Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 844 On The Dark World

After the soldiers heard the order to go south, they immediately became excited, because they also knew the purpose of this time, which was for the benefit of future generations. The southwest region is basically very poor, not to mention expensive. The sky in the province is not sunny for three days, and the area is three feet flat. Not to mention that Rongcheng is the only good place in Sichuan Province, but the poverty in Yunnan Province is almost ingrained in the bones. The poor basically have only two ways, one is to study, and the other is to work.

The core industry in Yunnan Province is tobacco, but tobacco alone is useless. Light and heavy industries are not very good, and all the labor force has gone to work. After all, this is caused by inconvenient transportation. Who made these people born in Yunnan? What about the province of this underdeveloped plateau and mountainous area? Born in the highlands and mountains, the traffic has already been restricted. In such a situation, he is born to be poor.

However, being poor before does not necessarily mean that it will always be poor in the future, because for Yunnan Province, the opportunity to change the poverty has come. It is possible to trade with the surrounding areas. In addition, it can also obtain the valley plain area, which is a place where crops are grown three times a year. It can be said that after going south, the land will be snatched, and the poverty situation in Yunnan Province will be changed from then on.

After having a normal reason, the soldiers obviously became crazy at this time. There is no other reason. It has been too long. The opportunity to change future generations is here. How can they remain indifferent?

The truck went south, loaded with soldiers, and first rushed into the northern Burma area, almost no resistance was encountered, and it was occupied. There are many warlords in the area, but these warlords turned out to be shackles when facing the army going south. To welcome Master Wang.

Shen Feng was puzzled after seeing this scene, because in Shen Feng's imagination, these warlords must unite and resist when facing external threats, but now, the warlords surrendered directly. Simply refreshing.

Qian Bufei led a group of people to stay in northern Myanmar, and then let other soldiers continue to go south. It was useless to occupy the north. The fertile land was basically in the south. Traditional agricultural production areas and areas with abundant manpower is here.

And Shen Feng also brought a few people from Yuzhou to stop here, and after stopping, Shen Feng and Chu Chaoyan naturally chose to appreciate the local customs and customs, while Chang Haojie and Qu Zhaoqian were free In terms of action, Qu Zhaoqian is two or three years younger than Chang Haojie, so he worshiped Chang Haojie as his eldest brother. Chang Haojie also carried a lot of golden beans on his body, and immediately said: "Follow the eldest brother and eat nine meals a day. Let's go, I'll take you to find something delicious."

Shen Feng wandered around the city, and he found a lot of Chinese people, and there are also a lot of ethnic minorities here, including people from the Miao and Yi people. You can also see the temple of Kongming here. It really is money. As Buffy said, in the understanding of these ethnic minorities, Zhuge Liang is their god.

And Chang Haojie wandered around the city with Qu Zhaoqian, and Shen Feng didn't let the bodyguards protect them, but just told the two of them: "Don't make trouble, be honest with me, and besides, don't hurt anyone casually."

Shen Feng is not worried about the safety of these two teenagers, because they are both supernatural beings, Chang Haojie can fly, and Qu Zhaoqian's supernatural power can make people age quickly, it is really impossible for ordinary people to hurt For Chang Haojie and Qu Zhaoqian, it's a good thing that they don't bully others.

At this time, Shen Feng also knew why the warlords here surrendered easily. The reason was that the rest of the supernatural beings in Yunnan Province had already gone south. After going south, they secretly contacted the warlord leader and explained their purpose. The warlords are domineering in the local area, but in the end they are just local snakes. Since the end of the day, the army under these people has been shrinking, and the powerful soldiers in Yunnan Province are going south. This is the Raptor How could local snakes not be afraid of crossing the river?

Taking advantage of this time, the supernatural beings stated their conditions, that is, after surrendering, they will not rob their land. When the warlords heard this, their eyes lit up immediately, and they immediately agreed, because they said After all, the warlords only want power, and it doesn't matter who is the boss.

So, after the army arrived in northern Myanmar, the warlords surrendered directly, not only actively leading the way for the army, but also providing food and supplies, hoping that the army in Yunnan Province would go south as soon as possible to win.

After learning about this situation, Shen Feng could only shake his head helplessly, thinking in his heart: "A group of local snakes are very capable of making decisions according to the wind, but these warlords have been entrenched in the local area for a long time. It's not an easy thing to remove, alas, just pretend you didn't see it."

Shen Feng at this time is actually no longer the hot-blooded boy in the school back then. Back then, if Shen Feng saw something unfair, he would definitely abuse him. Although it was useless, he used words to vent himself. The anger expresses one's own emotions, which is also a kind of passion.

But now, after Shen Feng came to northern Myanmar, he chose to remain silent. As long as he pretended that he hadn't seen anything, there would be no time to worry.

