Chapter 167 Double Strange Energy Advancement, Horror Enhancement

Eating breakfast, Lin Fan exchanged four jade runes from the system space, the role of this thing is very simple, that is, to be able to open the city gates in the four directions of east, west, south and north, these things will be controlled by the squadron leaders of the four directions, that is, the ‘first-generation’ Li Fengjiao and others.

There was nothing wrong with these women’s faith values, it was almost like a fanatic, with them guarding the city gate, Lin Fan was very relieved, and this jade rune needed to be handed over.

24 hours a day, the city walls will be guarded, each squadron shift, need to hand over the city gate jade charm, from today onwards, female soldiers will no longer live in the hospital, but in the empty house near the city wall.

There is not much else in the inner city, that is, there are many empty houses, not to mention less than two thousand female warriors, that is, more than 20,000, and absolutely can live!

Handing these four jade runes to Lin Youyou, looking at her puzzled expression, Lin Fan said, “This is the jade rune that opens the city gate, one piece in the east, west, south and north, whether it is opening or closing the city gate, it needs female warriors to activate it with the qi in their bodies, this thing is handed over to you, you can choose the ‘first generation’ of those female warriors to change shifts to guard the city wall.” ”

Yesterday I heard Lin Fan talk about this matter, Lin Youyou knew it in his heart, took the four jade runes, sensed it, and really felt a trace of spiritual power belonging to Lin Fan, presumably opening and closing the city gate was using this trace of spiritual power belonging to Lin Fan.

“I know, I’ll handle it properly.”

Rest assured to hand over the jade rune to Lin Youyou, the earth element energy in the body surged throughout the body, Lin Fan’s figure quickly fell into the ground, in the earth, Lin Fan was like a fish into the water, free and free, more than half a minute, came to the East City Gate underground.

The areas close to the four city gates will be where female warriors live, and these areas must be covered with piranha flowers and man-eating vines under the ground, so as to ensure the safety of female warriors.

The palm of his hand pressed on the wall of the sewer, a large piece of cannibal vine broke through the wall and came out, one by one the piranha flowers bloomed, the green man-eating vine kept spreading, rapidly covering the entire sewer pipe, Lin Fan’s footsteps slowly advanced, as he walked by, the dry and dead sewer became green, and even emitted a faint sweet smell.

The area close to the radius of the city gate of one kilometer was all covered with man-eating vines and piranhas, Lin Fan stopped the output of wood element energy, for now, a kilometer radius is absolutely enough in a short period of time, and even has a lot of surplus.

A total of less than two thousand female warriors, such a big place is enough for one person and one villa, this is only the East City Gate, as well as the West City Gate, the North City Gate and the South City Gate.

With the blessing of the earth element, Lin Fan quickly came to the North City Gate next to it, and quickly approached the underground of the North City Gate, with a radius of 1 kilometer all occupied by man-eating vines and piranhas, and then, it was the nightmare of the rats.

After walking through two areas in a row, less than one-third of the wood element energy in Lin Fan’s body remained, and this amount of Lin Fan did not consider continuing to the West City Gate for the time being, but came to the ground.

There is still a day to go, for the time being, there is no hurry, the next is to kill zombies to brush points, by the way to raise a few levels of special energy, in addition to the magnetic field and lightning power, the remaining few are all about to upgrade.

It’s almost a foot off the door.

The figure slowly appeared outside the city, Lin Fandu had not yet looked up, he heard a series of zombie roars, raised his feet, the ground cracked, and a series of vines with the thickness of a child’s arm surged out from the ground, like a steel whip of vines hanging from dense barbs, like a hacksaw.

The vines are like poisonous dragons flying, where they pass, the zombies who rush over turn into fly ash the moment they touch the vines, and the existence of the vines is like a blood pump, which can instantly absorb all the viral light energy contained in the zombies’ whole body, and then completely transform them into pure source power!

“Ding, Kill Zombies, Points +1, Wood Element Mastery XP +1, Current XP 9795/10000.”

“Ding, Kill Zombies, Points +1, Wood Element Mastery XP +1, Current XP 9850/10000.”


“Ding, Kill Zombies, Points +1, Wood Element Mastery XP +1, Current XP 10000/10000.”

“Ding! Experience reaches full value, the Wood Element controls the Alien Energy Progression, the current level is Lv7, and it takes 10w of experience to advance to the next level. ”

The Wood Elemental Strange Energy, which was only one foot away from the door, quickly crossed that threshold under Lin Fan’s wanton killing zombies, and went one step further, and as the experience reached its full value, the Wood Elemental Energy condensed to the peak was violently detonated in Lin Fan’s body.

A steady stream of life vitality washed through Lin Fan’s body, strengthening Lin Fan’s body, eliminating some magazines, constantly pushing Lin Fan’s body to a perfect realm, and a steady stream of life vitality roared in Lin Fan’s body.


With Lin Fan as the center, the surging wood element energy condensed into a substantial dragon, with a head like a camel, horns like a deer, eyes like rabbits, ears like cows, necks like snakes, abdomen like mirages, scales like carp, claws like eagles, palms like tigers, lifelike green dragons roaring up to the sky, and flying dragon whiskers showing the majesty of the dragon.

The green divine dragon roared endlessly, and the huge body of nearly a hundred meters long was full of supreme majesty, and the surging dragon power stirred, like a fierce wind, and blew out all the zombies who rushed over.

The boiling earth element energy wandered madly in the blood vein, purifying the blood, strengthening the body, and finally running for a week, the massive wood element energy was like the milk swallow returning home, surging into the liver, just like the previous thunder element ability, occupying the acupuncture points in the eyebrow heart.

