Chapter 183 The city gate caught fire, affecting the pond fish

Imperial Central Building.

At more than seven o’clock in the morning, a huge crowd of people poured in from afar, and the target went straight to the central building of the imperial capital, with a huge momentum.

The Imperial Central Building was the center of power of the Eastern Empire, where the president and some high-ranking officials of the vice-state were located, and it was also the most heavily defended area of the entire Eastern Empire.

Three steps and one post, five steps and one sentry are light, and even in each hidden area there are dark sentry, in the past, the imperial central building was very quiet, but today the noisy sound broke the tranquility of this side.

As many as tens of thousands, a huge crowd of people who could not see the side rushed towards the central building, one by one, their faces were swollen, and their mouths kept shouting something.

In front of the imperial central building, the soldiers on duty saw this situation and were immediately confused, so many people stormed the imperial central building, this is really the first time in history, in the face of so many people, these soldiers do not know how to be good, but the blockade is definitely to block.

An officer gave a command to the soldiers around him, and he himself rushed quickly to the central building of the imperial capital and reported the situation, so many people gathered to make trouble, no matter whether there was any unexpected event, it was not something that a small officer could bear.

The hundreds of soldiers on duty faced tens of thousands of people, one by one, as if they were facing a great enemy, just when these soldiers were about to issue a warning, they found that the huge crowd had actually stopped in an orderly manner, without the slightest intention of attacking the central building of the imperial capital, which made these soldiers breathe a sigh of relief.

“We want an explanation!”

“The top management still cares about whether we live or die, let us live in such a dangerous place, you still have no humanity!”

“The bad environment, the garbage food, and the tiring work that still makes us do tiring work, are the hearts of the top people black?”

“Protest! We protest! We want a better life, we need a safe environment! ”

“The people inside come out and give us an explanation!”

The crowd was excited, tens of thousands of people raised their fists and shouted loudly, the noise of tens of thousands of people was so loud, in an instant, everyone in the central building of the imperial capital was alarmed.

The wave of protest was higher than the wave, the crowd was surging and the crowd was excited, and with the help of Zhao Huaqiang and some people with hearts, the roar of tens of thousands of people almost overthrew the central building of the imperial capital, and hundreds of soldiers were frightened by this situation, and they did not know what to do for a while.

With just a few hundred of them, they simply could not suppress the voices of these protesters, and even they did not know what to do except to block them.

In the office of the central building of the imperial capital, President Yang Ligong was directly awakened by the noise, and in the office, Yang Ligong stood by the window, looking down, and the endless crowd of people stood all over the central square, and the protest was so loud that even the deaf had to be forcibly cured of ear diseases.

Seeing so many people protesting in the morning, Yang Ligong’s mood was simply terrible.

“Who can tell me what’s really going on out there?” What the hell is going on with these people? What are they protesting? ”

In the face of the president’s anger, the secretary-general was almost frightened, and he said: “Mr. President, as far as we know, the reason for these people’s protests is that they feel that the survivors’ resettlement areas are too dangerous, and the other is that they are given all kinds of poor treatment, food, clothing, shelter and transportation, and they also feel that they are too tired of labor, and they have suffered unfair treatment.” ”

The Secretary-General was scolding the woman in his heart, and after knowing the reason for these people’s protests, he was not good at all.

How big is the second ring road of the imperial capital? Hundreds of thousands of officers and soldiers plus nearly a million survivors, this is more than a million people, more than a million people in such a big place, where do you want to live? Is it okay to let you live in the central office building?

There are also people who are suspected of eating very poorly, and I don’t want to think about how many people, more than a million Zhang Qi are eating, where does the food come from? It didn’t fall from the sky, but the soldiers risked their lives to bring it back from outside, and some of them ate well.

Tired of labor? How about giving you a gun and going to the front line to fight zombies? Do you want to change with the warriors? Let you try what it’s like to fight a zombie white blade?

Hearing the Secretary-General’s answer, Yang Ligong almost fainted without breathing.

“Go… Go and call Zhao Zhi’an to me! And now the police chief! Just go! ”

The Secretary-General nodded repeatedly, he was now eager to go out, and it was too terrible to face the anger of the President alone.

In fact, without the need for the Secretary-General to call, Zhao Zhi’an and the current General Police Chief had already rushed to the Imperial Capital Central Building!

Not only them, but also Lieutenant General Kong Wenxiu and some other generals.

On the imperial side, President Yang Ligong served as chairman of the Central Military Commission and directly managed the national army, but when the end came, President Yang Ligong was in the hands of the Imperial Military Region and the Jingang Military Region next door.

Downstairs in the central building, military jeeps arrived quickly, and there were a large number of military trucks in the rear, which were full of well-equipped soldiers, in addition to armored vehicles, armored beasts.

The central office building was stormed, the matter was so serious that even the rear Wu Zhi and the fighters were ready to take off.

In the jeep, Zhao Zhi’an’s face was pale, his head was in a cold sweat, and the chief of the police general sitting next to him was not much better, even worse than Zhao Zhi’an’s face, and such a serious protest, no matter what, could not be separated from him.

Today’s best result is punishment, demotion, serious direct dismissal, and large-scale demonstrations and protests of tens of thousands of people, and he, the chief of police, cannot escape no matter what.


