Chapter 155 The First Army was defeated and survived with a broken tail

The tide of tens of millions of corpses has really achieved the use of quantity to make up for the quality, when it is difficult to clean up, what to do to stop the pace of zombie charge?

If it is only a tide of corpses on the ground, these are good to say, the air legion can wash the ground at a high altitude without pressure, but the appearance of the zombie crow swarm completely crushes all the fluke psychology.

In the face of tens of millions of corpses and a horde of zombie crows covering the sky, Wu Guozhong made a painful decision!

Survive with a broken tail!

It was no longer possible for the First Army to complete its withdrawal, and as a veteran, reason told him that only by doing so could the First Army be preserved!

Once the tide of corpses rushed up, the retreating First Army would be submerged in an instant, and there was no chance of evacuation, not to mention the crows in the sky that even the sun’s rays were obscured!

These usually annoying ominous birds have now turned into terrifying killers, and once they swoop down without knowing what fear is, the entire army will be in chaos in an instant, and what is even more terrifying is the virus carried by these zombie crows!

Even if a wound is pecked, the zombie virus will infect a large living person into a zombie in a short period of time, and then the zombie virus will erupt within the First Army, and a zombie will not be determined when it will come out, in this case, even if the soldiers are firm, they will not be able to bear it and begin to rout.

In order to minimize losses, leaving a division to break is undoubtedly the wisest choice at the moment.

“Hey! I am Wu Guozhong, Su Lianzhong of the First Division! I order your division headquarters to stop retreating, swing the defensive formation to block the pace of the corpse tide, and buy time for the retreat of the rear army group! Can you do it!? ”

The headquarters of the 15th Division, listening to the voice coming from the microphone, Su Lianzhong was shocked, clasped his fingers in the microphone, and cried out in a deep voice: “Report to the deputy commander, all the members of the 15th Division, will definitely hold their positions, buy time for the rear troops, until the last person, and will never retreat!” Be loyal to the Empire! ”

In the command room, the regimental commanders and chiefs of staff of the 15th Division stood in unison and saluted at this moment.

“Be loyal to the Empire!”

When the phone hung up, Su Lianzhong was silent for a moment, looking at the regiments in the command headquarters, and his eyes became firm.

“The regiments of the division headquarters pay attention to the battle, now issue combat orders, mechanized infantry regiments are encamped in place, ready to resist the tide of corpses, fire strike regiments from the side, armored regiments to build a fire network, be sure to reduce the speed of zombie advance, air defense regiments aimed at me, cover the aviation regiment fire coverage! Don’t allow a single zombie crow to fly over our defenses! ”

“Do you understand?”

The six regimental commanders of the 15th Division saluted in unison and shouted, “Understood! ”

With the order given, the retreating 15th Division’s thirty thousand men stopped, under the cover of machine guns and heavy artillery, quickly built fortifications, rejecting horses and wire wires were placed hundreds of meters in front of the camp, time was hurried, there was no time to get more fortifications, and now it was the limit of what the 15th Division could do.

A thousand meters behind, wheeled howitzers and self-propelled howitzers fired in turn, 30,000 divisions and regiments lined up neatly, the battle line stretched out for several kilometers, and in the central area, a whole regiment of anti-aircraft guns were aimed at the sky in unison, the artillery fire sounded in unison, and dense otter-colored flames of light shot into the sky.

A dozen of them flew straight into the air, the cannons below spewed flames, and rockets flew into the zombie horde with long smoke, bursting into a large area of fire.

On the forward position, nearly 10,000 people of two mechanized infantry regiments opened fire at the same time, and the dense bullets were like rag machines, cutting the vanguard of the zombies in unison, and the zombies who rushed to the front were torn apart, but they were soon trampled under the feet of the zombies in the rear, frantically charging towards the position of the 15th Division.

At a distance of thousands of meters, the zombies have to pay a huge price for each step forward, but the number of zombies is too much, and before the zombies in the front fall, the zombies in the rear rush out hard against the corpses in front, almost like running against the corpses.

Quack quack quack crunch quack

The piercing crow roared in the sky, and when Wu Zhi was found in the sky, the zombie crows seemed to be provoked, and rushed towards Wu Zhi like a suicide attack.


The air defense forces on the ground opened fire, the dense chain of bullets hit the crows in the sky, the dense anti-aircraft artillery fire almost covered a small half of the sky, a large piece of blood mist exploded in the sky, and the blood mist and black feathers were like rain, constantly spilling on the ground.

The anti-aircraft artillery fire is fierce, but the number of crows is too much, just like the knife is cut off the water, the water can not be blocked at all, there are still a large number of crows crashing into the gunship.

Whether it is a Wu Zhi or a fighter or a bomber, as long as it is an aircraft, it is afraid of birds, and a sparrow hitting the plane head-on can cause the plane to destroy and die, not to mention this large number of crows.

Bang Bang Bang!

The suicide attack crashed into the helicopter gunship in mid-air, the propeller exploded into a large blood mist, the glass in front of the cockpit was full of blood, and even many crows ‘banged’ on the glass, even if the glass was specially made, but there was still a large crack under the continuous impact of the crows.


The propeller exploded, the rear tail flanked into flames, thick smoke rushed into the sky, the balance system was damaged, and Wu Zhi swirled black smoke all the way down from the sky.


A large ball of flames exploded in the corpses, the sea of fire engulfed everything, and the crash of the Wuzhi was only the beginning, and the gunships of the 15th Division for fire cover caught fire one after another, and then exploded into the corpses.

