Chapter 168 Demon Fire Level Promotion, Moving Natural Disaster

On the city wall, Zhu Fangfang stood on the city wall with a squad of 10 female soldiers, and today she led a squad on duty on the city wall, rotating once a day, and tomorrow morning someone will come to hand over to her.

Standing on the city gate tower, the city gate at his feet had been opened, Zhao Wanqing led the team, followed by hundreds of female warriors, thunder and light, the zombies who tried to rush into the city gate were electrocuted into coke, and they could not rush into the city gate one step at all.

Zhao Wanqing took the lead and rushed out bathed in thunder and lightning, and dozens of female warriors with four-dimensional attributes exceeding 20 points followed closely behind, just like a sharp arrow to kill countless zombies, and the hundreds of female warriors behind them did not keep up.

These female warriors’ four-dimensional attributes have not reached 20 points, and they do not meet the requirements for going out, and can only form an iron barrel array under the leadership of some ‘second-generation’ female warriors, constantly strangling the zombies that rush up.

On the city wall, Zhu Fangfang overlooked the scene below, if it were not for the task of defending the city, she would now want to rush down and kill the zombies, killing the zombies can not only improve the strength, but also obtain battle merits, which are very valuable and can be exchanged for ruling coins.

Ruling Coin is the hard currency of the City of Judgment, and in theory, anything can be bought, even divine power!

It’s just that the price is too high, and the price of 1 million ruling coins is almost scary! What is the concept of 1 million ruling coins? This is enough to kill 100,000 zombies!

In fact, is it really 100,000 zombies? Obviously impossible!

How long will 100,000 zombies be killed? Don’t you spend any money on this? Eat to spend, right? Buy something to spend, right? Especially the source force crystallization in the store, that thing Zhu Fangfang has eaten, directly let her break through a realm!.

This is simply a perfect pill, which can be called a fairy elixir thing, this thing is 15,000 ruling coins, can you change it?

Zhu Fangfang said that she really couldn’t help it, she definitely wanted to change, changing one means that it is farther away from 1 million ruling coins, nothing else, yesterday after a day of hard work, she only killed more than a hundred zombies, and it was only more than a thousand ruling coins.

This is not that her strength is not good, but there must be rules, the team goes out, there are no rules to kill all over the world, so that the battle achievements come really fast, but is that OK? Definitely not!

It is because of the team battle, so that her number of kills seems to be a lot less, today to defend the city, there is no time to kill zombies, but fortunately, the salary of the city is not low, she is like this, two thousand coins a day, converted to it, basically similar to her going out to kill zombies.

Those team members look like they are only eight hundred a day, but there are not many, this thing is strictly screened and examined, according to the strength, and how many zombies are killed every day to take the average, anyway, Zhu Fangfang is relatively satisfied.

The only thing that is not very happy is that to move out of the hospital, there would have been few opportunities to see Lin Fan, and now when I move out, I can only look at photos every day to get spiritual comfort.



The roar attracted Zhu Fangfang’s gaze, and she looked up at a thousand meters away, where the thunder light opened the way, and where the flowing electric light passed, the zombies were electrocuted into coke, dozens of figures were moving forward rapidly, and the Tang Dao in his hand emitted a cold cold light under the illumination of the morning sun.

Looking at Zhao Wanqing, who was bathed in thunder and lightning, like a goddess of thunder and lightning, Zhu Fangfang felt unspeakable envy in her heart.

“When I have saved enough 1 million ruling coins, I will exchange the lightning power at the first time, not to mention that I can become stronger, not to mention, I can also see the Lord up close, and the divine power granted always needs to be touched by the skin, right?” Even if you can touch my face, I am satisfied, grunting. ”

After swallowing the saliva, Zhu Fangfang’s eyes were about to glow.

“However, it is not enough to have a ruling coin, there must be enough positions, the minimum requirements are the commander of Lv6, I am now the squadron leader of Lv4, promoted to the commander of Lv6, should be no problem?” Well! Must be no problem! ”

Retracting her gaze, Zhu Fangfang secretly cheered herself up, turned her head and looked at the ten female warriors standing on the city wall, vigilantly watching the situation below, Zhu Fangfang cleared her throat and drank: “All get up your spirits, once you find danger, remember to remind your companions below at any time, have you heard?” ”

“Heard! Captain! ”

Nodding her head with satisfaction, Zhu Fangfang had a smile on her face, “Very good, very imposing!” ”

The task of defending the city is not just to stand, and then open the city gate, stand high and see far, be able to detect some dangers in time and remind the female warriors below, this is the real task.

If just standing on the city wall for one day can get a lot of ruling coins, where in the world is there such a good thing?

On another main road, Lin Fan turned his head to look at the city wall behind him, just now he felt the spiritual power in the jade rune being urged, thinking that Zhao Wanqing, who was in charge of this side, led the team out.

Shaking his head, the spirit looked inward, and the internal organs appeared in Lin Fan’s perception, at this time, the liver emitted a rich green light, and the thick life vitality continued to spread, warming the body.

The spleen is wrapped in a thick earth element energy, and now the five organs have two of them occupied by the earth element, and sooner or later, the five internal organs will become the entrenchment point of various attribute energies, just like the cave, opened up into a small world by energy, storing infinite and vast energy.

