Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 79 The Importance Of The Industrial System

The airdrop was accurately dropped on Hezhou, and Shen Feng immediately took the airdrop to the inside of the dam. Now that there is a radio station, it means that the base can directly contact the outside world, and maybe it can get more support.

After opening the airdrop, Shen Feng found the radio in the box, and in addition to the radio, there was also a satellite phone packaged separately, and there was a note next to the satellite phone, which read: "Only use when the situation is critical Satellite phone, please use the radio to make contact during normal times."

It seems that the military also took great pains to prevent others from abusing the satellite phone, and even wrote a special note to prevent people from making calls when they have nothing to do. use.

Shen Feng asked people to start assembling the radio station according to the instructions, and then discussed with Chang Jianyi whether to specially arrange a few people to watch the radio station, and if there was any news that needed to be contacted, he had to ensure that he could receive it. Today's radio stations are very It is advanced, not only can you make calls, but you can also make videos. Even if the battery is out, there is a backup power supply that can be used. However, under normal circumstances, this radio station can only be used to receive information. If you want to take the initiative to contact, you need to be within the specified time. .

Chang Jianyi thought about it for a while, and asked Zhang Xiaoqiang to be in charge of the radio station, leading ten people to record the information from the radio station every day.

With the radio, Shen Feng can understand the current situation more clearly, and if there is any danger nearby, the headquarters will also remind him.

Shen Feng always felt that he was not taken seriously, so he couldn't help but feel a little helpless, and said: "Just provide us with a missile. If the grief plan fails, we can only take back Luzhou slowly. I always feel a little unwilling."

"About this matter, I can't give you an answer, because I don't understand much, but I know that one person can explain this matter clearly!" Chang Jianyi said with a smile.

As night fell, the lights on Hezhou were brightly lit. Almost everyone lived in shacks outside. Only Shen Feng and the leadership of the Self-Aid Association could live in the dam. After all, there are various machines in the dam. There is no problem with a hundred people, but if there are more people, the normal work of the dam will also be affected. Chu Chaoyan was already an evolutionary, so she and her grandfather had a room. Compared with the previous life, it was of course much worse, but compared to other survivors, this place was spacious enough.

There are still not enough shacks built on Hezhou, so many people live in the shacks. In order to prevent the houses from leaking, many people choose to use mud to fill the gaps in the shacks. Household garbage and the like are all thrown into the Yangtze River. It's over, but the Self-Aid Association has a rule that garbage is not allowed to be thrown upstream, but can only be thrown downstream. Everyone is afraid that the water source will be polluted, so they all throw garbage downstream, otherwise the garbage will pile up together, and there is really no way to deal with it .

Shen Feng put on a windbreaker, covered his head with a hood, covered his eyes, and wore a mask on his face. He didn't want others to discover his actions this time. As long as he covered his face, no one else would. He knew he was coming, and the person he was talking to, Shen Feng, didn't want others to know.

Shen Feng walked to Chu Chaoyan's door, knocked on the door lightly, and said it was a room door, but in fact it was just a larger wooden board, and the joints could be tied with iron wires casually. Chu Chaoyan is not an important manager of the Self-Aid Association, so she is not qualified to live in the dam.

People who live in Hezhou now basically live in shacks. It is the end of the day, and it is good to have a place to live. After all, you don’t have to worry about safety when you live in Hezhou, so there are not many people. complaints.

"Who is it?" Chu Chaoyan didn't expect someone to come to the door in the middle of the night, so he opened the door and found that the person in front of him was wearing a mask and the hood was lowered. Why do you dress up like this, come here at night, maybe it's a conspiracy.

In an instant, Chu Chaoyan turned a hand behind her back, and a dagger was stuck in her lower back. This was her self-defense weapon. From the day the zombies broke out, Chu Chaoyan lost her sense of security, so she always carried a knife with her, so she could deal with it if there was any danger.

Shen Feng said: "It's me, don't be nervous, I want to go in and have a sit, is that okay?"

