Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 828 Controlled Mutant Beast

A large number of people have gathered outside the Mushroom Forest. Tens of thousands of people have appeared in one place. This is easy to be discovered by satellites. However, Yunnan Province has reported the current actions to the headquarters. The headquarters knows that there has been an outbreak in Yunnan Province The Mushroom Forest has been destroyed, and it is still on the oil and gas pipeline. This is a matter that Yunnan Province must solve. The headquarters has not intervened in this matter. If Yunnan Province wants to solve the Mushroom Forest, then it can solve it by itself.

After Shen Feng and Chu Chaoyan came to Yunnan Province, it was like a vacation. It was enough to complete the tasks on time every day. If there was fog in the nearby forest, they could use their abilities to blow away the fog. After that, nothing will happen.

After waiting for three days, what Qian Bufei needed finally arrived. Hundreds of trucks arrived with many tin buckets, and inside these tin buckets were countless sewage, which was produced during the metal smelting process. If the heavy metal-rich sewage left in the waste water is directly discharged into the water, it will cause water pollution, and if it is discharged into the soil at this time, the soil will also be polluted.

At this time, Qian Bufei finally issued an order, "Soldiers enter the forest to take the lead and advance in a fan shape. Be careful of the dangers in the forest. Workers go forward to chop mushrooms and splash sewage on the way. But be careful not to let the sewage get on your body. Here Do not send mushrooms to farms, because if mushrooms containing heavy metals are eaten by bugs, they will eventually enter the human body."

After the general toxic substances are transformed, the toxicity will disappear or even weaken, so before that, Qian Bufei would use the mushrooms in the mushroom forest to feed the insects, so the toxicity is weakened, but the energy is It can be transferred to animals through this pathway, and eventually become human food.

However, heavy metals are different. Heavy metals will accumulate in the food chain instead, because heavy metals and proteins are difficult to remove after they are combined. Therefore, if mushrooms contaminated by heavy metals are fed to insects, they will eventually die. into the human body.

Under Qian Bufei's order, everyone started to act immediately. Shen Feng first used his supernatural ability to blow away all the spore powder in the mushroom forest, and then the soldiers rushed into the forest. The moment they entered the forest The formation is already organized, this is a defensive formation, advancing in a semicircle, searching for danger along the road.

Around the Mushroom Forest, everyone did not find too many mutant beasts, but there are obviously mountains everywhere, and it is a ridiculous thing not to find mutant beasts, and there is only one explanation for this situation, that is, the surrounding areas All the mutant beasts have entered the Mushroom Forest.

Mushrooms can't move, but there may be mutant beasts in the mushroom forest, so at this time, the soldiers are still careful of possible attacks.

Shen Feng and Chu Chaoyan also entered the mushroom forest. The light passed through the canopy and cast shadows on the ground. Generally speaking, fungi like to grow in dark and humid places. It is most suitable for the growth of mushrooms, but now, the giant mushrooms directly seize the sunlight of the trees, and the plants do not get sunlight, and eventually die one after another. Only a part of the herbaceous plants can exist in the mushroom forest.

It is easy to get lost in the mushroom forest, because there are almost identical mushrooms all around, and the forest is relatively dark. It is also very difficult to identify the direction in this situation. After entering this, it is best It is better to carry a compass. With a compass, it is easier to identify the direction.

Qian Bufei said seriously to Shen Feng: "Mr. Shen Feng, these soldiers on the front line are now entrusted to you. Please protect them well. They are all good men from Yunnan Province."

Shen Feng frowned immediately after hearing this, and said, "As I said before, I'm only responsible for blowing the spore powder. Why are you still giving me the task at this time?"

Qian Bufei smiled wryly, and said: "This is really impossible. There are not many supernatural beings in Yunnan Province now. For various reasons, they can't come at this time. If there is any danger, there are really no one. If it can be resolved, the front line can only be left to you, Lord Fengshen, to take care of you."

Shen Feng shrugged his shoulders and was too lazy to answer Qian Bufei. He felt that he had suffered a great loss when he came to Yunnan Province. Not only did he not know the real purpose of the other party, but Qian Bufei had been hiding it all the time, and he still refused to do so. To tell the truth, and to be in charge of fighting at a critical moment, this is really a heavy responsibility.

As the army advances, Shen Feng is also constantly moving above the forest. As long as he understands the surrounding environment, he can quickly respond to emergencies.

The workers are also advancing rapidly at this time, and the division of labor is very clear. There are special people who are responsible for chopping mushrooms, others who are responsible for decomposing them, others for transportation, and finally some people are pouring sewage containing heavy metals. At this time, there are even special Researchers are collecting mycelia for analysis.

In the end, researchers discovered that the mycelia soaked in sewage were dying, which meant that even mushroom forests could not grow in the polluted land.

After getting this result, everyone immediately burst into joy. From this point of view, the plan is feasible. Using sewage can open a road in the mushroom forest, even if it is a huge mushroom forest, even the largest creature in the world. In the face of soil pollution, we must not back down.

"Quickly let all the smelters in Yunnan Province collect their sewage. I have important uses, and the more sewage the better." Qian Bufei quickly informed the leaders of Yunnan Province at this time.

Nowadays, there is still sewage that can be used to open up roads, so sewage has become more important, and the people in the smelter naturally have no objections, because there is no supervision in the end of the world, and they usually discharge sewage to There is nothing wrong with waters such as Dianchi Lake, Erhai Lake, Yangzong Lake, and Honghe River being used to open roads now.

