The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

[Congratulations! You got an F-level white prop card: a 2B pencil]

[Congratulations! You got an E-level green material card: one liter of mineral water]

[Congratulations! You got an E-level green summon material card: canned beef]

[Congratulations! You got an E-level green summon card: energetic husky]

[Congratulations! You got a D-level blue material card: compressed biscuits * 5]

[Congratulations! You got an E-level green prop card: strong light flashlight]

[Congratulations! You got an E-level green skill card: water arrow]

[Congratulations! You got a D-level blue skill card: strong light glare]

[Congratulations! You got an F-level white material card: a bar of soap]

[Congratulations! You got an E-level green prop card: comfortable boxer shorts]

The thought moved.

Ten cards appeared in Qin Hao's hand. He flipped through them and glanced at the information on them.

There was no need to look at the material cards and prop cards in detail. Except for the last boxer shorts, the others were all put into the personal card pool.

"What else can Husky do except destroy the house?" Looking at the disdainful expression of Husky on the card, Qin Hao couldn't help but twitch his mouth a few times.


Wouldn't it be more powerful to destroy the house?

Husky is a green summoning card, which can be summoned twice, each time for ten minutes.

After putting the Husky card into the personal card pool.

Qin Hao looked through the remaining two skill cards again.

The E-level [Water Arrow] can shoot a water arrow at the target, and there are also only two opportunities to use it.

The D-level [Dazzling Light] looks more like a flash bomb, which can shoot a dazzling light at the target in an instant and can be used three times.

"Two skill cards and one summon card appeared in the ten cards. This probability is not low." After putting the two skill cards in his hand into the personal card pool.

Qin Hao directly exchanged the [Comfortable Boxer Pants] placed aside, took off his clothes, and put them on himself.

I have to say.

This outfit is really exciting and comfortable.

After standing up, moving his body, and lying down to do ten push-ups, Qin Hao opened ten cards again.

[Congratulations! You got an E-level green material card: a bag of sandwich bread]

[Congratulations! You got an E-level green material card: a box of canned beef]

[Congratulations! You got an F-level white material card: a sandwich biscuit]

[Congratulations! You got a D-level blue prop card: a three-edged military bayonet]

[Congratulations! You got a D-level blue material card: Green pepper and shredded pork rice*3]

[Congratulations! You got an E-level green summon card: Timid green dwarf]

[Congratulations! You got a C-level silver summon card: Brave Shadow Hunter]

[Congratulations! You got an F-level white material card: Xiaolongbao]

[Congratulations! You got an E-level green skill card: Potato mine]

[Congratulations! You got a D-level blue material card: Iced cola*5]

"Huh? A silver summon card appeared." Looking at the ten cards on the interface, Qin Hao couldn't help but smile happily.

Directly skip the material card and prop card, take out a few skill cards and summon cards to check.

The E-level [Potato mine] is to place a potato mine on the ground, which can explode after touching, but the damage caused is not high.

It can be used twice.

The E-level [Timid Green Dwarf] can summon a timid green dwarf for 10 minutes and can be summoned twice.

"Huh? Why does this Shadow Hunter look so similar to the Rolling Woman? The names are similar too?"

Looking at the familiar figure depicted on the only silver card, Qin Hao was slightly stunned. The figure on it looked similar to the character in a game he was familiar with.


After taking a closer look at the introduction on the card, he found that the two were actually not the same.

This [Brave Shadow Hunter] can summon a female professional Shadow Hunter to help him fight.

It is worth mentioning that this Shadow Hunter also uses a crossbow, but there is no detailed skill introduction.

Moreover, the Shadow Hunter written on the card is not actually a specific person, but a race.


That is to say, the Shadow Hunter summoned each time is not necessarily the same person.

After being summoned, it lasts for half an hour, and this [Shadow Hunter] can be summoned ten times.

After putting all the cards in his hand into the personal card pool, Qin Hao walked to the drinking bucket beside him, poured a glass of water and drank it.

He sat back on the sofa and opened ten cards again.

