instructions: "Shen Feng, since you already have a wife, you must be more cautious when doing things in the future. You can’t just do whatever you think about, and besides, you have to be careful in the future battles, your wife has already told me that you want to build a base, I just want you to be safe, so you must be careful.”

Shen Feng quickly replied: "Okay, I understand, Mom, you should also take care of your health, and help me tell my dad and sister to pay attention to safety."

Chang Jianyi also said sweetly: "Mom, goodbye, we are going back."

At this time, Chang Jianyi had changed his mind, which also proved that Shen Feng's family had completely accepted her, and Chang Jianyi was very happy.

The phone finally hung up, and the group was about to go back to the base. Shen Feng told the phone call he had with the military, so on the way back to the base, Chang Jianyi kept analyzing the situation: "The other party called the commanding zombie the corpse king, It proves that they are also studying zombies, and the research is very deep. If this is the case, then the military should also have evolutionists, but we don't know the extent of the other party's research now."

Shen Feng heard this analysis, thought about it carefully, and then said: "Perhaps many surrounding cities already have civic groups, but we don't know."

The two returned to the base while discussing. After returning to the base, Yang Ye once again directed the dam to cut off the power on the signal tower. Anyway, they have already contacted the above, and now there is no need to continue contacting, and everyone in the base After hearing that our side has received support, I am also very happy.

Ren Jing and a group of men stayed in the room near the dam. They all knew the plan of the Self-Aid Association, which was to use the dam to eliminate zombies. For example, yesterday, they saw Chang Jianyi directing everyone to flood Forty thousand zombies wiped out the wandering zombies in the surrounding blocks, and basically all the people in the vicinity were rescued.

For the sake of safety, Ren Jing didn't want to run around in the zombie-infested city, so he hid near the dam. He wanted to find a chance to see if he could sneak into the Self-Aid Association, but if he wanted to successfully sneak in, he had to It's only good if you can disfigure your face, so that others can't see your own appearance. Everyone can't do this at present. If everyone becomes ugly, it will be too uncomfortable.

Especially Zhu Yan, when she heard that she had to be disfigured to enter the base, she immediately shook her head. The biggest reliance on her now is her delicate face and good figure. Who would like an ugly monster?

Ren Jing looked at the crowd who were making a fire and cooking in the base, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. If he hadn't betrayed the Self-Aid Association, he would be able to live in the base without any worries. Accidentally surrounded by zombies, although he has evolved twice, it is still difficult to fight against hordes of zombies, if he wants to survive, he can only stick together!

Thinking of this, Ren Jing slapped Zhu Yan's face and cursed: "Stinky woman, it's because of you that I'm in this situation."

Zhu Yan couldn't help retorting: "You made the decision yourself, why blame me now? If you have the ability, just beat me to death!"

"You think I dare not?" Ren Jing picked up the knife on the ground at that time, wishing he could slash the woman in front of him.

As a result, at this time, two or three evolutionists around Ren Jing quickly persuaded: "Don't do it, don't do it, everyone is your own, don't hurt your friendship."

Ren Jing glanced at the people around him coldly, and said with a sneer: "Don't pretend to be old, I know why you protect her so much, I have seen it these days, you often go to her room secretly, is it because Woman, do you think I don't know? Do you think I'm blind and deaf?"

These few people smiled awkwardly and said nothing. When the rest of the people heard about this, they turned their attention to Zhu Yan. Since others can play, can we also play? It has to be said that in such a tense situation, everyone needs to vent the pressure in their hearts.

It was already dusk at this time, and everyone prepared to hide in the depths of the house to start a fire as usual, but at this moment, a strange sound appeared, and everyone hurriedly observed carefully by the window, only to find a helicopter coming from a distance, and finally stopped. above the base.

When Ren Jing saw this scene, his eyes almost popped out. He never expected that a helicopter would appear here. Could it be that the army is about to come to save people? If this is really the case, that would be great, I can go to join the army!

Everyone else was also very pleasantly surprised. With a helicopter, it means that they can leave by helicopter, and this most likely means that the army is coming!

However, at this moment, the helicopter dropped a large box from above, and there was a parachute on top of the box for deceleration. As for the helicopter, it left after dropping the box without stopping at all. This scene was seen by many people , There was a strong cheer on the spot at the base, and the airdrop meant that they had contacted the outside world.

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