Chapter 182 Long Wangshu, eating in a bowl and looking into the pot

Twenty-five kilometers south of the Liu family of the warlord of the magic capital, a luxury villa in the villa area of the Green Garden.

Wearing a small silver crown, wearing a white dress, a delicate girl with wine-otched eyes is lazily nestled in the sofa, and the brilliant crystal lamp above her head emits a faint white light, bright but not dazzling.

The young girl with beautiful wine otters held a book in her hand and seemed to be looking at something, and the lotus feet wrapped in white silk veils stepped on the sofa, the cute little feet were overlapped, and the naughty toes kept moving.

The girl’s hands kept flipping, and the four big words on the fleeting cover were very conspicuous.

Chinese Dictionary.

The girl wrinkled her nose, and her wine-colored eyes kept looking at the contents of the dictionary, looking at the thick stack on the left hand side, it seemed that it had been turned over for a while.

Annoyed, he threw the Chinese dictionary next to the sofa, his slender arms were raised, and some tired Shen slouched over, showing a perfect curve.

“What is the name of the good, everyone has a name, I should also have, I don’t know what my mother is called, just use the man’s surname, but what is the name to take?” 」

The girl was on her back, her hair was scattered, and the small crystal crown completely violated the laws of physics, firmly buckling on the girl’s head, and there was no sign of falling down.

“Human knowledge is so much, it’s too difficult to learn.”

The girl knocked on the little head, and the little girl who muttered could not be associated with the terrifying wisdom zombie who commanded the tide of tens of millions of corpses, but if she looked down on the girl because of her appearance, she wouldn’t even know how to die.

Not to mention the terrifying strength of the girl herself, let’s say that the dense zombies outside the villa are not something that ordinary people can withstand.

Annoyed to pick up the Chinese dictionary next to it, the girl patiently continued to look through, next to the sofa, all kinds of books piled up, and even outside the door there are cleanly dressed, beautiful looking and no obvious scars on the body of the female zombie walked in with some books.

The generals of the Liu family of the Demon Warlord were very annoyed, and the zombie maiden was also troubled, and the two sides were troubled in different directions, but the degree of pain was common.

If the generals of the Liu Family, the warlord of the Demon Capital, knew that their troubled wisdom zombies were learning human knowledge, they might not be annoyed, but frightened!

It is hard to imagine how terrifying it would be for a zombie to learn human knowledge and have human wisdom, whether it is integrated into human beings or rolled up a tide of corpses to sweep the world.

In fact, it is not only the generals and zombie girls of the Liu family of the Warlord Liu Clan who are troubled, but the survivors of the whole world are troubled and frightened by this apocalypse, among them, Zhao Zhi’an is even more so.

The living people of an entire building were infected into zombies, as many as thousands, and this matter was very noisy, almost all the survivors knew, after all, at night, the screams were so terrible, and at the same time, the zombies were running wildly in the safe zone, and the big moves of the regular army could not be concealed at all.

The president gave the order that the cause of the infection must be found, but where is this easy thing to do? The whole building was dead, not a single one survived, let alone the witnesses, not even the clues, where to start looking?

Zhao Zhi’an had tried to appease the survivors, but such a large-scale infection was still in the safe zone, which made all the survivors feel panicked, and even the normal construction during the day could not be carried out.

No one has built the city wall, the completion date will be pushed back continuously, what Zhao Zhi’an is most afraid of is that the survivors will cause a mutiny at the instigation of people with hearts, this kind of person must have, there is no need to think about it at all, there are countless people in a peaceful society, not to mention the end of this people’s fear.

Those who are short-sighted simply do not think about how much chaos will be caused if a mutiny is triggered, they just want to fish in muddy waters and get what they want, whether it is rights or whatever.

In just one day, Zhao Zhi’an’s hair had been lost a lot, but he was afraid that before this matter was resolved, he might be bald first.

Sitting in the military vehicle, Zhao Zhian frowned and looked out the window, surrounded by soldiers standing around the cordon, and inside the cordon, a large number of police officers were searching for clues.

In the darkness, several men hid in the flower beds, holding their necks and looking at this side, one by one with a strange light flashing in their eyes, if Zhao Zhian was here, he would definitely be able to recognize what this light meant.


“Brother Qiang, what shall we do?”

Among the three, the man on the left turned his head, looked at the man in the middle, and whispered an inquiry.

The man known as Brother Qiang had a fierce face and his hair had been shaved into a slab, like a prisoner who had just come out of prison.

Zhao Huaqiang glanced at the little brother next to him, wiped his index finger the lower lip, and asked, “How did you two do today?” ”

The little brother on the right smiled and said: “Brother Qiang, you can rest assured, those fools have long been scared to pee their pants, we casually flicker, those people will be moved, besides, those people have long been dissatisfied with their current lives, with our help, how can they still bear it?” ”

“Yes, Brother Qiang, those fools are still estimated to be complacent, fantasizing about the good life in the future, but they don’t know that it is all our use tools.”

Listening to the answers of the two younger brothers, Zhao Huaqiang nodded, but did not take it lightly, and warned: “You two should be careful, don’t be played by people as monkeys, I… Sleeper! ”

Halfway through the conversation, Zhao Huaqiang’s eyes narrowed, he scolded darkly, and clenched his back teeth before he shouted out, but this sound startled the two little brothers next to him.

“Brother John, what’s wrong with you?”

