Chapter 156 The Nightmare of the Zombie Dog, the Frightened Students

The Demon Warlord Liu Family has complete defense facilities, the two major army groups are in place, the armored regiment and the fire strike regiment have reached the designated position, and the heavy fire regiment without the threat of corpse tide has shown the terrible destructive power at the first time.

At coastal naval bases, coastal defense guns are turned in unison to target inland areas, and only when the internal facilities are corrected, thousands of coastal defense guns will certainly show suppressive firepower.

In the port, a huge Mac weighing tens of thousands of tons and hundreds of thousands of tons drove out of the port, the main gun muzzle thicker than the average person’s waist was aimed at the inland area, hundreds of warships, dozens of integrated fleets were waiting in strict formation, and inside the warships, the incoming and outgoing navies pushed the ammunition needed for the main guns and secondary guns, each of which was as high as tens of hundreds of kilograms.

The Liu Family, the warlord of the Demon Capital, has been thoroughly prepared, and the three armies of the sea, land and air have been prepared, and they will face the tide of tens of millions of corpses next!

Ten kilometers ahead of the military region, a black line can already be faintly seen, and if you take a telescope to observe, you will find that the so-called black line is all composed of hideous-looking zombies.

These zombies did not know fatigue, nor did they know pain and fear, and they were running wildly with both feet, at this time, the major firepower strike points of the Liu family of the Demon Capital Warlord issued a roar that shook the sky, and nearly a thousand artillery pieces of the three major group armies were all threatening at this moment.

In the coastal zone, dozens of fleets fired their main guns in unison at this moment, dense white smoke cut through the air, and dozens of warheads weighing nearly 100 kilograms were driven by the terrifying kinetic energy, crossing tens of kilometers and bombarding into the tide of corpses.


Flowers blossomed everywhere, the tide of corpses was full of explosive fire, and the artillery fire of the three major army groups plus the sea troops instantly flattened the earth within a radius of ten miles.

In other words, normal people, the first charge was wiped out by dozens of nearly a million forward troops, this time has long been scared out of the guts, do not dare to charge again, but the zombies are different, zombies will not be afraid, only know blindly towards the place where the living gathered.

Quack quack ~~~

When the crows struck, the anti-aircraft guns in the military region opened fire at the same time, and the anti-aircraft firepower of the two group armies was very terrible, even if the number of crows covered the sky, the momentum of the dive was temporarily suppressed.

The tide of corpses is constantly charged, the crows are equally fierce and fearless of death, the zombies and crows use the number to consume the military region’s armaments, this will be a protracted war of attrition, it depends on whether the zombies are killed first, or the armament strength of the Liu family, the warlord of the Demon City, is consumed first, and which side cannot hold on first, and the victorious side will be the other side.

The general headquarters of the Liu Family, the warlord of the Demon Capital, looked at the zombies in the picture who were blown into pieces by heavy fire, and Liu Yuanbin and the others showed a rare smile on their faces, but this smile disappeared not long after.

Jingle Bells ~~

The phone rang on the desk, and Liu Yuanbin looked at the scene in the picture and picked up the phone with a sigh.

“Report to the commander-in-chief, according to the observation of the forward troops, the tide of corpses is dispersing regularly, no longer as dense as before, and it is difficult for our heavy firepower to play a role in mass destruction.”

Liu Yuanbin had already seen these situations from the screen, and Wen Yan only nodded, and there was no change in his face.

“Do not stop the fire coverage, and order the mechanical infantry regiments on the front line to prepare for suppression.”

Putting down the phone and looking at the zombies who were obviously scattered a lot in the screen, Liu Yuanbin waved at Wu Guozhong and the others whose faces were also not very good-looking, “You all go down to rest, and then you want to have a good rest, but it will be difficult.” ”

The Demon Warlord Liu Clan is facing the same dilemma as the Emperor, but the Demon Capital Warlord Liu Family is located in the suburbs, and the tide of corpses facing is only tens of millions, which is much better than the tens of millions of zombies that the Emperor needs to face, and the only thing worth fearing is the countless zombie crows in the sky.


In the open street, a group of students are fleeing with backpacks, and behind these students, zombie dogs with gray pupils are relentlessly chasing, and the students who are running wildly have bloody clothes and blood on the steel pipes in their hands, apparently after a fierce battle.

Du Zhihang ran in the front, at this time he was already a little out of breath, not only him, but also the students next to him, after escaping from the Jiangwan campus, everything was very calm at first, until after running for half an hour, the sudden scream behind him became the beginning of everyone’s nightmare.

The wild dog that did not know where to jump out pounced on the last male student, and in the terrible scream, the wild dog was biting madly, and soon in the frightened eyes of everyone, the male student was bitten to death.

Looking at the dead gray eyes of the wild dogs, Du Zhihang and the others understood that these wild dogs were infected with the zombie virus as they had speculated before.

Discovering this problem, Du Zhihang and the others wanted to solve the zombie dog that was following behind, but the shadows that appeared in the distance made everyone fall into the ice cellar!