Chu Chaoyan calmed down when she heard Shen Feng's voice. It turned out to be the president, so there was no danger. But then she had a question again, why did Shen Feng come to find her at night and still be so sneaky? The appearance of evil spirits, for fear that others will find out the same!

"Could it be?" Chu Chaoyan realized instantly, Shen Feng dressed up like this, could it be that he wanted to steal something?

Chu Chaoyan immediately sternly refused, saying: "No, what's the point of a lonely man and a widow staying together late at night? Please leave quickly, or I will call someone!"

"You won't let me in, so I'm going in! If you dare to call someone, I'll tell you about the stitching of your wound!" Shen Feng didn't care whether Chu Chaoyan wanted it or not, the question just now was just polite, Even if you don't let me go in.

Chu Chaoyan felt a little helpless when Shen Feng threatened her, and Shen Feng also forcibly broke into the shack. Upon closer inspection, the room was divided into two halves. It seemed that the inner room was Chu Chaoyan's residence, while the outer room was It was Chu Yangtian's room, because Shen Feng smelled a faint fragrance in the back room, presumably only Chu Chaoyan knew how to use perfume.

Seeing Shen Feng forcefully breaking into her room, Chu Chaoyan couldn't help feeling ashamed and angry. She looked around and found that no one was around, so she quickly closed the door to avoid being seen by others. It's not good if there are gossips from the sky, she still wants to find a man who is in a beautiful tree and face the wind to marry, if her reputation is ruined, it will be troublesome.

There wasn't a single chair in the room, Shen Feng didn't care, he sat on Chu Chaoyan's bed, took off his mask, and asked, "Where's your grandpa? Is he not here?"

When Chu Chaoyan heard this, he quickly said, "He's gone out and will be back soon, so hurry up and leave."

"Let's go? I finally came here, why should I leave! If I don't get an answer, I will live here tonight!" Shen Feng said very bored. At this moment, he just wanted to know why he had to If you don't pay attention to it, is it because you are too weak, so the military doesn't value yourself?

Seeing Shen Feng sitting on her bed, Chu Chaoyan was still looking around, as if she didn't treat herself as an outsider at all, she was instantly annoyed, and then said angrily: "If you are looking for my grandfather, please come during the day , don't be so sneaky."

"That can't be done, this kind of thing can't be aboveboard." Shen Feng shrugged, and then lay down on Chu Chaoyan's bed, without any embarrassment at all.

Seeing Shen Feng like this, Chu Chaoyan hated him so much, he not only entered his room, but also lay on his bed unscrupulously, didn't he know how to avoid suspicion? Or is he just pinpointing his own mentality that he dare not speak out? After much deliberation, this fellow Shen Feng broke in simply because of his shamelessness.

"Come down, don't sit on my bed." Chu Chaoyan said angrily.

Shen Feng said helplessly: "If I could find a chair, I wouldn't lie on your bed. You are an evolutionary anyway, so can't you tidy up your room?"

"Hmph, almost everyone is waiting for you to take back Luzhou. This is just a temporary residence. When Luzhou is taken back, it's not just what they want." Chu Chaoyan explained, of course she wanted to dress up well. I looked at the room, but thought that after Luzhou was recovered, I could have as many houses as I wanted, so I gave up the plan to dress up.

Shen Feng lay in Chu Chaoyan's room for ten minutes. Chu Chaoyan had no choice but to find her suitcase and chose to sit on it. The two of them didn't say anything, and Chu Chaoyan started to mess around Guessing, Shen Feng is so mysterious, could it be that he is talking about something extraordinary?

Suddenly, Chu Yangtian opened the door and walked in, saying at the same time: "It's late now, go to bed. I'm going to continue fishing tomorrow, eh, Shen Feng? Excuse me!"

Chu Yangtian saw Shen Feng appearing in his granddaughter's room, and he was still lying on her granddaughter's bed. In this way, the relationship between the two is really not simple, so it seems that it is not the time for him to come back, it is still for the two young people It's good to leave your own space, so Chu Yangtian turned around and left.

