The dead body was covered with blood, and the dead body was covered with blood.

"Fuck! What kind of mutant zombie is this?"

In the alley was a large mutant zombie about four meters tall, bloated, and with grayish-white skin.

With two slender arms drooping, a hunched back, and a large black and red lump of flesh on top, the densely packed abscesses on it kept oozing out smelly pus.

The head, with only a few scattered hairs left, was also covered with abscesses, which kept oozing out black and yellow liquid.

The facial features were severely distorted and squeezed together, which made people shudder and their backs chill.

In the bloody mouth that was split to the ear roots, there was a circle of sharp fangs, and a long tongue that was constantly dripping with mucus was constantly swinging.

The moment he saw Qin Hao.

On the twisted face of this large mutant zombie, the pair of squeezed eyeballs instantly emitted a trace of bloodthirsty light.


In a huge roar.

This large mutant zombie took heavy steps, like a tank, and rushed towards Qin Hao outside the alley with a sideways charge.

"Fuck you!"

Seeing this, Qin Hao didn't hesitate at all, cursed, turned around and ran.

Just kidding.

At a distance of four or five meters,

This four-meter-tall big guy could directly knock himself out with a charge.

He had just run five or six meters away.

The large mutant zombie rushed past the position where Qin Hao had just stood, without any pause, and directly knocked a car three or four meters away out.


With a roar, the large mutant zombie waved his arms and smashed a car next to it.

In the blink of an eye.

The roof of the car was dented.

After venting, the large mutant zombie turned around and looked at Qin Hao who ran more than ten meters away, and once again turned sideways and rushed over with heavy steps.

"Fuck... your uncle! It's not over yet, right?"

Qin Hao, who had just run to the door of the office building, took out [Ball Lightning] and released a blow to the large mutant zombie running over.

A dazzling arc flashed.

It directly enveloped the head of the large mutant zombie.



The strong arc directly electrocuted the large mutant zombie and made it twitch on the spot. For a while, some liquid kept splashing out of the abscesses on its body.


This large mutant zombie seems to have a particularly strong defense.

It is much stronger than ordinary zombies.

In ten seconds, its head and the skin nearby turned from gray to black.

Although it had a nasty smell of burning that made people want to vomit, it did not seem to feel any discomfort and was still full of energy.

After the ball lightning disappeared.

The large mutant zombie stopped twitching, roared to the sky, and once again charged sideways at Qin Hao, who was more than ten meters away, like a tank.


"Go! Kill him!" Qin Hao directly consumed the last summoning opportunity and summoned a spear warrior in armor.

"Yes, sir!" The spear warrior faced the large mutant zombie with a height of four meters, without any fear, and directly raised the spear in his hand to meet it.

Just in case.

After retreating a few meters, Qin Hao took out [Skeleton Warrior] and summoned a skeleton warrior.


A blue light flashed.

A white skeleton monster about 1.7 meters tall and holding a long-handled battle axe appeared in front of Qin Hao.

"Go! Kill that monster!"

The skeleton warrior couldn't speak. After hearing Qin Hao's order, he turned around and nodded at him.

Then, holding the long-handled battle axe in both hands, he staggered forward.

At this time.

The spear warrior in front dodged the charge of the large mutant zombie by turning sideways, and then raised the spear in his hand and stabbed the bloody flesh on the back of the large mutant zombie.


It hit!

But it didn't seem to cause much damage.

Just when the large mutant zombie was about to hit the skeleton warrior, the skeleton warrior bent his legs, raised the long-handled battle axe in his hand high, and jumped into the air.

He chopped down on the head of the large mutant zombie.

Take advantage of this opportunity.

The spear warrior at the side swung the spear in his hand again and stabbed the large mutant zombie in the back.


The large mutant zombie, which was hit by an axe on the forehead, roared and fell into a frenzy.

He jumped up suddenly and knocked the skeleton warrior in the air into the sky with a headbutt.

Then, he twisted his body suddenly and hit the spear warrior beside him.

Without any hesitation.

The spear warrior turned around and ran, but was still knocked away by the large mutant zombie with a height of four meters.

"Wow! This guy seems to be a boss-level mutant zombie." Seeing his two summons being knocked away like scarecrows, Qin Hao's mouth twitched a few times.

While retreating, he directly exchanged the Remington m870, the equalizer for all beings.

First, put the two boxes of bullets into the backpack behind him, then took out six No. 12 shotgun shells and quickly loaded them into the gun chamber.