At this moment, Shen Feng, who was standing on a mushroom canopy, suddenly saw the huge monster approaching. Looking carefully, it turned out that a yak appeared here. This is a wild yak with very long hair, almost drooping On the ground, what shocked Shen Feng the most was that this wild yak was more than ten meters high. As the yak ran, the mushroom forest could hardly cover it. Such a huge yak appeared in front of Shen Feng's eyes. Shen Feng Immediately realized that something was wrong, if such a huge yak attacked the army, the army would also be dispersed.

So Shen Feng directly cast "Accompany Like the Wind" and returned to the soldiers, and said loudly: "There is a mutant beast approaching here, I suggest you retreat immediately, this mutant beast is not something you can solve, at this time, you It is best to mobilize howitzers to attack, you are just infantry, there is no reason to head-on at this time."

Huge mutant beasts are actually resistant to bullets, such as bears and elephants. When such huge monsters start to collide, it is best to dodge, and now Shen Feng has discovered that the huge mutant beasts are To advance toward oneself, the best choice is naturally to retreat.

The wild yak is huge, but even if it can withstand a lot of bullets, the wild yak must not be able to carry the shells. In the face of modern weapons, the physical strength is not important anymore, because the flesh and blood cannot bear the huge of shells.

However, at this moment, the commander on the front line directly rejected Shen Feng's suggestion, and he said to Shen Feng seriously: "Lord Fengshen, the people in our Yunnan Province are not people who are greedy for life and afraid of death. In troubled times, if there are mutant beasts, there will be mutant beasts, no matter what kind of mutant beast it is, we will kill it."

Hearing such an answer, Shen Feng immediately showed a helpless expression, and then said: "Fucking hell, I'm reminding you at this time, if you don't listen, I can't force you. "

Afterwards, Shen Feng came to Chu Chaoyan's side, knelt down and said, "Chaoyan, come up, don't dawdle."

When Shen Feng said this, Chu Chaoyan immediately lay on Shen Feng's back and said, "Would it not affect your actions if you carry me on your back?"

"How is it possible? How many pounds are you? If you can't even carry your back, can you still be called a supernatural being?" Shen Feng replied casually.

Shen Feng was entrusted by Qian Bufei to take care of these soldiers on the front line before, but Shen Feng had already reminded these people that they didn't want to retreat at this moment, and Shen Feng really had no choice, obviously At this time, it is the best choice to judge and retreat, but the other party will not listen. If this happens, then I have nothing to do.

At this time, a giant wild yak came up the mountain and fell the tree. As the wild yak ran, the ground was also shaking, and it made a sound of "dong dong dong". Such a huge sound fell in the ears of the soldiers. Everyone also knew that this was the appearance of a huge monster, so they hurriedly searched for a bunker to avoid it.

The commander shouted loudly: "Machine gunner, aim the muzzle at the direction where the mutant beast came, and prepare to snipe the enemy. Everyone is ready to meet the enemy."

At this time, Shen Feng directly carried Chu Chaoyan on his back and left towards the distance, until he reached the top of the mushroom more than 20 meters high, and then stopped.

Standing on the huge mushroom, Shen Feng and Chu Chaoyan could see that the giant mushroom not far away was constantly falling down, and at the top of the forest, they could vaguely see the dark back of the wild yak. ​​At this time, the wild yak The yak has already charged, and as the wild yak charged, the mushrooms in front of it were knocked down one after another.

"Da da da", the large-caliber machine gun immediately began to pour ammunition at this time, and the hot bullets were ejected from the chamber, shooting at the wild yak continuously. As long as the large-caliber bullet hits the wild yak, it will immediately hit a bowl It can be said that in an instant, the wild yak becomes a sieve.

To deal with ordinary wild yaks, ordinary rifles can do this, but at this time, the soldiers are facing mutated individuals. The giant yaks have already started running at this time, and the kinetic energy of the wild yaks at this time It is absolutely unimaginable for ordinary people.

As a result, even if the charging yak had hundreds of blood holes in its body, it finally rushed into the crowd directly. Under the trample of the yak's hooves, the soldiers suffered heavy losses. They were accidentally trampled by such a huge bison. Stop, the whole person will turn into a meat paste, even a huge mushroom can't stop the wild yak's collision, let alone an ordinary person.

At this time, the wild yak that appeared in front of everyone was very strange, because there was a huge mushroom at the position of the bull's head, as if there was a bulge at the position of the bull's head, and it looked like it was wearing a hat from a distance. The hats are still colorful.

At this time, the soldiers were also worried about being hit by wild yaks, so they all dispersed, and they were still shooting while looking for cover. I don't know how many bullets hit the wild yaks, but the wild yaks did not fall down at this time. On the contrary, they are constantly colliding.

Shen Feng, who was standing on the mushroom, also realized something was wrong at this time, so he couldn't help but muttered to himself: "It's really strange, obviously the smarter yaks are already fleeing at this time, but now, the wild yaks are actually running away." Still colliding, is this wild yak planning to die here?"

Wild yaks are also animals, and the most basic instinct of animals is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. When they find danger, they will stay away. But now, wild yaks are not like this. The wounds on their bodies are bleeding all the time. If you continue to fight, you will definitely He died from excessive blood loss, but even so, the wild yak did not escape, so something was really wrong.

After thinking about it, Chu Chaoyan also felt that it was very strange, because there were mushrooms growing on the yak's head, how could there be mushrooms growing in this position? It's really weird.

"Could it be that this wild yak is under control, so it spares no effort to fight at this time?" Chu Chaoyan said hastily.

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