Shen Feng let go of the sense of responsibility in his heart, and acted as if he didn't know anything, and wandered around with Chu Chaoyan. A handsome man and a beautiful woman wandered in the street, looking very loving. However, when walking on the street, Shen Feng can often see a group of sunken-eyed guys holding a pinch of lighted white flour and smoking.

Shen Feng and Chu Chaoyan have matured a lot, and they will ignore unreasonable things, but Chang Haojie and Qu Zhaoqian, two teenagers, can't do it.

After eating and drinking enough in the city, the two started to wander around. This time they came to the edge of the city, but they heard someone wailing and crying in a private woodland, so the two slipped in. Want to see what's going on.

As a result, when I went in, I found that there were many cages in a pond, and each cage held a person. The water had submerged to the neck of these people, and in order to avoid being submerged Death, these detainees can only raise their heads hard.

After seeing this scene, Qu Zhaoqian couldn't help but said: "Brother, let's run quickly at this moment. It seems that we have broken into a place we shouldn't be at this moment."

No, when Qu Zhaoqian said this, Chang Haojie immediately began to criticize: "Why are you so timid, kid? Your abilities are stronger than mine, but at this moment, you are even more courageous than me." Xiao, is there a place in the world that we can't go to? We've come here, naturally to understand the situation."

But being imprisoned in the crowd is already painful. During the days of being imprisoned, these people can't eat normally at all. If they want to survive, they can only drink water. As for whether they can survive, it is not clear at all. People in good health may last longer, but if people in poor health are imprisoned in such a water prison, they will basically die.

"Help, save us, we are going to die." A group of people started calling for help at this time, although only two children appeared here, but this is also the hope of survival, as long as there is hope, Should not give up.

Chang Haojie and Qu Zhaoqian felt puzzled after hearing these people's cries for help, because what these people said was in Chinese. Surprised, Chang Haojie couldn't help asking: "How can you say Chinese?"

The prisoners quickly explained: "We are all Chinese, of course we can speak Chinese, please help me, as long as I can get out of trouble, I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life."

Chang Haojie and Qu Zhaoqian had never seen this kind of scene before, so they couldn't help asking: "Since you are from China, why don't you live in China, but here instead? Besides, are you committing a crime? Why? still be locked up."

The prisoners all argued at this time: "We all came here after being deceived. We were deceived a few years ago, saying that we were going abroad to make a lot of money, but we were brought here for fraud. If the fraud results are not good, then We are about to suffer waterboarding, just like we are now, if our grades are not good, we will be killed and our organs will be taken away, we really can’t take it anymore.”

Qu Zhaoqian suddenly realized, and said: "So you are all liars, so why should we save you? You deserve it, and you are to blame."

Chang Haojie also had the same idea, the boy's mind was always black and white, whether a liar is a good guy or a bad guy, does it need to be said? Well, it is a bad person. Since he is a bad person, he has been punished now, and it is too late for him to be happy. Why should he save people?

However, the prisoners still begged at this time: "We have no choice. Even if we are deceiving, it is forced. We just want to make money, but we were deceived here and live a life that is not as good as pigs and dogs all day long." Life, we just want to go home now, and we can't take care of other things."

When Chang Haojie heard these people's cries, he couldn't help asking: "In this day and age, are you still imprisoned here because of fraud and bad grades?"

When everyone heard this, they burst into tears: "Where can we still cheat now? The currency system has long since collapsed. Even if it is a transfer, it is just a bunch of numbers. We are punished because of poor performance in farming. There were hundreds of people detained on our side, but now, only more than 30 people are still alive."

Chang Haojie heard that this was something he didn't know, so he said to Qu Zhaoqian: "Let someone out, and I'll listen to what they say. If it makes sense, I'll save him. If it doesn't make sense, I don't care."

It is not too much to describe Chang Haojie's life as a greenhouse, because the most dangerous situation he encountered was being trapped in the school, and at that time there was the protection of the teacher, and then there were Shen Feng and Chang Jianyi. Protection, there will be no threat at all, now, Chang Haojie suddenly knows that there is another life in another world, and he is immediately curious.

Qu Zhaoqian was also unambiguous, and aimed at a wooden cage to cast his ability. Afterwards, the wooden cage became rotten, and a prisoner escaped.

"Come, come, sit down, and tell me what happened to you. Besides, why didn't I see a woman?" Chang Haojie pointed to a stone on one side and said, he was ready to learn about other people's lives.

And this prisoner looked around to make sure that no one was watching him, and then he sat down slowly. At this time, he also realized that the two children in front of him were not simple characters, and it was impossible for ordinary people to open the cage easily. It is the legendary supernatural being.

At this time, the prisoners were still looking at Chang Haojie and Qu Zhaoqian with full expectation. The hope of survival had appeared, and they were eager to be rescued.

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