Chapter 154 The collision of the corpse tide and the army, the heat weapon loses its light at this moment

“What do you say?”

Listening to the sound coming from the microphone, Wu Guozhong’s old face suddenly turned pale, and twelve million horror figures were like a giant hammer on his head, smashing him on the spot!

“Newspaper… Report to the deputy commander, the front found a tide of zombies, according to the statistics, about 12 million! ”


The microphone in his hand fell in response, and the old figure of Wu Guozhong climbed all the way to the highest part of the command car at a speed that was not suitable for this age, picked up the telescope and looked ahead, when he clearly saw the zombie army on the horizon like a black wave, Wu Guozhong froze!

The inside of his head was blank, and now only two words remained.

“It’s over!”

“General! Checkmate! ”

The adjutant rushed up from below, and before he could speak, Wu Guozhong interrupted him.

“I already know.”

After saying this, Wu Guozhong turned around and rushed to the bottom of the command car, picked up the blind landline and dialed out.

“Pass on my orders!” The armored division aviation regiment is on the move, and the mechanized infantry division aviation regiment is on the move! All the Wu Zhi, fighters, bombers sent me all out! Unleashed fire on the tide of corpses ahead! ”


The phone hung up, Wu Guozhong did not stop, picked up the landline again and dialed out.

“I am Wu Guozhong, and I have ordered the 155-wheeled self-propelled howitzer, 122 self-propelled rocket launcher, 155 self-propelled howitzer, and rocket launcher of the firepower strike regiment to aim at the front of our army for indiscriminate fire coverage!” Execute now! ”

Hanging up the phone, Wu Guozhong did not hesitate for a moment and dialed out again.

“Hello? I am Wu Guozhong, deputy commander of the First Army Group, and I am given the command of the Second Army! Fast! Immediately! ”

Not long after the majestic shouts went out, the call was transferred.

“Uncle Wu, you….”

Wu Guozhong’s eyes flashed a hint of exhaustion, and he sighed: “Tongyu, there is no time to explain, immediately dispatch all the aviation formations of your department, and at the same time assist in the flank to help my First Army retreat.” ”

15 kilometers to the left, Liu Tongyu listened to the sound coming from the landline, and the whole person was a little confused.

Under what circumstances would he be required to dispatch all aviation establishments? Do you still need artillery to support the First Army? Retreat? What does this have to do with what? Not far back yet? Didn’t he deal with it today? Or is Wu Guozhong on the other side joking with him?

Before Liu Tongyu could ask out loud, the adjutant walked over with a solemn face at this time, whispered something in Liu Tongyu’s ear, and in a flash, Liu Tongyu’s face changed.

“What do you say? Twelve million? Grass! ”

After scolding darkly, Liu Tongyu hurriedly replied to the phone: “Uncle Wu, you can rest assured, I will arrange it immediately.” ”

The phone hung up, Liu Tongyu angrily slapped the table, but at this juncture, he did not dare to have the slightest slackness, things are so important, slow down for a minute, it is likely to cause irreparable losses!

The headquarters of the First Army Group listened to the reply on the other end of the phone, and Wu Guozhong was finally relieved.

Rumble ~~~

Hum ~~~

In the sky, the roar of the fighters was continuous, and one fighter and bomber after another flew through the sky, and under the wings of the bombers, missiles were mounted in unison, and the long roar broke through the sky, and dense gas-like smoke appeared from the sky, and in the large area of firelight, one missile after another flew towards the corpses on the ground.


Dense flames and explosions soared from the ground, dozens of nearly a hundred bombers dropped bombs at the same time, hundreds of flames rose in the center of the corpse tide, and the terrifying waves and shock waves that exploded swept away, and the entire center of the corpse tide was instantly emptied of a huge blank space.


In the rear, one after another howitzers emitted an earth-shaking roar, hundreds of howitzers spewed fire at the same time, and the smoke that steamed up in an instant almost covered the rear for thousands of meters.

The earth was shaking, hundreds of howitzers were spitting fire at the same time, no less than a small earthquake, and the loaders on both sides did not pause at all, several people carried a shell to load it, and then the second salvo opened fire instantly.

Boom boom!

The sky was obscured by a meteor-like rain of fire, and 15 kilometers in front of the First Army exploded into a dense fire, and the terrifying explosion almost connected into a line, and a large number of zombies were engulfed by the sea of fire, and under this boundless sea of fire, the zombies rushed in without fear of death, roaring with their bodies full of flames, until they were completely burned into coke.


The sound of bombers dropping bullets, plus the explosion of howitzer shells kept reverberating, the sea of fire engulfed everything, and the shock wave shredded all the zombies who tried to challenge the destructive power, but there were too many zombies, the shock wave just tore a batch of zombies, and the subsequent zombies that poured in quickly filled the previous blank space.

Holding a telescope and looking ahead, Wu Guozhong’s face was full of solemnity.

Rear, the rocket launcher slowly lifted the bracket, set up a 45-degree angle, after accurate aiming, the rocket artillery fuze was ignited, and under the impact of the terrifying kinetic energy, the rocket artillery soared into the sky, pulling a long tail flame to fly forward.

Dozens of rocket launchers fired at the same time, and hundreds of missiles almost formed a rainbow bridge high in the sky at this moment, and the dense rockets frantically poured out the terrifying power of thermal weapons against the zombie tide on the front position.

In the endless tide of corpses, dazzling flames exploded within a radius of more than ten kilometers, and the fire balls soared into the sky, and the zombies were torn to pieces, but under such a large number of heavy fire blows, the speed of the zombies was only slightly reduced, but it was impossible to completely stop the momentum of the zombies’ charge.