[Congratulations! You have obtained an E-level green material card: one liter of pure water]

[Congratulations! You have obtained an E-level green material card: a roll of hemostatic bandage]

[Congratulations! You have obtained an E-level green mystery card: physical recovery potion (medium bottle)]

[Congratulations! You have obtained a D-level blue skill card: stiffness]

[Congratulations! You have obtained an F-level white material card: a roll of toilet paper]

[Congratulations! You have obtained an E-level green summoning card: a mad dog]

[Congratulations! You got a C-level silver material card: Sardines canned food * 50]

[Congratulations! You got a D-level blue material card: Baked sweet potato * 5]

[Congratulations! You got an E-level green prop card: a hollow black lace dress]

[Congratulations! You got an F-level white material card: a red apple]

"???, what the hell is this? Why do I feel like there is nothing useful?" Looking at the ten cards he just got, Qin Hao looked painful and couldn't help but twitching his mouth.

Mad dog?

Sardines canned food?

Baked sweet potato?

There is even a hollow black lace dress!

I don't even have a woman around me. Although this thing looks sexy.

But who should I let wear it for me?

Is this a hint that I should find a woman?

Using the mind to take out all ten cards, after roughly flipping through them, Qin Hao had a general understanding in his mind.

In addition to some common items.

After taking the medium-sized stamina recovery potion, a large amount of stamina can be restored in a short time.

The D-level [Stiffness] skill, as the name suggests, can make the target stiff for 2 seconds. Although it is only two seconds, it is enough.

It can be used three times in total.

As for the E-level [Mad Dog], it is also easy to understand. It is to summon a mad dog, and it will bite whoever you ask it to bite, and it will not let go.

It can be summoned for ten minutes, and the number of summons is two.

Canned sardines are the common canned food.

Baked sweet potatoes are about half a pound.

As for the hollow black lace dress?

Just taking a look at the pattern on the card, Qin Hao's face instantly turned red.

He felt that this kind of clothes made of a few black strips of cloth and a few pieces of transparent black gauze.

It's just... It's so exciting!

If a beautiful woman with a perfect figure wears it, the effect must be awesome.

Qin Hao, with his anger rising in his heart, decided that if he could meet a top-notch beauty next time, he would definitely put this dress on her, and then...

After putting all the cards into his personal card pool.

After drinking two glasses of water to calm himself down, Qin Hao directly opened all the last six cards.

[Congratulations! You have obtained an E-level green prop card: a pair of tactical gloves (imitation)]

[Congratulations! You have obtained an E-level green prop card: a black sportswear]

[Congratulations! You have obtained a D-level blue material card: instant hot pot*3]

[Congratulations! You have obtained an E-level green material card: a pack of Huazi cigarettes]

[Congratulations! You have obtained an F-level white material card: a dragon fruit]

[Congratulations! You got an E-level green skill card: Taunt]

"Has my luck run out? How come I got an E-level skill card? Fortunately, I got a set of clothes to change."

With a thought, six cards appeared directly in Qin Hao's hand.

After roughly flipping through them.

He figured out the information on these cards.

The only one worth his close look is the E-level skill card [Taunt], which can release a taunt skill to the target.

It can be used twice in total.

There is also a special note on the card.

Don't taunt an enemy who is stronger than you, otherwise you will be beaten to death!

Because after the taunt skill is activated.

Either kill the enemy directly or be beaten to death by the enemy.

The enemy will think that you killed his father, robbed his wife, and gave birth to a son who is yours. He will instantly enter the red temperature state and chase you without hesitation.

In fact, Qin Hao was a little confused.

It stands to reason that such a perverted skill as [Taunt] shouldn't be

It's an E-level skill card.


After thinking about it carefully, he reacted.

This [Taunt] card, to put it bluntly, uses itself as bait, taunts in a suicide-like manner, and attracts the enemy's hatred.

Basically, once the taunt is turned on, one of the two people must die before the end.

To put it bluntly.

If you meet someone with a lower combat power than yourself, you can beat the opponent to call you daddy without using the taunt skill.

If you meet someone with a higher combat power than yourself, using the taunt skill is equivalent to going to die.

Therefore, in Qin Hao's opinion, this [Taunt] skill card is a bit useless.

However, there will always be a time when it can be used.

After collecting all the cards into the personal card pool.

Qin Hao stood up and stretched, then walked to the window and stared at the blood-red moon in the sky for a while.


You can hear a roar like a beast from time to time in the distance.

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