The leaflets falling from the sky are falling one after another, and the falling of the leaflets is also an irregular movement. It is impossible to be sure that these leaflets will definitely land on the ship, but the number of leaflets is enough. As long as they are continuously sprinkled, they will always fall on the boat. On the ship, as long as a leaflet lands on the ship, the mission of Shen Feng and Li Keyi has been completed.

The flyer quickly fell into the hands of the captain and the supernatural beings. When everyone saw the content on the flyer, they immediately became overjoyed. Unexpectedly, last night I was still thinking about how to know the location information of the blue whale. As a result, the message was received this morning.

"Xiao Sheng, your identity as brother-in-law is quite useful. At this time, Shen Feng actually took the initiative to send you the news. It's not easy, it's not easy, you are an amazing person." Zhang Zi After seeing the flyer in his hand, he couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Sheng was not very happy, instead he frowned and replied earnestly: "I think this matter is not simple, according to my understanding of Shen Feng, Shen Feng does not seem like a person who would do such a thing, he is a There is a problem with the guy who can't afford to be early without profit, but now he is actively spreading exclusive news at this time."

Gong Changfa was also looking at the map, and analyzed while looking at it: "Shen Feng is indeed a clever guy. Since he took the initiative to throw down the map at this time, it means that he wants us to know about the blue whale. There are two possibilities, one possibility is that Shen Feng is using this fake map to deceive us, the other possibility is that Shen Feng deliberately let us know the location of the blue whale to open the way."

Everyone also followed Gong Changfa's thinking to analyze. After careful analysis, everyone had their own opinions, and most of these opinions felt that Shen Feng was deliberately letting people on his side open the way. Chang also suddenly received other news, and immediately reacted.

"We don't need to guess. This is the strategy of Shen Feng and his gang. They are really insidious. They know the danger in God's Domain, so they want us to open the way at this time. They On the contrary, people can watch from the sidelines." The captain said firmly at this time.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help asking: "How do you know?"

The captain replied: "The fleets of other countries have also received leaflets one after another. It can be seen that Shen Feng and Wang Aoye have prepared enough leaflets, so they are distributing them everywhere at this time. It is estimated that at this time, the leaflets have been distributed everywhere. That's all."

"I knew it wasn't that simple. This guy Shen Feng is really full of bad water. He can come up with such a dirty way. Let us open the way, that is, let us die. It's extremely hateful!" At this time, someone opened his mouth and said Cursed, because at this time they also understood Shen Feng's sinister intentions.

People with supernatural powers also don't want to be used. After all, they are superhuman beings, and no one wants to be controlled. But at this time, Shen Feng is using a conspiracy. At this time, they can't solve it at all, because if they don't look for the blue whale, other forces will also look for the blue whale. In the end, whoever finds the blue whale first will get the extraterrestrial meteorite first Qualifications.

Gong Changfa thought for a while, and suddenly asked: "Captain, can we contact other forces to unite everyone, don't act rashly, as long as we can unite other supernatural beings, let's all act together, Shen Feng's Even if the plan fails."

However, after hearing Gong Changfa's suggestion, the captain shook his head and said: "This is impossible, because this matter itself is difficult. It makes no sense for us to call on other forces to get support. At this moment, I'm afraid The rest of the forces also want to snatch the meteorite first, who will listen to our call?"

Everyone also fell silent. Obviously at this time, it is most appropriate for everyone to unite, but human nature is also selfish. Who wants to see such a huge benefit and not act? Shen Feng's plan aimed at the weakness of human nature is really despicable. Everyone knows that this is to drive tigers and wolfs away, but they have to do it.

Xiao Sheng finally sighed and said: "Since this is the case, it is difficult for everyone to unite, so we can only prepare for battle, pack up our things, and prepare to enter the God's Domain. In short, try to get close to the ring island."

The supernatural beings are also busy, preparing to enter the domain of the gods to look for the blue whale at this time. As for the possible dangers, they can only continue to overcome them, and this is probably within Shen Feng's expectation.

At this time, the captain found Xiao Sheng and Gong Changfa and said: "Both of you, you are also the leaders of the two teams, so I can also tell you a secret at this time, that is, there are actually people in the warehouse. The existence of hot air balloons, if you need to use hot air balloons, you can use them at any time, as long as ten hot air balloons are taken out of the warehouse, they can be used, this is one of the ways to travel in the air.”

The people at the headquarters are not fools either. Now that they know that it is impossible to use airplanes in God's Domain, they start to think about other ways. Apart from airplanes, there are other ways to fly into the sky, such as glider. Gliders powered by internal combustion engines can be used without sophisticated electronic equipment, and there are other ways to allow humans to fly into the sky, among which hot air balloons are a very good means.

After Xiao Sheng and Gong Changfa learned that people like themselves could also enter God's Domain from the air, they were very surprised. They didn't expect that the warehouse on the ship would even prepare hot air balloons, but at this time, hot air balloons can send It's not very useful on the Internet.

