Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 845 Under The Dark World

Chang Haojie has always been very interested in things he didn't know, just like he had always cared deeply about Hua Jingran before, and it wasn't because this was a girl he didn't see often, but at this moment, Chang Haojie suddenly fell in love with Hua Jingran. I found that there seemed to be even more bizarre stories about other people, so I immediately became curious.

The prisoner who was released then began to narrate: "A few years ago, when the apocalypse had not yet broken out, and the zombies had not appeared, life was really good at that time. Although there was no money, but at least it was Don’t worry about your safety. But I graduated from an ordinary school, and I was unemployed after graduation. I also want to make money for my family, but it’s impossible to go to a factory, because after entering a factory, I must become Machine."

Chang Haojie and Qu Zhaoqian listened silently and did not express their opinions. The prisoners were also engaged in the fraud industry before, and their eloquence was quite good. They immediately talked about what happened to them. It made Chang Haojie and Qu Zhaoqian fascinated.

If you want to become a scammer, there is another possibility, that is, you can make a lot of money when you are engaged in this industry, otherwise, who would act in this illegal industry? However, in some countries in Southeast Asia, there is another way to engage in fraud, which is to deceive them out of the country and then force them to work.

It stands to reason that even if it is a fraud, there is no need to defraud people from China to engage in this industry. After all, as long as the task can be completed, the labor force in Southeast Asia is very cheap, and there must be someone who will do this kind of thing. However, Southeast Asia wants to cheat. Naturally, it is necessary to choose a rich place to defraud, where is the money? Naturally it is Chinese.

Ever since, the scammer leaders in Southeast Asia have tried to trick people out of China in the name of working and earning high salaries. As for whether it is a serious job or not, it will all be clear after landing. If you are locked up, the next step is fraud. If you can't complete the performance, you will be in prison.

Chinese people are the best at defrauding Chinese people. Don’t say that Chinese people don’t lie to Chinese people. As long as the money is paid properly, even a relative can still cheat. Liars don’t care whether the other party is a compatriot or not. , the business of fraud in Southeast Asia is booming.

Helplessly, the good times don't last long, and China has begun to crack down on Internet fraud. Internet fraud is not only publicized everywhere in China, but various propaganda terms have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it has also begun to rectify this situation abroad.

In the end, a bunch of fraud gangs in Southeast Asia were surrounded and suppressed everywhere, and had to change to a safe place to work. This place was finally chosen in northern Myanmar, where there are many warlords, even the local government can’t control it. As long as you give money, you will Can continue to work here.

However, there is also a dark side here, because deception is already very difficult, wolves eat sheep, but when there is no lamb to eat, wolves can't eat anything else, so they have to look around Companions, eat from the weakest individual.

"In the past, if we couldn't swindle money, we would be punished by the water prison. The people with the worst performance were taken away and killed, and their organs were cut off and sold. I don't know how many people were killed because they couldn't bear such inhumane conditions. That’s why I chose to commit suicide by jumping off a building.”

"As for women, it's even more miserable. You just asked why there are no women here. Naturally, it's not because only men can do this industry, but because women can also engage in other industries, which is to stand on the street and attract tourists. , all the money earned will be taken away, and it’s like this day by day.”

"There are casinos here. The bosses of Zhonghua don't dare to gamble in China, so they come here to gamble. As long as they give money, the people here will do anything. They can get what they want."

After hearing this description, Chang Haojie and Qu Zhaoqian immediately looked at each other, because at this moment they both felt that they had seen a real and dark world, but they had been living in the sunshine before that , now after hearing these dark things, they feel deeply uncomfortable, and now they realize that this place is not a place where they can live.

Chang Haojie held back the strong discomfort in his heart, and continued to ask: "Isn't it the end of the day? What are you doing now? It stands to reason that there should be no market for fraud, and you don't need to continue doing this kind of work." , isn't it?"

Regarding Chang Haojie's question at this time, the prisoner said honestly: "Without fraud, what else can we do? Naturally, it is the third kind. The three industries of pornography, gambling and drugs are all men. The first way is gone. , and then there is the casino. If you are not in good health, you can’t be a security guard. In the end, you can only be sent to farm. As a result, you don’t have enough experience, and you can’t farm well, so you can only be like this, and you can be locked up at will beating and scolding."

Chang Haojie's heart was heavy. He wanted to do something at this time, but he didn't know how to do it, so he scratched his head and fidgeted.

There is resentment in Chang Haojie's heart. He knows that this world should not be like this. Even in the apocalypse, there should be a better life, but how to change the current situation is what he does not know. know things.

Qu Zhaoqian didn't think too much about it, he just simply felt sorry for these people, he originally wanted to save them, but the elder brother beside him didn't speak up yet, at this moment he didn't dare to make his own decisions, he could only walk around , but found a fence in the distance, these fences are made of barbed wire, and inside the fence are densely packed with bones.

Qu Zhaoqian was very young and had never experienced bloody scenes like wars. After seeing the current situation, he immediately exclaimed: "Ah, so many dead people!"