The front jeep stopped, Lieutenant General Kong Wenxiu stepped out of the car, the majestic gaze swept through the crowd, the rear military truck stopped, Kong Wenxiu waved his arm, a large number of soldiers jumped from the truck, and the soldiers with live ammunition quickly dispersed, surrounding all the protesters.

It is absolutely impossible to protest and demonstrate tens of thousands of people, and it is absolutely impossible for no one to push behind, and in order to avoid more serious incidents, the necessary armed suppression is possible.

A large number of soldiers surrounded tens of thousands of protesters from four directions, not only armored vehicles, and in the roar, the distant sky flew straight over, and the machine gun muzzles of the black hole hole below were aimed at the people below.


The jeep behind stopped, and Zhao Zhi’an and the police chief walked down, not caring to greet Kong Wenxiu, and trotted into the central building.

The majestic gaze swept through the crowd of protesters, and with the arrival of a large number of troops, and the battle was frightening, the people of the protesting demonstrations even had a much smaller voice, especially the cold eyes of Kong Wenxiu, and everyone felt uncomfortable.

“All soldiers obey orders, special periods, grant you the privilege of shooting, as soon as you find that someone is plotting against you, or protesters have any excessive behavior, shoot and kill immediately, the country is in trouble, and anyone who deliberately disturbs the peace has been punished for treason!” One kills one! Ten thousand! Kill ten thousand! Everyone here is no exception! ”

“Do you understand?!”

Kong Wenxiu shouted angrily, his resolute face was full of anger, his angry eyes were like angry lions, and the roar could not be suppressed even by the roar of helicopters from afar.

“Got it!”

“Got it!”

“Got it!”

The tsunami-like cheers of the mountains were deafening, and the uniform sound instantly deterred the protesting crowd back several steps, and even the sound of protest was gone.

Retracting his gaze, Kong Wenxiu snorted coldly, turned around and walked into the central building, chaotic world with heavy codes, this reason Kong Wenxiu is very clear, if the morale is weakened now, the protesting masses will become more and more inch-by-inch!

In the presidential office of the central building, Kong Wenxiu had not yet knocked on the door when he heard an angry roar from the office.

“What do you, the chief of police, eat?” You didn’t notice anything about such a massive protest demonstration? What use do I want you as the chief of police? This time, if it weren’t for the soldiers of the guard company, I, the president, would have been stuck in the office! ”

“And you Zhao Zhi’an, what’s going on with these people?” How do you appease the people you are pacifying? In one day’s time, there was a mutiny demonstration, what are you doing as the director of the National Security Bureau! ”

“Did you find out the cause of the infection that you checked?” You tell me what exactly you did! Yes! ”

Just standing outside the door, Kong Wenxiu heard how exuberant President Yang Ligong’s anger was, what happened today was really too bad, and in the process of coming up, he had already learned the origin of the incident and the reason for the demonstration.

His thoughts are similar to those of the Secretary-General, the second ring is so big, more than a million people, where do you want to live? Do you think in heaven can you do it? The soldiers are now serving two meals, why don’t you eat three meals a day?

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the anger in his heart, Kong Wenxiu knocked on the office door.

“Come in.”

Hearing the president’s summons, Kong Wenxiu pushed the door and walked in, and the first thing he saw was the scolded dog blood sprinkler, and Zhao Zhi’an, who did not even dare to lift his head.

Striding to the two men, Kong Wenxiu saluted and said: “Mr. President, in my opinion, this kind of thing happened today, in essence, has nothing to do with Director Zhao and the two people, these people have the intention to make trouble, Director Zhao It is difficult for them to find out, these people are obviously premeditated, there are pushers behind the scenes who are deliberately pushing, please Mr. President to stop being angry.” ”

Zhao Zhi’an next to them heard the words and looked at Kong Wenxiu gratefully, this kind of thing they know in their hearts, but they don’t dare to say, the boss’s scolding you have to listen, can’t you talk back, will the boss not know the reason for the matter? No, the boss knows, they just need a punching pump and a step.

At this time, the wisest choice is to bow your head and be scolded, someone pleads for the best, this step is there, Kong Wenxiu pleaded is very appropriate.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Ligong suppressed the anger in his heart, pinched his eyebrows with a headache, and asked, “General Kong, do you have any suggestions at the moment?” ”

“Find out who is behind it and punish them severely!”

Kong Wenxiu’s words are equivalent to not saying, this truth is clear to everyone, but how to find the problem? Tens of thousands of protesters, how to find this? Others will not take the initiative to stand up, and the other party will certainly not give this opportunity, once the investigation begins, there will be other moths.

Just as the atmosphere in the office was at an impasse, there were sudden screams and terrified screams outside the building, so harsh that even the higher-ranking presidential office could hear it clearly.

Several people in the office were shocked, and rushed to the window, and the scene that came into sight made Yang Ligong and the others instantly turn blue!

PS: I don’t know how to say, today I read the comment section to say that killing those women water, want to kill decisively directly, the problem is really water? So do you feel comfortable writing and have you considered the author? Some readers have two sides and three knives, after reading it feel cool, and then the backhand comment area scolds and grins that the author is too dark and bloody, I want to report, and then report to the editor how to do, and then I will be asked about the situation, and sometimes not, this kind of bowl to eat, put down the bowl to scold the lady is still less? The author’s experience is not once or twice, the doomsday text is not easy to write, and asked the editor, the star these after the original, the province of trouble.

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