The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

[Congratulations! You got an F-level white material card: a piece of chocolate (20 grams)]

[Congratulations! You got an E-level green material card: a box of canned beef]

[Congratulations! You got a C-level silver prop card: strong adrenaline]

[Congratulations! You got an E-level green material card: a can of yellow peaches]

[Congratulations! You got a C-level silver prop card: Remington m870 shotgun]

"Oh my god! I actually got an equalizer. This luck is too good!" Looking at the spray gun on the silver card, Qin Hao's heart was directly filled with joy.

Then, he took out all five cards and looked at them.

[Chocolate (20 grams)]

[Card level: White material card (F grade)]

[Card introduction: can be exchanged for a 20-gram chocolate]

[Canned beef]

[Card level: Green material card (E)]

[Card introduction: can be exchanged for a box of 500 grams of canned beef]

[Strong adrenaline]

[Card level: Silver prop card (C grade)]

[Card introduction: can be exchanged for a strong adrenaline. After injection, it can greatly improve vitality and the attributes of various body functions in a short period of time]

[Canned yellow peach]

[Card Card level: Green material card (E level)]

[Card introduction: can be exchanged for a 500-gram can of yellow peaches]

[Remington m870 shotgun]

[Card level: Silver prop card (C level)]

[Card introduction: can be exchanged for a Remington m870 shotgun and two boxes of 12-gauge shotgun shells, a total of 100 shells]

"I actually gave you 100 bullets, awesome! I'll just shoot anyone I'm upset with in the future."

Looking at the silver prop card in his hand, Qin Hao was so excited that his whole body trembled. You know, the power of the spray gun is much greater than that of the revolver.

These two weapons are simply not at the same level.

And the spray gun is particularly suitable for fighting indoors or in narrow places, and can also cause range attacks.

However, Qin Hao did not rush to exchange the spray gun, but used it as a trump card, so that when he encountered the enemy, he could catch him off guard.

After collecting all five cards into the personal card pool.

Qin Hao stood up from the sofa in a good mood, walked to the window, and looked outside.

At this time, it was already past six in the afternoon.

The rain had stopped.

However, the sun had begun to set, and the sky turned warm.

Looking towards the street.

There was still deep water on the street, and some zombies that came out of nowhere were standing in the water in twos and threes.

After taking a look at the sun hanging in the sky.

Qin Hao decided to go downstairs and send these zombies on the street to reincarnation before it got dark.

Back to the sofa.

Put on the assault pants, then find a clean white shirt from the closet next to it and put it on,


After putting the backpack on the sofa on his back, he hung the dog-leg knife on his side, and then checked whether the bullets in the revolver were full.

After getting ready.

Qin Hao opened the door directly, walked into the office outside, and then walked towards the corridor.

After carefully walking to the entrance of the lobby on the first floor, he took out the key and opened the U-shaped lock on the glass door.

"Huh? There is an explosion-proof shield here?"

Just then, Qin Hao suddenly found a transparent explosion-proof shield in the corner.

After picking up the explosion-proof shield.

He pulled out the dog-leg knife hanging on his side and walked out of the office building directly.

After observing left and right.

He waded through the water and walked towards a female zombie five or six meters away.


The female zombie was quickly alarmed.

Not only this female zombie, but also the other three zombies in professional clothes nearby were also alarmed.

Almost in an instant.

The four zombies waved their arms and rushed towards Qin Hao with a low roar.

Seeing this.

Qin Hao did not panic.

He raised the explosion-proof shield in his hand and smashed it hard on the head of the first female zombie who ran over.

With the other hand, he swung the dog-leg knife and slashed at the female zombie's neck.

Puff ~

The female zombie's neck was cut in half, and her neck tilted to one side.

At this time.

The second and third zombies had already pounced over.

Qin Hao used the same trick again, raised the explosion-proof shield in his hand and smashed it hard on the head of the second zombie.

