The next morning, the sky was just getting light.

Mu Yun got up early, washed up, and left the shelter with the two of them after breakfast.

He first went to the girls' dormitory next door and took Su Yaya with him.

When Su Yaya saw Mu Yun's family of three, even the child was six and a half years old, she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

Looking at Chu Antian, who was not much worse than her, and then looking at her miserable appearance at this time, she felt a little inferior for the first time after being a school belle for so many years.

"Let's go."

Mu Yun glanced at Su Yaya, said lightly, and then walked out first.

Chu Antian didn't say anything about this. Mu Yun had explained to her the identity of this cash cow last night.

The four of them got on a black SUV and headed towards the Blue Bay.

Passing by the sports center on the way, Mu Yun looked inside.

The sports center was surrounded by the ruins of green slaves, and the road was also bumpy.

It was obviously a crater made by artillery.

It seems that the battle was very fierce at that time, and artillery was used.

In the sports center, no, to be precise, it was in the military survivor base.

At this time, there were many survivors, carrying large and small bags and walking towards the base.

Most of them were nearby residents.

Because Mu Yun attracted a large wave of corpses, the number of green slaves around was sparse, and the people around him basically survived as long as they did not mutate.

Tents have been set up on the football field in the base, and the stands are full of survivors with trance expressions.

This was only the second day of the zombie outbreak. No matter how efficient the army was, they couldn't settle these people so quickly. They could only let them sleep on the stands.

Even though the environment was harsh, the survivors didn't dare to complain.

After all, no one wanted to leave the army's protection.

They didn't want to go out and fight those green monsters.

Mu Yun drove straight to his destination without stopping.

The only thing that puzzled him was that this was already a few kilometers away from the military base, why was the number of green slaves around still very scarce.

Yang Chen was just a regiment commander, and his soldiers were probably only about 10,000.

But the population of the city center must be at least 300,000 or 400,000.

They solved it in just one day? Obviously impossible.

After driving for a while again, Mu Yun found the reason.

I saw that the horizon ahead was full of green slaves!

Above the endless green slaves, a drone with a big speaker was hovering in the air.

At this moment, a sharp alarm was sounding, attracting the cuckolds around.

The military wanted to use this method to lure a large number of cuckolds out of the city.

Mu Yun's face was gloomy.

This method is indeed good, but the direction of the military's lure is actually the Blue Bay Manor!

That's my territory, damn it.

He now wanted to drag all those sons of bitches out and shoot them ten times.

But in the end, he suppressed his anger and began to think about a solution.

He took out an M82A1 sniper rifle, Barrett for short, and threw it to Chu Antian, who was in the co-pilot.

"Wife, shoot down that drone for me."

"Watch me."

Chu Antian took the gun, got out of the car, quickly locked the target with the scope, and pulled the trigger with a "bang".

A red bullet flew out of the muzzle and hit the drone hard.

Then, accompanied by a slight crisp sound of "click", the drone exploded instantly.

Seeing this, Mu Yun immediately turned the car body around, drifted handsomely, and turned directly into another road.

After losing the target, the green tide was stunned and began to wander aimlessly.


In a tent in the survivor base, the soldier was operating the drone to guide the green tide out of the city.

Now the signals are all satellite signals, and driving a drone can ignore the distance, which is very convenient.

Suddenly, the screen in front of the soldier went black and the picture disappeared directly.

"Report, the drone in the Z6 area was destroyed for unknown reasons."

The soldier stood up and reported to Yang Chen, who was full of worry behind him.

"Damn, another one was destroyed."

Yang Chen cursed and then ordered, "Continue to send new drones."

"Yes!" The soldier responded.

A moment later, the soldier reported again, "Report, the drone in the Z7 area was also destroyed for unknown reasons."

Hearing this, Yang

Chen was immediately furious and jumped up from his chair.

"Damn it, where do so many mutant monsters come from? They can be shot down even if they fly so high."

The soldier stood aside with his head down, not daring to say anything.

Their plan was not as smooth as they had imagined.

There were always a few mutant green corpses in the green tide that could release long-range attacks such as water blades, stones, and iron arrows to shoot down drones in the sky.

At the end of the day, thirteen of the original thirty drones had been scrapped.

If the green corpse tide cannot be led out of the city before all of them are scrapped, then the only way is to send soldiers to lure the enemy in person.

As for completely eliminating them, it is obviously unrealistic for their mere ten thousand people.

You have to know that the population of City B is tens of millions, and even if the number of mutants who have become green slaves is a small number, it is at least six or seven percent.

Ten thousand against six million, isn't that just sending heads.

The central government reacted quickly and issued the latest combat plan.

That is to lure the green corpse tide out of the city, then use missiles to locate and carpet bomb to reduce their number as much as possible.

This is the best way to solve the problem at present.

But this task is not easy to perform, after all, those green corpse tides are not so easy to deal with.

Yang Chen was in a bad mood, sat back in his chair and rubbed his brows.

Not long after, another soldier came to report.

"Report, the drones in the Z6 and Z7 areas were destroyed again."

Yang Chen looked up suddenly, his eyes red.

"Damn, why are these two areas again."

At this time, the chief of staff on the side said, "Why don't we give up these two places for the time being?"

Yang Chen frowned, was silent for a long time, and nodded to agree with the chief of staff's suggestion.


Mu Yun waited for a long time, and found that the drones did not appear again, so he prepared to continue to move towards the Blue Bay.

But the main roads were occupied by the green corpse tide, and the remote roads were still covered with mutant plants because no one cleaned them.

Obviously, driving is not feasible, so you can only fly a plane.

Yes, flying a plane.

Mu Yun led everyone to an open area, and then put the off-road vehicle back into the space.

An AH-64 "Apache" armed helicopter suddenly appeared in everyone's sight.

"Wow~ A helicopter!"

Coco shouted excitedly, she had never ridden this thing before.

Chu Antian and Su Yaya's eyes were also full of surprise, obviously seeing it for the first time.

Mu Yun walked towards the Apache with a smile, then opened the cabin door and waved to Coco.

"Come on up."

Coco ran forward excitedly, and then sat in the co-pilot, and the other two followed closely.

Mu Yun skillfully started the propeller and slowly took off.

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