Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 843 I Have A Wall Ladder

Shen Feng and Qian Bufei found the oil pipeline. There were a lot of problems here. The equipment couldn't work, so the pipeline was damaged, and it needed extensive repairs to operate.

At this time, Qian Bufei said to Shen Feng in a low voice: "Mr. Shen, in fact, apart from conquering the Mushroom Forest, Yunnan Province has another important purpose. It’s important, that’s why it’s kept secret, but at this moment, the mutated fungus is already escaping, and the oil and gas pipeline can be reconnected, so I can say other things, Mr. Shen, Yunnan Province needs a port now.”

Regarding this statement, Shen Feng actually knew about it before, and Shen Feng thought that this matter would always be hidden. After all, the people in Yunnan Province are still keeping secrets from the headquarters, and it can be seen from this incident , the jurisdiction of the headquarters over the provinces below has been reduced, otherwise, in the southeast, they would not dare to blatantly engage in mutual protection in the southeast.

However, Shen Feng still pretended to have just learned about the matter at this time, and asked: "Do you need a port? Do you need a port on the Yangtze River? If it is a port on the Yangtze River, I remember you already have it? Why do you need it?" ?”

At this time, Shen Feng was obviously pretending to be confused, deliberately dragging the topic to the Yangtze River.

Qian Bufei quickly explained: "It's not the port on the Yangtze River, but the port on the coast. To tell you the truth, Dian Province was not so impoverished in the first place, because the area under the jurisdiction of Dian Province was further to the south. But a hundred years ago, areas like Kokang were already taken away by external forces. These places are all Chinese-speaking and learning Chinese. Although they are from other countries, they are actually relatives and should be taken back. gone."

Shen Feng felt amused when he heard this, and said to himself: "Even if these people want to rob things, they still need a high-sounding reason. They say they want to regain their homeland, but in fact the idea in their hearts is not so simple."

Afterwards, Shen Feng deliberately pretended not to understand, and asked: "But as far as I know, none of these Chinese-speaking states are close to the sea. Even if they regain their homeland, they will not get a port."

There are seven provinces and seven states in Myanmar, and the so-called states are areas that cannot be controlled by the state of Myanmar. The people here are all warlords, so they are called states, and these places are basically dense forests. Inland, the situation is also more chaotic.

Originally, Qian Bufei also wanted to fool Shen Feng. He felt that Shen Feng's knowledge of geography should be average, so he also wanted to get Shen Feng to support him at this time.

After all, Shen Feng is just a young man, and when he thinks about issues, he is mostly radical. He only needs to shout slogans and shout some words that can inspire the blood of young people, such as restoring the homeland, or punishing evil and promoting good, Shen Feng Still very likely to be shaken.

In the end, Shen Feng heard the loopholes in Qian Bufei's words, and stopped Qian Bufei directly.

So Qian Bufei could only continue to say: "In addition to regaining the homeland, we also need to punish the evil and promote the good. The instability in the south will affect the stability of the Burma Road. It is better to take it in one step and directly give it to the port in Yangon." In this way, Yunnan Province has an outlet to the sea, Yuzhou has a protected Yunnan-Myanmar Highway, and everyone has a bright future."

Shen Feng shrugged his shoulders at this time and said: "If you want a port, you need a port. I don't care about it. I will go back in a few days. My mission this time has been completed. I have been outside for a long time." It's time, my wife is going to have a baby, I have to go back."

Shen Feng basically doesn't think about things that don't have any interests, so even if the Yunnan Province successfully occupied the port, it doesn't matter to Shen Feng at all, because it doesn't matter to him The advantage is that it takes a long time to get from Yuzhou to the border of Yunnan Province, and it is impossible for Yuzhou to manage ports far away by the sea.

Qian Bufei quickly said: "Mr. Shen, at least stay for a while, even if you don't participate in this matter, you still have to take a look. I have already sent a message to Wang Aoye in the southeast. After we win Yangon, He will send someone to show up, don't you still have to discuss the smuggling? Isn't this a good opportunity?"

After Shen Feng heard this, he was really convinced by this statement. It was indeed what Qian Bufei said. Among the forces in Southeast Asia, Wang Aoye was definitely very strong. He was still smuggling in the mountains before, but this time This road was cut off by the headquarters. In this way, I can only take the Burma Road. Moreover, there are oil and natural gas in the Burma store. It will be easier to transport goods in the future, and there is no need to worry about the future. Was ambushed.

Thinking of this, Shen Feng nodded and said: "Okay, wait for a while, I really don't have much time."

Qian Bufei didn't understand why Shen Feng always wanted to go back to Yuzhou at this time. If it was a treasure of his hometown, it should be the people in Yunnan Province who had a better say, because most of the people in Yunnan Province were not Those who like to go out and wander, live with the situation, and continue to live if they can live in their hometown, but I didn't expect that Shen Feng is also a family-loving person.

In fact, when Shen Feng said that time is running out, he was not referring to himself, but that Du Xinshi's time was running out, and she spent a few months together day and night. Shen Feng knew about Du Xinshi's health status. Her health is deteriorating, maybe she really can't hold on, especially Du Xinshi is still pregnant.

For ordinary people, giving birth to a child is a painful thing, and the reason is very simple. Children naturally need nutrition when they develop in the mother's womb, but where does the nutrition come from? Naturally, it came from the mother's body. Du Xinshi's health was not good in the first place, and giving birth to a child made Du Xinshi's condition even worse.