Although Qin Hao had never played a real gun before, he had played many shooting games, so he knew how to load ammunition.

After quickly loading six rounds of ammunition.

He quickly raised the Remington m870 shotgun in his hand, aimed at the head of the large mutant zombie that was rushing towards him, and pulled the trigger.






Qin Hao dodged backwards while shooting at the head of the large mutant zombie.

Soon, all six shotgun shells in the gun chamber were fired, and countless steel balls shot directly into the head and chest of the large mutant zombie.

Leaving behind a dense hornet's nest.

The spear warrior and the skeleton warrior were not killed. After standing up from the ground, they continued to launch a fearless attack on the large mutant zombie.

Qin Hao used the kite-flying tactic, constantly moving back and forth to avoid the charge of the large mutant zombie.

After all, the six shotgun shells still left damage to the large mutant zombie, and its entire face was beaten into a hornet's nest.

After reloading six more shotgun shells.

Qin Hao continued to pull the trigger on the head of the large mutant zombie.






After emptying the magazine again, the entire face of the large mutant zombie had been completely smashed, and a large piece of the cheek bone was blown off.

As expected, the spear warrior and the skeleton warrior were knocked out again, but they had already stabbed the blood clot on the back of the large mutant zombie into a ball of rotten meat.

While Qin Hao continued to reload ammunition, he used his mind to summon the [Ice Arrow] and shot an arrow at the rotten face of the large mutant zombie.



A blue ice arrow more than one meter long appeared out of thin air, like lightning, and shot at the face of the giant mutant zombie at high speed.


The ice arrow shot into the rotten face of the large mutant zombie in the blink of an eye.

Then, with a "bang", the ice arrow exploded into countless fragments.

There was no surprise.

The head of the large mutant zombie exploded from the inside out into flying pieces of meat.

So far.

The already seriously injured large mutant zombie fell backwards.


At the moment of falling to the ground.

Ten translucent cards flew out in a row and quickly flew into Qin Hao's mind.

"Huh~ Finally dead." Looking at the ten cards flying towards him, Qin Hao's tense nerves finally relaxed, "Ten cards exploded at once, it's really a small boss-level mutant zombie."

At this time.

The spear warrior who got up from the ground again was obviously seriously injured, but he still staggered over, holding the spear in his hand tightly, and stabbed at the headless corpse on the ground.

As for the skeleton warrior?

He was directly knocked to the second floor on the side, and his almost broken body was stuck in the window, struggling constantly.

"It seems that the combat power of the summoned creatures of the D-level card is still a little worse than the mutant zombie just now."

After frowning slightly, Qin Hao directly cancelled the skeleton warrior and spear warrior who had only a few minutes left.

Afterwards, he picked up the explosion-proof shield that had just been thrown on the ground, turned around and ran quickly towards the office building where his safe house was located.

The intense battle just now consumed a lot of his energy and physical strength, and now he needs to hurry back to rest.

At this time.

Some survivors hiding in nearby buildings witnessed the whole process of Qin Hao's battle with the large mutant zombies.

Everyone was stunned.

Who is this person? Why is he so powerful?

Not only can he summon a skeleton monster and a soldier in armor

To help fight, he can also summon a ball of lightning and an ice arrow to attack.

That's all.

He actually has a spray gun?

This fighting power is simply too awesome!

Is this person a psychic who has awakened his innate superpowers?

Otherwise, why is he so powerful?

Although I haven't heard of anyone awakening a supernatural power before the end of the world, now that it's the end of the world, who knows if they can awaken their innate superpowers?

For a moment, all the survivors who were hiding in the dark and secretly observing were speculating in their hearts.

Some of the smart people, watching Qin Hao run into an office building, even had some small ideas.

At the moment when the sun set.

Qin Hao returned to the safe house on the third floor.

After throwing the explosion-proof shield on the ground, he took off his backpack, hugged the Remington m870 and sat on the sofa to rest.

After resting for more than ten minutes with his eyes closed,

He turned on an emergency light he had found before, and then directly summoned the card system interface. Looking at the 36 unopened cards on it, a happy smile appeared on his face.

Although killing the boss-level mutant zombie just now consumed a lot of cards and ammunition, he obtained ten unopened cards, so it was not a loss.

"May the goddess of luck favor me."

After praying in his heart, Qin Hao directly opened ten cards in a row.

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