Rumble ~~~~

Just as the bombers of the First Army had just finished dropping bombs and returned home, a roar sounded in the left rear, and a terrifying sonic boom swept in, and nearly a hundred bombers carrying a terrifying number of missiles flew over the First Army, and the dense missiles were scattered like dumplings on the ground to the tide of corpses.

At the same time, in the sky behind the left, the dense red light flew through the sky at a very fast speed, chasing the stars and the moon like exploding in the sea of corpses, the dense fire network intertwined, the soaring fire carried the smoke of the explosion and the shock wave soared into the sky, and the large and small rubble was like a bullet, hitting the surrounding zombies with thousands of holes.

Under the crossfire of the two major group armies, the zombie legion was almost shrouded in smoke and dust, and could not see any scene at all, the overlook picture from high in the sky came over, Wu Guozhong looked at the past in a hurry, and the ground was full of large and small craters, large or small, tens of meters large, and small tens of meters.

The ground was full of broken corpses of zombies, and the severed limbs and arms covered the earth for more than ten kilometers.

The blank space cleared by a wave of thermal fire was filled again in almost half a minute, the cannons in front of them roared, the approaching tide of corpses was shattered by the cannons hundreds of kilometers away, and the shoulder-mounted individual anti-tank rocket launcher flew out of the long tail flame for thousands of meters to explode, but this could not stop the pace of the zombies’ charge.

Wu Guozhong took a few steps back and almost fell, his eyes were lost, and the adjutant next to him was shocked, and he quickly helped Wu Guozhong to support.

“Quick… Order the vanguard to retreat in an orderly manner, with Wu Zhi, fighter jets, artillery regiments, and armored regiments to take cover! ”

After a short period of hope, there was a deeper despair, and in the face of the tide of corpses composed of tens of millions of zombies, the firepower of the two armies could not stop the pace of the zombie tide.

If the Imperial Military Region knew Wu Guozhong’s thoughts, it was estimated that he would have to laugh off his teeth.

It can be said that in addition to the sea troops, the Imperial Military Region has the most advanced troops and the most heavy firepower in the whole empire, whether it is an aviation regiment or an armored regiment, it is more than the Modu side.

But even so, the imperial capital has been beaten by tens of millions of zombies at the door of the house can not go out, can only shrink the defense line, constantly clean up the attack of the zombies, not to mention the magic warlord Liu family only two group army, just want to shake the tide of tens of millions of corpses?

If there is favorable terrain as a tough battle, two group armies, no, the entire Demon Capital Warlord Liu Family wants to eliminate tens of millions of corpses is not too much of a problem, but in this kind of wild encounter, it is really impossible to suppress the zombies’ charge with the heavy firepower of the two group armies.

Bombers are to be loaded, although the power is terrible, but loading a shell plus back and forth at least half an hour, and the fire strike regiment also needs to be loaded, do not look at the rocket artillery fire terror, a time can shoot twenty or thirty missiles, but the loading is also slow, a missile weighs twenty or thirty kilograms, not so easy to load.

The adjutant gave the order to retreat, and the mechanized infantry division in front of them began to retreat in an orderly manner, with machine gun cover, supported by howitzers and tank guns, and armored vehicles were also spitting flames, but at most the pace of the zombies’ advance slowed down a little.

“Cough cough…”

Next to the command car, a military jeep drove by, and the co-pilot sat a pale Liu Jingyu.

Getting out of the jeep, Liu Jingyu had a bandage on his left shoulder, and the cuff on his left was empty, and after a night of cultivation, the wound had been controlled.

Liu Jingyu rushed over, obviously knowing the dilemma faced by the First Army, boarded the command car all the way, and looked at Wu Guozhong, who had a solemn face, Liu Jingyu’s heart sank.

“Uncle Wu, how is the situation now?”

Wu Guozhong sighed and shook his head heavily, “The situation is not optimistic, the tide of corpses in front of us is conservatively estimated to be twelve million, and under the blow of the first and second groups of arms firepower, only seven or eight hundred thousand were annihilated, and this number faces a tide of tens of millions of corpses, which is no less than a cup of water.” ”

In just over ten minutes, annihilating seven or eight hundred thousand zombies, less? Not many, but compared to the tens of millions of corpses, it is really too little!

Jingle Bell~

Jingle Bell~

The landline in the command room rang out again, and the hearts of Wu Guozhong and the others present jumped and an ominous sense of foreboding rose one after another.

Picking up the phone, Wu Guozhong put it to his ear, and before he could speak, he heard a panicked cry from the other end of the phone.

“Command Headquarters! Discover giant crows high in the sky ahead, and terrifying giant crows 20 kilometers ahead! Request ground anti-aircraft fire support! Request ground anti-aircraft fire support! ”

The roof leaked in the rain overnight, heard the voice on the phone, Wu Guozhong was shocked, could not speak, picked up the telescope and looked ahead, in the field of vision, the sky was dark at this moment, it was endless, comparable to the zombie tide even more terrifying giant crows!

Looking at this huge swarm of crows covering the sky, Wu Guozhong’s face was miserable, if dealing with the tide of thousands of corpses on the ground had exhausted the two major armies, then the crow flock flying from the sky was undoubtedly the last straw to crush the camel!

Closing his eyes in despair, Wu Guozhong took a deep breath, and when he opened his eyes again, the light in his eyes could not tell the determination!

After hanging up the phone, Wu Guozhong quickly dialed out.

“Give me the commander of the 15th Division, Su Lianzhong!”

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