Shen Feng quickly said: "Professor Chu, I came here specially to find you, don't get me wrong."

Chu Yangtian was very puzzled and asked, "Why are you looking for me? Can't you come to me during the day?"

"I want to ask about something small." Shen Feng said with a smile, and then pulled Chu Yangtian to sit down in the outer room, and said to Chu Chaoyan: "Go outside and watch, don't let others come near."

Chu Chaoyan reluctantly went to the door to observe the surrounding environment, but she was listening to the conversation in the room, at this time she also became quite interested in Shen Feng's purpose.

Shen Feng directly explained the reason for his visit: "I think the Self-Aid Association has not been taken seriously. The military is only willing to support a missile, and then airdrops a radio station. I want to ask, is it because My current strength is too weak, so I can't attract the country's attention?"

Hearing this question, Chu Yangtian immediately said without hesitation: "This is just one aspect, lack of strength is one of them, but there is another very important reason why people don't pay attention to it, that is the ability of industrialization, especially the production capacity! "

"What does this have to do with industrialization?" Shen Feng couldn't figure it out. Now that zombies are rampant, isn't it important to kill zombies? Why do you care about the ability to industrialize? Moreover, industrialization seems to have nothing to do with everyone.

Chu Yangtian patiently explained: "There are more than a billion zombies in the whole country. How long will it take to kill so many zombies? If it is a long-term battle, then ensuring industrial production capacity is a must. , so you can see that the areas that the country is focusing on recovering are the old industrial bases in the Northeast and the various developed cities in the East. Why? It’s not because of industrialization capabilities. Population is also an important factor, but industrialization must be considered first. !"

"So that's how it is. The professor's words made me suddenly see the light of day. However, one missile is still too little, right?" Shen Feng probably understood a little bit, but he still felt a little bit uncomfortable.

Chu Yangtian continued: "Industrialization is the most important thing. With industrial equipment, guns can be produced continuously. And if you look carefully, the eastern region is also an important area for grain production in the country. The coast can also use sea transportation to mobilize grain and Materials, therefore, the country’s focus must be on the eastern region, as for the western region, it’s a little later! This is the case in all the western regions, not only you are not taken seriously!”

Hearing this, Shen Feng couldn't help feeling a kind of unfairness, and couldn't help but said: "How can this be? Isn't this letting the people in the west continue to suffer?"

"This is the best choice!" Chu Yangtian said earnestly: "Don't the above know which is more important? In a critical moment, the industrialized areas and the old remote areas in the west must be the ones that need to be preserved. It is difficult to be taken seriously, the most important point is that the number of soldiers is too small, of course it is no problem if it is to deal with war, but now it is a situation of zombies everywhere, should all cities go to support? It is unrealistic!"

"That is to say, I can't get any support except for a missile, right?" Shen Feng said very distressed.

Chu Yangtian nodded, and then said in a low voice: "However, this also has an advantage, and that is the right to rule! As long as you can recover the area of ​​Luzhou, you are equivalent to the Emperor of Earth here!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I am loyal to the country!" Shen Feng was taken aback. Could this old man be trying to persuade himself to rebel?

Chu Yangtian smiled and said: "Everyone is loyal, so if you want to see a person clearly, you should not look at what he is saying, but what he is doing!"

Shen Feng couldn't help swallowing, not wanting to show his cowardice in front of this old man, so he was about to leave, saying: "Okay, I got the answer I wanted, farewell, if there is a chance, I will I hope Professor you will become a member of my staff."

"Let's talk about it after you take down Luzhou." Chu Yangtian said with a smile.

Chu Yangtian didn't reject Shen Feng's proposal, but put forward his own conditions. It's not that he can't join Shen Feng's side, but Shen Feng is only a leader of 10,000 to 20,000 people, and his future is uncertain, so he is unwilling to accept In this way, he became Shen Feng's staff.

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