There are too many zombie crows, and they are not afraid of death, and the number of horrors is like locusts transiting, but in just a few seconds, more than twenty Wuzhi have all crashed, and even the fighters that have been escorting at high altitude have been detonated by crows at high altitudes, and only the bombers that have returned to load missiles have escaped the disaster.

The 15th Division’s Su Lianzhongbu Aviation Regiment was completely destroyed, which lasted only a few tens of seconds.

On the forward position, division commander Su Lianzhong personally took the battle, clutching a collared machine cannon with both hands, and the mobile phone that pulled the trigger never relaxed for any second.


“Warriors! As long as any of us are still alive, we will not allow the tide of corpses to step over our positions! Fire! Fire! ”

Su Lianzhong roared fiercely, and the choking smoke filled the entire position, and countless bullets were fired at the tide of corpses charging forward, as well as the crows that kept flying down in the sky.

Quack quack quack crunch quack

The swooping crows were like dive bombers, the anti-aircraft guns could not knock all the crows down, and on the ground positions, one soldier after another was pecked and then howled and mutated into zombies.


At this time, the soldiers around them will not hesitate to give their former comrades a shot, they all know that if they do not do this, their former comrades will become members of the zombie army.

In the command car of the headquarters of the First Army, Wu Guozhong looked silently in the direction of the forward position, the fire that exploded in the sky was Wu Zhi falling, and the crows that fell from the sky almost without any obstacle entered the position of the 15th Division, and the tide of corpses was getting closer and closer, getting closer and closer, until the horses were submerged and the zombies finally rushed to the position.

The corpses rushed straight through, without even stopping, and the positions of the 15th Division, ten kilometers away, were filled in almost instantaneously.

The 15th Division was completely annihilated, but in exchange for the time for the First Army to retreat, in this short period of more than an hour, the First Army had retreated for more than ten kilometers, and the Military Region was not far away!

The Second Army had withdrawn to the military district at this time, and as the First Army retreated, a rainbow bridge of otters appeared again in the sky, and dense artillery fire exploded in the corpses, successfully blocking the speed of the zombies’ advance.

At the cost of an entire division and 30,000 soldiers, the First Army successfully withdrew to the military region, and the first battle plan to eliminate the zombies in the demon capital failed, and what will be faced next is the impact of tens of millions of corpses on the military region.

At the headquarters of the Liu Family of the Demon Warlord, Liu Yuanbin’s face was full of exhaustion, and his eyes swept over the faces of Liu Jingyu, Wu Guozhong, and others, especially Liu Jingyu’s empty left arm, and he didn’t know what to say for a while.

Fail! Fiasco! A complete and utter fiasco!

Before entering the magic capital, the two major army groups were beaten back, and even if it were not for the 15th Division, it is likely that the First Army would not be able to return!

Thirty thousand people! Thirty thousand people! Just buried in the sea of corpses!

“Commander-in-chief, the battle is unfavorable, and ask the commander-in-chief to surrender his guilt!” Wu Guozhong bowed his head and took the pot to himself, the order was issued by him, and the pot should be carried by him, such a big loss, always need a person to stand up and carry.

“No! Father…. Commander-in-chief, I also have a big reason for this, please punish the commander-in-chief! Liu Jingyu’s unspeakable frustration and frustration, such a big loss, or the first time in history since he entered the army!

With a heavy sigh, looking at Liu Jingyu and Wu Guozhong, who were gray-headed and confused, Liu Yuanbin threw a report on his desk.

“Look at it, this time, I can’t blame you, who would have thought that there would be such a big odd number, such an outlier, not a war crime!”

Wu Guozhong picked up the report on his desk, opened it with one hand, looked at the written report and the photos on it, his eyes were like copper bells, and Liu Jingyu, who was also watching on the side, would have broken out a national curse if he did not know that the occasion was wrong.

“This…. Is this all true? Wu Guozhong raised his head in disbelief, with deep horror on his face.

Liu Yuanbin waved at the secretary next to him, and the secretary officer took out a remote control and pressed it on the projector next to him, and soon a picture appeared.

The picture is obviously specially edited, the most important information is combined together, looking at the fleeting figure in the picture, and the violent appearance of the zombies, everyone is stunned!

Intelligent zombies! Getting rid of the stupidity of the zombies, and even being able to control the tide of corpses is simply appalling!

This is arguably the worst news in a month since the end of the month!

If Liu Jingyu knew that these were actually caused by his own hand, the expression on his face should be even more exciting!

Because of this incident, he not only lost an arm and became disabled, but also caused the First Army to lose a full 30,000 people, countless weapons and advanced weapons and equipment.

“Commander-in-Chief, what do we do now?” The tide of corpses is getting closer and closer to us. ”

Liu Yuanbin took a look at Wu Guozhong and said in a deep voice: “The Second and Third Armies are preparing for battle, the First Army is temporarily resting, informing the coastal troops, the coastal defense guns will turn around, the target corpse tide, and at the same time order the naval fleet to fire on the naval guns, and the target is also the corpse tide!” ”

Speaking of this, Liu Yuanbin clapped his hands on his desk, and the elderly commander-in-chief showed his anger at this moment.

“Having lost an integrated division, we must destroy all these zombies in order to comfort the spirits of the warriors in heaven, and at the same time catch the culprit of the intelligent zombies, dead or alive!”

“My Demon Capital Warlord Liu Family!” Not so good bullying! ”

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