Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 846 Justice Doesn't Exist

After Chang Haojie saw this group of people in the air and shot directly, he was immediately frightened. When he saw someone fleeing, he shot directly, without paying attention to human life at all. Are all the villains here so arrogant?

Afterwards, Chang Haojie quickly cast his supernatural ability and summoned a mist to come over. The northern Myanmar region is already considered tropical. Can, naturally have unique advantages.

The sudden appearance of the fog made a group of thugs stunned at this moment, and the temperature didn't cool down at this time, why did the fog suddenly float over?

While he was wondering, Chang Haojie from the sky shot straight away, aiming at the leader, and with one shot, the person's head was shot, and the brains were splashed everywhere. After a group of people discovered this situation, they quickly Looking for cover, trying to find a place to hide at this time.

"Be careful, there is a gun in the opposite hand, don't expose it." Many villains are obviously experienced. After discovering that they were shot, they quickly found a cover to hide. At the same time, they were looking around with guns, guarding against the fog possible enemies.

It's just that a group of people obviously didn't expect that the enemy was actually above their heads. In the following time, Chang Haojie continued to ride the clouds and continued to shoot. The villains were killed one by one, and Chang Haojie finally felt hearty. It feels like this is the taste of punishing evil and promoting good, which makes people feel very refreshed.

But the one who solved the battle was Qu Zhaoqian. Taking advantage of the mist in the woods, Qu Zhaoqian slowly touched the hiding place of a group of people, and quietly began to use his supernatural powers to kill the group of people who were still alive. Grow old and die of old age in the woods.

The place where Shen Feng and his group are located is a big city in northern Myanmar. It is said to be a big city, but it is actually at the level of a small town. There have been wars here for many years. It is almost impossible to find a big city here. It was possible, and there were 200 soldiers stationed in the town to maintain order. When they heard gunshots, the soldiers rushed to the edge of the city.

However, after the soldiers found Chang Haojie and Qu Zhaoqian in the woods, they felt a deep headache, because it was none other than their own who made the trouble. This was Lord Fengshen's brother-in-law. People are simply making trouble for themselves.

A squad leader stood up and said to Chang Haojie: "I said Mr. Chang, we just took over someone else's territory, and now we still need to maintain order. How can you add chaos to us?"

The soldiers will distinguish between the enemy and us after going south, and although Chang Haojie is from Yuzhou, he is being blocked by the headquarters, and the traffic has been cut off, but the southwest area is already closely related, so naturally he was treated by the soldiers as himself Humans, now everyone doesn't want to embarrass Chang Haojie and Qu Zhaoqian, but they have killed too many people, even the dogs of the local people.

What is this behavior called? This is the chicken and the dog! The locals are watching, Chang Haojie is so cruel, it would be bad if the locals are forced to resist.

Chang Haojie asked puzzledly: "We're not adding to the chaos, we're killing the bad guys, besides, the opposite side was the first to shoot, these people belong to a group, and they're all engaged in the kind of shady things." business, this is an absolute bad guy."

After hearing this, the officers' eyes lit up immediately, and they asked, "Did the other side shoot first?"

"That's right, I can prove that the other side even let a dog bite me." Qu Zhaoqian also said hastily at this time.

Under normal circumstances, the person who makes the first move is always the wrong side. Even Qu Zhaoqian, a child, understands this truth. Don’t think that children don’t understand anything. Children are also very good at shirking responsibility .

"Okay, you guys hurry up and go to find Lord Fengshen. As for these people, we will deal with them. We will take them to the streets to show the public, and say that these people attack our people, so we have no choice but to resist." An officer waved his hand and let Chang Haojie and Qu Zhaoqian left here directly.

Chang Haojie nodded and was about to leave, and when he left, he warned, "Then be careful, the people here are really cruel, and it's chaotic, and many people have guns."

When Chang Haojie said this, many soldiers immediately didn't know what to say. Do these two children need to be reminded how dangerous northern Myanmar is? People from the provinces adjacent to northern Myanmar have actually heard about it a long time ago, and of course they know what their situation is.

Chang Haojie and Qu Zhaoqian successfully rescued a group of detainees. Although they knew that these people were fraudsters, considering that they had been cruelly treated for several years, Chang Haojie still felt pity for them. Now Saved them and felt like I had done something good.

But Qu Zhaoqian couldn't help but said to Chang Haojie at this time: "Brother, I heard that there are still many people suffering. Shall we continue to fight?"

But Chang Haojie quickly shook his head and said: "Don't, don't, it's a pleasure to do it. This will cause trouble for the people in Yunnan Province. In short, just pretend that you don't know anything. Anyway, we will leave here after a while , why bother too much?"

Chang Haojie still understands the general situation. He knows one thing, that is, he can do this once or twice on his own will, but if he continues to save people, it will add to the chaos. Anyway, these things did not happen in Yuzhou, nor did they happen. In Yunnan Province, as long as you don't know anything, then it's fine.

Qu Zhaoqian was also persuaded. He was young, so he believed what others said. If Chang Haojie said, don't worry about it, so he doesn't have to pay attention to it.

But at this moment, Chang Haojie and Qu Zhaoqian passed a building, which was more than ten storeys high, which was nothing in Yunnan Province, but it was indeed a tall building in this small town.

