The dead are gone, and the dead are gone.

Mu Yun stood in front of the window, looking at the scenery outside, and began to think about the next plan.

I heard that there is a sixth-level mutant beast. This is a sixth-level crystal core, a good thing...

But it cannot be hunted now. It will not be too late to kill it after a while when all the survivors in the city enter the Dragon Court.

Now that the zombie tide is rioting, the defense of the base also needs to be taken seriously.

It is still unknown when the next natural disaster will come, and preparations for natural disasters must be made.

After thinking for a while, Mu Yun came to the training ground where Xia He was.

When he arrived at the training ground, today's battle had already been decided.

Ji Xiaoning was treating the injuries of the women who fell to the ground, and there were only three tokens left on the high platform.

When Mu Yun arrived, everyone knelt down.

"Meet the city lord!"

Mu Yun nodded slightly, and then took off the last three tokens.

The women who wanted revenge saw this and their pupils shrank, thinking that Mu Yun was going to take back the tokens.

"Lord City Lord, please give us another chance!"

"I beg you not to take back the tokens."


Mu Yun frowned and said coldly: "Quiet!"

Instantly, the entire training ground was dead silent.

"Are you questioning me?"

Mu Yun glanced at the dozens of people below indifferently, and his momentum exploded instantly.

Dozens of people trembled with fear, "Don't dare, subordinates don't dare!"

Everyone was silent, lowering their eyes, for fear of angering Mu Yun.

"This is the first time, and I hope it will be the last time. My orders are absolute. If you violate them again, don't blame me for being ruthless."

The cold voice resounded in everyone's ears, shocking people.

They are the warriors that Mu Yun is going to train. How can they have the intention of disobeying orders? This concept is not acceptable.


Everyone responded one after another, not daring to raise any more objections.

Seeing this, Mu Yun nodded with satisfaction.

Counting the number of people in the training ground at the moment, including Xia He and the returned sequences 2, 3, and 4, there are a total of 92 people.

Counting the other eight sequences that have not yet returned, there are exactly a hundred people in total.

Mu Yun waved his hand, and the next moment 88 tokens flew into the air and fell into everyone's hands.

"Next, there are tasks for you. The training ends here.

Give you three days to solve your own problems. At this moment, most of your enemies are stationed in Area C of the base, if they are still alive.

Revenge is okay, but be clean. I don't want to hear any commotion."


At this moment, everyone's hearts were full of blood. They finally waited for this day.

At the same time, everyone's gratitude to Mu Yun also reached its peak.

Without Mu Yun, how could they have the chance to take revenge?

Such a favor is enough to be remembered in the heart.

After taking revenge, there will be no worries, even if you give your life to the city lord.

Mu Yun heard the voices of everyone and left the place with satisfaction.

As a sequence one, Xia He did not say a word from beginning to end, but just stared at Mu Yun's back in a daze.


After leaving the training ground, Mu Yun went straight to the top of the city wall.

Standing on the towering city wall and looking around, the outline of the entire city is in full view.

Unfortunately, all he can see is a green ocean.

The mutant plants grow lushly, as if they will never wither.

Under the city wall, there is an endless stream of survivors coming in and out.

The tall and heavy iron gate was opened a little, but it was enough for people to pass through. More than a dozen guards checked the identities of people coming and going.

Unregistered survivors will be taken to Afu for ID cards and will be planted with Coco's mind seeds.

If small or medium-sized forces come to station, they will be taken to the mission hall for registration.

As the captain of the city defense brigade, Zhang Yi is patrolling the city wall with dozens of superpowers at this moment.

Seeing Mu Yun coming, he immediately stepped forward and saluted respectfully.

"Lord City Lord."

Mu Yun waved his hand and asked about the recent situation.

"Lord City Lord, there has been no situation recently, but there are a few guys who made trouble, and they have all been dealt with."


Zhang Yi hesitated to speak, as if he had encountered some difficulties.

"Huh? Just what?"

"Well, the city wall covers a large area, and I don't have enough manpower here."

"Not enough manpower?" Mu Yun was surprised.

Zhang Yi smiled awkwardly, "Not only on the city wall, but also on the patrol guards in the outer city."

"It was OK when there were few people in the base before, but in recent years, more and more survivors have come, and the manpower seems to be stretched."

After a moment of hesitation, the city wall is a thousand meters long, and it is definitely impossible to defend it with just a few dozen people.

Mu Yun estimated that at least 5,000 people should be arranged to carry out the city defense work.

Three thousand people will patrol the outer city to maintain the normal operation of the base.

It just so happens that the population has increased greatly in the past few days, so the manpower can be appropriately expanded.

Mu Yun nodded, "I will take care of this matter, you will work hard these two days."

"No hardship."

Mu Yun turned and ordered, "I came here this time to install the howitzer, and by the way, you can also learn how to use it."

Hearing this, Zhang Yi stared at Mu Yun with shining eyes. He had heard about the power of the howitzer from Niu Dazhuang and others a long time ago.

Although he didn't know where the city lord got this thing, it was definitely a good thing for them!

Without nonsense, Mu Yun directly placed a hundred two-three-ton howitzers on the city wall.

There is a cannon every ten meters, no matter what kind of zombies or mutant beasts.

As long as the zombies dare to come, blow it to pieces!

Seeing this scene, everyone around swallowed their saliva, cannons are the romance of men.

Mu Yun ignored the surprised expressions on everyone's faces and continued to order, "You will take over these 100 howitzers, but you must ensure safety and not explode."


Everyone was immediately excited, who wouldn't love such a good thing.

"In addition, the grenades are collected from the base warehouse, and any one must be registered, don't let Lao Liu steal it."


Everyone responded in unison, looking eager to try.

After speaking, Mu Yun left, leaving a group of people rubbing their hands in the place, wishing to try their hands with a zombie tide now.

The survivors who came under the city wall couldn't help but shudder when they saw the towering and heavy city wall and the black muzzle.

Then, they accelerated their pace into the city.

If they had such an armed force earlier, they would have made us hesitate for a long time.

With this kind of force, it would have been enough to arm five artillery regiments before.

To deal with the zombie tide, it would be ashes in a snap of a finger.

After getting off the city wall, Mu Yun found Sister Lan and asked her to expand the personnel of the city defense team and the patrol team.

Soon, as the news came out, the mission hall was crowded.

All of them came to sign up.

Many people were unable to join the combat team because they did not meet the requirements, and they have been brooding about this.

But now it is different.

The standards of the city defense team and the patrol team have been lowered, giving them an opportunity.

Although the treatment is not as good as that of the combat team, and there is no benefit of being promoted to the third-level superpower, the salary of two points per day is already quite generous for them.

Not only is the job stable, but it is also safe.

It is definitely a good job that is hard to find even with a lantern, so how could they miss it?

Thus, in just half a day, the gap of 8,000 people was filled.

This made the survivors who arrived late very upset.

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