Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 868 Trapped In The Crater

After Shen Feng and Wang Aoye used the strategy of driving away tigers and swallowing wolves, the effect was indeed very good. Many supernatural beings united and began to attack in the God's Domain. There are many difficult animals in the God's Domain. There are skuas in the sky. , There are also pike and strange fish with one horn in the sea water. As long as these three animals can be dealt with, then in the next time, landing on the ring coral island will become a very simple matter.

Xiao Sheng thought for a while, and found a solution to deal with pike, that is to rely on Jin to kill himself, he is a man called Zeus, who is Zeus? Of course he is the king of gods in Greek mythology, the man who holds the most powerful power in the world, that is, the power of thunder and lightning. With such a mighty title on Jin Zijue, how can he not show it off?

However, when it comes to what Jin Zijue really needs to do, it is very simple, and that is electric fish.

Xiao Sheng's plan was formulated as follows. First, Fang Qinghao lured the appearance of the pike and the one-horned monster fish in the water, and lured the fish into the trap according to the plan. Jin Zijue held the wire in his hand. It only takes a moment to cast the supernatural power, and the fish in the water can be electrocuted to death.

If you use fishing nets to catch pike, the speed is too slow, and small fish may be missed, but if it is electric fish, the problem is much simpler, no matter whether it is a big fish or a small fish Directly electrocuting him to death can be said to be once and for all. Even if there are a lot of fish in the coral forest, in the end, under Jin Zijue's means, there must be very few fish left.

However, Fang Qinghao, who was acting as the bait, warned repeatedly: "It's agreed, you must not discharge before I go ashore or leave the water, you know? Fish are afraid of electric shocks, and I am the same."

Jin Zijue shrugged and said, "I don't know what you are worried about. How could such a good person like me hurt my teammates? I didn't expect you to be worried about me. Tsk tsk tsk, it's really a villain's heart." To save the belly of a gentleman."

Fang Qinghao shook his head, he didn't know what to say, he didn't expect Jin Zijue to say sarcastic remarks at this time, obviously he was the one who needed to take the risk, it would be a pity if he was electrocuted to death. Afterwards, Fang Qinghao shook his head, jumped into the water, and began to attract the pike's attack.

The plan was very successful. When Fang Qinghao entered the water, his speed suddenly became very fast. The average fish is not as fast as Fang Qinghao. Perhaps among all the fish, only tuna can compare with Fang Qinghao in the water. Speed ​​up.

The speed of tuna underwater is very fast, because tuna swims without rest day and night, and the swimming speed is naturally not slow at all, and the meat quality of tuna is also very delicious, with a high protein content, which is rare delicious.

Fang Qinghao soon attracted many pikes around him to approach, Fang Qinghao then began to retreat, pikes rushed over in groups, with a posture of reluctance, they looked very fierce, but the more ferocious they were, the more ferocious they were. The more satisfied Fang Qinghao was.

"Let's chase after you slowly now. You will all turn into dead fish later on. By then, even if you want to be arrogant, you won't be able to be arrogant anymore." Fang Qinghao thought silently in his heart, seeing that he was about to die. Arriving at the predetermined ambush location, Fang Qinghao became nervous instead.

Fang Qinghao was not worried that a large group of pike behind him would catch up with him. What he was worried about now was that if Jin Zijue suddenly discharged himself, he would probably suffer disaster.

Seawater is a very good conductor. After all, the sea is full of salt, and its conductivity is very good. The speed of current propagation in salt water is still very fast. If you are not careful, you will be electrocuted to death.

After arriving at the predetermined area, Fang Qinghao jumped out of the water in an instant, grabbed a thick coral branch nearby, took a deep breath of fresh air, and shouted to Jin Zijue who was in the distance: "Captain Xiao Sheng, Jin Zijue, I'll drop you!" Mission accomplished."

Jin Zijue muttered: "It's done when it's done, it all needs to be yelled, and there's still your work after that."

Seeing a large piece of pike rushing towards this side, Jin Zijue was merciless and started to fight. After the battle of supernatural powers, a strong current directly penetrated into the wire in his hand. Turned into white, this is the scales of countless fish shining with the luster of the sun.

The electric fish is only a momentary thing, it only needs an electric current to appear in the water, and the fish that cannot withstand the electric shock will turn white, and this kind of thing in the sea is even more spectacular, obviously before a large piece of pike is They looked alive and well, but after being shocked by the electric shock, they all floated up.

At this moment, a loud roar came from the direction of the circular island in the distance. This was the blue whale breathing, and when breathing, it used roaring to cover up the sound of spraying water.