Retracting his gaze, looking at the terrifying piercing corpse forest in front of him, with a wave of his hand, the earth thorn instantly fell into the ground, and the divine dragon that flew next to him opened its mouth and inhaled, and in an instant, all the corpses were swallowed into the abdomen of the divine dragon, turning into the purest source force.

The next thing is the demon cat ability, and Mu Yueqing is different, it should be said that Lin Fan awakens what new ability, Mu Yueqing’s side will awaken what ability accordingly, after all, his side is the superior imparter.

Nian Power was of little use to Lin Fan, just like the previous choice, all the Demon Fire was strengthened, so there would be no experience doubling at all.

However, if you use the demon fire, these zombies in front of you will have no bones, thinking of this, Lin Fan can’t help but shake his head.

The destructive power of the Demon Fire Strange Energy was too strong, the corpse of the zombie directly evaporated, there was no chance to extract the source force at all, and after it rose to Lv7, it would not rise for the time being.

The light of the demon fire jumped in his pupils, and everywhere Lin Fan’s gaze passed, the zombies that rushed over spontaneously combusted, and they couldn’t run two steps at all, and they became a torch and evaporated out of thin air.

“Ding, Kill Zombies, Points +1, Demon Cat Ability XP +1, Current XP 9317/10000.”

“Ding, Kill Zombies, Points +1, Demon Cat Ability XP +1, Current XP 9850/10000.”


“Ding, Kill Zombies, Points +1, Demon Cat Ability Experience +1, Current XP 10000/10000.”

“Ding! Experience reaches full value, Demon Cat Ability Ability Advanced, the current level Lv7, to advance to the next level requires 10w of experience. ”

The rich flame energy broke through the shackles, and in an instant, the air temperature of several kilometers in all directions soared by more than ten degrees, and the closer to Lin Fan, the higher the temperature, the red ot-colored demon fire burned on the surface of Lin Fan’s body, and the terrifying high temperature rippled out wave after wave, and under this terrifying high temperature, the street was instantly melted into magma.

A wave of heat steamed, magma was quickly crystallized, and around Lin Fan, the buildings on both sides were like wax statues encountering high temperatures, under the terrifying flames, they became leeks, and then a drop of magma dripped from a high altitude, and on the ground, a magma bubble emitting a sulfur smell exploded, and the pungent smell spread wildly to the distance with the high temperature.

On the main road three kilometers away, a heat wave swept in, Zhao Wanqing frowned, looked up in the direction of the heat wave, and immediately looked at the stunned.

In the gap between the tall buildings, the sky is full of blood otters, the space is faintly distorted and deformed under the high temperature, fixed your eyes, you can also see the high-rise buildings in the distance by the high temperature scorched through the otters, close to the center of the heat wave, the tall buildings even melted into magma, the almost transparent magma of the leeks like a waterfall from the sky flowing down.

“It’s hot….”

Zhou Xiuyan’s small hand fanned the hot wind on her face, and under the heat wave, even fine hot sweat appeared on Zhou Xiuyan’s delicate and beautiful face, and the female warriors next to her were even worse, and her lips were already somewhat dry.

Taking a deep look at the direction of the heat wave, Zhao Wanqing silently rolled her eyes, pointed to the main road next to it, and said: “Let’s go over there, avoid this fire cage, and go to another main road to clean up the zombies.” ”

Zhao Wanqing was desperate, what could she do? Her own man broke through the temperature too high, she can withstand it, but the female warriors under her command can’t stand it, and then later, it is estimated that the roasted man is dry, which can bear it?

Zhao Wanqing never expected that she was not forced to take a detour by the zombies, but was forced to take a detour by Lin Fan first.

On the main road, Lin Fan was not clear about the grudge in Zhao Wanqing’s heart, at this time, he was bathed in demon fire, and the grumpy flame energy swept through everything, almost drying out the blood and cells, especially the jade-like skeleton, more like being forged and quenched countless times, and even able to see the faint flowing fire otter-colored thin lines inside the bones.

A stream of black qi steamed out of Lin Fan’s body, and then completely evaporated, these are some of the deeper toxins, perhaps in the previous time there was no breakthrough, these are not toxins, but with the breakthrough of the shackles again, these low-level things have become a burden, need to be eliminated, in order to make the body more perfect, but also more powerful!

The sky of the monstrous sea of fire was rendered into a radish color, and the terrifying heat almost destroyed Lin Fan’s surroundings, with Lin Fan as the center, a kilometer radius almost turned into a blank area, and the buildings on both sides were all incinerated by the terrifying high temperature.

When he opened his eyes, the flames in his eyes condensed into substance, his eyes swept over, the surrounding sea of fire distorted, and the space became very unstable, as if there was a faint feeling that he was about to split.

Taking a deep breath, the spreading sea of fire surged from all directions like a whale swallowing the sea, and then swallowed by Lin Fan along the nostrils, the boiling fire element energy roared in the body, and the heart beat vigorously, swallowing all the fire element energy.

The heart belonged to the fire, and under the massive amount of fire elemental energy, the whole heart seemed to be burning with a raging flame, just like a furnace of earth fire.

The sea of fire that spread for a kilometer disappeared away, and Lin Fan looked down at the sea of magma under his feet and couldn’t help but scratch his head a little.

“How did this breakthrough move so much?” This is all about to become a moving volcano, and if anyone provokes me next time, I will go directly to his door to break through. ”

PS: I am stupid, stuck a bit, the chapter did not go out, if I did not read whether it was revised, I do not know this one did not send out!

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