The originally dense and magnificent mushroom forest has become dilapidated at this time, and the mushrooms have become rotten, and they will fall to the ground from time to time. If you look closely, you will find that the inside of the mushrooms has been hollowed out, causing Naturally, it was Qian Bufei, the superhuman who did all of this, and Chang Jianyi and Qu Zhaoqian were also helpful in the corruption of the Mushroom Forest.

If before, no matter how many mushrooms on the top of the mushroom forest were cut down, it would be nothing, because the mushroom forest can be restored in a short period of time. The soldiers discovered this when they entered the Mushroom Forest. The growth ability of the Mushroom Forest is definitely far superior to that of ordinary plants. However, having said that, fungi are not plants.

But now at this time, the bacteria spread by the helicopter in the air have invaded the sclerotium underground, Chang Haojie directly controlled the cloud to the hole where Shen Feng blasted out, and Qu Zhaoqian cast his supernatural power at this time, Large areas of sclerotia immediately began to die. Facts have proved that the mushrooms and mycelia that appeared on the surface are not the body of this mutant fungus. Only the mutated sclerotia underground can be regarded as the body of the fungus. As long as it continues, the camp is on the front Hold on, and Qian Bufei casts his power above the forest, then the underground sclerotia will also be quickly rotted.

When Qian Bufei led the helicopter team to appreciate the corruption of the Mushroom Forest in the sky, suddenly the communicator on his body rang. He picked it up and heard the news from the camp, "At this moment, You suspend the attack, but there is no need to return in a hurry, because the mutated fungus surrendered at this time, and it is still negotiating."

Hearing this, Qian Bufei couldn't help being anxious, and stopped him at this moment: "No, you absolutely can't accept surrender at this time. We have hurt so many people. Wouldn't it be better to accept surrender at this time?" Want to chill the hearts of the brothers? Moreover, we have a huge advantage at this time, even if we don't need the opponent to surrender, we can still win, and we must not accept it at this time."

At this moment, Qian Bufei is very dissatisfied with the decision-making of the leaders in the camp. He obviously prepared for two months in order to be able to win directly at this time, but now, the leader actually prevented him from continuing. The way of attacking is completely incomprehensible.

When Qian Bufei was annoyed, the leaders also began to explain through the communicator: "Why don't we consider what the soldiers think? We are doing this for the sake of the soldiers, because the mutated fungus is at this time Absolutely weak, it says that all the parasitized people can be restored to normal. Instead of killing the fungus completely, it is better to let the mutated fungus go, in exchange for the soldiers to recover, and, today we have already eliminated the beast tide. Most of them have been killed, and in this case, we can attack at any time."

After hearing the explanations from the leaders, Qian Bufei was finally convinced. Compared with killing the mutated fungus, it is more important to save the lives of his brothers. If the 4,000 soldiers return to normal, it will definitely be a huge boost. , which cannot be ignored.

"Then you try to gain the upper hand when negotiating. In short, I don't want to attack Mushroom Forest in the future. This is really too painful." Qian Bufei couldn't help but said to the leaders.

If it is in exchange for the return of the brothers to normal, Qian Bufei is also acceptable, but this does not mean that Qian Bufei is willing to watch the mutated fungus recuperate later. If the mutated fungus recovers, then he wants to defeat the opponent It is not a simple matter.

However, regarding what Qian Bufei said now, the leaders in the camp have already considered it, and said directly: "Don't worry, we have already considered this matter, we will let the mutated fungus in the ground leave Yes, then Ruili will recover naturally."

Qian Bufei quickly agreed, and then called Chang Haojie and Qu Zhaoqian to stop, "You two little heroes, stop now and wait for the outcome of the negotiation. I know you are very strong, but should you stop for now?"

Chang Haojie and Qu Zhaoqian had no choice but to stop attacking. Even though they are supernatural beings, it is impossible to act without authorization at this time, so they had to stop, lying on the white clouds and silently enduring the rain. Wet, but both of them are already supernatural beings, just a little rain, it still won't make everyone catch a cold.

The final result of the negotiation came out. The underground mutated fungus released half of the people from being parasitized first, and then recovered the remaining half of the controlled soldiers after the mutated fungus evacuated Ruili.

The negotiation process ended after a few hours, but even if the negotiation is over at this time, the fungus underground still cannot leave casually. A huge sclerotia is hidden underground, and all movements are Relying on mycelium, even if you want to leave, you must be very slow. After all, ordinary fungi are basically immobile.

If fungi want to spread, they usually do so through the spreading of spores. After the spores appear, they fly with the wind, and the spores can multiply after they land on the ground. However, a huge sclerotia of tens of kilometers is underground. It is not easy to leave.

The camp decided to wait for a while, so that the soldiers who recovered to normal could recover during this waiting period. Moreover, the scientists also realized a very important thing. Once the underground fungi left, the ground would collapse. At that time, this section of the road will have to be rebuilt, which is a problem that ordinary people cannot solve.

"Get ready to rebuild this section of road, and make more preparations for the future." The leaders finally made a decision.

After a few days, the decay of the mushroom forest has become very serious. The originally spectacular mushroom forest has gradually disappeared under the action of rainwater and bacteria. The sclerotia in the ground is the body. If the nucleus is not damaged, the mushrooms on the ground can always grow, but now, the sclerotia will leave Ruili, and the mushroom forest on the surface naturally does not need to be maintained.