On the other side, many supernatural beings from Europe have already thought of a way to deal with the skuas. They also lure the enemy deep, but the moves are different. The supernatural beings have the ability to control the glass, find an island, It is enough to make a ecstasy array, and then attract the skuas into the ecstasy array.

The supernatural beings in Europe also clearly saw the weakness of the skuas. Most of the birds' IQs are not very good, and it is difficult to distinguish mirrors. Glass can reflect sunlight. Viewed from the front If you don't see clearly, in many cities, birds directly hit the windows of buildings. Therefore, when dealing with skuas, you only need simple calculations to complete this task.

As for the task of attracting skuas, it was finally handed over to a woman. This woman's ability also uses wind. She tailored a flight suit for herself, which is the kind of flying suit that can be transformed into a flying suit after opening her hands and feet. The shape of a flying squirrel can glide in the sky. This kind of flying squirrel is also called a flying squirrel. The so-called snow mountain flying fox also comes from this animal.

Finally, the task of killing the unicorn fish is for most people to find a way together. This kind of fish will not be easily fooled, and its IQ is much higher than that of pike and skua, but fortunately, there are not many of this kind of fish Otherwise, it would not be an easy task to deal with it.

At this time, Gong Changfa showed great strength, because no matter how huge the one-horned monster fish was, when he met Gong Changfa, he still punched one to death. Only when it was salvaged did everyone realize that the body of the strange fish was already in a mess. It had almost been beaten into a paste by Gong Changfa, and its destructive power was too light.

"This guy is not a simple person. I haven't heard of his name much before. It seems that the rankings of supernatural beings in the world are not particularly reliable. Such a character is not in the top twenty of the rankings. Exaggeration." Everyone was very surprised at this moment, feeling that they had really underestimated Gong Changfa before.

After a week, the strange fish in the water and the skuas in the sky have been almost cleaned up, and the crowd is constantly approaching the circular island in the central area along the coral island. The closer they are, the more everyone looks forward to it. However, In anticipation, everyone also became wary of each other. Although the meteorite had been divided before, when the meteorite was actually found, the words were not what they said before.

In the face of fat, most people will also think of eating the fat alone. If they are willing to divide the fat, it must be that this person does not like to eat fat. In the same way, in the face of huge benefits, everyone wants to take the benefits as their own. Dividing up is just talking. When it is really necessary to obtain benefits, it must rely on strength to win.

When approaching the circular island, everyone eagerly wanted to know what was going on underwater, so they began to explore the underwater, preferably to find the exact location of the blue whale.

In the matter of exploring the underwater terrain, the most capable person is Fang Qinghao. Fang Qinghao only needs an oxygen cylinder underwater. Next, no matter whether it is two kilometers or three kilometers, he will be able to Can go deep into the sea.

Fang Qinghao went into the water for two hours, and after surfacing, he immediately said to everyone in surprise: "Guess what I saw? I saw a submarine volcano. This is a volcano!"

"What's so strange about this? The seabed here is a sea ridge formed by volcanic eruptions. It's not surprising to see a volcano." At this time, Jin Zijue said lightly. He was not as excited as Fang Qinghao. Isn't it normal to go to a volcano?

But Fang Qinghao said seriously: "This is not an ordinary volcano. This is a cage. Why doesn't the blue whale move when it is dying? I know now that the blue whale can't move at all. There is a huge volcano under the water The crater, I think it can be more than one kilometer in diameter, is an extinct volcano, and corals grow on the crater. These corals are too thick, at least 20 meters in diameter, and grow around the crater. I don’t know where the blue whale is. How did I get in? After I got in, I was trapped by corals, and I couldn’t get out at all. I could only walk around the crater.”

After hearing this, everyone immediately exclaimed: "It turns out that this is the uncanny workmanship of nature. We were still wondering why the blue whale was in the ring island. It turns out that the coral grows at the crater. The growing coral formed the ring island, trapping the blue whale."

Everyone has now learned why the blue whale can't move, it's actually trapped by the coral in nature, I have to say, the coral polyp doesn't seem to have any lethality, but the coral formed after death can actually Trapped the most powerful animals on earth.

It is estimated that the mutated blue whale is actually a ninth-level supernatural being, and the only ninth-level animal in the world. Even the mutated mushroom forest seen on the edge of Yunnan Province is only eighth-level, which should have been in Dahua. The mutated blue whale, which is so powerful in the sea, was actually trapped in the crater, surrounded by countless corals. This is really too tragic.

Author's Note: I heard that bird flu has recently broken out in Europe, which happened to be mentioned earlier in this book, which can be regarded as a prophecy to some extent! Just kidding, if you care about international affairs, you know about the virus. I just wrote the news I heard last year in the book. If bird flu breaks out in the world in the future, please don’t think the author is a prophet. Bo, happened to be predicted.

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