Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 829 Wheel Battle

After Chu Chaoyan expressed her conjecture, Shen Feng thought about it carefully, nodded seriously, and said, "This possibility is also possible, after all, in this weird mushroom forest, it is impossible for ordinary animals to To survive, the animals that appear here may be controlled."

The wild yak kept charging, even though it was seriously injured, even though it was bleeding profusely at this time, it kept charging. Finally, ten minutes later, the wild yak crashed down. The wild yak seemed to be staring at the army and was attacking. When he rushed over, he had already started to attack, and until he died, he was still in an attacking posture.

"Count the number of casualties and suspend the advance." The commander feels very distressed at this moment, because no matter how many people die, it is unacceptable. A way out, in order to get rid of the current predicament in Yunnan Province, they need to fight, but on the first day, they have already paid the price with their lives.

In the end, in the battle with wild yaks, more than 30 people were killed on the spot, and more than 50 people were injured at the same time.

The commander on the front line gritted his teeth and made a decision at this time: "Pick up the dead soldiers and take them back to bury them, send the wounded back for treatment, and the others continue to advance."

The soldiers still have the task of advancing at this time. The sooner the road can be opened, the sooner the port can be seized. To achieve this goal, Yunnan Province has almost gone all out, so no matter how huge the casualties are, Soldiers are always on the move.

However, at this moment, the giant mushroom in the distance began to shake, and this shaking spread towards the army like a wave.

After seeing this situation, Shen Feng immediately shouted: "Be careful, another mutant beast is coming towards you."

As soon as the soldiers heard this, their livers and gallbladders were splitting instantly. They managed to kill a giant mutant yak before, but there are still enemies at this time? How can we deal with it next?

Soon everyone saw a new mutated beast. It turned out to be a huge python. It looked like a golden reticulated python with a body length of more than 30 meters. It started to move in the forest. It looked like a legend. The dragon in the middle is moving, the boa constrictor twists and turns in the forest, bypasses the mushrooms one by one, and finally appears in front of everyone, and the pattern on the reticulated python is so beautiful, the sunlight passing through the mushroom forest Shining on the scales, the scales shone with a metallic luster.

Shen Feng, on the other hand, focused on observing the reticulated python's head, wanting to discover abnormalities at this time, and finally found that there was also a colorful mushroom on the reticulated python's head.

Reticulated pythons have actually been raised as pet snakes a long time ago, and reticulated pythons have been bred in a variety of colors, including white reticulated pythons and golden reticulated pythons , and the golden reticulated python is also said to be the most expensive. The reticulated python that appears in the forest now may have been raised by humans, and it only experienced a mutation in the apocalypse to become what it is now.

The soldiers fired wildly at this time, trying to prevent the reticulated python from approaching. However, in front of such a huge reticulated python, the effect of the bullets is not very good. The scales on the reticulated python are not only used to Watch it, after the mutation, the reticulated python has a defensive effect. After the bullet hits the reticulated python, it is immediately bounced off by the smooth and hard scales. At this time, only a large-caliber machine gun can cause some substantial damage.

Fortunately, Shen Feng made a move at this time, Shen Feng landed on the reticulated python from the sky, "clang", Shen Feng pulled out the meteorite long sword from his waist, and pierced into the reticulated python's eyes with one blow , the reticulated python was attacked, and immediately rolled on the ground, as if it wanted to get Shen Feng off Shen Feng.

But at this time, Shen Feng just dodged to the side, and then dodged the clumsy roll of the reticulated python. When he saw the right opportunity, he cast "Accompanying the Wind", taking this opportunity to close the reticulated python's other eye. To stab blind.

After completing this series of actions, Shen Feng left the reticulated python and commanded to the soldiers: "What are you waiting for? Shoot, while the reticulated python has lost its eyesight at this moment , shoot quickly."

So at this moment, everyone opened fire quickly and kept shooting for three minutes before finally killing the reticulated python.

At this time, Shen Feng also said to the soldiers: "When encountering mutant beasts with high defense power, if you don't have strong firepower in your hands, then it's best to attack the weak points of the mutant beasts. These mutant beasts, The weak point is basically the eyes, there is no perfect mutant beast."

After Shen Feng said these words, the soldiers were very grateful to Shen Feng, because if Shen Feng hadn't acted at this time, they would have paid dozens of casualties.

As a result, at this moment, the ground shook again, and with the shaking, a roar could be heard vaguely, Shen Feng frowned and said: "Listen to this sound, it seems to be a tiger roaring, it's terrible, there is a mutation The tiger is coming."