The prisoner then said: "These people were all people who were killed before. The organ business is very prosperous in northern Myanmar, but the source of these organs is very miserable. After many people were deceived, their kidneys were cut off. Not to mention the kidneys, but also the liver, heart, spleen, as long as they were the previous organs, they were directly cut off and frozen for preservation. As for the corpses, they were thrown away and fed to the dogs. Dogs are kept in this enclosure. Today, these people We took the dogs out to hunt, and if we wait until they come back, we won't be able to leave even if we want to."

Qu Zhaoqian didn't dare to stay by the fence any longer, because when he was by the fence, he would always feel chills on his body. This feeling was really uncomfortable. Afterwards, Qu Zhaoqian endured He kept asking Chang Haojie, "Brother, what should we do now?"

How did Chang Haojie know what to do, he never thought that he would encounter this kind of situation, but Chang Haojie still followed his heart and said, "Let these people come out and let them escape."

Qu Zhaoqian immediately started to release these people from the pond. A group of people have been soaked for a long time, and their bodies are also very weak. Don't think that being soaked in the water is not a big deal. In the torture, there is no food or drink, and when in the water, the heat in the body is still being lost. Those who are in poor health will die immediately, and those who can survive are also mentally listless.

"Thank you, we are leaving now, even if we are chased and killed, we have to go home." Everyone thanked Chang Haojie and Qu Zhaoqian at this time, and started running after speaking.

If Chang Haojie and Qu Zhaoqian were thanked by others before, they would naturally be overjoyed, but now, after hearing a heavy story, the two of them couldn't be happy at all because of the story. Heaviness has already made the two teenagers understand how dangerous this world is.

"Hurry up, you can take the big road, because the troops from Yunnan Province are constantly going south, and ordinary people dare not stop them, but be careful of mutant beasts, the mountains are very dangerous." Chang Haojie also seriously reminded these people, The main road is easy to catch up with, but basically no one dares to act on the main road at this time, because the army has already moved south at this time.

But just when everyone was staggering and preparing to escape, there was the sound of a dog barking in the distance. Just by hearing the barking sound of the dog, one could tell that it was an extremely ferocious big dog. Whispering calls.

"Run away, these people are back." After hearing the sound of the dog barking, many prisoners knew that the demons who imprisoned them had returned.

Chang Haojie quickly said to Qu Zhaoqian who was beside him: "Get ready to fight, be careful. Kill these villains."

After finishing speaking, Chang Haojie took out a pistol from his body. At this time, Chang Haojie is still used to fighting with guns. Although he is a person with supernatural abilities, Chang Haojie's supernatural abilities are not used for fighting, nor can he increase his speed. , and cannot rely on supernatural powers to kill, so Chang Haojie learned to use guns, but fortunately, Chang Haojie can come and go freely under normal terrain. If melee attacks have no advantage, then as long as long-range attacks can make up for it Enough.

Qu Zhaoqian also quickly got ready. Although he had no experience in killing people before, Qu Zhaoqian had already decided to avenge his cousin who was killed before, and he knew that if he wanted to do this, then You have to be ruthless.

Chang Haojie used his ability and flew directly into the sky, while Qu Zhaoqian was moving freely on the ground. The prisoners in the woods were trying to escape, and there was deep fear on their faces, because they knew that if After being caught, he would definitely be killed. There was no doubt about this kind of thing, so everyone wanted to run away quickly.

However, it is not easy for the already extremely weak people to escape at this time. Even if they want to move their legs, it will consume a lot of energy.

At this time, ferocious vicious dogs have appeared. After seeing the fleeing people, they rushed up and began to bite. The ferocity of large dogs is beyond doubt. After all, the ancestors are the same as wolves. The position of the thighs of the people was broken, although it was not a mutant beast, but at this time, the powerful bite force alone could bite the thighs of the people until they were dripping with blood.

After seeing this scene, Chang Haojie immediately said happily: "Fortunately, I am flying in the sky, and I will not be caught at this time."

Many cats and dogs carry rabies virus. Once this virus enters the human body, the incubation period will be very long. Once it occurs, the mortality rate is 100%. After being bitten, you can only go to the hospital for rabies vaccine. In northern Myanmar, most of the rabies vaccines do not exist.

And Qu Zhaoqian behind the tree was also discovered at this time, the dog's sense of smell is very sensitive, after rushing up, it was about to bite Qu Zhaoqian.

When Qu Zhaoqian saw the appearance of the vicious dog, he was startled immediately. Without even thinking about it, he cast his supernatural power and stretched out his hand to make the rushing wolf dog age. Slowly, the strength is weakened, and the teeth in the mouth are falling out.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qu Zhaoqian dodged the bite of the vicious dog, and continued to use his supernatural powers to make the vicious dog that charged over him grow old and die. The lifespan of a dog is very short, generally ten years, and can live for twenty years Under the influence of Qu Zhaoqian's ability, almost instantly, the vicious dog in his prime died of old age in the woods.

The guy who imprisoned this group of scammers also appeared at this time. This is a group of vicious guys with all kinds of weapons in their hands. Even guns are not lacking at all. When they see someone running away, they go up and shoot. Shoot and kill the guy who runs ahead.

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