Chapter 208 should be my can’t run, not mine will also be robbed


A series of footsteps came down from the stairs, Cao Shan ran very fast and urgently, came to the corner of the stairs, looked at the women gathered on the side of the stairs and tiptoed their feet, Cao Shan subconsciously looked at the bottom of the stairs.

She had probably guessed that the women would not be inexplicably stuck here, the only possibility was to look at Lin Fan, that is, the gimmick she made up ‘Thor’, in fact, whether Lin Fan was ‘Thor’ Cao Shan was not clear, but it didn’t matter, as long as the women came down.

As for the rest, it didn’t take her to think about it.

Cao Shan looked down at the stairs, Lin Fan heard the sound, and also subconsciously looked overhead, looking at each other, Cao Shan instantly turned his head as if he had been pricked by a needle.

At the bottom of the stairs, Lin Fan was a little stunned, he felt that the woman upstairs seemed to be a little familiar somewhere, if you don’t look at the face, the dress seems to be the same Cao Shan before?

“Are all the women down?”

On the stairs, Cao Shan heard the words, didn’t think about it, and subconsciously replied: “It should all come down, I let them notify them floor by floor.” ”

Hearing Cao Shan’s answer, Lin Fan had already determined that standing on the stairs was the black and unslippy autumn before, and he still dreamed of making a promise to him.

Lin Fan really did not expect that after washing his face and combing his hair well, there was no situation like the chicken coop, Cao Shan turned out to be so beautiful, in fact, people were not mixed in, it was based on real skills.

This thought flashed in Lin Fan’s mind, did not promise Cao Shan’s body, Lin Fan did not feel much pity, anyway, people can not run, it is his sooner or later will be his ability to run, not his, and finally become his.

Since everyone had come down, Lin Fan simply stopped the supply of lightning energy, and almost at the moment when Lin Fan stopped, the lights of the entire building flashed a few times, and soon went out.

This blackout did not make any trouble, probably because the women present knew that the electricity in the dormitory building was supplied by Lin Fan, and now that Lin Fan has stopped the power supply, the power outage is also a normal phenomenon.

The left hand spread out, the thunder light condensed into a ball, and the flowing electric light illuminated the surrounding scene, looking at the women in front of him, Lin Fan asked: “You should all have flashlights or mobile phones or the like, right?” ”

The women answered chaotically, and even many women turned on the flashlight that they did not put down, and in an instant, the entire first floor was illuminated by hundreds of flashlights.

Even those who didn’t have a flashlight took out the phone in their hand and turned it on.

“Since you all have flashlights, I have some tasks to give you, there is an explosion at the power plant, there should be a lot of women injured, but still alive, you will now go and rescue those women who are still alive, if there is a situation that you can’t solve, you can shout my name, then I will go over to help you, my name is Lin Fan.”

“You should all understand, right?”

The women nodded their heads, and at this time, someone in the crowd suddenly asked, “What about men?” What about men? Need help? ”

Lin Fan glanced over and asked, “Do you want to save?” ”

The women turned their heads and looked at the woman who was talking, and at once they were looked at by so many people, the woman took two steps back and hurriedly waved her hand: “No… I just asked. ”

“Since you asked, I will tell you that the purpose of my coming here is to save you women, and then take it to my side, the Changbei power station exploded, my side has lost power, I have a ready-made generator set, but I need some technicians to connect me to a series of things.”

“You gave me a job, I gave you money and a safe environment, do you still have any questions?” Eyes swept through the crowd, Lin Fan asked.


“Didn’t… Gone. ”

The women’s answers were sparse, and Lin Fan didn’t care, waving: “Since there is no doubt, then go and do as I say, you better team up with a few people, so it is more convenient.” ”

Calmed down from the initial excitement, the women either dazed or suspicious, and walked out of the dormitory in groups of three or five with flashlights or mobile phones.

The girls’ dormitory is too far away from the power plant building, Lin Fan did not have time to let them walk slowly, the mind moved, hundreds of women flew up in the scream, the distance of a thousand meters passed in the blink of an eye, the screams of the women resounded in the air, at first it was panic and fear, and then it became a variety of exciting cheers.

Falling to the ground, hundreds of women are a little weak, just stimulated is stimulated, the sequelae are still a little, this situation Lin Fan did not rush to urge, not much later, the women have recovered.

Watching the women walk into the dark power plant with flashlights, Lin Fan stood in front of the building and waited quietly, he looked for it alone, too slow, and even if he could find it, most of them were men, and with these women working together, it would make him a lot less trouble, and all he needed to do was to heal the injured women.

In fact, just as Lin Fan thought, not long after the women entered, women came out one after another carrying seriously injured women.

Looking at these women who were carried out, Lin Fan squatted down to check one by one, it was time to clean up the wounds, and if they didn’t clean the wounds, they would be directly treated, and as the wood element energy gushed out, the women who were carried out quickly climbed up.

