After the battle, the two of them were in a state of panic.

Mu Yun returned to the inner city.

Everyone else was trying their best to break through in the room, only Ye Hanyue was leisurely watching anime with her iPad.

"You are living a comfortable life, aren't you going to break through?"

Mu Yun asked with a raised eyebrow while sitting on the sofa. Why does this woman seem to be not worried at all?

"I am a mental worker, and I don't have to fight and kill. When the fifth-level crystal core becomes popular in the future, I will break through in a few hours."

Ye Hanyue was flipping through One Piece, her tone was very calm.

"..." Mu Yun's mouth twitched. What he said seemed to make sense, and he was speechless to refute.

"Don't look at it for now, check the situation of the military base for me."

Mu Yun handed over the laptop.

"Military base? What happened?"

Then, Mu Yun briefly told Ye Hanyue about the current situation in the city.

"So that's it..."

Taking the computer, Ye Hanyue started to operate it.

Soon, a message for help sent by the military base to the central government was stolen.


Inside the military base.

Just this morning, after the black rain stopped.

Yang Chen and Chen Feng returned to the base with their seriously injured bodies.

There were more than a hundred superpowers who escaped with them, and the rest all met with accidents.

At this moment, the two were lying on the hospital bed, and Chen Xi was releasing pure holy light to heal them.

Yang Chen's arm was broken, and the bone penetrated the muscle.

Chen Feng's injury was slightly better, after all, he awakened the gold superpower and could become an iron man.


Chen Feng spit out blood, his eyes dim.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Chen Xi's face was pale. She had never seen her elder brother suffer such serious injuries.

"It's okay. This is blood clots. It will feel better after spitting it out."

Chen Feng shook his head, indicating that he was fine.

"Brother, what's going on? What happened to you?"

Chen Xi frowned. He didn't know what happened. Six hundred people went out but only more than one hundred came back.

"It's a sixth-level mutant beast. It's a blessing to be able to come back alive."

Chen Feng smiled bitterly, his eyes full of relief.

"How is Yang Chen?"

"Brother Yang's hand was broken, his leg was cracked, and seven ribs were broken in his chest. The most fatal thing should be the shattered internal organs. He just got out of danger."

Chen Xi sighed, "If you came a few minutes later, even I couldn't save him."

"You continue to treat him. The situation is urgent. I'll go find Adjutant Zhang."

After that, Chen Feng propped himself up and prepared to walk out the door.

As soon as they walked out of the door, they saw Zhang De and Shen Liang waiting anxiously outside.

Seeing Chen Feng coming out, the two hurried forward, "Brother Chen, how is the captain?"

"His life is temporarily saved, and now he needs time to recover."

Hearing this, the two breathed a sigh of relief, but then they raised it again.

"I heard from the soldiers that they encountered a sixth-level mutant beast during this operation. What happened?"

Chen Feng shook his head and simply narrated the matter.

"Although we were lucky enough to escape the pursuit of the mutant beast and escaped, the corpse tide has completely erupted and we can't avoid it at all."

Chen Feng's words made the two people fall silent instantly. With the current combat power of the base, there is no chance of winning against the million corpse tide.

"The problem of the corpse tide is not the most serious. The key is that sixth-level lizard monster. If it finds our base, it will be bad."

"What should we do now?" Shen Liang asked with a frown.

Shen Liang is the chief of staff of the base, and he should be the one to make suggestions at this moment.

But during these days of getting along, he found that Chen Feng's wisdom and vision were far superior to his. Many decisions were made by him, and he had an inexplicable temperament that made people believe in him.

At this moment, the captain was unconscious, and Chen Feng became the backbone of the base.

"This matter must be reported immediately. Asking for help is our only hope."

"Okay, I'll go now."

The two nodded and prepared to leave.

But they were stopped by Chen Feng.

"Wait, if this message is not sent to the Ninth District, it will be meaningless even if they send people to rescue."

"What does Brother Chen mean?"

Chen Feng took out the communicator, "Send it to the Chen family. Now the captain is in danger, and the Chen family will not sit idly by and watch their only child die here."

"Okay, then we will contact them now."

Chen Feng nodded.

Looking at

As the two of them left, Chen Feng whispered softly, "Chen family..."

"If even the Chen family can't stop it, then I..."

Chen Feng's lowered eyes flashed with cold light, and the air around him seemed to be frozen.


Longting Base.

Mu Yun and Ye Hanyue looked at the content of the message with wonderful expressions.

"Hahaha, I'm laughing to death, this Yang Chen is so unlucky.

We killed so many corpses and didn't encounter a sixth-level monster, but he happened to encounter one. It's really funny, hahaha."

Ye Hanyue laughed so hard that she almost couldn't breathe.

"Why are you so gloating?"

Mu Yun also had a smile on his face, and he was obviously in a very good mood.

"As long as the Yang family is in trouble, I'm happy."

"Do you have a grudge against the Yang family?"

"Not really, it's just that the old man from the Yang family took all my research results for himself."

Ye Hanyue waved her hand indifferently.

"Those things are dispensable to me, but this lady is just unhappy, so I like to cause trouble for them when I have nothing to do."

Ye Hanyue's words made a flash of lightning flash through Mu Yun's mind.

"So that's it."

Mu Yun's eyes were deep, as if he had understood something.

After the red tide hit in the previous life, the Yang family was the culprit for splitting China.

They used China's resources to frantically improve the strength of the people in the family. When the red tide came, they were the first to declare themselves king.

In order to avoid being targeted, the Yang family also persuaded the Zhai family and the Zhang family to become independent together.

As for what persuaded them, Mu Yun didn't know.

If Ye Hanyue hadn't died in the previous life, the Yang family would definitely be targeted by this monster, and it would never be possible for them to become the overlord so smoothly.

In this life, because of her, Ye Hanyue did not end up like she had, and the Yang family suffered as a result.

One thing leads to another, and the wheel of fate comes.


"Keep going, and try to bring down the Yang family!"

Mu Yun encouraged Ye Hanyue.

Compared to herself, I feel that Ye Hanyue should be the savior who saves the world.

If the Yang family is gone, saving the world will be halfway successful.

Ye Hanyue nodded, "Well, I'll try my best!"

Then, she fiddled with something on the computer and directly erased the rescue message.

"Hehe, if you still want help, wait for the next life."

A devilish and cunning smile immediately appeared on Ye Hanyue's face.

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