Zombie dogs! It’s all zombie dogs! Most of these zombie dogs have dense bite marks, which look hideous and terrible, and the appearance of dozens of zombie dogs completely cut off the ideas of Du Zhihang and others, if there is only one zombie dog, it is not difficult for everyone to work together to eliminate a zombie dog.

But dozens of words, joking, really think that they are the protagonist of the movie?

Run! Without hesitation, they turned around and ran, but the zombie dogs chased wildly, some people were thrown down by the zombie dogs, bitten alive, and some people turned to fight back, the violent iron rod was picked up, a fatal blow, and at the same time it was splashed with blood, of course, not everyone was so lucky, the hit was so accurate, and those who were not accurate were left behind forever.

The zombie dogs behind him chased after each other, watching the team drop sharply from hundreds at the beginning to less than two hundred now, especially now that almost everyone was exhausted, and sooner or later they would be bitten to death.

Looking at the commercial building not far ahead, Du Zhihang was shocked and said, “Quick! Don’t stop, there is a department store 300 meters ahead, as long as we escape inside, we will be saved! Then these zombie dogs will not threaten us! ”

The almost exhausted group of people heard that they were all shocked, looked up at the front, and saw the department store building that Du Zhihang said, and a momentum was generated out of thin air, and one by one they ran wildly.

No one dared to turn back, and even listened to the screams coming from behind them, and the people who ran wildly ran faster.

Can’t stop! Stop is dead! Dozens of zombie dogs are simply not something they can handle, especially in such an empty street, the speed of zombie dogs, ordinary people are simply difficult to keep up!

The distance of 300 meters, in the eyes of Liu Zhihang and others, seems to be three thousand meters long, all the way to the department store, Du Zhihang stood at the door, waving his hands vigorously.

“Quick! Fast! Hurry up again! Come on! ”

Students rushed into the department store, and the slow students who kept running in the back were thrown down, most of them were girls, and in terms of endurance, women were much worse than men.

Fortunately, after knocking down a student, the zombie dogs will have a short stop to tear up fresh flesh and blood, until the student on the ground is completely dead and transformed into a zombie, and then continue to chase.

Seeing that the distance of the zombie dog was getting closer and closer, there were still three female students running on the street, watching his eyes were also full of pleading, Du Zhihang gritted his teeth and suddenly turned around and rushed to the department store.

“Close the door!”

The few students guarding the door could not wait for a long time, the appearance of the zombie dog almost frightened their guts, if it were not for Du Zhihang’s orders, they would have locked them up when they came in.

“No!!! No! Wait for me! ”

The girls outside were still seven or eight meters closer, and when they saw the closed Shangmen, they cried out in despair.



The zombie dog that was chasing after it flew out, and the girl at the end screamed and was pounced, and in an instant, more than a dozen zombie dogs surrounded it, and the blood basin mouthed without the slightest idea of human pity Xiang Xiyu and bit down hard.

Standing behind the glass door, watching the three female students being thrown to the ground, the nearest one also two meters away from the gate, Du Zhihang’s heart was pounding.

Just now if he is soft-hearted, everyone may suffer.



The zombie dogs pounced on the glass door and made a muffled sound, their sharp teeth and claws rubbing against the glass, trying to rush in.

The students took a few steps back in fear, looking at the zombie dogs that kept hitting the glass door back and forth at the door, Du Zhihang swallowed his spit and slowly retreated, “Let’s go, go upstairs, and then find a way to seal all the stairs upstairs, and then find some suitable weapons and protective gear and the like.” ”

The students turned their heads back, looked at Du Zhihang, and asked, “What do you do with weapons and protective gear?” ”

Looking at the zombie dogs that kept wandering at the door, Du Zhihang said with difficulty: “Of course, it is to find a way to kill these zombie dogs, you can’t always stay here, it’s okay to stay here for a while, but have you forgotten about those corpse tides?” If the military district can’t hold on, those zombies come back, and we won’t be saved at all! ”

“Compared with tens of millions of zombies, I think these zombie dogs are better to deal with, and after killing these zombie dogs, we can get some auxiliary tools and move forward quickly.”

“I think this department store should have roller skates and these things, taking advantage of the time of staying, people who can’t slip can learn, this kind of thing is simple and lightweight, suitable for us to quickly pass on the crowded streets at the moment, at least if we encounter zombie dogs, we will not be able to run!”

Du Zhihang’s reasoned and convincing statement was convincing, and the remaining students nodded their heads in agreement, indeed, compared with the tide of tens of millions of corpses, it was still easier for these zombie dogs to deal with.

With the decision, a group of people went upstairs, blocked the stairs, looked for things, and counted down, Liu Zhihang’s heart could not express the sadness.

Three or four hundred students escaped from the school and ran all the way here, and there were only more than one hundred and twenty people left, and more than half of them died tragically under the fangs of zombie dogs!

After more than a month, the crisis brought about by the outbreak of the zombie virus has become more and more terrifying, and now there are not only zombies, animals have also been infected, zombie crows, zombie dogs, etc., and even in the dark, unknown places, there are more, more terrifying zombie animals!

Once these underground zombie animals come out of the ground, it is a nightmare!

PS: How many people are in the magic capital, Baidu search for this thing is very clear, why there will be people who question the author’s blind writing, this is what I did not expect.

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