After tossing and turning for nearly two hours, hundreds of women turned the entire power plant building around, during which Lin Fan also went in several times, and the situation encountered was nothing more than being smashed by a heavy object and could not get out, or it was similar to Cao Shan’s situation.

As the last woman’s wound healed, Lin Fan withdrew his hand and stood up from the ground.

Looking at the women’s shock, gratitude, awe and a series of expressions such as shock, gratitude, awe, etc., Lin Fan said: “Some words, I have said before, but some of you have just been rescued, and it is not clear, so I will repeat it again.” ”

“I want to take you to my power, I give you a safe and comfortable environment, you work for me, your work remains the same, what was before it, what will be when you get to me, you pay labor, correspondingly, I give you money, everything is the same as before the end of the world, understand?” 」


The women’s voices are very neat, although most people have doubts in their hearts, or even dare not believe it, but the strength shown by Lin Fan before has given the women a lot of confidence, to be able to come to the power plant to work, the requirements for diplomas are very high, the women are very smart, weighed up, it seems that there is no better choice than following Lin Fan at the moment.

Two consecutive explosions, the current situation of the Changbei power plant is not safe, the zombies can come in and out at will, even if Lin Fan does not come today, they must leave here and look for a safe place, instead of taking risks to find a new place, it is better to follow Lin Fan.

They are all skilled workers, and if Lin Fan needs their technology, he will definitely not blackmail them.

Lin Fan did not know that the women had thought so much in a short period of time, seeing the pain and happiness that the women promised, Lin Fan was also very smooth, his fingers lightly swiped the void in front of him, and the space channel was quickly opened up.

“Let’s all go in, don’t go back and get any clothes or anything like that, when you get to my side, the corresponding things will be neatly equipped for you.” Looking at a group of women with sluggish eyes, Lin Fan pointed to the space channel, the meaning is self-evident.

Although the scene in front of them was unbelievable, the women, after a brief moment of fear and curiosity, walked in, and after a slight dizziness, when the women’s vision became clear, they found that they had come to a strange environment.


Very bright!

The light shining from overhead was very bright, illuminating the entire courtyard as if it were daylight, and the women from the Changbei Power Plant looked at everything around them curiously, and their eyes revealed confusion and surprise.

“Come with me.”

Finally walking in from the space passage, Lin Fan looked at the women who were still in a daze, beckoned, and sensed Zhao Wanqing’s position, and Lin Fan quickly rushed over.

Although I don’t know what Lin Fan is going to do, but the women have come, there is nothing to hesitate again, naturally Lin Fan said anything, they followed what they did.

All the way to the hospital’s remote power distribution room, far away, Lin Fan saw Zhao Wanqing standing next to a generator, the electric light in his hand was surging, constantly delivering electricity to the generator, the hospital was able to restore electricity, all relying on Zhao Wanqing, but correspondingly, like Lin Fan, Zhao Wanqing could not move too far.

Walking to Zhao Wanqing’s side, Lin Fan took her into his arms, patted her back, and said softly: “You have worked hard.” ”

Yan Ran smiled, Zhao Wanqing looked up and kissed Lin Fanqing, “Hard work is not hard, it is necessary to stand here, you can’t leave too far, this is a bit annoying.” ”

“Don’t worry, I’ll get you out soon.” The palm of his hand stroked on Zhao Wanqing’s face, Lin Fan smiled, this feeling, he understood!

“System, exchange me for solar power generation group, the biggest one!”

Now that there are many points, Lin Fan’s waist plate is very hard, and he also looks very angry when he speaks.

“Ding, deduct 10,000 points, successfully redeem the solar generator set max, the item has been issued to your personal space.”

In the system mall, there are a lot of black technologies, such as the exchange of this solar generator set max.

This kind of light energy generator, it can be said that there is no drawbacks to speak of, as long as it is light can charge it, whether it is sunlight, starlight, fire or light, as long as there is light, this generator can operate normally, and the utilization rate and storage rate are very terrible!

According to the explanation of the system, the light energy generator is turned on, and the electricity absorbed and converted in one day can supply the entire magic city for a month.

Lin Fan did not learn this, he could not understand, in short, it was two words,!

Three words, very good!

This is only the conversion rate, not counting the storage rate, the storage of this kind of light energy generator set is very terrible, after the full value of the power reserve, even if there is no light energy supplement, to the magic capital before the end of the electricity standard, can also supply ten years!

Full once, enough for ten years! Isn’t that black tech what it is? Even if the end is not yet coming, the scientists who give the earth a hundred years may not be able to study it.

Waving his hand, letting the women let go, Lin Fan moved his mind and took out the light energy generator he had just purchased, in an instant, a behemoth appeared in front of him, looking at the behemoth in front of him, Lin Fan was stupid.

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