Shen Feng wanted to spare time to accompany Du Xinshi, but due to various other circumstances, this goal could not be achieved. Originally, Shen Feng planned to complete the task within two months, but now, the time has been delayed again and again. However, Shen Feng still couldn't go back, and he was very uneasy, feeling that he was sorry for Du Xinshi.

At this moment, Chu Chaoyan came back to Shen Feng's side with a box in her arms. The box was full of fancy jewelry. In the past, only two types of people could do this kind of behavior, one is the rich, and the other is rich. You can have as much jewelry as you want, and the other is a robber. If the robber comes out of the jewelry store, he will also gain a lot.

"Afeng, look, I have chosen a lot of jewelry. You are wearing this imperial green ring. I have seen many important people wear finger rings on their thumbs. You are also the city lord of Yuzhou. Naturally, you must be able to wear it." Something to decorate your identity." While speaking, Chu Chaoyan handed a precious finger wrench to Shen Feng.

Shen Feng was noncommittal, if in the past, such a finger wrench was something that Shen Feng would never dare to expect, what is a luxury? This is a luxury, but now, after Shen Feng really gained power, he didn't care about it. The real big shots never needed these accessories to prove their status.

However, this was something Chu Chaoyan gave him, and Shen Feng still put it on his thumb and said, "It's very suitable, I accept it."

And when the people in Yunnan Province were ready to go, the headquarters also discovered an abnormal situation at this time, because the satellite had already discovered that the mushroom forest had disappeared at this time, probably because the strategy of Yunnan Province was successful, but At this time, Yunnan Province is still mobilizing trucks to head towards Ruili, but after this incident, people are puzzled. They did not mobilize truck convoys during the battle before, but now that they have won the battle, they are still mobilizing truck, what does that mean?

Moreover, the headquarters also heard another news, that is, Shen Feng and Chu Chaoyan from Yuzhou also appeared on the battlefield. It hasn't been resolved, but now, people from Yuzhou appear on the battlefield in Yunnan Province. In this way, there is also a private alliance in the southwest of China. Such news is simply shocking.

Therefore, the headquarters sensed that something was wrong, and Shen Feng appeared in Yunnan Province. Moreover, the troops of Yunnan Province were still gathering at the border. Even if there were only more than 10,000 troops, they should not be underestimated.

The headquarters immediately issued an order: "Since the mushroom forest in Yunnan Province has been resolved, they should return to their respective stations and leave the workers to repair the oil and gas pipelines. Don't gather for a long time. There have been mutated bird flus abroad. , if you gather together, be careful of infectious diseases.”

The reasons found by the headquarters are quite normal. Nowadays, epidemics such as bird flu and avian tuberculosis have appeared in many countries in the southern hemisphere. With the return of migratory birds, such severe infectious diseases have also appeared in the northern hemisphere. Therefore, the headquarters requires people not to gather unless necessary, so as to avoid the spread of infectious diseases.

North America is also to be blamed for the occurrence of this incident. When dealing with mutant birds, North America chose to use viruses and bacteria to attack. At the beginning, the effect was very good. After the mutant birds were infected by bacteria and viruses, hundreds of thousands of Hundreds of thousands of people died, and a group of black people on the African prairie had no worries about food and drink every day, because as long as they went out, they could often pick up mutated birds that fell on the ground.

Under normal circumstances, the viruses and bacteria used in North America will not infect humans. However, viruses and bacteria can also mutate, especially the mutation of viruses. After that, the viruses and bacteria mutate and become viruses and bacteria that can infect humans.

And the most famous one is influenza, not only birds are infected and die one by one, even humans are also infected in large numbers. At this time, the northern hemisphere is also in crisis due to viruses and bacteria. This crisis is not brought about by mutant birds. It was man-made. The lighthouse country in North America killed hundreds of thousands of people. If it continues to develop, more people will be killed by the virus.

People in Yunnan Province dare not object to the request of the headquarters. The reason is very simple. Nominally, the headquarters is still the superior of Yunnan Province.

However, as the saying goes, you have a good plan, and I have a wall ladder. It is impossible for me to disobey your order, but delaying time is enough.

Dian Province then said: "The mutated fungus has not been completely eradicated at this time, and there are still two thousand soldiers who have not returned to normal. Therefore, the army still needs to continue to stare at the mutated fungus. The army cannot return until the mutated fungus leaves."

The headquarters was speechless. If they wanted to order the army to disband at this time, then it would be inconsiderate of the soldiers. After all, there are still 2,000 soldiers who have not recovered, and they can only wait for the soldiers to recover quickly.

However, with the passage of time, the soldiers in Yunnan Province were also ready. When the road was cleared, hundreds of trucks carried the soldiers directly southward. After a month of recuperation, the soldiers had already recovered their combat effectiveness. , Moreover, with the strength of Yunnan Province, there are not many opponents in the surrounding areas.

At this time, the soldiers also received orders from their superiors: "Brothers, Yunnan Province has been impoverished for decades, and the opportunity to change the poverty of Yunnan Province is now in front of us, for the sake of future generations, for the people of Yunnan Province In the future, brothers! Go south! Occupying the port, we also have the opportunity to go to sea, so that future generations can have the opportunity to see the sea!"

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