On the street, the hundred-meter-long wooden element dragon exudes endless majesty in its eyes, the huge body is displayed, the figure quickly flies up in mid-air, the dragon’s head overlooks the street below, the huge mouth opens, and the terrifying suction envelops the entire street, as if it is a black hole, the whale swallows the sea and sucks, and the zombies on the ground cannot resist this suction force at all, and they all pour into the dragon’s mouth.

“Ding, Kill Zombies, Points +1, Wood Element Mastery XP +1, Current XP 95/10w.”

“Ding, Kill Zombies, Points +1, Wood Element Mastery XP +1, Current XP 180/10w.”


“Ding, Kill Zombies, Points +1, Wood Element Mastery XP +1, Current XP 4130/10w.”

The whale swallowed the sea, the entire main road was nearly a kilometer long, and the dense zombies rose up into the air and poured into the mouth of the dragon, and then all of them were digested into the source force, and the experience and points were also growing wildly.

Opening his eyes, Lin Fan looked up at the condensed dragon in mid-air, his gaze swept across the street, the street that was originally full of zombies was clean at this time, only a kilometer away, there were still a large number of zombies attracted by the breath of the living and the roar, and they were rushing wildly.

Closing his eyes and feeling it, the liver was now emitting infinite vitality, all the wood elements were rooted in it, even if it was not mobilized, Lin Fan could feel the vast wood element energy contained in it.

Opening his eyes, Lin Fan looked at the corpses rushing at the end of the street, and when he stepped out, the figure instantly came to a kilometer away.

Lifting his feet, the wide main road shook, like a dragon turning over, countless earth thorns like steel nails came out of the ground, and the two-meter-long earth thorns penetrated the soles of the zombies’ feet, and then pierced the heads, or directly pierced the necks, in an instant, Lin Fan hung a pierced corpse hundreds of meters in front of him, and the zombies who were still running wild died at this moment.

“Ding, Kill Zombies, Points +1, Earth Element Mastery XP +1, Current XP 9877/10000.”

“Ding, Kill Zombies, Points +1, Earth Element Mastery XP +1, Current XP 9910/10000.”


“Ding, Kill Zombies, Points +1, Earth Element Mastery XP +1, Current XP 10000/10000.”

“Ding! Experience reaches full value, the earth element controls the power level, the current level Lv7, the next level requires 10w of experience. ”

Immediately after that, the earth element energy advanced, and the thick earth element energy was stimulated at this moment, just like thousands of troops and horses charging in the blood vessels, the heavy pressure was shaking, with Lin Fan as the center, the ground within a radius of several kilometers seemed to be shaking!

No! Or rather, the earth has life, as if the human heart is beating, ‘bang’, ‘bang’, the dull pulse sound with an indescribable thick majesty, in the face of this earthly majesty, even the irrational zombies have stopped at this moment, the vicious expression on their faces is soothing, like a marionette stopped in place.

The thick earth element washed over Lin Fan’s whole body, visible to the naked eye, the skin texture on the surface of the body was stronger, the lines were more fine, it seemed to have a terrifying defensive power, washing the essence, the impurities in the bones were removed, and the newborn skeleton was even more terrifying, and it was as brilliant as jade.

After two consecutive promotions to Lv7, Lin Fan’s physique had been unimaginably strengthened, and it seemed to be one step closer to immortality.

The pulse of the earth is still continuing, Lin Fan stepped on the earth, it seems that at this moment, and the earth under his feet is echoing, at this moment, he seems to be this piece of land, he can do anything! He controls the life and death of all living things!

The arms are slowly raised, the palms are spread, the palms are facing the sky, the slender five fingers are slowly closing in the center of the phase, and the pressure spreads, and time and space seem to stop at this moment, and then!


The earth seemed to shake a little, emitting a loud sound like a muffled thunder, but it seemed that there was nothing, but with this muffled sound, the earth seemed to spread ripples, like a small stone thrown into the water, the water rippled, and the puppet-like zombie in the distance hung its head at this moment, and all the skills of the whole body were necrotic at this moment.

These zombies are complete on the surface, but if someone cuts them apart to see, they will find that all the blood vessels, bones, including internal organs and even brain marrow in these zombies’ bodies, have all been shaken into a paste, and they are already dead and can no longer die!

Even if the Great Luo Jinxian came, he could only shake his head.

The ripples kept spreading, with Lin Fan as the center, and all directions were affected for several kilometers, and within the city wall, Zhao Wanqing, who had rushed over with the squad, suddenly felt that her heart was a little stuffy, but soon this feeling disappeared.

I thought these were illusions, but when Zhao Wanqing turned her head and looked at the female warriors behind her, she found that almost everyone was like her, subconsciously covering her heart, but her face was dazed, and her expression was almost exactly the same as her.

“Did you just feel a feeling of discomfort in your heart?”

Looking at Zhao Wanqing in surprise, Zhou Xiuyan nodded doubtfully, puzzled: “It is true that there was a moment, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye, Commander, is there anything wrong?” ”

Zhao Wanqing hesitated to look in the direction of the northeast, where she felt Lin Fan’s breath.

“It’s all right, the abnormality just now should come from the Lord, let’s move on, Zhu Fangfang, your squad pay attention to guarding the city gate!”

Zhu Fangfang tightened her grip on the City Gate Jade Rune in her hand, which was handed over to her by Lin Youyou herself, and the responsibility was heavy, and she did not dare to slack off at all.

PS: Chapter 162 can be read, and those who have not watched can be watched.

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