Shen Feng realized the seriousness of the problem at this time, because no one knew how many mutant beasts there were in the Mushroom Forest. In the forest, besides the mushrooms, the danger brought by the mutant beasts is also obvious.

Shen Feng found the commander at this time, and then said seriously: "At this time, we should retreat temporarily. We have advanced to a depth of several kilometers. I think the workers behind have also cleared a large area. , take the wild yak and reticulated python back to investigate and study, if you continue to advance, you will still encounter danger."

At this time, the commander said with a serious face: "My task is to open up a road. The children of Yunnan Province are not afraid of death. Now, we must continue to advance. No matter what happens, the advancement cannot be stopped."

Shen Feng was speechless, and then said seriously: "I know you are not afraid of death, but you'd better wait until the heavy firepower catches up. If these huge mutant beasts keep appearing, are you going to fill them with human lives? Obviously waiting for the heavy firepower to catch up. It is most reasonable to push forward after the firepower arrives, but you are so dead-headed."

Shen Feng now knows the determination of these people to seize the port, but if the heavy firepower can't keep up, how can they advance next?

When Shen Feng was persuading the commander, a tiger with yellow and white stripes suddenly appeared in the distant forest. In the words of the locals, this is the appearance of the old wild cat!

"Damn it, this is a Bengal tiger." Shen Feng couldn't help frowning. Nowadays, tigers are basically no longer seen in the south, because the South China tiger is extinct, but there are still tigers in Bengal. can swim.

The appearance of the tiger made Shen Feng breathe a sigh of relief. The fighting power of the tiger is very powerful, but the same tiger also has obvious weaknesses.

The tiger is recognized as a tofu waist with a copper head and an iron tail. It is said that the tiger is agile, but its defense is its weakness. It does not have the tenacious vitality of the wild yak, nor the strong defense of the golden reticulated python.

Shen Feng immediately asked the crowd to shoot, and countless bullets flew out, while the tiger also relied on the special terrain of the mushroom forest to start a circle. The bullets shot out continuously, but they hardly caused any damage.

Shen Feng shouted at the frontline commander at this time: "Aren't you retreating now? It's already reached this level. I dare say that if you don't retreat, there will be a steady stream of attacks in the future. If If you retreat now, this tiger, I will help you out."

Now that Shen Feng said this, the commander immediately had no choice but to nod his head in agreement. Even if the soldiers are not afraid of death, they should not die in vain. Without heavy firepower, it is difficult to deal with huge mutant beasts. things.

"Then, Lord Fengshen, please cut off the rear! We... will retreat immediately." At this point, it is meaningless to continue to force the situation, and the commander reluctantly agreed to retreat.

Shen Feng also didn't want to see these soldiers die in vain, just like what Qian Bufei said, these are good men from Yunnan Province, and they shouldn't just die in vain.

So at this time Shen Feng made a move directly, and said to Chu Chaoyan: "You go back too, I will follow soon."

After finishing speaking, Shen Feng disappeared in front of everyone on the spot, and his speed really came into play, and he was as fast as lightning. Almost instantly, he found the Bengal tiger that was avoiding shooting. At this time, it was behind a giant mushroom. It seems to be waiting for the opportunity to attack.

However, Shen Feng had reached the tiger's abdomen very quickly, and the long sword stabbed out fiercely in an instant. At the same time, Shen Feng condensed dozens of wind blades in the air, and directly pierced into the tiger's abdomen. It's the tiger's weakness, just like what was said on the Internet, Shen Feng reached the tiger's abdomen with just a sliding shovel, and then cast his supernatural powers to disembowel the tiger on the spot.

The tiger didn't expect to be injured at this time, and immediately became angry. After finding the Shen Feng on one side, it kept attacking, scratching and biting, but the tiger's attack failed to cause substantial damage. , because Shen Feng dodged every attack of the tiger by virtue of his speed advantage.

Five minutes later, the tiger fell to the ground with too much blood, and finally died tragically. On the tiger's head, there was also a mushroom.

The soldiers took advantage of this time to retreat, and they did not forget to bring back the wild yak and the reticulated python for research. The weirdest thing was that there were mushrooms on the heads of these two mutant beasts. Only after the investigation will it be known what happened.

After the army retreated, there was no movement in the mushroom forest. It seemed that the existence of these mutated beasts was purely to prevent everyone from advancing.

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