For a while, the surface of the ground also became bare, and the rotten mushrooms became the nourishment of the plants. Countless grasses grew on the ground, and it looked like a thriving scene.

On this day, Qian Bufei found Shen Feng and said directly: "Mr. Shen, we are going to go to Ruili to find out the situation. In addition, I want to reveal a more important news to you. Do you have time to go together? There are many If you like the imported jade, you can take as many as you see."

Shen Feng had nothing to do when he was idle, so he immediately called Chu Chaoyan to set off. Chang Haojie wanted to go with him, but Shen Feng said directly: "You just stay in the camp and read, and you don't even look at you. How poor your test scores are, and your sister will be angry again after seeing your poor academic results."

Chang Haojie saw that his brother-in-law was not going to take him with him at this time, so he couldn't help muttering: "It's the end of the day, so what else to learn, strength is the most important thing at this time."

Chu Chaoyan heard Chang Haojie's muttering, and said with a smile: "That's because wisdom is also a kind of strength. Humans are stronger than ordinary animals. This is because humans still have brains and can think. Understand the truth that technology is the primary productive force, strength is diverse, and knowledge is power, you should also understand this truth.”

"Cheese? I haven't eaten it for a long time. If you eat cheese, it can indeed increase your strength." Chang Haojie suddenly realized.

"It's not about cheese, it's about knowledge, and Bacon said that." Chu Chaoyan explained with a wry smile, talking to people who don't understand anything, and still playing the piano to the cow.

"Bacon? Ham can still talk?" Chang Haojie was even more puzzled.

"You little illiterate, you should pay more attention to your studies." Shen Feng was also very helpless at this time, and he could see that Chang Haojie's learning level was not very good even though he had a tutor at ordinary times. I'm already a junior high school student, but I don't even know that bacon is a person's name, so I thought it was cured ham?

"Dim sum? What dim sum?" Chang Haojie's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Shen Feng shook his head, and took Chu Chaoyan away. Now that Chang Haojie has a tutor, his academic level is already so poor. It seems that the current children's academic performance will not be particularly good, but this is not a good thing It's still a bad thing, children don't need to continue to roll in, but, without the learning atmosphere, the learning level of the current children is plummeting.

After the mushroom forest rotted, there was a stench floating in the air. A group of people on Shen Feng's side could only wear protective clothing. Now they are not worried about being parasitized by spores, but worried about being smelled by the smell of rotten mushrooms .

Qian Bufei set off with more than 30 people, not for fighting, but simply to gather information. Besides, even if fighting was needed, Shen Feng was also in the team at this time. Shen Feng at this time was definitely the leader in the world. For the top ten supernatural users on the list, it would take a lot of resources to become a sixth-level supernatural person, and after the third-level supernatural person, the evolutionary base is needed to continue to evolve, and the evolutionary base is nothing but Except for some mutated plants that can be produced, only laboratories can produce them.

Therefore, there are no powerful supernatural beings who live in seclusion in the deep mountains and old forests. Once they live in seclusion, it means that they will not get enough resources. Even a group of supernatural beings in Luliang Mountain have someone behind them to support them.

In fact, there are only so many supernatural beings with names and surnames, and the number of strong ones is obvious to all. With Shen Feng in the team, everyone is very at ease.

Soon everyone arrived in Ruili, and the most famous business here is actually the jade business. Stone gambling activities are on a large scale here. Send it over, of course, when it was dug out, the good ore had already been taken away by professionals, and the rest were defective products.

It’s just that after the doomsday, there was no one in Ruili. Even if there were survivors, they had already fled away. As for jade, it was ruthlessly abandoned. This thing can’t be eaten, but it’s just good-looking. In peaceful times, the value of jade is high No, but in today's troubled times, only gold and silver are precious, and as for emeralds, they are just stones.

Qian Bufei said boldly, "Mr. Shen, Ms. Chu, how much jade do you want? If you see it, just take it away. You can take it as you like."

Shen Feng shook his head helplessly, and said: "This thing can't be eaten. Why do you want it? Just pick a few you like. It's not bad to take home for decoration, but if there are too many, it's useless, right. , where are the oil and gas pipelines?"

Compared with emeralds, Shen Feng cares more about oil and gas pipelines. The Burma Oil Pipeline is China's fourth energy input method. The first three are Central Asia oil and gas pipelines, China-Russia oil pipelines, and the other is offshore oil imports. . It can be said that if the southwest region wants to get oil, it depends on the pipelines here.

Qian Bufei then took Shen Feng to look at the oil and gas pipelines, but Chu Chaoyan got into the jewelry store instead. The place was dilapidated everywhere, cracks appeared on many houses, and the streets were also deserted.

After entering the jewelry store, Chu Chaoyan began to choose gifts, whether it was necklaces or earrings, whether it was rings or hair accessories, as long as they saw good-looking ones, they would bring them all.

"Well, Chang Jianyi wants to give, my sister wants to give, and mother-in-law wants to give too. By the way, Du Xinshi and Hua Jingran also want to give gifts. We should choose as many as possible." Chu Chaoyan still chooses gifts at this time. very positive.

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