“Brother Qiang, what have you done?”

Zhao Huaqiang inhaled the cool air, looked at his feet fiercely, grabbed it with his big hand, and a large rat was directly dragged up, and the rat’s body was covered with blood, and there was even a piece of broken flesh.

“Your horse’s rats dare to bite people, grass!”

Zhao Huaqiang endured the pain, his fingers squeezed hard, and the rat that was constantly struggling in his hand was immediately pinched and broken.

Forcefully enduring the pain that came from the shoe, Zhao Huaqiang gritted his teeth, threw the dead mouse in his hand to the side, waved at the two little brothers, and slowly retreated backwards.

Soon the figures of the three people disappeared, leaving only some blood and dead rats in place, under the faint light, the rats’ eyes emitted a gray-white light, and the blood dripping on the grass was also mutating, full of viruses.

All the way back to the residence, Zhao Huaqiang cleaned the wound, looked at the wound on his leg that was the size of a coin, half a knuckle, and was eager to run back and kick the dead rat into meat sauce.

After simply bandaging the wound, Zhao Huaqiang gave the two younger brothers a command, and after explaining everything he would do tomorrow, he slowly closed his eyes with a full heart.

In the darkness, the bitten creak is slowly undergoing mutations, and the zombie virus that has been diluted many times is spreading.

In the dark corners, rats came out of various places, constantly running back and forth in densely populated safety areas, and even ran into residential buildings, in the darkness, rats ran around like crazy, chasing the smell of living people, and if they found a target, they immediately bit down.

From time to time, there was a cry of pain and scolding in the residential building, and it was obvious that the night was not quiet, that a crisis had not yet subsided, and that a second greater catastrophe was about to be staged.

The night that terrified people will eventually pass, and as the sun rises, the sun sprinkles the earth, and the survivors who have not slept well all night have climbed up, some people look expectant, some people look dazed and tired, which seems to mean that it is not an ordinary day.

Bang Bang Bang!

“Boss, boss, are you awake?”

The heavy knock on the door woke Zhao Huaqiang up, Zhao Huaqiang suddenly got up and sat up, last night he did not sleep well, almost all night had nightmares, the content of the nightmare is very ridiculous, it is actually he was chased by a group of rats running all over the street, he did not know why he ran, instead of turning around and killing the rats.

Wiping the cold sweat on his head, Zhao Huaqiang moved a little, found that yesterday’s wound has not hurt at all, and was relieved in his heart, today’s big event is very important, as the leading big brother, if he is limping, it has a great impact on his image, last night he was also worried that the wound would hinder things, did not expect that the situation was much more optimistic than he thought.

The knock outside the door was very urgent, and Zhao Huaqiang did not have time to check what the wound was, so he hurriedly picked up his coat and turned over to the ground, sleeping with his clothes last night, so that he could quickly leave today.

After washing his face, Zhao Huaqiang pulled open the door and looked at the two anxious little brothers outside the door, while wearing coats, he asked: “How is it outside?” ”

The two little brothers flattered and said, “Brother Qiang, of course, there is no problem, everyone is waiting below, just wait for you to go down and preside over the overall situation.” ”

Zhao Huaqiang nodded, stretched his muscles, and said in a condensed voice: “Let’s go, today is the first step for us to become bigger and stronger!” ”

Downstairs, as Zhao Huaqiang came out of the door, a large number of people poured in, and at a cursory glance, there were at least thousands of people, and even other people were rushing to this side.

Seeing these people, Zhao Huaqiang did not have any long speeches, his arm was raised, his finger pointed forward, and he said decisively: “Go!” Whether we can get what we want today depends on everyone’s performance! ”

Zhao Huaqiang knew very well that now was not the time to talk at length about anything, so many people gathered together, it must be very eye-catching, and if the army was attracted to him at that time, he would be detained before he could make a fuss, and the bullshit would not be able to become a problem.

So it must be fast, as fast as it is, only quickly make a fuss, hit the top level by surprise, let the situation expand, so as to get what he wants, and at the same time, leave some soup for these people to drink.

Zhao Huaqiang was firm in his heart that those big men at the top of the imperial capital would never suppress it by force, after all, everyone understood the principle that the law did not blame the public, and the top level of the imperial capital was the real political party, unless this group of people did not want to rule, otherwise they would definitely make corresponding concessions.

This is something that they stand in that position, they must consider, and they must also make a compromise, otherwise, they will not be able to sit still in that position, as for who has made such a big fuss, who will stand up and carry the pot, which high-ranking official will be deposed, this is not what he needs to consider.

No one is willing to be ordinary, no one wants to be the lowest level of society, men have a great desire for full strength from the bones, men’s blood means war, otherwise there would not be so many dynastic changes from ancient times to the present, and there would not be so many wars.

The need for the people to overthrow the corrupt rule is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is also related to the fact that those heroes of the chaotic world want to take this opportunity to ascend to the throne, or to worship the king.

There is only one female emperor in history, the rest are men as emperors, even if it is a rebellion, it is all men who pull up the banner, from this point, we can see a lot of things.

Men’s pursuit of power, money and women is imprinted in the soul and engraved in the DNA!

In many ways, men are many times more difficult to manage than women, women are easy to satisfy, but men can’t, men’s desires cannot be satisfied, and they have to look at Shu in a bowl, eating in a bowl and looking into the pot, these words portray men to the fullest.

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