The helicopter was about to take off, and the helicopter was about to take off.

"Wuhu~Take off~"

The moment the helicopter took off, Coco waved her hands excitedly.

"Coco, don't move." Su Yaya reminded her hurriedly.

"I know." Coco responded, but she was still very active.

Mu Yun glanced at her, with a slight smile on his face, but he didn't care about her.

Su Yaya, who was standing by, pursed her lips, her face pale, and she held the armrest in the cabin and dared not move.

She forgot that she was afraid of heights...

Holding the steering wheel, Mu Yun found the direction and flew towards the Blue Bay.

Coco looked around curiously, and suddenly saw the scene below, and immediately shouted, "Ah, look!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw a dark mass of zombies below, forming a circular encirclement, slowly spreading outward under the guidance of the military drone.

At this time, a safe zone with few green slaves was cleared in the city center.

Mu Yun knew that it was the location of the Dawn Base in the future.

It would not be long before the military would build a high wall to completely block the green slaves outside.

Retracting his gaze, Mu Yun continued to concentrate on flying the plane.

The flying skills of the plane were learned in his previous life, so I won't go into details here.

Twenty minutes later.

A large armed helicopter slowly landed in a square in the manor.

As soon as the helicopter landed, Sister Lan and others surrounded it.

"The boss is amazing, he can even get a helicopter." Niu Dazhuang shouted excitedly.

"If I can fly this helicopter and get a Vulcan Gatling gun, the green zombie tide is nothing!"

"Okay, stop bragging, can you fly a plane?" Mu Yun glanced at him lightly.

Hearing this, Niu Dazhuang suddenly wilted.


In the reception room on the second floor.

All the cadres gathered together, even Su Yaya was no exception.

In the future, she will be responsible for leading the production team to plant ginkgo, and she can be considered half a cadre.

When Mu Yun learned that they encountered a wave of green zombies yesterday, his face suddenly became gloomy.

It's easy to figure out that it was the work of the military.

Otherwise, the zombie tide broke out only one day, how could it be so easy to form a zombie tide, and they just happened to run into it.

However, when he learned that the maids actually eliminated the zombie tide alone, Mu Yun couldn't help but show a little surprise.

Although they all have the strength of the third level, dealing with the green slaves is like cutting melons and vegetables.

But they were just a few ordinary weak women the day before, but they were able to adapt to this damn apocalypse and eliminate the corpse tide in just one day.

Even Mu Yun had to admit that he underestimated them.

Then, Mu Yun told everyone the origin of the corpse tide.

Niu Dazhuang was so angry that he cursed.

"Fuck! Those bastards are too vicious!"

"Their people are people, but we are not people?"

Niu Dazhuang waved his fist angrily, wishing he could rush to the group of people and teach them a lesson.

You know, he lost seven men yesterday.

Mu Yun waved his hand, "Calm down."

"It's understandable for the military to do this. Although this method will sacrifice some survivors, it can increase the chances of survival for more people."

Butler Afu analyzed the pros and cons of the matter very calmly.

The more Niu Dazhuang thought about it, the angrier he became. He couldn't help but yell, "Damn it, why should I sacrifice my people? My brothers are not human beings?"

"Dazhuang, this matter has nothing to do with right or wrong, it's just a different standpoint. Now is not the time to talk about this. The key is how to solve it."

Sister Lan spoke seriously, interrupting Niu Dazhuang's complaints.

Niu Dazhuang closed his mouth in dismay and turned his head away unwillingly, obviously still brooding over it.

"Boss, what should we do next? If we let the military attract the zombies, our camp will definitely be implicated. Should we leave here?"

After Sister Lan finished speaking, everyone looked at Mu Yun, waiting for his decision.

"Is there a way to contact the military?" Mu Yun asked.

"Yes." Ah Fu took out his phone. "Last night, the authorities urgently set up a survivor platform to facilitate survivors to ask for help and communicate."

"City B also has a special section where you can contact the local military leader."

Mu Yun thought for a moment after hearing this, "Go and negotiate with the military, and say that there is a 100-man survivor base in the direction of the zombie tide, and see what the other party says."

"Okay." Ah Fu nodded and immediately found the official contact in the group.

Ah Fu is also an old hand,

Knowing how to take advantage of the situation, he directly sent a message in the group in front of all the survivors in City B.

[Afu]: @Jiangzhou City B official, there is a survivor camp with hundreds of people in the direction of the zombie tide. Please ask the official to avoid this place. The address is Blue Bay XXX. If there are survivors nearby, you are welcome to join.

[Passerby A]: Damn, zombie tide? What the hell?

[Afu]: The plan that the official website is implementing... (omitted)

[Passerby C]: I am nearby and I want to join, but I am trapped...

[Passerby A]: I seem to be on the road that must be passed. I live on the first floor. I will definitely die if the zombie tide comes. Please ask the official website to bypass my house...

[Passerby B]: Why don’t you run to a higher place to hide.

[Passerby A]: It’s easy to talk when you are standing. If you have the ability, you can solve the three monsters at our door, and I will definitely run.

[Passerby C]: I have heard the roar of the monster. It can’t be that zombie tide, right?

As soon as this paragraph was sent out, many people flooded the screen with comments.

Now that everyone knows about this, the military is under tremendous pressure.

If Ah Fu's request is granted, then others will certainly follow suit and ask the authorities to change the route.

But guiding the zombie tide is an extremely difficult task. If you say to change the route, then what are they doing?

There will definitely be victims in this matter. Originally, as long as the authorities complete the task, those victims will naturally have no chance to speak out and will all die under the zombie tide.

Until then.

If the authorities come out to explain the situation, they will be the absolutely righteous party and can still maintain their authority.

But now, as soon as this news comes out, the taste has changed.

All the survivors are panicking at the moment. Even if they are lucky enough to survive this time, what about the next time?

If something similar happens again, will they be the ones sacrificed?

At this moment, the survivors are afraid that they will be somewhat dissatisfied with the authorities.

This is extremely unfavorable to the image of the officials, but Yang Chen has no way to deal with it at the moment.

Moreover, Yang Chen knew very well that this was the end of the world, and it was no longer a peaceful era.

The dissatisfaction of the survivors must be suppressed with an iron fist. Only in this way can the peace of the entire city be guaranteed.

In the end, the authorities responded to Ah Fu's request and asked them to retreat to a safe area as soon as possible and not to participate in the zombie tide.

Seeing this message, Mu Yun frowned.

The implication was that they were abandoned.

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