Gong Changfa said directly: "At this time, there are always skuas in the sky, and the target of the hot air balloon is too big. In this case, it is not a good choice to use a hot air balloon. Take a boat, at least there are coral islands on the water where you can avoid attacks."

The group started to act immediately after packing up their equipment. Now that they had Shen Feng's flyer and the map of God's Domain, they would get twice the result with half the effort.

Shen Feng returned to the ship after distributing all the leaflets on the glider, while Wang Aoye dispatched his supernatural beings. Observe the progress of the people from other forces, if they reach the ring island, it means that the danger has almost been resolved, at this time, we had better take action."

The glider departs every two hours. On the one hand, it is for people to practice using the glider, and on the other hand, they want to know how the battle situation in God's Domain is going.

Wang Aoye said to Shen Feng: "Mr. Shen, we should wait on the boat at this time. As for the battle situation in God's Domain, we must be under control."

But now at this time, the hands of countless forces have rushed into the domain of the gods. Among them, in India, more than a dozen supernatural beings entered the domain of the gods in a hot air balloon, but the goal in the sky is too conspicuous. There are many coral islands in the area, and the habitat of the skuas is the coral islands. At this moment, countless skuas are flying towards the group of people on the hot air balloon.

Since they are supernatural beings, they all have two brushes. Immediately, they immediately began to use supernatural powers to resist the mutant skuas. Many skuas were killed immediately, but even though the skuas had already been killed and injured, they still remained Constantly attacking, in the end, the hot air balloon was approached by two skuas from above, and several holes were pecked out on the hot air balloon, and the fiery breath burst out of the holes immediately.

The principle of a hot air balloon flying in the sky is also very simple, but it uses the principle of thermal expansion and cold contraction. After heating, the gas will expand, causing the gas in the balloon to decrease and become lighter. By adjusting the degree of combustion of the fuel, it can be realized. The rising and falling of hot air balloons appeared two centuries ago, and the Indu people naturally mastered this technology.

At the moment, there is a hole in the hot air balloon, which means that the hot air inside the hot air balloon is constantly losing, and fresh air will be replenished in the balloon, but in this way, the buoyancy of the hot air balloon will disappear.

The supernatural beings in India were very angry, because they never expected that they would be attacked by a group of skuas. Now that the hot air balloon was punctured, they had no choice but to descend. Fortunately, on the nearby sea There are coral islands. As long as you get close to this coral island, you will be safe.

However, when the hot air balloon was slowly landing, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared on the water surface, and then a unicorn came out viciously from the water, and when the unicorn came out, it directly stuck in the water. It took only a split second for the basket on the hot air balloon to shatter, and one of the supernatural beings was so unlucky that he was pierced by a unicorn on the spot, and died a moment later. , As for the rest of the supernatural beings in the basket, they fell into the sea water one after another.

Although it fell into the water, the supernatural beings here are more or less able to swim, so they started to swim with all their strength, and swam towards the coral island.

"Hold on, as long as we reach the island, we will be safe." Someone shouted loudly at this time.

It is true that you can live on the island, but the premise is that you can reach the island, and the accident happened at this time. The water surface suddenly became dark at this time. If you look carefully, there are countless people underwater. The fish are swimming, these are all pike, and there are long poisonous thorns on their backs, as long as they are stabbed by the poisonous thorns, needless to say, the next fate is to be poisoned to death.

The supernatural beings in India finally paid the price for their reckless and reckless behavior. After being surrounded by pike, they were bitten. The poisonous stinger had also stabbed the group, and in the end, all died at sea.

This scene has also been seen by the surrounding supernatural beings. After seeing this scene, everyone also became afraid. It seems that the closer to the ring island, the more dangerous it will be.

"The surrounding area of ​​the ring island is too dangerous. It is obviously not such a simple matter for us to rely on our own strength to reach the center. Next, we must unite. Everyone, it is better to carve up the meteorite at this time, and then everyone Cooperation, after success, divide according to the predetermined plan, and no one can monopolize it." After encountering many dangers, everyone realized at this time that they must unite.

Everyone has decided that the meteorite will be divided here first. In this way, the most basic contradictions between everyone will be gone, and they will be able to unite in this way. What a great thing, it should be done this way.

"That's right, that's right, let's cooperate, everyone get together, and prepare to divide the meteorite according to the number of people."

"No, no, if you divide it according to the number of people, China is really taking advantage of it. You have the largest number of supernatural beings. Let's divide it according to the population of the country."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Even if the meteorite is divided according to the population of the country, wouldn't the Chinese still occupy the majority?"

... The supernatural beings first gathered together to discuss how to divide the meteorite, and Gong Changfa said to Xiao Sheng at this time: "These foreigners are really stupid, and now they have all been killed by Shen Feng." I didn't know that I was led by the nose, but I was still discussing the matter of dividing the meteorite at this time. When we are almost finished fighting, Shen Feng will almost bring people to fish for profit."

Xiao Sheng nodded, and replied: "Since foreigners are so stupid now, we might as well use them to take the lead at this time and consume the number of animals in God's Domain, while we preserve our vitality to capture the meteorite!"

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