At the same time, he raised his foot and kicked the third zombie in the abdomen, kicking it back several steps.

Taking this opportunity.

Qin Hao waved the dog-leg knife in his hand and stabbed it directly into the eye socket of the second zombie, stirring it fiercely.

Then, he drew the knife suddenly, raised the explosion-proof shield and stepped back two or three steps, avoiding the arm waving from the fourth zombie.

Without any pause, Qin Hao, who was panting, raised the explosion-proof shield in his hand and hit the fourth zombie with a strong force, knocking it out.

At the moment when the fourth zombie fell out.

Qin Hao waved the explosion-proof shield in his hand again and smashed it hard on the head of the third zombie who had just climbed up.

After knocking the third zombie to the ground.

He directly pressed the blast shield in his hand on the upper body of the zombie, waved the dog-leg knife in his hand, and stabbed the zombie's eye socket four or five times.


With a roar, Qin Hao raised the blast shield in his hand again and rushed towards the last zombie.

Under the cover of the blast shield.

He waved the dog-leg knife in his hand and directly shot the last zombie in the head.

So far, all four zombies were killed, providing Qin Hao with four unopened cards.

However, the intense exercise just now also made him very tired, standing there constantly gasping for breath.

After all, he was just an ordinary person.

Seeing that five or six zombies not far away were startled, waving their arms and roaring and running over.

Qin Hao retreated directly into the office building.

When the six zombies surrounded him, he retreated directly into the office building and used [Spear Warrior] to summon a spear warrior in armor.

"Kill them!"

"Yes, sir!"

After hearing Qin Hao's order, the fully armed spear warrior waved the spear in his hand and directly stabbed it into the head of a zombie.

Puff ~

This zombie was directly blasted in the head by the spear.

At the moment when the spear warrior pulled out the spear, a stream of red and white brains came out, and the dead zombie fell backwards.

At this time, the other five zombies had already pounced on the spear warrior, hugged his armor with both hands, opened their mouths and started to bite.

But it was a pity.

Their teeth didn't even leave a little bite mark, let alone break the defense of the armor.

The spear warrior was not panicked at all, stretched out his hand and pulled out a short knife from his waist, and chopped down on the heads of the zombies one by one.




Just like chopping melons and vegetables, in just one minute, all five zombies were beheaded.

Qin Hao, standing inside the glass door, looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The spear warrior wearing armor killed zombies as easily as killing chickens. Sure enough, professional things still need professionals to do.

In addition to the four zombies he killed before, in just four or five minutes, ten unopened cards were directly collected.

In order not to waste time.

Qin Hao opened the glass door and walked out, waving to the spear warrior standing beside him.

"Follow me, go kill zombies." After saying that, he waded through the water and walked towards one end of the street.

"Yes, sir!" The spear warrior held the spear with both hands and tightly protected Qin Hao.

Qin Hao's target was the three or four zombies wandering dozens of meters away.

With the help of the Spear Warrior, he didn't need to do anything himself. He just needed to raise his hand and point at the zombies, without even saying a word.

The fully armed Spear Warrior rushed up with the spear in his hand, and directly stabbed the zombies into a hornet's nest like chopping melons and vegetables.

In more than ten minutes.

Qin Hao led the Spear Warrior to kill all the zombies on half of the street, and obtained a total of 16 unopened cards.

However, the Spear Warrior's time was up, and he disappeared directly from the spot.

Outside the commercial street was a large horizontal road with some cars parked in a mess, and some cars had been crashed and scrapped.

There were still some zombies standing among them, but the number was not large. Indistinctly, some broken bodies could be seen lying on the ground.

[Spear Warrior] had one last chance to summon, so Qin Hao did not summon again, but planned to go back and open all the 26 cards he had obtained.


Before he reached the door of the office building, a heavy sound of footsteps came from a small alley next to it.

Qin Hao stopped and looked into the alley with curiosity.

Eyes widened.

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