On the top of the tall building, a group of women stood on the roof, pointing at the dark sky above them and yelling: "God, you are playing with us like this. Even if you are a ghost, we must curse this bloody world!"

After finishing speaking, a woman jumped directly from the upstairs, and the other women were similar, standing up and jumping down.

One of the women just landed in front of Chang Haojie's eyes, her head was down, and she hit the ground with a "poof", her head exploded in an instant, blood splattered, and a lot of blood splashed directly on Chang Haojie Qu Zhaoqian's face turned pale, and he immediately hid behind Chang Haojie, feeling nauseous for a while.

Chang Haojie just watched a group of women from China fall to the ground one by one. This is a group of living people, but they fell in front of Chang Haojie and died in such a tragic way. I don't know what happened to them. What kind of things have happened, and now he has no nostalgia for life.

"Brother, don't look, let's go, you are already dirty, let's go to the hotel to rest." Qu Zhaoqian hurriedly said to Chang Haojie at this time.

It's just that Chang Haojie's eyes were lost. He was already shocked by the scene in front of him, and now his mind was full of images of a group of people falling down just now. He didn't understand why these women wanted to die, but after thinking about it carefully, he realized that , the prisoners who were held before have already told what they have experienced, and this is the reason.

Qu Zhaoqian was still talking to Chang Haojie, but Chang Haojie was still in a daze, so Qu Zhaoqian became anxious, thinking that Chang Haojie was frightened and stupid at this time, so he quickly grabbed Chang Haojie's arm and moved Take it back to the hotel, trying to find Shen Feng and Chu Chaoyan.

As for Chang Haojie, he remained silent all the time. He was just a teenager. If he had been in the past, he would have been just an ordinary junior high school student. After seeing the scene at this time, he realized that this world is full of evil.

Shen Feng and Chu Chaoyan were still wandering outside, and returned when they found that there were no scenic spots or delicious food. When they returned to the hotel, they immediately saw Qu Zhaoqian walking around, and couldn't help asking: " What's the matter with you? Why are you like this now?"

Qu Zhaoqian almost burst into tears after seeing Shen Feng, and said anxiously: "Brother Shen Feng, Brother Jie is scared out of his wits now, we met someone jumping off the building when we came back , He was stupid after reading it, probably because he was frightened."

Next, Qu Zhaoqian explained what happened in detail. Shen Feng and Chu Chaoyan were a little worried after hearing the experience of these two teenagers, even some adults after going through this kind of thing It will also be very shocking, and for Chang Haojie, who has always been protected, it is really impossible to accept such an incident suddenly at this time.

So Shen Feng hurriedly opened the door of Chang Haojie's room, saw Chang Haojie lying on the bed in a daze, and then quickly asked: "Xiaojie, how are you now? Is there anything you want to eat now, brother-in-law will take you to eat, you are welcome." Ah, if you have anything you want to eat, just tell me."

But Chang Haojie stood up and asked seriously: "Brother-in-law, is there really justice in this world?"

"Uh, of course, why did you ask this question all of a sudden?" Shen Feng obviously didn't expect Chang Haojie to ask such a question at this time, and he almost couldn't answer for a while.

"Then when will justice appear? Specifically, when will it appear here?" Chang Haojie continued to ask.

Shen Feng also reacted at this time. The reason why Chang Haojie asked such a question was probably because he was exposed to scenes that he had never been exposed to before at this time. Now he feels that justice does not exist, so he said quickly : "Don't think about it so much, justice exists, but some justice comes in a timely manner, and some justice comes later, such things often happen, as long as you know that justice will appear sooner or later Enough."

Chang Haojie was not persuaded by Shen Feng, but shook his head vigorously, expressing his thoughts: "I don't think justice exists, it's just a group of people who advertise justice to themselves after doing good deeds, because they Need some slogans to show your correctness. In this world, there is no justice, because the word justice is created by people. For example, where we are, it is full of crimes. It is said that it has been decades or even For hundreds of years, justice has never appeared, and many people are still being imprisoned, beaten, and randomly cut off their organs. Therefore, justice has not appeared for more than a hundred years, which means that there is no justice in the world at all. There is such a thing as justice, and the so-called justice in other people’s mouths is just self-promotion.”

Naturally, Chang Haojie was not frightened. After all, Qu Zhaoqian, who was younger than him, was not frightened. Chang Haojie can be regarded as someone who has seen the world, so how could he be frightened by someone jumping off a building? The reason why he kept silent was because at this time he was thinking. He didn't read much but he knew what a bad guy was. But seeing the good guy being bullied, the bad guy didn't encounter any danger. At this moment, Chang Haojie was at a loss , it seems that justice does not exist at all.

After hearing this, Shen Feng also understood what was going on. When Chang Haojie said such words at this time, he was obviously stunned by what he encountered today, so he stepped into the corner, so Shen Feng said quickly: "Justice exists. I will take you to find Qian Bufei, and let Qian Bufei think of a way at this time, and let you see if justice will appear."

Shen Feng doesn't want Chang Haojie to go to extremes. Even in the apocalypse, a teenager should have the most basic values, and if a person doesn't even believe in justice, then there must be a problem with his values, and he will eventually fall into in extreme thinking.

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